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9/9/2020 Magic tricks for young children

Magic tricks for young children

Magic is an art that consists of making the impossible believable. It fascinates adults and children. From the age of 4, children
begin to suspect that there may be a trick behind magic. Before that age, no. Magic is magic, nothing more. So that you can train
from home, we explain how to do some easy-to-understand magic tricks for young children. Between tricks, don't forget to say
some of the magic words, like Abracadabra!

To help your children become true magicians ,

we want to explain some easy-to-understand tricks
for children from 3 to 5 years old ( ) , which is
usually the age at which they begin to understand
and value what is magical in magic.

Until 2-3 years old, children do not differentiate

reality from fantasy. Turning on a light or mixing
two colors and resulting in another
(red+yellow=orange) is just as magical. On the A good magician should not forget his magic
other hand, from the age of 4, an important wand

maturational development occurs.

And the children begin to suspect that there is a trick behind the magic. For this reason, 4-5 years old is a precious and unique time to teach your children
some magic tricks. But be careful, don't trust yourself because... it easy to make magic for children?

Children in general are a difficult audience. Some of the best magicians in the world and in history (without going any further, the brilliant and
internationally renowned card magician and magician Juan Tamariz) usually refuse to perform if there are children in the room.

Others, however, like Jorge Blass, another of the international figures of magic, began his career linked to children.

The act of doing magic with children forms and trains magicians. It allows you to foresee the unpredictable , direct the performance or trick to where
the magician wants and exploit the capacity of seduction to capture his attention.

Previous tips for doing magic with children

► At these ages, they must be short, direct games or tricks , without the need to remember what happened a few minutes ago since their attention span is
still limited, encouraging voluntary participation and using everyday objects that they know (clothes, rope, paper). , balls...).

► Apart from creating a special atmosphere (learning some magic words, using a costume, magic materials, mysterious music in the background...), it also
helps to give the performance a

comical and simple touch to adapt to their age.

► Finally, at these ages a classic magician's resource works very well: the failed magician, who needs the empathy and help of children to do magic. This
engages children by making them feel more like protagonists. Let's start!

magic tricks for children

All tricks are made with everyday and inexpensive materials. This gives greater credibility to the trick itself. Sometimes a very sophisticated device seems to
contain some secret, something impossible in things that are around the house. And this is not the effect we want!

1. The pierced balloon, an easy but impressive magic trick

This trick is very easy to perform, but no less impressive. It makes a strong impact on the audience and is especially suitable for children's magic.

Materials: a balloon and a needle, skewer or pin.

Preparation: inflate the balloon.

Performance: after inflating the balloon, we ask our audience what happens when we puncture a balloon with a sharp element. The public will probably say 1/4
9/9/2020 Magic tricks for young children
that the balloon bursts. Next, we take our sharp object and pass it through the balloon, inserting the tip through the area indicated in the images.

And... the balloon doesn't explode! Once again magic surprises us with the art of the impossible.
This trick has been courtesy of the magician Antxon, from Animaciones Aeiou Bilbao.

2. Broken and recomposed thread, a simple and spectacular magic trick

This trick is done by Jorge Blass himself and it produces a great effect on the stages.

Materials: basting thread.

Preparation: we take out about 60 cm of thread from the spool and at that point we begin to wind another 50 cm around our finger, creating a " burruñito " as
the great Juan Tamariz would say. Without breaking the thread, we wind the burruñito and the 60 cm of thread on the spool again, as if no one had unwound

Action: we show the normal thread spool and ask them to tell us stop when they want us to stop pulling out thread (we really force it by pretending to be
absent-minded or slowing down the pace until we reach the burruñito ). At that point we hide the burruñito between the index fingers and thumb and leave the
rest of the 60 cm hanging.

Telling some story like the thread is the friendship that is breaking, we break the thread slowly and clearly. Even children will enjoy breaking it themselves and
knowing that it is broken.

We join the pieces together together with the thread that remains and that we intend to join, but no. It is at that moment when the public's attention drops and
we make the change (we hide the pieces of broken thread between index fingers and thumb and bring out the little burruñito that will be inside those 60 cm of

Now, with a lot of magic and mystery, even blowing on the burruñito , we separate the two ends so that the burruñito unrolls and shows that the broken thread
has been recomposed. Magic!! 2/4
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3. The 3 equal ropes or the teacher's nightmare, a classic magic trick Materials: a rope, preferably cotton, which must be soft and one pinky thick.
Preparation: you need a rope of 12 cm, another of 50 cm and another of approximately 89 cm and they are presented to the spectator hanging from the
hand, held by the palm and thumb.

Performance : we have 3 equal strings... Well, almost the same... Look, I was a little sleepy today but you'll see how they are the same. We take the rope
that hangs from the short rope and with one of its ropes we surround the other two.

Now we put the rope that hangs from the medium one next to the short one and finally the one that hangs from the long one next to it. We pull the two ropes
of the long and the medium and... magic!! If we let it fall it looks like 3 equal strings.

Now we make a false count by swapping one of the free ones for the double and it will be much more unlikely. To finish, we do the first process in reverse
and the strings will be different again.


4. Magic dog gag, a joke to distract the public

In every good magic performance there must be a counterpoint, a gag, a joke or several to relax the audience, relax from the tension of catching the magician
and also precisely to distract and confuse them. One that works extremely well is the magic dog ( ) .

After doing 2-3 tricks, the audience will assume that this is another amazing game and will burst out laughing. Guaranteed! 3/4
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Tricks courtesy of Aeiou Animations

All these tricks have been offered by Aeiou Children's Magicians ( who offer children's entertainer
services ( ) throughout Spain. editorial team (

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