Seestar - Finding The Sun

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My Seestar S50 doesn’t find the Sun or Moon automatically. Why ?

Maybe here you can find an answer.

When a telescope mount in Alt/Az mode, like the Seestar S50, is set up to automatically
locate celestial objects like the Sun or Moon using data from a connected smartphone
(SkyAtlas), both the smartphone's location data and the mount's magnetometer readings play
important roles. Here's how the process might work:

1. Smartphone Location Data: The smartphone provides the telescope mount with
accurate location information, including the observer's latitude and longitude by using
GPS, Wi-Fi positioning, or cellular network information.This data is crucial for
calculating the positions of celestial objects in the sky, including the Sun, relative to
the observer's position on Earth.
2. Mount's Magnetometer: The mount's built-in magnetometer detects the Earth's
magnetic field and helps establish the mount's orientation relative to magnetic north.
While the magnetometer readings are primarily used for azimuth alignment (aligning
the mount with the cardinal directions), they may also play a role in fine-tuning the
mount's orientation during setup.
3. Coordinate Calculation: Using the smartphone's location data and possibly real-time
celestial databases or algorithms, the telescope mount calculates the Alt/Az
coordinates of the desired celestial object, in this case, the Sun. These coordinates
represent the altitude (angle above the horizon) and azimuth (compass direction) at
which the object should be positioned in the observer's local sky.
4. Mount Alignment: The telescope mount adjusts its orientation based on the
calculated Alt/Az coordinates to point the telescope toward the target object, such as
the Sun. This may involve both altitude (up-down) adjustments and azimuth (left-
right) adjustments to accurately position the telescope.

A built-in magnetometer in a telescope mount can be influenced by various factors, including

magnetic declination, geomagnetic storms, magnetic anomalies, and other environmental
conditions. Here's how these factors can affect the performance of the magnetometer:

1. Magnetic Declination: Magnetic declination is the angle between magnetic north and
true north at a specific location. The magnetometer in the mount needs to account for
magnetic declination to accurately determine the orientation of the mount relative to
true north. Failure to account for magnetic declination can result in inaccuracies in
azimuth alignment, leading to errors in telescope pointing.
2. Geomagnetic Storms: Geomagnetic storms can cause disturbances in Earth's
magnetic field, leading to fluctuations and variations in magnetic field strength and
orientation. These disturbances can affect the readings of the magnetometer,
potentially leading to errors in mount orientation and telescope pointing during periods
of heightened geomagnetic activity.
3. Magnetic Anomalies: Natural variations in Earth's magnetic field, such as magnetic
anomalies caused by geological features like mineral deposits or rock formations, can
also influence the performance of the magnetometer. In regions with significant
magnetic anomalies, the magnetometer may produce inaccurate readings, leading to
errors in mount alignment and telescope pointing.
4. External Interference: External sources of electromagnetic interference, such as
power lines, electronic devices, or nearby metallic objects, can disrupt the operation of
the magnetometer and affect its accuracy. Strong electromagnetic fields from these
sources can distort the Earth's magnetic field locally, leading to errors in
magnetometer readings.
5. Calibration: Proper calibration of the magnetometer is essential for accurate
performance. Calibration ensures that the magnetometer accurately measures the
Earth's magnetic field and compensates for any offset or bias in its readings. Failure to
calibrate the magnetometer properly can result in errors in mount orientation and
telescope pointing.

In summary, the magnetometer in the mount plays a crucial role in determining the orientation
of the mount relative to true north, but its performance can be affected by various factors,
including magnetic declination, geomagnetic storms, magnetic anomalies, external
interference, and calibration. It's important to account for these factors and take appropriate
measures to ensure accurate mount alignment and telescope pointing during astronomical

Magnetic Declination – how is it handled on a Smartphone or Tablet ?

The internal compass of a smartphone typically relies on built-in sensors such as

magnetometers to detect the Earth's magnetic field and determine the device's orientation.
However, the magnetic declination, which is the angle between magnetic north and true north
at a specific location, can vary depending on the geographic location of the users.

To account for magnetic declination in different regions, smartphone operating systems or

navigation apps often incorporate databases or algorithms that provide corrections based on
the user's current location. Here's how this process generally works:

1. Database of Magnetic Declination: Smartphone operating systems or navigation

software may include a database of magnetic declination values for various locations
around the world. These databases store the magnetic declination values for specific
geographic coordinates or regions.
2. Location-Based Correction: When a user activates the compass or orientation
features on their smartphone, the device determines the user's current location using
GPS, Wi-Fi positioning, or cellular network information.
3. Lookup or Calculation: Once the user's location is determined, the smartphone
software can look up the corresponding magnetic declination value for that location
from its database or calculate it using mathematical models.
4. Compass Adjustment: The smartphone's internal compass then adjusts its readings
based on the magnetic declination value for the user's location. This adjustment
ensures that the compass accurately indicates true north relative to the user's position,
accounting for the offset between magnetic north and true north.

By incorporating location-specific magnetic declination values into the compass calibration

process, smartphones can provide users with accurate orientation information regardless of
their geographic location. This ensures that users can rely on their smartphones for navigation,
mapping, and orientation tasks with confidence, even when traveling across different regions
or continents.

Geomagnetic storms - can have a significant impact on magnetometers, which are devices
used to measure the Earth's magnetic field. During geomagnetic storms, disturbances in the
Earth's magnetosphere, often caused by solar activity, can lead to rapid and significant
changes in the strength and orientation of the Earth's magnetic field. Here's how geomagnetic
storms can affect magnetometers and how their impact can be minimized:

1. Increased Noise: Geomagnetic storms can result in increased levels of

electromagnetic noise in the Earth's magnetic field. This noise can interfere with the
operation of magnetometers, leading to inaccurate readings and reduced sensitivity.
The presence of high levels of noise can make it challenging for magnetometers to
detect and measure small changes in the Earth's magnetic field caused by external
2. Saturation: In extreme cases, particularly during intense geomagnetic storms,
magnetometers may become saturated, meaning that they are unable to accurately
measure the Earth's magnetic field due to its strength exceeding the sensor's dynamic
range. When magnetometers become saturated, they may output misleading or
nonsensical readings, rendering them unreliable for navigation or scientific purposes.
3. Calibration Drift: Geomagnetic storms can also cause temporary changes in the
baseline characteristics of magnetometers, leading to calibration drift. Calibration drift
refers to shifts in the sensor's calibration parameters, such as offset and gain, which
can result in systematic errors in the magnetometer's measurements. These errors may
persist even after the geomagnetic storm has subsided, affecting the accuracy of
subsequent measurements.

Magnetic anomalies, such as those found in certain regions of the American continent, can
have a significant impact on the use of compasses. Here's how:

1. Distortion of Magnetic Field: Magnetic anomalies are areas where the Earth's
magnetic field deviates significantly from its expected behavior. In regions with
magnetic anomalies, the local magnetic field can be distorted or altered, leading to
irregularities in the compass readings. This distortion can make it challenging to
determine accurate magnetic directions using a compass.
2. Erratic Needle Movement: Compass needles are designed to align with the Earth's
magnetic field, pointing toward magnetic north. However, in areas affected by
magnetic anomalies, the local magnetic field may be highly variable or unstable. As a
result, compass needles may exhibit erratic or unpredictable movement, making it
difficult to obtain reliable directional information. This applies also for magnetometers
such as used in electronic devices.
3. Inaccuracy in Magnetic Declination: Magnetic anomalies can also affect the
accuracy of magnetic declination values in a particular area. Magnetic declination,
which represents the angle between magnetic north and true north, may vary
significantly in regions with magnetic anomalies. This variation can lead to errors in
compass navigation, as users may rely on incorrect declination values for orientation.
4. Navigation Challenges: For travelers, hikers, or navigators relying on magnetic
compasses for orientation, magnetic anomalies can pose significant challenges. In
regions with pronounced anomalies, compass readings may be unreliable or
misleading, potentially leading to navigation errors or getting lost. It's crucial for
individuals navigating in such areas to be aware of the potential impact of magnetic
anomalies and use additional navigation aids or techniques to supplement compass
5. Calibration Issues: Magnetic anomalies can also affect the calibration of compasses.
In areas where the local magnetic field is highly variable or distorted, compass
calibration may be more challenging, and compasses may require frequent
recalibration to maintain accuracy. Failure to calibrate compasses properly in regions
with magnetic anomalies can result in navigation errors and misinterpretation of
directional information.

Overall, magnetic anomalies in regions such as the American continent can significantly
impact the use of compasses for navigation and orientation. Awareness of these anomalies,
along with the use of alternative navigation methods or aids, is essential for accurate
navigation in affected areas.

North American Magnetic Anomaly Map:

World Magnetic Anomaly Map:

External Interferences

A nearby radar system at an airfield or airport can potentially disturb the operation of a
magnetometer. Radar systems emit strong electromagnetic signals as part of their operation,
and these signals can interfere with the operation of nearby electronic devices, including
magnetometers. Here's how:

1. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): Radar systems emit powerful electromagnetic

waves in the microwave frequency range. These electromagnetic waves can induce
electrical currents in nearby conductive materials, including the sensitive components
of a magnetometer. This induced electrical noise can interfere with the magnetometer's
ability to accurately measure the Earth's magnetic field.
2. Magnetic Field Distortion: Radar systems generate their own magnetic fields as part
of their operation. The presence of a strong nearby magnetic field from a radar system
can distort the Earth's magnetic field in the vicinity, affecting the readings of a
magnetometer. This distortion can lead to inaccuracies in the magnetometer's
measurements and affect its ability to determine orientation accurately.
3. Proximity Effects: The strength of electromagnetic signals emitted by radar systems
typically decreases with distance from the source. However, even at some distance
away from the radar system, the electromagnetic fields can still exert an influence on
nearby electronic devices like magnetometers. Therefore, magnetometers located in
the vicinity of an airfield or airport, particularly those close to radar installations, may
be more susceptible to interference.

In summary, nearby radar systems at airfields or airports can potentially disturb the operation
of magnetometers by emitting strong electromagnetic signals that induce electrical noise,
distort the Earth's magnetic field, and interfere with the magnetometer's measurements.
Design considerations such as shielding and filtering may help mitigate these effects, but
magnetometers located in close proximity to radar installations may still be susceptible to

Powerlines, subways, parking decks, and other large metallic structures can indeed have an
impact on magnetometers due to their electromagnetic properties. Here's how these structures
can affect magnetometer readings:
1. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): Powerlines and other electrical infrastructure
emit electromagnetic fields as part of their operation. These fields can induce electrical
currents in nearby conductive materials, including the sensitive components of
magnetometers. This induced electrical noise can interfere with the magnetometer's
ability to accurately measure the Earth's magnetic field, leading to erroneous readings.
2. Magnetic Field Distortion: Large metallic structures such as powerlines, subways,
and parking decks can distort the Earth's magnetic field in their vicinity. The presence
of these structures can create local variations in magnetic field strength and
orientation, which can affect the readings of magnetometers located nearby. This
distortion can lead to inaccuracies in magnetometer measurements, particularly in
areas with dense concentrations of metallic structures.
3. Proximity Effects: The strength of electromagnetic fields emitted by powerlines and
other structures typically decreases with distance from the source. However, even at
some distance away from these structures, the electromagnetic fields can still exert an
influence on nearby magnetometers. Magnetometers located in the vicinity of
powerlines, subways, or parking decks may be more susceptible to interference and
distortion, especially if they are in close proximity to these structures.

In summary, powerlines, subways, parking decks, and other large metallic structures can have
a significant impact on magnetometers due to their electromagnetic properties. These
structures can induce electrical noise, distort the Earth's magnetic field, and interfere with
magnetometer readings, leading to inaccuracies in measurements.

Finally, there’s a last question: Does the Seestar firmware take into account magnetic
declination values based on current observers location ?

1. Database of Magnetic Declination: The Seestar operating systems may include a

database of magnetic declination values for various locations around the world. These
databases store the magnetic declination values for specific geographic coordinates or
2. Location-Based Correction: When a Seestar user activates the compass or
orientation features on their Seestar, the device receives the user's current location
information from the Seestar App.
3. Lookup or Calculation: Once the user's location is received, the Seestar software will
look up the corresponding magnetic declination value for that location from its
database or calculate it using mathematical models.
4. Compass Adjustment: The Seestars internal compass then adjusts its readings based
on the magnetic declination value for the user's location. This adjustment ensures that
the compass accurately indicates true north relative to the user's position, accounting
for the offset between magnetic north and true north.


The information provided is synthesized from a combination of sources, including scientific

literature, technical documentation, and general knowledge. Here are some of the primary
sources of information:
1. Scientific Literature: Peer-reviewed scientific papers and academic journals in fields
such as geophysics, electromagnetism, and navigation provide foundational
knowledge on topics related to magnetometers, geomagnetic storms, magnetic
anomalies, and electromagnetic interference.
2. Technical Documentation: Technical specifications, user manuals, and
documentation provided by manufacturers of magnetometers, radar systems, and other
relevant equipment offer insights into the operation, capabilities, and potential
limitations of these devices.
3. Online Resources: Reputable online sources, such as government agencies (e.g.,
NOAA, NASA), educational institutions, and professional organizations, provide
valuable information on topics related to magnetometers, geomagnetic activity, and
electromagnetic interference.
4. General Knowledge: As an AI language model, ChatGPT is trained on a diverse
dataset that includes information from a wide range of sources, allowing me to
generate responses based on patterns and trends in the data.

While the information provided is based on these sources, it's important to note that individual
responses are generated by the AI model and may not directly cite specific references.
Additionally, the accuracy and reliability of the information depend on the quality of the
sources and the context of the discussion.


Gottfried Rotter in cooperation with ChatGPT

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