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School Library Day

November 10

School Libraries constitute an indispensable element of the educational process, as they support the
formation of attitudes, virtues and habits, such as reading and research, hence it is necessary to continue
promoting their dissemination and use, as well as creating motivation mechanisms for students. so that
the school population and the community become aware of its importance and contribute to its

Today, libraries are not the same as they were a decade or century ago. Changes are constant in
education and these study and research centers have also changed. Now technology has helped to
improve and spread this educational activity.

Technology should not be considered something negative for libraries, but rather as a complement for the
better development of the activities carried out within it.


On November 10, 1922, the so-called “Book Festival” was held for the first time throughout the country,
thanks to a government resolution of August of the same year prepared by Mr. Ciro Napanga Agüero,
which issued the establishment of the Book Festival, officially with the purpose of collecting books or
money to found School Libraries in the absence of a budget allocated to satisfy this need.

On September 9, 1922, with RS No. 755 issued by the President of the Republic and the Minister of
Instruction at that time, authorization was given to celebrate “The Book Festival” in which it was indicated
that it would take place in the month of October. In the same year, under RS No. 853, the date of
celebration was postponed, determining November 10 as the date of celebration of the “Book Festival”,
being that same year the first book march, with citizens from different social levels participating in it willing
to contribute with books or money for school libraries


In 1978, the National Office of School Libraries of the National Library of Peru made the corresponding
arrangements with the Ministry of Education so that the day called "Book Festival" was modified by
"School Library Day." That same year, according to RM No. 1795-78-ED, the Ministry of Education
designated November 10 as “School Library Day”, in recognition of the successful work carried out by Mr.
CIRO NAPANGA AGÜERO in favor of the School Library when he was in charge of the Directorate of
School Libraries and Museums, between the years 1922 to 1926.

On November 10, “School Library Day” is permanently incorporated into the school civic calendar and its
celebration every year has been consolidated in the country's schools and colleges through activities
aimed at promoting and stimulating the use of the library. School library.


School Library Day

The Ministry of Education with Ministerial Resolution No. 1795-78-ED of November 9, 1978, declared
this day in commemoration of the work of teacher Ciro Napanga Agüero, a prominent educator born
in the Lima province of Yauyos.

Category: November 10 - National School Library Day | November 10

School libraries constitute an indispensable element of the educational process, since they support
the formation of attitudes, virtues and habits, such as reading and research, hence it is necessary to
continue promoting their dissemination and use, as well as creating motivation mechanisms for so
that the school population and the community become aware of its importance and contribute to its

Today, libraries are not the same as they were a decade or century ago. Changes are constant in
education and these study and research centers have also changed. Now technology has helped
improve and spread this educational activity.

Technology should not be considered something negative for libraries, but rather as a complement for
the better development of the activities carried out within it.



On November 10, 1922, the so-called "Book Festival" was held for the first time throughout the
country, thanks to a government resolution of August of the same year prepared by Mr. Ciro Napanga
Agüero, which issued the establishment of the Book Festival, officially with the purpose of collecting
books or money to found School Libraries in the absence of a budget allocated to satisfy this need.

On September 9, 1922, with RS No. 755 issued by the President of the Republic and the Minister of
Instruction at that time, authorization was given to celebrate "The Book Festival" in which it was
indicated that it would take place in the month of October. In the same year, under RS No. 853, the
date of celebration was postponed, determining November 10 as the date of celebration of the "Book
Festival", being that same year the first book march, with citizens from different social levels
participating in it willing to contribute with books or money for school libraries


In 1978, the National Office of School Libraries of the National Library of Peru took the corresponding
steps with the Ministry of Education so that the day called "Book Festival" was modified by "School
Library Day." That same year, according to RM No. 1795-78-ED, the Ministry of Education designated
November 10 as "School Library Day", in recognition of the successful work carried out by Mr. CIRO
NAPANGA AGÜERO in favor of the School Library when he was in charge of the Directorate of
School Libraries and Museums, between the years 1922 to 1926.

On November 10, "School Library Day" is permanently incorporated into the school civic calendar and
its celebration every year has been consolidated in the country's schools and colleges through
activities aimed at promoting and stimulating the use of the library. School library.


On July 14, 1883, Ciro Napanga Agüero was born in the province of Yauyos. At a very young age he
moved to the capital to continue his studies at the “Our Lady of Guadalupe” National School. He
completed his higher studies at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, specializing in
Natural and Physical Sciences.

In 1906, he worked as a Cabinet assistant at the Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe National School,
later as a principal professor of mathematics and natural sciences at the same institution, thus
dedicating several years of his life to educational work, for which In 1966 the Ministry of Education
awarded him the Teaching Palms in recognition of his prolific educational work.

In 1922, as director of the Directorate of School Libraries and Museums, he promoted the "Book
Festival", an activity carried out in favor of School Libraries.

Along with Education, Ciro Napanga carried out various research in the field of Natural Sciences, for
which in 1915 he was awarded a Diploma and Gold Medal by the International Academy of
Geography and Botany.

He formed various commissions appointed by the government, including: in 1935, to reform the
Primary and Secondary Education Plans and Programs; in 1936, to observe and study the School
Libraries of Brazil, Argentina, Chile; In 1964, he traveled to Europe and the United States, also to visit
School Libraries and colleges.

Ciro Napanga passed into eternity on August 2, 1977, at the age of 94, certain of having sown in
fertile soil and having bequeathed invaluable lessons of persevering work to posterity.


Peru - November 10 - School Library Day

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In 1978, according to Ministerial Resolution No. 1795-78-ED, the Ministry of Education of Peru
designated November 10 as School Library Day, in recognition of the successful management carried
out by Mr. Ciro Napanga Agüero in favor of the library. school. Without a doubt, this is a favorable
date to take a look at the situation of these information units in the current context of basic education
in our country.

For decades, public and private Educational Institutions considered the construction and
implementation of school libraries necessary to achieve the correct performance of their educational
tasks. However, the situation of school libraries in public institutions has deteriorated in recent years.

This situation is due to several factors, among which we can mention the promulgation of a decree
that repealed 20% of the income of the Parents' Associations (Apafa) that was allocated to the
maintenance of libraries, the appearance of various supports information technology and the
possibilities of accessing the Internet or digital information sources, among others. All of this has led
to the abandonment of these important spaces for the support of pedagogical actions in the teaching
and learning process, which translates into obsolete bibliographic funds that do not respond to the
current curriculum, improvised and poorly motivated personnel, as well as furniture and unsuitable

However, seeing the other side of reality, we can find managers of public educational institutions who
know how to value and maintain these spaces. They are few but there they are, fulfilling their role.
The results are reflected in students and teachers who research, have better verbal communication
skills and use bibliographic tools, aspects that should interest the entire educational community.

Promotion of school libraries

In developed countries, the main reason for the existence of the school library is to support the entire
curriculum and become a new place of learning in which students and teachers have a great diversity
of educational resources that allow them to put into practice more methodologies. active and
participatory learning.

Without a doubt, the use of the school library fully integrated into the pedagogical process of the
educational institution favors the autonomy and responsibility of students in their learning, since it is
the ideal place for training schoolchildren in the use of various sources of information. information and
to promote reading as a means of entertainment and leisure.

In our country, the Law on the Democratization of Books and the Promotion of Reading (Law 28086-
2003, 2004) establishes in point 3 of its regulations “The budget allocation and technical resources
that ensure the normal development of school libraries, public, municipal, communal, state higher and
university education, the increase and permanent updating of their bibliographic catalogs and the
development of national bibliography, archive and documentation services to achieve access for all
citizens with equal opportunities.

What does the Huascarán project do with respect to school libraries?

In the Huascarán Project - aware of the need to have a diverse and accessible documentary
collection for the teaching and learning process in a society in which all individuals must be able to
learn for themselves to adapt to changing social needs, work and personal – we consider it necessary
that people know how to inform and document themselves, as well as how to access, select, organize
and analyze information through the appropriate use of Information and Communication Technologies

These important learnings have their ideal place in the educational system, in educational resource
centers, learning resources and multimedia resources, which involve libraries and the Huascarán
Pedagogical Innovation Classrooms (AIPH), which in an ideal situation offer diversity of materials and
sources of educational information: printed documents, photographs, slides, maps, globes, records,
tapes and films, as well as new media such as compact discs, CD-Rom, DVD, interactive video,
computer programs, online databases line and Internet access.

Since 2003, awareness-raising activities have been carried out for directors, training for library
teachers and teachers of Huascarán Pedagogical Innovation Classrooms (DAIPs), in order to boost
access to educational information resources through coordinated actions with the AIPH on
registration issues. , preservation, dissemination and better use of resources in various media. That is
to say: given the use of digital information, we promote the integration of ICT in the services that the
library provides to the school educational community.

To date, the Huascarán Project has trained 750 library teachers at DAIPs from 500 educational
institutions in different regions of our country on topics on the organization and management of
educational resources with ICT (generation of databases with standardized metadata) aimed at
automate access to said resources for better use.

Likewise, we have the Huascarán Digital Library Management software, whose supply requires the
participation of all Educational Institutions trained to achieve a contextualized school bibliographic
fund. Likewise, the National School Catalog is being prepared, a work that is carried out in
coordination with the National Library of Peru and that promotes the participation of Educational

Finally, the Huascarán project expresses its recognition and cordial greetings to all librarian teachers
and librarians in the school libraries of our country.

Links of interest

National Library System – Edith Araujo de Merino School Library

Implementation of school libraries

Reading promotion plan

Law on the Democratization of Books and the Promotion of Reading

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