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Article Review

Reviewed by Fekadu Feleke

● Title:Uncovering land tenure
insecurities:tips for tenure responsive
land use planning in Ethiopia

about the ● Authors:Uchendu Chubby,Zebad
Alemayehu & Walter Dachaga

○ Journal of Development in Practice
○ Puplished Online: 20 Jan 2019
● The article argues that the merging and joint
implementation of land use plan and tenure
PURPOSE security is essential and vital to secure tenure
and it is what is coined as tenure responsive
OF THE land use plan.

ARTICLE ● The article is aimed on navigating contents on

land use planning that created threats on
landowners and posed insecurity danger as a
main challenge in the urban town of Gelan
Sidama Awash,Ethiopia.

● It also tips TR-LUP as a counter tool for the

distinguished tenure insecurity elements on
land use plan of GSA.
● The article employed a qualitative instrumental
case study based on a deep concern on the
history of the Gelan Sidama Awash(GSA), and
the result of its land use planning efforts.
● In the article the authors was chosen GSA for a
METHOD reason that the development plan was being
effectual alongside registration of land at the
OF THE zone during a time they were intended to do a
ARTICLE research.
● The study gave a due attention on evaluating the
land use planning in GSA from the perspective of
● It focused on ascertaining the capacity of a land
use planning process to secure land tenure in
the community.
● TR-LUP is based on the principle and practice of continuum of rights.
● Continuum of land rights is recognizing different types of tenure systems practiced
within a society.
● De jure,de facto and perceived are forms of manifestations of tenure insecurity.
● Dje jure entails a lack of security due to the the incomplete or total abscence of
RESULT provable documented evidence of tenure.De facto land tenure insecurity is a
situation whereby land users or owners lack security of land rights despite being in
OF THE actual Control of the physical land on the ground.

ARTICLE ● The article as its major purpose is identifying tenure security degrading
elements on GSA-LUP it distinguished problems outlined below.
○ GSA-LUP was statutory, so it lacked community approval and produced
tenure insecurities;
○ Land tenure security was not a key objective of GSA-LUP and produced land
tenure insecurities;
○ New housing resettlements constitutes objects of housing insecurity;
○ Women feel more insecure as their interests were ignored in the
GSA-LUP process;
○ Alternative sources of formal and informal tenure declined;
○ Emerging land market no longer caters for local needs;
○ Unfair compensation and reduction in the degree of rights enjoyed by
As the article theories tenure responsive land use
planning it makes the case to display why
planners should deal and give a due emphasis for
Implicationland tenure security in land use planning
of the process.
● The article introduced the concept,principle and
vitality of TR-LUP & its base continuum of rights.

● Provide TR-LUP procedure composing of the

following collaborative activities in implementation
emphasizing on concerns tackling tenure
○ LUP to be lead by identified and involved all
stakeholders team;
○ Objectives to be see with tenure security as one
of the major objectives;
○ Collect and document land information
including social tenure by conducting land
○ Assess and record tenure data including
social tenure such as privileges, rights and
restrictions to identify existing land use and
tenure problems and ways of resolving them;
○ Prepare the land use plan based on legal and social
statutes,and recognition of continuum of land rights and
tenure practices ;
○ Gain formal approval of plan from authorities including its
accompanying documentations of social process (e.g.
agreements and community management plans).
○ Implement LUP by linking new data to existing land
information systems, and updating all land
○ Monitor and evaluate LUP to ensure tenure security
improvements, among other objectives.
● The authors used interview as a qualitative
approach to collect and gain data but it was

very appropriate if focus group discussion
technique was also employed to obtain more
depth understanding of economic and social


● It followed technical approach for what it was
mostly a political problem
C ● The article assured tener responsive land use planning
can too serve as tool of eliminating tenure insecurity.It
O unveil tenure insecurity causing issues in the case area
N GSA land use planning and tips tenure responsive
C counter methods.These are:
■ tenure analysis and evaluation,
S ■ negotiations between stakeholders &
I decision -making
■ implementation of land-use planning
O activities.

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