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National Technological University

Avellaneda Regional Faculty

Bachelor's degree in Physics teaching

Author: Alicia Beatriz Wolhein

“Enrollment in Physics Teaching Courses and

visions of the actors regarding Physics”

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Qualification ………………………………………………... 2

Introduction……………………………………………… 2

Background and importance of the study problem… 5

Theoretical framework ………………………………………..…… 7

Goals …………………………………………………. 18

Methodological framework ………………………………………... 19

Schedule………………………………………………. 20

Bibliography………………………………………………… 21


Ø Title: Reduced enrollment in Physics Teacher Training

Author: Alicia Beatriz Wolhein

Ø Introduction:

Currently there is a marked concern regarding the low percentage of students who choose scientific
careers and the high level of dropout. This concern is evident through the increase in research work in
the area, as well as in journalistic articles, revision and modifications of the curriculum in the secondary
level study plans with the educational reforms.
One of the subjects that is strongly linked to scientific careers is physics and it is where there is a

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reduction in physics students worldwide, for example in Germany [1]

It was reduced by a third between 1990 and 1995 . Our country is no exception, and in a speech by
President Cristina Kirchner during the presentation of a book, her concern about the issue was
revealed by expressing: "We must help the teaching system to reformulate teaching" and exemplified
the little scientific influx by highlighting that "for every 700 [2] lawyers received in the country, only one
physicist is received." , while in the newspaper La nacional his words sound more emphatic: “ Do you
know that for every
700 lawyers receive a physical? It's a horror! And I say it, I'm a lawyer..."

Today there are very few physics teachers and very few students who pursue careers related to

physics and particularly physics teacher training. Various works indicate that one of the relevant

variables that can help explain this situation is the way in which they are taught at the secondary level.

Furthermore, it is currently recognized that the way we teach is influenced, among other things, by the

conceptions we have of the nature of the knowledge that is taught.

This work will try to investigate some factors that influence the small population that studies physics

and, in particular, those who study physics as teachers. I think that stopping to see what is happening

in teacher training in terms of teaching-learning physics will allow us to know the things that are

working poorly and then be viable for modification, which in my point of view any improvement

Whatever is intended in education in general, it will have to start with teacher training institutes,

extending to teacher training courses and others.

The fact that there is a low enrollment of physics students worldwide could be accepted without

investigating the possible causes, but if we are teachers, and also science teachers, we should ask

ourselves if we are doing things well in the classroom, and if we are of some kind So those of us who

encourage very few people to understand what physics is about.

This work has a qualitative-quantitative exploratory study through a questionnaire carried out to

students of the teaching career in natural sciences (physics-biology), of ISFD No. 34, at the beginning

of the current year and another at the end of the same year. . On the other hand, with a quantitative

study of the record of students who graduated from the institute in the different degree programs taught

there from 2002 to 2010.

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Ø Background and importance of the study problem:

Although there are numerous works carried out that investigate issues that have to do with science
in general and with specific points of physics, such as strategies, difficulties that arise with some topics,
on the one hand, in general they work in the didactic area. . There are very few works carried out that
have to do with the problem of this research work.
The publications found that have the greatest affinity with the topic are:

1- GIULIANO, Mónica, et al., “A look at the official statistics related to physics and basic

sciences in Argentine higher education”

2- ISLAS, Stella Maris, et al., “The epistemology and sociology of science in physics teachers.

Its relationship with the curricular guidelines”

In the first we can find a very detailed study on enrollment in the different university and non-

university higher education centers in Argentina, whether private or state-run, taking into account the

different branches of study and the different disciplines of basic sciences. This work highlights the

small percentage of the student population who pursue careers in the field of basic sciences and

particularly in the physical discipline in teacher training. It is a fundamentally statistical work on student

enrollment that does not study the causes, although it makes reference to some shortcomings in the

educational system.

The second work focuses on the training of physics teachers in terms of the need to strengthen the

epistemological training of teachers, due to the vision they have of the sciences and in particular of

physics. Focuses attention on teachers' knowledge regarding scientific argumentation. Through an

analysis of the number of assigned subjects that work on the epistemological area in teacher training, it

is concluded that they are not enough to acquire argumentative practice. Although this work

investigates some problems detected in the teaching and learning of physics, it does not link them with


These works will be a good contribution to expand and deepen the topic of my research. The aims

of my work are to begin to investigate the possible causes of the reduced enrollment in physics in

teacher training, whose contribution, if possible, will be a rethinking of physics classes, so that it has a

more genuine vision.

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Ø Theoretical Framework:

The reduced enrollment of physics students is a fact known to different actors, especially those

related to education. It is natural to see reduced courses for those who study physics, whether they are

bachelor's degrees, professors, training courses, as well as teachers who teach the subject. This fact

has become naturalized, and what is striking is that there are no questions about it, which is reflected

in the few or almost no works that are dedicated to investigating this issue. However, it is a topic of

concern for different actors, such as the national government (see introduction), managers of the

different educational establishments (to establish cohorts, fill positions...) as well as in different books

and articles published on education where it is done. reference to the low enrollment and the high

failure rate in the physical subject.

Mónica Giuliano and others express their concern in this regard, saying “ Physics is the discipline

represented with the lowest enrollment in recent years, with the low percentage of students and

graduates in this branch of study being notable. This gives rise to expressing concern in relation to the

training of the actors responsible for teaching Physics in


Argentine secondary school in the near future.”

On the other hand, López Donoso and others point out in this regard: “that in Physics there is a

significant deficit of teachers” since only 48% of the professionals who teach physics in the


educational system are physics teachers. ” In relation to the latter, the authors Giuliano Mónica and

others express that “The teaching of Physics at the Argentine secondary level has not always been,

nor is it currently, in the hands of teachers trained in teaching Physics, but in many cases they are

“professionals with qualifying titles without teaching training.”


There is a study done by Giuliano Mónica and others regarding the training of those who teach

physics. The results are reflected in a graph (Graph II), which, because it is representative, I consider

appropriate to add:

Graph II: Percentage of titles by provinces 6

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That is to say, physics classes are taught by physics teachers and professionals who do not have

specific training, in some cases the latter being very numerous.

Regarding the studies carried out on the enrollment corresponding to the Higher Education

Institutes for Teacher Training, it is observed that there is a marked difference in terms of the branches

of study, with the Social Sciences having the highest percentage and the [7]

Basic Sciences the minor. This is reflected in the work of Giuliano Mónica and others. , which through

tables and graphs shows the distribution of enrollment in higher education by branches of study with

subcategories in terms of university higher education (ESU) and non-university higher education

(ESNU) and private or state management of the Argentine Republic. I consider it convenient to

accompany said data:

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State-ESNU Private-ESNU State ESU Private ESU
“Table 5: Percentage relationship between the number of graduates and students
500000- enrolled in undergraduate courses by branch of study according to type of dependence
on state management institutions. Sources: Own elaboration based on data from the
400000- 2001 and 2008 Annual Survey (DiNIECE) and 2001 and 2008 Yearbooks of University

“Figure 1: ES enrollment by branch of study according to type of management and of ES in 2008.

300 subsystem Teaching
Source: elabo ac own analysis based on data from the 2008 Yearbook (SPU) and
Yearbook 2008 Relevance Annual,
Percentage ratio of graduated/enrolled students
Branch of study
2001 2008 2001 2008

Applied Science 3.8 3.9 13.2 16.9

Basic sciences 3.7 4.9 3.9 7.3
Health Sciences
6.5 6,7 10.8 50.4
human Sciences 3.4 4.2 13.2 15.7
social Sciences 3.6 5.8 1 1.1 23.8
Total 4,0 5,1 11,9 17,2
Statistics (CIIE-SPU)”7

These same authors continue their statistical work on enrollment within the branch of
basic sciences in teacher training when discriminating by discipline (Table 7), I consider
Its inclusion is necessary because it accounts for what happens with enrollment in physics:
“Table 7: Enrollments of the disciplines that make up the Basic Sciences corresponding to the ES according to type of
management in 2008. Sources: Own elaboration based on data from the 2008 Annual Survey (DiNIECE) and 2008
Yearbook of University Statistics (CIIE-SPU), (*Information provided by the ministries or secretariats of education involved
in the yearbooks of the jurisdictions was taken into account.
[8] of Chaco, San Luis and City of Buenos Aires)”

Disciplines of Basic
State Private Total State Private Total
Biology 22.584 2.097 24.681 10.990 3.323 14.313
11 3.024 1.161 1.195
risica 3.013 34*
Math 8.878 222 9.100 15.972 3.050 19.022

The authors say in: 5 “ It is erva ) the nor prese aluminum less than they study
42.564 me alloy Fí sica in

Totals 31.215 6.632


45.292 37.847

both subsystems of the ES; at ESU represents less than 7% of the enrollment of
Basic Sciences and at ESNU it represents only 3%.” 8

The authors summarize the information in Table 7 in Table 8, where only the total values

appear, which allows us to see more clearly the enrollment situation in Physics with respect to the

other disciplines corresponding to the same branch. Data that I consider appropriate to add:

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Table 8: Average state ESNU and ESU enrollment by discipline. Own elaboration source DINIECE and SPU
Average Tuition Disciplines
Physical Math Chemistry biology
ESNU (2003 - 2009) 2.527
1.265 16.091 10.988
ESI (2001 - 2008 and 3.01 3 8.604 7.892 21.614
These data clearly show the deficit of physics teachers with training
teacher there is in our country. The authors point out that: “ It can be said that at the state ESNU, for

every Physics teaching student, there would be on average 2 in Chemistry, 9 in Biology and 13 in

Mathematics. Therefore, the possibility of [9] would be endangered.

coverage of said hours by teachers trained in Physics.”

To have an overview of the alarming situation regarding the low enrollment of teachers in

physics, it is necessary to extend it over time and these authors exemplify it very clearly in figure 2

(ESU) and figure 3 (ESNU) which I consider interesting to add:

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2007 2008


Figure 3: Evolution of ESNU enrollment per year according to Basic Sciences discipline. Source: own elaboration based on
data from the Yearbooks 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, [1]
2009 (DiNIECE)

The great statistical work carried out by Giuliano M. and others in the publication under the title

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“ A look at official statistics relating to physics and basic sciences in education

20000- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Mathemati Fiscal 1 -
superior Argentina ”, allows me to understand thatcsthe m atricula in physics teaching in the
No. 34 [ ] of the Province of Buenos Aires
It is not an isolated event, but a
w 10000 7 2a______।_____________._____।
characteristic at the national level.
5 Through a study carried out on the records held by the Training Institute
Twelvete No. 34, regarding the titles granted by the establishment from 2002 to 2010,
u-possible to construct a Table I and a Graph A,
it left
me which clearly represent part of
my issue of concern in relation to the small number of teachers who graduate from

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
INITIAL 26 19 22 30 24 26 16 21 19
EGB 62 71 53 43 24 41 24 24 30
ADULT 74 8 5 0 2 1 37 7 48
GEOGRAPHY 24 38 27 18 10 30 29 13 21
BIOLOGY 29 15 25 8 6 14 14 14 4
MATH 38 22 11 7 14 14 8 15 13
PHYSICAL 7 6 1 1 2 1 2 2 1
ISFD No. 34, has been minimal compared to other specializations throughout the period studied, a

fact that agrees with studies carried out at the national level. A decrease in the number of physics

graduates can also be observed over the years,

but it is accompanied by a reduction in the total number of graduates.

Through the exploratory questionnaire carried out at the beginning of the 2011 school year, on
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the population of entrants to the first year of the Natural Sciences Teacher's career (Common core

two years, Physics or Biology specialization from the 3rd year) of ISFD No. 34, It is possible to

observe that there is a marked tendency to have a small number of students in the Physics major,

as shown in Table II and Graph B.

Table II

Admission to the Natural Sciences career 2011 ISFD Nº 34

Specialty No. of students Percentage
PHYSICAL 10 12,70%
BIOLOGY 69 87,30%

Graph B: Entrants to the Natural Sciences Teaching career (Common core two years, Physics or
Biology specialization from the 3rd year) of ISFD No. 34

subjects in physics. This is what the authors Giuliano M. point out. and others when saying: “the

problem of dropout and academic failure in the first year of Higher Education (HE) is widely known.

Studies carried out by this research team have shown that, in the case of scientific-technological

university courses, one of the main obstacles to permanence lies in the fact that students do not


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the skills to deepen the study of Physics, ... ” and this problem is
It links with learning in Physics in secondary school. On the other hand, López
Donoso and others say: “ the large number of students who fail in scientific subjects and
particularly in Physics subjects is a problem recognized by everyone. ”
and in relation to teacher training in physics he says: “Historically these students have a high level
of dropout due to the difficulties they encounter in the first year subjects, due to the demands
corresponding to the formalization and abstraction of
the laws and equations in both mathematics and physics.”12

Due to the panorama presented so far, regarding the small number of students in physics,

teachers in physics and high levels of failure and dropout in the physics subject, it is worth asking

about the possible reasons that give rise to this situation. In my opinion, in agreement with what

various authors point out, it is very likely that it has to do with the way in which physics is taught in

middle school, and this with the way in which these teachers have been trained in their careers. In

particular I am referring to the conceptions that physics teachers have of PHYSICS, since it is

taught according to the way in which physics in particular and sciences in general are conceived.

Who likes a subject in which formulas are applied mechanically without knowing what it is

about, without questioning anything? What kind of understanding and knowledge is acquired from a

science that presents itself as closed, exact, as a linear chain of successes? With respect to this,

Islas Stella and others reproduce in their work some words by Borges that are well representative

of some classes of physics: “In his

everyday teaching practice and as a general rule, physics teachers emphasize

too much memorization of facts and formulas, as well as their application in solving end-of-chapter

exercises, to the detriment of scientific thinking. They do not do this by mere chance, but because

they are reproducing the approach and methods of

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Physics teaching that they experienced in their training. They reproduce, therefore, what seems to
them to be that on the one hand a physics is being presented in the classroom that has nothing to do
with physical science, that is, there is an epistemological issue regarding the conception that teachers
have of physics. and on the other hand, this line of classroom work is being reinforced by the
reproduction of the models of former physics teachers, both at the secondary level and in teacher
training over a long time. Regarding these ideas Islas, Stella and others say: “ From the idea of
Physics as one of the “hard” or “exact” sciences, it seems to follow that it should therefore be
“abstruse, objective and highly mathematical” (Mulhall-Gunstone , 2008). These labels have led many
teachers to naturalize academic failure, to present Physics devoid of its human components, and to
give primacy to the resolution of numerical problems, taking this last activity as the best parameter to
evaluate conceptual understanding.”13 For Therefore, for the authors, it results that “ discipline is
reduced in such a way that we should not be surprised by the low rate of motivation towards learning
and the consequent failure of the students.” 13
they taught, tacitly and unconsciously, their former teachers” (Borges, 2006, page 2)
It is not surprising that students have a restricted vision of physics as a scientific discipline and

cannot be clear about the object of study, according to Cabanellas.

Pazzi and Massa
A starting point to begin to understand what is happening with the teaching of physics is to begin to

investigate the field of teacher training, and I consider that from that place is where the changes can be

made that would be fed back within. of the educational system. According to Islas, Stella and others: “


responsibility falls on the institutions that deal with the training of teachers, because if the training

course and/or the refresher courses do not help the teachers to clarify their position towards

science, it is very likely that science classes are taught within the framework of naive conceptions;

current conceptions in the educational community, favored by the materials that have traditionally

guided teachers in teaching their classes, that is, institutional provisions and textbooks. His training

should stimulate him so that in the course of it he overcomes the limits that common sense

conceptions impose on his epistemological ideas; and also so that later on he will be in a position

to continue with the epistemological reflection that will allow him to enrich them, even if simplistic

visions of science prevail in the school setting.”

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Ø Objectives:

General objectives:

v Investigate what factors influence the determination of a reduced enrollment of students

in teacher training in Physics.

v Identify the relevance of said factors.

Particular objectives:

v Investigate the conceptions that teaching students have of physics.

v Investigate the conceptions that teachers have of physics.

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Ø Methodological framework:

A bibliographic search will be carried out in order to:

- specify the most appropriate theoretical framework to guide the study
identify results of educational research related to
proposed problematic.
The designs and instruments relevant to the study addressed and their possible adaptation to
the needs of the research will be analyzed.
The design of surveys that students and teachers will have to answer, as well as semi-
structured interviews, is planned. For the processing of the data obtained from
[15]the instruments, the application of descriptive statistics is planned,
of ISFD No. 34
complemented by qualitative analysis obtained from responses, by students and
teachers, to surveys and interviews.
The validity of the instruments will be controlled. In principle, it is planned to do so from:
- The consideration of the instruments by external judges.
- Pilot experiences that allow control based on the responses of the users themselves
students regarding the clarity of the statements and their relevance to the desired
- The theoretical support from which the design of the instruments will be derived.

The reliability of the instruments will be controlled. In principle, it is planned to do so by

presenting alternative forms of the same item with the aim of controlling the coherence of the

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The study instruments will be applied to the samples selected for analysis and from the data

obtained conclusions will be drawn up and new problems raised. An attitude of openness to possible

modifications and reformulations of the work plan will be assumed.

Ø Schedule:

Activities 1st quarter 2012 2nd quarter 3rd quarter

2012 2012
Reading and
Preparation and
control of
instrument design
Application of
instruments and
collection of records

Data processing
and analysis.
Preparation of
Dissertation Draft

dissertation writing

Ø Bibliography:
ü MEINARDI, Elsa, et. al., Educate in Science, Paidós, Buenos Aires, 2010.

ü ISLAS, Stella Maris, et al., “The epistemology and sociology of science in physics teachers. Its
relationship with curricular guidelines” in Tenth Research Symposium on Physics Education –
Misiones (SIEF10), October 2010, pp. 381-393.

ü GIULIANO, Mónica, et al., “A look at the official statistics related to physics and basic sciences in

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Argentine higher education” in Revista de Enseñanza de la Physics. Vol. 24 No. 1, 2011, pp


ü FIGUEROA, Claudia Sandra and ESCUDERO, Consuelo, “A first look at why our students
remember the subject Physics I” in the Tenth Research Symposium on Physics Education –
Misiones (SIEF10), October 2010, pp. 68-74.

ü LÓPEZ, Donoso, et al., “Non-formal education in the science teacher's curriculum: Pilot plan to
evaluate the attitudinal aspects of future physics teachers” in REF XVI – San Juan, 2009,
Rethinking the teaching of physics.

ü GIULIANO, Mónica, et al., “Multivariate analysis for the characterization of profiles of physics
teachers”, from CyTA (Science and Administrative Technique) ISSN 1666-1680 Vol.:09,
No.:02, Buenos Aires, 15- 04-2010.

ü CABANELLAS PASSI, S and MASSA POSSI, M., “Representations of physics, its teaching and
learning. A study with secondary and university students” of Science Teaching – Journal of
didactic research and experimentation. VIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON RESEARCH IN

ü DOÑA, María Eugenia and SALINAS, Julia, “Why is modeling in physics? Statements from
university students” in REF XVI – San Juan, 2009, Rethinking the teaching of physics.

ü ZELAYA BLANDÓN, Víctor and CAMPANARIO, Juan Miguel, in Interuniversity Electronic

Magazine of Teacher Training Continuation of the old Magazine of

Normal Schools, 4(1), October 2, 2003

Elsa Meinardi,, Educate in Sciences, Paidós, Buenos Aires, 2010, p 17

"Where there is an Argentine, there must be the President", on Page 12, Bs. As., November 9, 2011, Latest
News, digital, http://w ww

Nora Bär , “ A full room, a celebration of mathematics at the Maipo theater”, in La Nación, Bs. As., November 10, 2011,
Science and Health, digital, -maipo

GIULIANO, Mónica, et al., “A look at the official statistics related to physics and basic sciences in Argentine higher
education” in Revista de Enseñanza de la Physics. Vol. 24 No. 1, 2011, p 81

LÓPEZ, Donoso, et al., “Non-formal education in the science teacher's curriculum: Pilot plan to evaluate the attitudinal
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aspects of future physics teachers” in REF XVI – San Juan, 2009, Rethinking the teaching of physics.

GIULIANO, Mónica, et al., “Multivariate analysis for the characterization of profiles of physics teachers”, from CyTA
(Science and Administrative Technique) ISSN 1666-1680 Vol.:09, No.:02, Buenos Aires, 15-04 -2010.

GIULIANO, Mónica, et al., “A look at the official statistics related to physics and basic sciences in Argentine higher
education” in Revista de Enseñanza de la Physics. Vol. 24 No. 1, 2011, pp 88-89 [8]
GIULIANO, Mónica, et al., “A look at the official statistics related to physics and basic sciences in Argentine higher
education” in Revista de Enseñanza de la Physics. Vol. 24 No. 1, 2011, p 90

GIULIANO, Mónica, et al., “A look at the official statistics related to physics and basic sciences in Argentine higher
education” in Revista de Enseñanza de la Physics. Vol. 24 No. 1, 2011, p 91 [10]
ISFD No. 34, Address: Aviador Matienzo 2430 (ex 565) Ciudad Jardín de El Palomar CP 1684 - Third of February;
Telephone and Fax: 4758-6028 / 4751-9078; Email: ;

GIULIANO, Mónica, et al., “A look at the official statistics related to physics and basic sciences in Argentine higher
education” in Revista de Enseñanza de la Physics. Vol. 24 No. 1, 2011, p 82 [12]
LÓPEZ, Donoso, et al., “Non-formal education in the science teacher's curriculum: Pilot plan to evaluate the
attitudinal aspects of future physics teachers” in REF XVI – San Juan, 2009, Rethinking the teaching of physics.

ISLAS, Stella Maris, et al., “The epistemology and sociology of science in physics teachers. Its relationship with
curricular guidelines” in Tenth Research Symposium on Physics Education – Misiones (SIEF10), October 2010, p. 384.
CABANELLAS PASSI, S and MASSA POSSI, M., “Representations of physics, its teaching and learning. A study with
secondary and university students” of Science Teaching – Journal of didactic research and experimentation. VIII

ISFD No. 34, Address: Aviador Matienzo 2430 (ex 565) Ciudad Jardín de El Palomar CP 1684 - Third of February;

Telephone and Fax: 4758-6028 / 4751-9078; Email: ;

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