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First I am thankIul to God, who gave me the ability to explore things Irom this universe. This is
only his blessing that I went through my thesis successIully.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis Supervisor Mr./Ms/Mrs. your
supervisor name Ior his/her continuous guidance and assistance. I am very thankIul to Mr.
(please write names oI resource ppl who helped u through)this, Mr. this, Mr this , Mr. this, Mr.
this who helped me to learn the organizational human resource practices oI recruitment and
selection. Without their appropriate guidance I would not have been able to learn practically at
the work place.
This document is a consolidation thesis produced by me purely by conducting a detailed research
at diIIerent organizations. I carried out the basic research, reviewed the literature on the human
resource mangers practices oI recruitment and selection. As a support to the research, I collected
the secondary data Ior this thesis Irom the human resource managers. Their contribution to this
report is hereby acknowledged. It goes without saying that without their help this document
would not have been possible.
I am very grateIul to their help and eIIorts to get me through with my thesis report.
Date: May 14
, 2011
Place: Your institute/University name here.


%able of contents
List of Figures
Glossary of terms and abbreviations.
apter. 1 Introduction
%itle: ~The Role oI Human Resources Management in organizational perIormance.
Researc Question:
O What are the Impacts oI human resource practice oI Recruitment & selection on business
Researc Aims and Purpose:
This dissertation covers the importance oI human resource practice oI recruitment & selection`
in terms oI organizational outcomes. It investigates and evaluates the role oI human resource to
depict how the practices oI recruitment & selection can inIluence the overall perIormance oI the
The main purpose oI this dissertation is to evaluate the contributive role oI human Resource
management to achieve company goals eIIiciently and eIIectively by systematic recruitment and
selection process. Human Resource Management is a Iundamental part oI the company that
directly involves people and their perIormance. People are real asset Ior the organization. To
manage this asset eIIectively means to gain Iinancial goals.
In addition, this dissertation is supposed to assess the current status oI human resource
recruitment process and to suggest recommendations Ior developing new methods to meet the
present day requirements. The primary Iocus oI study and research is to develop the argument
that how best recruitment and selection programs inIluence overall company perIormance. Now,
it is broadly accepted by human resource researchers that positive Human Resource practices
have direct relation with company perIormance. However, human resource management
practices still diIIer widely, and some are even in direct conIlict with each other. Having a clear
link oI human resource practice oI recruitment & selection with organizational perIormance, this
thesis examine this overall hypothesis by researching recruitment & selection criteria used by
diIIerent companies, especially their contribution with organizational perIormance at an
aggregate level.
Furthermore, this dissertation includes suggesting the positive methods oIIered by the practice oI
recruitment and selection. This study will contribute signiIicantly to the human resource
literature and will surely play its part in business development.
The objectives oI this research are:
O To understand importance oI recruitment & selection.
O How Human Resource Practice oI recruitment & selection can be helpIul Ior
organizational development.
O To make possible suggestions to improve recruitment & selection process.
O To study whether human resource practice oI recruitment & selection has a signiIicantly
optimistic inIluence in company perIormance.

rganization Summary
Sahara West is a private limited company Iounded by an Arab Sajid Qurashi, in May, 2007. The
Company headquarter is at Riad (Saudi Arabia), where the Iirst service oI hospitality launched
Ior customers. They are best brand name along with 25 local operations around the world with
the help oI 1332 employees. The company owns a chain oI Restaurants, Including Sahara West
restaurants & takeaway, SAAQ Hotel and Pro- Install.
Relevance of organization witin tesis
This thesis is about the recruitment and selection criteria. Sahara West is big company, running
successIully around the world and I am closely associated with the organization. I personally
involve in the recruitment and selection process as a recruiter and know very well oI their
practices. ThereIore, by researching on it I will project my idea as well research eIIiciently.
Background of researc:
This research thesis is basically an academic project to broaden the knowledge with useIul
contribution in recruitment and selection practices. A lot oI study has already been done on
resource management`s practices. It has been since two centuries that the organizations showed
better perIormance with increased attention to the human resources. The overall aIIect oI human
resource practices has deep and very obvious inIluence on the personnel perIormance. Its
popularity is quite clear through the researches on this topic Ior two centuries.(Boudreau 1991)
Human resource management is a process to achieve organizational goals eIIiciently and
eIIectively. According to the Miller(Miller 1991) the human resource management relates
decisions and actions that concern the personnel management at all business levels and
implementation oI strategies in direction oI creating and sustaining competitive advantage. Lot
oI research exists on diIIerent practices perIormed by human resource management within every
organization. The basic responsibility oI human resource manager is to review employees` needs
to ensure that employees are properly skilled according to their job.
According to Joanna Timmers, The human resource management Iunction is oriented towards
the 3 R`s: to recruit, to retain and to rouse the workIorce` (van Marrewijk and Timmers 2003).
Recruitment and selection enables the human resource manager in decision making to evaluate
workIorce characteristics, skills and competencies. Now the question arises why certain methods
and techniques are Iollowed in preIerence to others? As people are an Asset Ior any organization,
thereIore in human resource management theory and practices, it is not a simple process to Iill
vacancies. It is strongly shared by human resource researchers and proIessionals that it is an
important toll to Iill organizational need eIIiciently and eIIectively. Most researchers agree on
the argument that well planned work practices, such as recruitment and selection criteria are very
helpIul Ior organizational productivity and perIormance. These practices prove very helpIul to
improve employee perIormance, involvement and motivation(Huselid 1995).
There is a mutual consensus amongst theoretical literature experts and human resource
proIessionals that proper conIiguration oI human resource practices can increase the company
perIormance. These practices are directly related to the corporate strategy. However, very little
empirical evidence supports such a belieI. Empirical work largely Iocused on individual human
resource management practices adopted by each Iirm studied. This study is mainly based on
analysis & sample oI Iirms drawn Irom diIIerent industries. Empirical work has paid particular
attention to develop the link between the practice oI human resource management and
organizational perIormance. According to theoretical literature, best and high perIormance
human resource management practices are very essential Ior employee`s skill development,
which are a real entity Ior organization. Recruitment procedure not only provides a large pool oI
skilIul applicants but also have a substantial inIluence over the type oI skills new employees
possess. The theoretical discipline consider workIorce a basic business resource to achieve
organizational productivity.
These practices require a constant balancing to meet strategic and Iinancial needs oI business.
ThereIore, it is the main concern oI human resource manager to ensure that the required number
oI peoples are always present to help gain competitive advantage(Torrington). An organization
must have qualiIied individuals, in speciIic jobs at speciIic places and times, in order to
accomplish its goals. There are diIIerent views about human capital and organization such as one
group oI researchers believes that organization is nothing by itselI, there are only people working
together to obtain speciIic goals.
According to the Barrett(Pietromonaco and Barrett 2000), In order to retain the best people,
organizational values need to meet the needs oI existing employees. That`s how they Ieel Iully
aligned with the organization's vision, mission and values and are able to bring their whole
selves to work. The main concept oI human resource management is that human resources can be
managed, coordinated and controlled with the help oI diIIerent techniques. Now the time has
been passed when human resource management considered employees as a liability, instead oI

apter 2: Literature Review:
Evolution of Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management has been recognized as a backbone oI a company and directly
involves with the main capital oI organization that is its workIorce. Human resource is the real
asset Ior the organization. To administer this asset eIIectively means to gain Iiscal goals.
Reviewing the classical theories showed a trend oI development in human resource management.
The real advancement came in this Iield in last century. Organizational management in the mid
oI last century Iound that concerns oI employees must be met and their issues must be solved.
Pragmatic research in this Iield tells us that in the mid-1900s business organization used the
Iunctions oI planning, organizing, directing and controlling and staIIing as a Iramework. Henri
Fayol who was the managing director oI a large French coal-mining Iirm diverted attention
towards the activities oI managers which were diIIerent than typical practice at that time. He
added the Iunctionality oI motivation and leadership. Similarly Max Weber who was German
sociologist presented an ideal Iorm oI Organization. Their main aim was to Iacilitate the man
power working in an organization. In previous classical theories we see the lack oI proper
workforce who should carry on Iunctions concerning issues associated all employees oI
organization which actually Iound the need oI HRM. The world has realized now that the main
contributor to achieve the business objectives is the workIorce who takes care oI all employee oI
an organization. (Robbins and DeCenzo 2004)
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management means utilizing human resource, developing their capacities,
designing, maintaining and paying oII their services in accordance with the job and
organizational requirement. Nowadays these managerial activities are perIormed in Human
Resource Department. The HRM is the management oI people and is a quite complex Iield
(previously known as Personnel Management) but is strongly needed because only iI the hired
employee is satisIied then he can earn you more proIit. World is rapidly changing. The
environment in which need oI customer changes, law changes, employer need changes and
workIorce changes too, needs a separate branch Ior employing people, scheming and developing
associated resources and most importantly, utilizing and reimbursing their services to optimize
business proIitability via their perIormances.(Dessler 2002)
Our main target is to study HR practices which have improved the perIormance oI business
organizations. During our study we will analyze a deep relationship between employee
satisIaction and turnover rate oI an organization. This relationship was not well deIined earlier as
Tom Stewart, described Human Resource leaders were "unable to describe their contribution to
value added except in trendy, unquantiIiable and wannabe terms..." (Wright, DunIord et al. 2001)
but Denlay Huselid (Huselid 1995) studied employees management and stated that HRM
practices are designed to improve the large area oI perIormance oI employees within the
organization, resulting increased organizational perIormance. Then Johnson (Johnson 2000)
added his contribution by shaping the previous study and said 'best practice or high perIormance
work practices are described as HR methods and systems that have universal, additive, and
positive eIIects on organizational perIormance.
Recruitment is a process where a pool oI qualiIied people is gathered to choose the best
candidate Ior the organization. Recruitment and selection process has an eloquent eIIect on
perIormance oI organization in every aspect. However, only taking qualiIied candidate is not
enough. StaIIing decision has equal impact on budget as any other human resource activity might
have. Recruiter saves money and imports talent in organization.
Cost eIIective management oI staII is the core competence amongst organizations. Recruitment
is a collection oI talented staII through a set oI comprehensive selection techniques and
procedures oI assessment.(Flippo 1984) The aim oI recruitment and selection activity is to attract
the right persons in right place in a cost eIIective manner.
In a similar manner Boudreau and Rynes (Boudreau and Rynes 1985) said 'Attracting talent has
been identiIied as a key to produce good economy. The human resource management
department ensures to pick suitable qualiIied and skilled staII to Iace the aggressive competitors.
The whole activity requires budget Ior the selection oI best candidate and needs to be analyzed
on the basis oI its beneIit. Talent has become the need oI eIIective recruiting and the capable
employee adds Iinances to twice as much as an incapable employee does. (Cook 1991)
Selection oI unsuitable candidates puts negative impact on Iinancial position oI the Iirm. In the
light oI above statement it has been considered right person Ior a right job is expensive to
recruit(Lazear 1999). According to Banjoko (Gberevbie) 'employee recruitment is the process oI
searching and attracting a large pool oI interested applicants Irom which the organization can
choose competent or most qualiIied Ior the job.
However, the research revolves around studying techniques to cut down the burden oI expensive
recruitment. But right employee pays back, thereIore, it cannot be denied the risk oI wrong hiring
which proves to be a bit expensive than usual cost (Paul, Rebbeca, 2008). In this regard, adverse
results oI poor recruitment have been drawn in WorkIorce development.(Roche, Skinner et al.
2005). It is noticed that iI organization is not recruiting evasively, it can produce a range oI
inconsiderable direct and indirect consequences including Iinancial loss, loss oI opportunities,
relationships, low morals and dissonances in team work which reduce productivity and revenue.
(Paul, Rebbeca, 2008).
Recruitment and selection activity is always considered as a cost consuming department instead
oI producing one. A Iamous Employer Tool Kit summarized their guide book by stating
relationship between recruitment and Iinancial perIormance. They state that we spend to recruit
right person who gives right decision which leads to generate proIit. Thus, that proIit can again
be used in recruiting right people (ACCA 2006).
Previous researces:
The role oI human resource management practices, are signiIicantly eIIective Ior improving the
perIormance. The research oI Ulrich suggests that human resource plays Iour roles that are
management oI strategic human resource, management oI Iirm inIrastructure, management oI
employee contribution, and management oI transIormation and change. The appropriate staIIing
oI the employees is conducted while creating the Iirm`s human resource strategically in the entire
inIrastructure. When the inIrastructure is signiIicant the human resources are all teaming to exert
the maximum eIIorts to excellence in their perIormance. The perIormance is the managed Iorm
oI employees` contribution that is the outcome oI employee`s loyalty and commitment. The
competitive advantage is built with the exploiting oI these employees core competencies. Finally,
the journey oI the whole corporate is transIormed into a competent and aggressive in its market
prevailing.(Lepak and Snell 1998)
Getting the broader impression oI staIIing, the research breaks down the collective roles oI the
human resource management. The human resource acts like strategic partners, they exert the
tailoring practice, provide human resource services and provide change consulting, Iinally create
organization skills and capabilities. The result oI this process is the Iormation oI strategic
partners within the organization as well as outside. The tailoring practice is selecting the right
person in the right place. Once the human resource is gathered they specialize in their job scope
and become an asset. Their work eIIorts in right direction, supports the process oI developing
skills and capabilities. This is quite obvious that the roles oI human resource is directly aIIecting
the perIormance oI the business.(Wright, McMahan et al. 2001)
The good human resource is the asset and many organizations say them their human capital. The
eIIective staIIing can be economical by just putting the right set oI options and goal in Iront row.
Right staIIing is the prime source oI sustained competitive potential.(Becker 2005) The tangible
assets oI human resource create value. Their capability becomes the core competence which is
the intangible asset to the organization. The worth oI tangible as well as intangible assets is not
deniable. The market value oI the business increases. This ratio has increased to the considerable
level during the last decade.(Becker 2005)
The general impression oI the human resource management is that it revolves around recruiting
and payroll oI the personnel. This is not all! The recruitment oI the appropriate and capable
employee is the well sorted choice oI the competitive strategy. The business will show good or
bad work in terms oI productivity. The Iinancial way putting it is that there is more proIitability
when there is more productivity. Looking closely at the employees satisIaction and commitment
to the work, then the conducive culture Ior best output oI employees is essentially
crucial.(Patterson, Personnel et al. 1998)
The expensive recruitment practices result in increased productivity.(Holzer 1987). The
recruitment and selection is oIten times regarded as staIIing. Due to the sensitivity oI the nature
oI practice, it is not easy to ignore recruiting the candidates and selecting one best employee. The
recruitment should prove useIul in every organization regardless oI the contingencies both
internally and externally.(J.Rozell 1997) According to Elizabeth in the same article, the eIIective
practices oI recruitment and selection may be seldom practiced in an organization Irequently.
The surIace level explanations are that this is more cost eIIective as thought by many managers,
because the diIIerent type oI employee`s hiring requires diIIerent type oI staII practice. Five
reasons Ior reluctance oI practicing are lack oI awareness about them, strong misbelieve that
these techniques may not be IruitIul, some legal issues may creep up, the limited resources, and
other reasons. This makes perIect sense that expensive way oI selecting the best candidate is
expensive.(J.Rozell 1997) The academic researches prove that conducting interviews and
holding cognitive tests is useIul Ior the organization in long run. The legal concerns like the
racial prejudices can be ignored by selecting the candidate on merit.
Without the proper screening oI employees, it is a possibility that handicapped or old people are
employees who are more oI an expense than a resource to an organization. The work eIIiciency
oI an employee who is younger and energetic will be able to give best perIormance in less time.
The service-proIit chain spotlights that it`s the wisely selected human resource that is
consequently generating the proIits Ior the business.(Heskett, Sasser et al. 1997)
HR background:
The theoretical background oI HRM human resource management best practices shows that
study has already been made in human resource management with respect to best practices oI
recruitment and what good organizations are doing in this regard. Nowadays organizations have
even achieved international markets. They use to maintain their eIIorts towards goal. But the
question is how can any organization deliver a product to its customers? Who are the responsible
people behind the scene? As the aim oI this dissertation is to investigate and evaluate the role oI
HR we need to analysis the evolution oI Human Resource Management. The management oI
human resource was called Personnel management. During 1980`s there was a high rate oI
unemployment and the industries were declining. The persistent lay oII has caused the researches
to launch in the market. The productivity was challenge to the businesses. One solution made
was to practice the twin technique. The objective was to accomplish the labor management
cooperation and participation management. The other methods were to improve all oI the
personnel management programs like training. The growth in technology came along and the
diIIiculties reached to an un-ignorable magnitude. The employees rights were abused by the
powerIul management and the labor Iorce started to rebel. This was the time with severe need oI
equal employment opportunity, assimilation oI women in the workIorce to use human resource
optimally. (Appley and Association 1943)
The previous philosophies like view in the society`, built decent and health saIe Iactories,
philosophy oI manuIacturers encouraged the Iactory Iacilities and opposed child labor, then
came the philosophy oI wealth oI nations. The scientiIic methods oI management were
introduced by Fredrick W. Taylor. In the early 1990`s the welIare movement came along aiming
to upliIt the social, hygiene, physical and educational conditions. This progressed to the
employment management during 1911-1920 that emphasized the need oI proper selection oI the
appropriate candidates. 1940`s encouraged the human relations especially aIter the worldwar 2.
Then the human resource management came into being by the end oI 1970`s. Now every
organization has a human resource department working distinctively Ior the rights and beneIits
oI human resources.(Beach 1980)
General practices:
The Iirm`s HR practice such as hiring people who truly Iit in the culture would deIinitely
increase the number oI customers so there will be more proIitable business. This thesis Iocuses
on pragmatic relationships between systems oI HR practices in recruitment at organization-level.
To study the impacts oI human resource practices on Organizational perIormance, the selected
case studies will help to understand how international companies are getting positive edge in
their overall proIitability by Iocusing on employee satisIaction. For employees concerns they
have introduced new packages oI best practices oI HRM in their companies.
According to the critics, the best practice oI recruitment and selection involves both areas oI
selection such as internal or external. Employee selection, as a best practice, entails with minimal
eIIort and low cost Ior the right choice oI selection. A recruiter is person who engages in
selection or the legalization oI individuals to Iill in the vacant post within an organization.
Recruitment and selection allows management to establish and steadily adjust the behavioral
Ieatures and competences oI the workIorce. Many researches Iocused on eIIects oI recruitment
activities and realistic job previews but more attention should Iocus on best practice going on in
diIIerent countries. This thesis begins with recruitment practices and activities Iollowed in last
Iew decades by recruiters and their outcomes. The old methods are criticized and modern
methods are supported that will be useIul to deploy qualiIied workIorce via strategic recruitment.
The old and new assessment methods are compared and will provide list oI best practices as
suggestions. Finally the Iactors which can impact the perIormance oI an organization will be
observed. This section will cover Iinancial, behavioral and technical impacts. Similarly a case oI
SaskTel is viewed, a major Canadian telecommunications service provider who was about to roll
out a brand new technology to its client and was in urgent need oI staII and their old recruitment
system was taking lots oI time and resources. But by replacing that it with technology test system
they saved their time and cost by 80 on each hired person. The case oI Ritz Carlton Hotel will
also give us prooI oI need oI strategic recruitment approach.
The General practices oI Sahara West are studied which brought a vital change in HR and
increased their Turnover rate.
Relationsip between HRM and organization Performance:
Building the clear link between human resource management and perIormance is the priority oI
the human resource manager. The perIormance oI the employees is what the organization is
doing to the environment. With the eIIective way oI utilizing the company`s human resources,
the perIormance oI business will be sustainable. ThereIore, the perIormance management is the
strategically integrated process that ensures the sustained success contributed by the improving
skilled employees perIormance and by developing their core competencies and
capabilities.(Armstrong 2000)
The ultimate control oI the business`s impression on the customers and competitors originates
Irom the good or bad work done by the human resource in an organization. When the human
resource is motivated the perIormance raises to the notable level. In order to make the human
resource motivated the managers need to create the harmony among the employees and removes
the tensions. The good perIormance is only observable when the human resource is loyal to the
goals oI the company. The human resource manager has to be wiser to make the optimum use oI
the skills oI the employees. It`s all about the correct understanding oI employees` behavior by
the human resource manager. Sometimes, the practice oI human resources is misunderstood.
(David 2009)
The clearly understood job description oI the employees will establish the clear expectations
Irom the employees. The blur in the work perIormance is then quite diIIicult to exist. The human
resource manager assigns the jobs to the employees and the employees work to meet their
expectations. This is the overall communication and partnership as in team members Ior eIIective
work done. The ultimate result leads to the good perIormance oI the employees. ThereIore, the
perIormance is the Iunction oI the working together to sustain and improve the organization
image. This is a complete picture oI the ongoing process. The eIIective it is, the better
perIormance is observed.(Bacal 1999)
PerIormance oI the personnel is observed through the sustained competitive advantage.
According to Barney(Barney 1991) the resource based theory oI Iirm suggests that the sustained
competitive advantage is achieved when Iour basic requirements are IulIilled. The Iirst is that
they should be contributing in production processes with added value. Secondly, the skills oI the
employees must be unique. Thirdly, the employees depicting the human capital investment is
robust. Finally, the human resource must not be technologically replaceable. The competitive
advantage is achieved through eIIective and clever recruitment.
Recruitment and selection Process:
Recruitment and selection is a lengthiest Iunction oI human resource management. As much as it
is lengthy, the same is the cost applied to it. Each test and interview conducted results in a
considerable expense to the Iinances oI the organization. The human resource manager needs to
recruit staII so eIIectively that s/he doesn`t have to go through the Ilop candidates interviews.
The realistic recruitment is the rational decision oI the company. The human resource manager
has to abide by it and make the best selection out oI the diverse pool oI candidates.(Rynes 1989)
The internal recruitment is to screen the best staII member Ior the job available within the
organization. The external recruitment is done by attracting candidates by advertising. The
selection process is the overall staIIing and hiring procedure.
The selection process starts with the rational determination oI the need to a new employee and
his job post, then clearly writing down the job speciIications and total job description. The job
analysis should be done beIore conducting the interviews. These practices are very
common.(Grey 2006) The job items must be weighed Ior their actual worthy presence. This is
the process when the human resource manager establishes a standard to judge the employee
against. These are the minimum possible requirements like the qualiIications. Then the
recruitment strategy is Iormed to attract the right pool oI candidates to interview and select. II the
searching is done in the right direction, the results will be according to the expectations. A good
source oI job seekers come to the organization and drop oII their CV or resume` when the
company has not Iloated any vacancy to Iill. A good way oI dealing with them is by taking their
CV and some other essential inIormation. The talent always out there and they need to be Iound
Ior the mutual beneIits.
The employers prepare Ior the interviews or other methods oI selection. The employer has to
determine which selection tool to use, what should be the questions to ask? The hurdles or trick
questions and situations are Iormed. What should be the standard score to be qualiIied? The
realistic job preview is done. The Iederal services take the cognitive tests oI the candidates and
give equal opportunity to every candidate to qualiIy.(Grey 2006)
StaIIing and succession planning contribute in building the main architecture oI the human
resources management and are helpIul in creating the skilled and motivated staII with synergetic
commitment.(Wright, McMahan et al. 2001) The overall organizational goals are streamlined as
soon as these Iactors are injected in the business.
The recruitment oI the staII can be measured through the perIormance oI the employees. There is
a method suggested by Dessler. This method is called the recruiting yield pyramid. This
technique takes the ratios oI Iactors like job posts oIIers to the new hires, the ratio oI interview
oIIers made to the oIIers made, and ratio oI invited interviewees to the interviewed. The external
sources oI recruitment include internet, advertising in the newspapers, employment agencies, and
outsourcing. The alternate staIIing is use oI the non traditional sources oI recruitment. There are
some on demand recruiting services that are the short term hired employees. These employees
work in project or help in the polishing oI the practices. The practices oI selection include
interviewing the candidates, testing their capabilities through written or oral exams.(Dessler
The selection oI the employees is the most crucial activity oI the human resource management
Iunction. The total perIormance oI the workIorce and the business success is dependent on it.
The skill people hired will be accurate in their work. The main goal oI hiring is to hire the person
who has the capability to cope up with the challenging tasks and be Ilexible in their way oI
handling the problems. The environmental Iactors are always making a similar problem come in
the diIIerent way. Their competency is the thing to be Ioreseen during the interviews. These
practices have been commonly used in many organizations globally.(Thames 1995)
The modern human resource management approach has developed a positive relation with
management and workIorce because "You can lead a horse to the water, but you can not make it
drink"(Miller 1991). Now, the theory and practices oI human resource management put emphasis
on it that overall purpose oI human resource management is to help an organization to IulIill its
goals by attracting and selecting useIul employees(Miller 1991).

apter 3: Metodology:
Researc Metod
The method developed during initial stage oI dissertation is subjective in approach and
discovered literature oI recruitment and selection to highlight the importance oI human resource
management. The literature enlightens understanding oI useIul and eIIectual technique Ior
researching return on investment made on recruitment and selection or cost cutting procedures oI
recruitment in organizational liIe.
The research has been conducted to examine the impact oI human resource management on the
practice oI recruitment and selection. The study Iocuses on key variables including job process,
work perIormance and employee commitment, turnover intensions which are the dependent
variables and is inIluenced by the human resource management eIIective practices. Data is
collected through the secondary sources. The secondary sources will be based Irom the online
published research papers, online books and magazine articles. Research is Iocusing on
Deductive research approach mainly because this method can explain and Iigure out
problematic area. Data will be collected trough qualitative methods however Ior case study
quantitative data will also be utilized where required.
%e Researc Problem
The dissertation aims to reveal the eIIects oI recruitment and selection on overall perIormance oI
organization. The research also provides study on importance oI proper recruitment methods Ior
beginner oI human resource (Human Resource). The quest Iocuses on the Iinancial inIluences oI
recruitment and selection which holds a vital place in human resource management. The
dissertation question`s objective is to identiIy such methods which can prove helpIul in
improving methods and techniques oI recruitment and assessment. It starts with the open
research question 'What are the Impacts oI human resource practice oI Recruitment on business
perIormance? which does not demand any hypothetical data collection. Basically the aim oI
dissertation calls certain hidden questions as (1) how is recruitment and selection signiIicant? (2)
How it can put positive or negative impact on economy oI organization? (3) Why assessment
process is linked with perIormance and how?
The purpose oI literature review was to study the pattern in which recruitment and selection is
emerged as an important part oI organization. Documented records give better understanding to
the background oI problem than observation or surveys and provide comparison oI trends over
time period(Lincoln and Guba 1985).
Deep and vigilant study oI documentation showed us signiIicance oI planning oI recruitment and
selections method. The main discovery oI this research is that organizational perIormance is
contextually linked with assessment during selection. In Iurther chapters, instead oI collecting
data and repeating the same research material the preIerence is to use already collected data and
provide a Qualitative research to tackle the problem. Companies have been awarded Ior the best
use oI resources. ThereIore, their main concentration is to introduce an aIIordable recruitment
process which might help them in reducing their costs.
Recruitment and selection is a developing process and there exist a room Ior improvement.
Thesis will guide and indicate such issues which still needed to be addressed with the help oI
studying recruitment processes and their eIIects on budgets oI Iamous organization.
Researc Approac
Critics have deIined two methodologies to conIront the research, Quantitative and Qualitative.
In this thesis, the Qualitative approach has been adopted. In literature review case studies served
as tutorial to understand certain practices. The type oI research chosen Ior aIoresaid method is
'Case study type and to carry on this thesis data has been collect by 'Secondary data collection
approach. Nature oI this research is to understand the recruitment practices as the context oI
organizational perIormance. The research Iocuses on relativism and understanding oI diIIerent
sources and methods oI recruitment and selection phase wise with the help oI cases oI companies
which are best in the world oI human resource management.
The center oI Iocus according to dissertation question is business units.
ase Study
ultiple Case study approach has been adopted as it is quite helpIul in understanding complex
phenomena without any measurements. Multiple cases are equal to many experimental studies in
quantitative methodology.

It has been assumed that three Iactors can determine the research method. First Research
question, second Iocus towards contemporary versus historic events and third control over
behavioral events (Rowley 2002). Case studies carries detailed investigation so it addresses 'how
and why questions (Yin 1994). This thesis Iocuses on deep investigation Ior the use oI certain
practice on recruitment and selection choice oI source and how to implement it to increase
Iinancial perIormance level through exploring innovative techniques. In order to identiIy the
previous selection process and their weaknesses in comparison with cotemporary assessment
methods, the case study approach has been selected.

Design of Researc
The descriptive design oI research Ior cases has been involved in earlier portion oI this
dissertation. The Iocus is developed on organizational theory which described excellence oI
organization at perIormance level. Many cases included have literal replication as they provide
positive result in Iavor oI research question which is the evidence that dissertation has strongest
oI preposition(Rowley 2002). Replication logic has taken style oI literal framework oI cases in
this dissertation. Cases under consideration are included Ior the sake oI catching ideas Irom the
theories practiced by Iamous multinational organization to IulIill the aims.

The dissertation addresses the research problem with interpretive qualitative paradigm as the
research Iinds cases on creative systems to cut down recruitment burden. It puts right person in
right place Ior the betterment oI person`s career and organizational perIormance. The research
intention is to develop one`s understandings with eIIectiveness oI strategic recruitment and
selection system. An interpretive approach was Iound suitable Ior this research. In initial phase
oI research the approach used was inductive methodology in which literature was reviewed. Each
case was studied with descriptive approach.

ase Studies
ase #1
'Few companies have taken the time to write the proIile and discriminate between what`s desired
and what`s required(Rossheim 2003) AFF is a multinational organization working Ior media
groups. Its Human Resource oIIicer identiIied a post oI sales oIIicer. AIter screening many job
portIolios he didn`t Iind any inIormation about job description Ior current staII. He conducted
interviews to see the task and responsibilities oI sales administrator and also took interviews oI
sale account personnel. AIter summarizing the whole procedure he concluded that jobs
description can be analyzed through Hackman i.e. Iive activities task, activity, skills, roles and
perIormances analysis. Planning beIore recruitment is never given a high priority according to
critic. But in concerned dissertation this practice has been used as the prerequisite oI staIIing.
The Marks & Spencer human resource department is proIessionally recruiting its employee Ior
30 years. They practiced planning in selection and recruitment in 2004/05 which helped them in
pooling in qualiIied and expert staII and thus they 'made operating proIits oI GBP 709m on
turnover oI GBP 7.9 bn(Helen 2005). BeIore that in Manchester they were Iacing understaIIing
or over staIIing because oI lack oI proper planning. Their screening procedures were incapable to
select right person and local stores in market were also oIIering attractive opportunities to
employees which leaded towards higher turnover oI employees. They planned to establish a
small supporting department Shared Service Center (SSC) to carry out their human resource
operations in cooperation with Iinancial services. Marks & Spencer also promoted selection
scrutiny Iree oI discrimination. Thus they become capable oI employing qualiIied staII.
A case study oI Citigroup in Singapore has given its opinion by selecting both categories in their
setup. In terms oI Iormal and inIormal recruitment and selection, Citigroup engaged in external
sourcing in its new business units located in other countries. However, with established business
units, Citigroup preIerred internal sourcing strategy Ior the actualization oI its human resource

In the case oI Citigroup, the results showed internal sourcing as a main source oI hiring strategy.
External sourcing only happened iI there were really no people Iit Ior the job, which was widely
unusual. The re-recruitment oI internal staII had given a major turn over in concerned units
(Manpower 2004).
ase #4
Castilla (Castilla 2005) supplied worth learning evidences that reIerrals are more productive than
non-reIerrals. As the aim oI our dissertation is to learn technique to improve Iinancial
perIormance so let us give glance to this case where Am Trust Bank displayed an extraordinary
eIIort to make better use oI employee reIerrals. They had a small Iinancial institution
headquartered in Ohio but demonstrated outclass inIormal recruitment. Due to their annual
savings (shown in a graph) they won Best practices recruitment award by ERE Media
Recruiting. They devised a LINX recommendation program in 2006 named as 'Employee
ReIerral Advocate in which employees were given reIerral cards and incentive Ior each hired
post on their reIerence. All employees played those cards. According to ' survey
'Total recruiting program savings was more than $500,000 and their overall turnover rate
decreased by 18(Dr.JohnSullivan 2011).
% as
formaI or
Business Units
Citigroups ResuIt
nternal %
External %

The case can be use as a reIerence in concerned dissertation to choose the source according to
the need. This mixed approach helped to save the budget by cutting down the Iee.
ase #5
In 2008 E&S i.e. Evans and Sutherlands won employer branding award in by ERE media. They
initialized the approach by analyzing their culture, selecting innovative sourcing and developing
a site to portray their culture, product and careers. Ernst & Young (E&Y) applied employer
branding and saved their cost Ior agency recruitment, and developed an excellent image oI their
standards in customer as well as employees mind. They used emails news blast, Face book E&Y
community oI employee careers and beneIits, blogging cases oI E&Y employees in journals and
Alumni programs on their site Ior employer branding. Their recruitment budget Ialls down
because people submitted their CV`s in advance so 27 proIessionals got attracted without
advertising. Employee retention and return increased by 24 (Dr.JohnSullivan 2011). Thus this
tool is also quite unique and helpIul to IulIill my dissertation objectives. The case helps to
analyze a great diIIerence between tradition external sources and employee branding which
Iocuses on saving budget oI administrative staII Ior a call out oI advertisements. In external
recruitment the attraction is gained not only Ior post but also Ior employer. In 1996 'employer
brand word was introduced by Simon Barrow, chairman oI People in Business, and Tim
Ambler. In employment branding company determines its strength and weaknesses.
ase #6
Indian Ordnance Iactory Badmal, Orissa wanted to recruit nurses Ior their hospital. II we study
their pattern oI exam, we can see how they used a blend oI Hurdle and compensatory Model Ior
ee reduction %
ency Fee
reduction %
Paper dds fee
Employee ref feral
selection. For recruitment purpose they arranged diIIerent tests. General Intelligence test which
was based on use oI English language and basic science, history, neighboring knowledge,
economical status, cultural, political and social intelligence was tested in General Awareness
test. For these two tests they used compensatory technique.
Now Iirst hurdle oI Technical test oI Auxiliary Nursing MidwiIery was given to triumphant
candidates. AIter Iiltering, rest oI the successIul candidates were given a period Ior
demonstration oI certain basic liIe support skills. This was the last process oI hurdle model and
thus they got qualiIied staII oI nurses. (September 2010,

apter 4: Presentation of Data:
Data collection
Secondary data collection technique saved eIIorts to make survey questionnaires on how to
select right person Ior right job and to monitor how to make it aIIordable and its eIIects on ROI.
This data has been collected through the internet sources like articles, web pages oI these
organizations, online journals, previous publications, online libraries and annual reports. It has
been very strenuous and diIIicult to and also expensive to retrieve new data Irom multinational
organizations. Multiple case studies sources Secondary data collection suits best in concerned
research problem. It is economical with respect to time and eIIort. In this technique, the
comparison between old processes oI recruitment and new developed methods has been done.
This opened new doors towards understanding oI main problem oI dissertation. It was mainly
preIerable to study the gaps and scarcity oI research on certain signiIicant areas e.g. why to
invest on recruitment and selection? How selection planning can become a base Ior perIormance
It has been to some extent disadvantageous oI using already used data because it led towards the
evaluation oI data. The evaluation was accomplished with reIerence to Lincon and Guba criteria
Ior judging qualitative research i.e. (reliability) dependability (validity) credibility/transIerability
and (objectivity) conIormity oI data.(Lincoln and Guba 1985) Validity and reliability are two
major Iactors which should be catered while doing qualitative research as they analyze the
quality oI the study (Patton, 2001).
Sticking to the thesis aim, Recruitment and selection has impacts on perIormance oI
organization. The dependability in cases showed that it has certain impacts negative or positive.
The similar results in almost all cases showed that revenue can be increased by investing on
recruitment and selection section.
The case one shows evidences that the multination organization AFF, identiIied some posts Ior
the Iuture hiring. The human resource manager had no plan Ior how to devise the way to
eIIectively recruit the appropriate employee. He carried out some job description and planned the
requirements by conducting interviews Irom the contemporary job posts Iiller employees. The
interviews struck him with the ideas. He came up with the Iive things to observe. The tasks
scope, the activity required by the deserving employee, his qualiIications and skills and roles he
is supposed to IulIill. Then standards were devised against his potential perIormance.
Case study #2 is unable to crash the image oI recruitment as unaIIordable burden on budget. Unit
oI analysis has been included on which the insight oI existed theories is supposed to be
determined. The planning Ior the hiring was required by Marks & Spencer to cover the
economical stress Ior budget allocation. As soon as they established a separate Iacility to recruit
qualiIied personnel Ior the jobs that got vacant aIter the turnover oI GBP 7.9bn.
Case study #3 does not involve any basic model Ior the selection oI speciIic method oI
recruitment formal or informal. It shows that the choice oI recruitment method depends upon the
situation as happened in Citi Groups Singapore which increased the proIit, generated revenue
and reduced time and cost. The employees that were employed through external recruitment
were not able to conIorm to the company standards. They planned the whole situation and
rehired their internal resources Ior those jobs which resulted in turnover oI a lot oI lazy
Case study #4 evidences how the reIerral was Iamous. The Iinancial perIormance was their
major goal. Each employee used to reIer someone Ior the vacant post used to get commission.
The introduction oI the employee reIerral advocate system devised the reIerral cards and gave
incentives to the card holders. This resulted in motivating the card holders to Iind the qualiIied
person Ior the job. The expenses that could cost over advertising Ior the posts and interviewing
were rather given to the employees. This was clever Ior motivating their productivity and lower
rater oI turning over oI employees.
Case study #5 deduced the same result oI cost saving and inIluence oI recruitment and selection
innovative techniques on revenue controls. This was very easy by using internet to post the jobs.
A lot oI administrative budget was saved. The revolutionary concept oI brand employer was thus
introduced in the business world. This was no wonder an award winning activity.
Case study #6 meets the objective to enhance proIitability by choosing right person Ior right job
with right and aIIordable procedure.
Right person Ior right job has a deep aIIect on economy oI an organization. These innovative
methods as in case study #4 and 5 were introduced in many other organizations. In diIIerent
cases oI diIIerent companies showed replication in the results that how attraction oI candidates
can be gained by aIIordable tangible and intangible methods. This also helped in reducing their
budget. The cases can be easily judged on same variables (produced by objectives e.g right
person, time, expense, methods) with True Score Theory (observed score true ability (var)
Random errors ( which is the base oI dependability or reliability
in research data. The data collected is very consistent and is producing very low level oI random
results. Every case study is involving the impact oI economical perIormance oI organization by
selecting diIIerent procedure to recruit right person. So the data is dependable.
All these results oI cases gained through applying some methods and techniques attained by
multi-national level organizations are real and there statistics are given in reIerenced sites. They
are not hypothetical and need not to be tested again. They meet aims oI dissertation so can be
used Ior Iurther study oI concerned dissertation. This shows that the collected material has
certain level oI transIerability or validity. The higher the validity oI this dissertation, the greater
the objective would meet. The methods in the concerned dissertation can be Iurther reIerred as a
suggestion to other organizations also. The Iinding oI study also shows that the material can be
used as context Ior next chapters which will help in understanding the problem in depth.

Discussion and Analysis:
The cases studies given above are oI the well reputed organizations that are very Iamous in their
human resource practices. Their revolutionary practices are the reason Ior their selection Ior this
thesis. Human resource management Iunctions oI recruitment and selections are being practiced
so innovatively that these practices are now the pervasive practices in many other companies.
Case study #1 oI the AFF organization, has no practical presence oI job speciIication or
succession planning. The overall human resource manager practices are missing. He is rather
clueless as to how he is supposed to Iill up the vacant job post eIIectively. At least he was
concerned and researched the ways oI doing so. The case study helps to check out the Iactors
making job speciIication. He generated the job speciIication technique aIter interviewing the
contemporary posts. Job speciIications helped him in reducing administration time and eIIorts to
prepare criteria Ior selection. He was able to deIine the role and responsibility Ior perIormance
evaluation later. This case does not present any tangible way to cut down expense to reduce cost
and to generate revenue. But it makes an alleyway to develop good job speciIications and plan
the human resource eIIectively. His innovation in solving his problem was actually a
contribution to not only his company but was a role model Ior the beginners companies. The
impact oI the planning showed in better perIormance oI employees and the new employee at the
new post.
The second case oI the Iamous company oI UK; Marks & Spencer`s, helped to identiIy the
prospective needs oI recruitment oI employees. Their management was unable to create the
human resource department till 2004. Their attention to their human resource was very weak.
They had to pay attention to them when they Iaced such an alarming turnover oI employees oI
7.9bn GBP. Establishment oI new service centre does inIluence negatively on budget oI SME but
it was worth it as it was keeping an eye on the human resource needs and problems. Although,
this cost Ior the scrutiny Iee but this is going to be ultimately good Ior the business goals. The
human resource will Ieel acknowledged and get motivated. The work perIormance will be
increased. The good recruitment plan identiIies Iuture Iinance recruitment requirements and
surplus must be rotated or promoted to reduce cost oI hiring. Job speciIications should be
developed to match Iinancial needs oI organization. It is certain now that there has to be a
separate department or employees body that is taking account oI human resource`s problems and
their behavioral expectations.
The case study # 3 on Citigroup in Singapore, presents the use oI inIormal recruitment technique.
It has both positive and negative shades. Targeting the actualization oI their human resource they
planned to do the internal sourcing oI the employees. It advantageous because adhesiveness oI
employee increases on recommendation and he receives a realistic job preview(Rao 2011) at the
web page, on December 16, 2010. This process meets the second objective oI
dissertation. It cuts down the cost oI advertisement or outsourcing method. The major limitation
oI employee reIerral is biasness. In recruitment the reIerences save cost but iI recommendation
Iailed to achieve the desired result, it becomes expensive and wastage oI time Ior
recruiter(Breaugh and Starke 2000).
The case study # 4 oI Am Trust Bank, Iollowed the human resource technique oI reIerral as
recruitment because it turned out to be productive Ior Castilla. With time they evaluated the need
oI internal and external process oI recruitment. They have adopted the hybrid oI both but
concluded that the choice is based on age oI company. II it is a very old company we can carry
out internal recruitment which is cost saving technique. In concerned case study internal
recruitment leIt a positive inIluence because employees already employed reduced
Iamiliarization cost and time which increased productivity and thus internally recruited staII
units improved company`s perIormance. This case meets all objectives oI dissertation. This way
oI recruiting paid them oII in terms oI a huge savings oI more than 500,000$ earning Iinancially
when the turnover was reduced to 18. The innovative process oI adopted inIormal recruiting
was success Ior both Castilla and Am Trust Bank. The planning oI recruiting was completely
delegated to the employees having the reIerral cards to bring the capable human resource to the
The case study # 5 oI Evans and Sutherlands, brought about another innovative staIIing method.
They introduced the employer branding technique and gained popularity enough that brought
them an award Ior this. This new way oI recruiting was planned and a complementary set oI
work place values. This was a completely Iormal recruiting that gained the golden remarks oI
JeII; the Iounder oI, 'One oI things you Iind in companies is that once a culture is
Iormed it takes nuclear weapon to change it. This technique leIt a very positive impact on the
overall human resource. Their positive culture can serve as brand Ior a company and can be used
to recruit culture-Iit personalities by saving cost oI advertisements and outsourcing. The
recruiting costs were saved which could have been paid to the recruiting agency otherwise. This
case helps to analyze a great diIIerence between tradition external sources and employee
branding which Iocuses on second objective oI dissertation. This new way oI recruiting soon
received the attention oI other companies. The employment branding has a positive inIluence in
reducing turnover rate as the number oI volunteers is high. Thus it helps in producing dedicated
employees which give boost to proIit. So it covers all objectives oI dissertation. This was a
positive innovative contributing technique in the Iield oI human resource management. This
technique was an award winning technique.
The case study # 6 oI Indian Ordinance Iactory Badmal at Orissa, devised a new way oI testing
the capabilities oI their potential nurses. It demonstrated a blend oI testing techniques to test the
candidates applying Ior nursing staII. This new blend was a mix oI hurdle and compensatory
model oI selection. The multiple tests were conducted separately, so the assessment methods
were directly related to costs. Wrong assessment can lose good candidate or can lead to wrong
decision oI selection. But this contingency was planned to be removed by careIul weighing and
devising a speciIic capability observing test. Test and interviews must not be time consuming as
it brings loss oI productivity. The case meets the Iirst and third objective oI dissertation but as it
has been divided into long processes oI testing so it is quite time consuming method. The overall
impact oI this hybrid way oI selecting employees was very positive. The nurses that were
selected were competent in their job scope. They had the core competence that was expected oI
them. This innovative combination oI tests was revolutionary Ior the human resource
Doing comparison among the case studies, it is obvious that the recruitment and selection oI new
employees has not remain as traditional as it used to be.
All oI these cases, brought a great deal oI contribution to the human resource management. As
the innovation once done became the replicated practice by the Iollower companies. The
practices were improved, the human resource became competent, and the clear job scopes were
discovered and the results were dramatically outstanding. All oI these innovative methods oI
recruiting and selection were signiIying the planning process Ior the career oI the employees.
Their motivation level was the Iirst thing to target to improve their productivity. This is how they
were able to gather the expected and more than expected return on investment. Many companies
had to Iocus oI their human resource just like Marks & Spencer`s had to do so to decrease their
level oI turnover oI employees.
These new methods oI recruitment are helping in the growth oI the human resource management.
The impacts oI these methods are meant to be positive. II a method is giving negative impact, it
will not be able to make the human resource productive. The prime goal oI achieving the greatest
market share and increase proIitability should be kept in mind beIore devising and implementing
a revolutionary method. The impression oI the business in the market is very precious. So, the
new strategies oI human resource should be well planned because aIter all the whole
organization has to undergo a change.
This thesis helped in the understanding oI the human resource concepts and was able to open
new windows oI ideas. By the end oI this dissertation, it is easy to give new advises Ior the new
methods oI recruiting and selection. To meet the objective oI this dissertation, there are certainly
a Iew steps to improve the recruiters who play the main game in selection and recruitment. The
aim oI the literature review is that Recruiters must well know about business strategy and
demands Ior human capital. In the end, the human resource strategies need to be revolutionized
and embedded with new techniques. There are some suggestions that came along aIter the
intensive research in this topic. These suggestions are as Iollows:
O Human resource experts who plan staIIing, require detailed assessment and evaluation oI
present and Iuture needs oI the organization be compared with present resources and
Iuture predicted resources.
O The needs oI the employees are also the part oI this plan, the Iinal solution plan should be
beneIicial Ior both the employees and the company. Thus, the proper planning oI the
entire recruitment and selection process is a key to the success.
O Job speciIications and job description should be clearly Iormulated.
O BeIore implementing any method, the level oI employees willingness to adopt should be
O The methods like reIerral cards giving a chance to employees to reIer a potential human
capital to the organization must be done aIter the complete analysis oI the new comer to
Iilter his skills and qualiIication.
O Human resource managers should devise a method that identiIies the competence needed
in present as well as in Iuture with same post. The competitive employee is the asset as he
can grow in his skills with time and demand.
O According to their needs they must enhance candidate sourcing channels to e-recruiting
O An innovative method should be given a chance, though slowly but analytically.
O Employee reIerrals are good to adopt Ior cost cutting.
O BeIore implementing a devised method, the perIormance standards should be made to
testiIy the success oI the method.
O The versatility oI a method is very essential just like the employer branding concept. This
technique is creating promotion and goodwill as well as eIIective human resource
practice at the same time.
O The E-recruitment systems should be able to Iilter the potential candidates to keep it as
cost eIIective as possible.
O Employer branding can be eIIectively used according to the nature oI the business.
O They should be a part oI large global recruitment programs arranged.
O Recruitment planning must be given highest priority and managers should be given
statistical modeling tools to identiIy the turnover trends.
O The hybrid strategies oI structured and unstructured interviews techniques must be used
intelligently to select best employees.
O The compatibility with the workplace environment and demographics should be kept in
mind beIore implementing a new way oI
O Testing methods must be used according to the needs.
O Need oI proper Irame work in Assessment oI candidates.
O StaIIing should be easy to do concept and not be scary Ior the new entrants in the
O The industry is a highly dynamic workplace. The human resource manager has to keep
the broader dimensions in mind. The workplace is not limited to the oIIice or the
company, the human resources although some oI them are directly interacting with other
organizations. So new trends should be observed and worked on.
These suggestions are Ior all oI the organizations. There is no short cut to experience but the
careIul experience always pays oII. Keeping these things in mind, the human resource manager
will be able to create new ways oI making his work interesting and eIIective. The right person
deserves to be in the right place and the employee holds the integral position in the organization.
This thesis broadens the view oI the human resource practices. The role oI the human resource
management is so signiIicant and clear. Without the proper planning and managing oI the
employees, the Iinancial status oI the business remains at stake. This overall process happens
when the employees working in the organization are unable to meet the requirements oI their job.
With their poor work perIormance, the productivity oI the business remains at a critical position.
The employees work in the wrong dimension and wrong outcomes are resultant oI their work.
The productivity oI the business is transparent with the proIitable condition oI the business.
The right human resource is the need oI the organization. Putting the incompetent employee in a
highly demanding and challenging post resulted in inaccurate work. The inaccuracies and
erroneousness oI the work are ultimately getting the money out oI the pockets oI the
organization. The expenses exceed the proIits and the business spirals down to the ground.
Organizations are the collection oI the human resource and the work done by them. Their
importance to the success oI the business is very clear.
The human resource manger has to assess the needs oI the potential candidate Ior the recruitment
process. The whole process oI devising the proper plan Ior pre-recruiting and recruiting is very
extensive. The innovative processes that are a trend in many organizations are helping all oI
these organizations mentioned in the case study. The case studies revealed that human resource
management playing integral role in the success oI the company. The return on investments are
expected higher.
The employer brand, the reIerral cards revolutionized the human resource practice oI recruiting
the employees. These methods reduced the turnover oI employees which means that the
employees became more committed and Iound their jobs interesting. These awards wining
techniques were cost eIIective and less time taking.
No matter how advanced the technology is or the changing trends are there, the human resource
always needs assessment oI needs, practices and optimum utilization oI their capabilities. The
technology helped in creating the triggered innovation by introducing the e-systems oI recruiting
the candidates economically.
It is not necessary Ior the recruitment to be done Iormally. The inIormal methods oI recruiting
like reIerral cards were as much incentive giving and beneIicial as the Iormal recruiting methods
have been traditionally. It is not a must Ior recruiting to be strictly Iormal anymore. When the
inIormal way oI attracting candidates is suiting the current circumstance oI the organization then,
the traditional methods may not be helpIul.
In order to keep the budget Irom over spending on the recruitment and selection, they innovated
the methods that are cost eIIective, less time taking and beneIicial Ior the long run. The new
ways oI recruitment are not the only recruitment but also the whole combination oI goodwill,
innovative ways oI working, raising morale, and giving a bounce reach the actualization oI
There is no Iormula Ior recruitment. Every organization`s needs are diIIerent so a compatible
selection method will only be beneIicial. The new methods oI devising the hybrid tests are
eIIective Ior the selection oI diverse candidates at diIIerent departments. There is no standard
way oI judging the capabilities oI diverse potential personnel.
All oI these ways oI recruiting and selection show that there is room more development oI these
practices. These practices have been increasing the proIits oI the businesses and have help
grabbing larger market share. This is the ultimate goal oI every business.
The case study #3 was intelligently blending the internal and external way oI recruiting. By
internal sourcing their human resource was supposed to achieve the actualization oI most oI their
human resource. The actualization results in loyalty and commitment oI the employees. The job
satisIaction is achieved and thus perIormance oI the employees raised. The job satisIaction,
commitment and good perIormance are directly proportional to the good human resource
practices. This case perIormed the human resource management so versatile way that the
promotion oI employees was done, their being taking care is being done by recruiting their own
staII into the bigger posts. This caused their employees to get incentive to work loyally and
harder than expected. The motivation oI the employees in all oI these case studies, was improved
by paying more attention to their job needs and recruiting them with properly selecting them.
This is now clear that the proIitability oI the company is greatly aIIected by the crucial process
oI recruitment and selection. The well processes practices these are, the better perIormance and
thus, productivity is observed. The good human resource practices are serving as the core
competence in the understudy organizations. The competitive advantage was a mere product oI
these IruitIul eIIorts in the right time.
The streamlined eIIorts oI the employees exploiting their core competencies according to the
strengths oI the organization are helping every selected organization to make a better market
share. AIter observing these cases studies, it was obvious that all oI these companies showed less
turnover and greater proIit only by careIully doing the economical recruiting.
The competent employees selection through the hybrid tests, are reliable source oI judging the
candidates actual qualiIication. This removes the legal concerns oI racial prejudices. These new
ways devised to recruit and then select their potential employees is not limited to these practices
but the other practices oI human resource management are also covering them simultaneously.
The overall expectation has cast the positive inIluence on all oI the selected case study
companies` human resource. The Iormulated blend oI diIIerent types oI recruitment and selection
methods served as a package oI success. Their Iame turned these packages as those organizations
good will products. The brand employer has taken the place oI a good human resource package.
The reIerral cards are good tools oI human resource management. These practices are so
successIul and proved through awards wining. Their popularity is increasing and evident through
the remarks oI the CEO`s or diIIerent large companies in the management journals.
Devising a good method is not all. It has been proved through these case studies that their
eIIective implementation caused the success and increase proIitability. The Sahara West adopted
these new ways oI recruitment Ior selecting employees Ior diIIerent departments and was able to
grab its market share in the markets or middle east and USA. The proIitability oI this
organization is obvious through their wide spread business in multiple countries.
This becomes clear that practices to recruit right person Ior right job Ior sure enhances
proIitability. To reduce the time and expenses oI recruitment and selection process, traditional
and nontraditional recruitment techniques help. InIluence oI human resource recruitment
practices on revenue is clear. As Iar as there is positive contribution to the society, these methods
are socially and organizationally acceptable.
Thus, it has now been proved that the human resource practices oI recruitment and selection cast
a positive inIluence on the organization economically, Iinancially, and environmentally. The
human resource is the proved human capital and need oI the organization. The role oI the human
resource management is clear in the achievement oI the goals oI the organization. The better the
human resource practices are the better is the perIormance oI the employees. The prime goals are
speedily achieved. All oI these examples prove that human resource planning, recruiting and
selection oI appropriate potential employee are playing the key roles in the human resource
management and ultimately Ior the organization goals. Thus, there is a positive impact oI human
resource practices on the organization.

The human resource management is not ignorable anymore. There are some recommendations
that have resulted through the deep research oI human resource management roles and practices.
The organizations should pay considerable attention to their human resource because they hold
the integral part oI the organization. Their development is as essential as the proIits are to the
sustainability to the organization. Some oI recommendations are as Iollows:
O A well weighed recruitment is always appreciable and recommended.
O The recruitment should not be done blindly by choosing one method and implementing.
The wise way oI dealing with the new job vacancies Iilling is to Iind the right way oI
getting the employees who will work according to this exact speciIications. The hybrid
recruitment techniques should be compatible with the job description.
O The human resource managers should keep their eIIorts high Ior devising the best way oI
dealing with a unique recruitment and selection method.
O The potential candidates should be judged on some pre determined standards that are
speciIic to the way oI recruiting them.
O The human resource manager must not be addicted to one way oI recruiting. DiIIerent
ways oI recruiting and selection should be done as per the nature oI the job vacant.
O The market search always the good ways oI dealing with the upcoming challenges. The
human resource manager must also keep the current employees involved in getting him
the ideas Ior new methods oI recruitment.
O The ideas can be gathered Irom the students oI human resource management. The human
resource mangers should get the appropriate number oI internees and test their
capabilities by giving them a challenge to devise a good way oI recruiting through putting
them through a situation, just like the simulation method oI learning.
O Giving a try to a non human resource management technique may be useIul in certain
cases. The only concern should be to keep it economical.
O The human resource manager should implement a strategy oI recruiting and selecting
potential employees.
O The problems oI the current employees should be reviewed to create the job
speciIications oI the employees.
O The succession planning oI every employee should be done by both the employee himselI
and the human resource manager.
O The new ways oI human resource practices should be perIormed. The attractive packages
should be oIIered to the candidates to create a goodwill in the market.
O The Sahara West should employ new ways oI recruiting to keep their budget in control.
O The distributed nature oI the business oI Sahara West should employ a diIIerent regional
human resource manager who should be in charge oI market research and devising a
good combination oI human resource practices.
O The human resource manager should be diplomatic in using the hybrid practice. He
should motivate people to introduce the valuable human capital to the organization.
O The internal sourcing oI employees targeting the actualization oI the employees is one
very intelligent way oI recruiting. The human resource managers should practice it very
oIten Ior the middle managers and top managers posts.
O The human resource manager should choose the recruiting method with versatile beneIits
to the organization as well as the potential employee himselI.
O The reIerrals are very commonly practiced, but the reIerrals and any other candidate
should be given equal employment opportunity to compete with each other.
O The human resource selected must be able to add value to the organization as well as the
organizational culture. The mutation oI the capabilities oI employees should be done to
discover their core competence.
O Just like the reIerral way oI recruiting is done, the human resource manager should
encourage their employees to perIorm better to be able to be promoted.
O The human resource should be dynamically acclimatizing.
O The human resource manager should keep experimenting with making the best
combination oI practices.
O Testing oI the employees should be done in a unique way iI tests are required. The
economical solution is to conduct a test one day by collecting many candidates on one
O The human resource managers should be attending the human resource managers
conIerences and keep them updated with the latest trends oI human resource
O The new ways oI recruiting is eIIective and economical. So the human resource manager
should keep Iinding the new hybrid or the diIIerent way oI practicing the tradition way oI

These recommendations are speciIically done in context oI the case studies. The human
resource managers are wise enough to know which strategy to implement and Iollow.

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