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Activity 8

The critical issue Jones faces with project scheduling as the company has expanded and

started using multi-project software. This problem has resulted in costly resource misallocations

and must be resolved before considering expansion into the truck power train business. Jones

should consider several criteria to tackle this problem. First, he should prioritize project

importance and complexity. Identifying the critical projects that significantly contribute to the

company's success is essential. By analyzing project complexity and resource requirements, he

can match them with the skill sets of available engineers. This involves assessing the technical

expertise needed for each project and aligning the right engineers with the appropriate projects

(Apaolaza & Lizarralde, 2020). Claude should ensure that vital projects receive the best

resources while less critical projects are staffed accordingly.

Second, Claude needs to evaluate the skills and experience of his engineers. It is crucial

to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the team members. Matching engineers to projects

based on their expertise and familiarity with specific technologies is essential. This way, the

company can optimize its workforce by assigning engineers where they can provide the most

value (Apaolaza & Lizarralde, 2020. Additionally, considering engineers' career aspirations and

development opportunities is vital for employee satisfaction and retention.

Furthermore, Claude should examine the workload and availability of engineers.

Understanding each engineer's current commitments and capacity is necessary to avoid

overburdening or underutilizing them. Project managers can make informed decisions when

assigning resources by implementing a transparent system to track engineer availability. This

will help prevent project delays and ensure a balanced workload for engineers.

Finally, customization of the scheduling software should be explored. As Kjersem (2020)

reiterates, while the software vendor suggests that their system can be tailored to meet PT's

needs, a collaborative effort is required to define specific criteria for scheduling engineers for

projects. This customization may involve creating unique heuristics that consider the company's

unique requirements, such as project priorities, resource availability, and technical expertise.

Collaborating with the software vendor, Lauren can be beneficial in implementing these changes


In determining the sequence for selecting and assigning people to projects at Power

Train, Ltd., a systematic approach should be adopted to ensure that the right individuals are

matched with the suitable projects. First and foremost, the selection and assignment process

should begin with carefully evaluating the project's technical and skill requirements (Kjersem,

2020). The company should develop a comprehensive skills database that profiles each

engineer's expertise, experiences, and specialization areas. By identifying the specific skill sets

required for a given project, the team can then proceed to match these requirements with the

engineers who possess the necessary skills. This approach ensures that projects are staffed with

individuals with the technical competence to execute effectively.

Next, the project's priority and strategic importance should be considered. According to

Kjersem (2020), projects with higher strategic significance or those linked to major clients

should take precedence. Assigning the most skilled engineers to critical projects ensures that the

company's strategic goals are met efficiently and that potential risks or mistakes are minimized in

these high-priority endeavors. This sequencing approach prioritizes strategic alignment and helps

achieve optimal resource allocation.


By following this sequence, Power Train can optimize its project staffing process by

aligning skills with project requirements and ensuring that strategically important projects

receive the attention and expertise they deserve. This approach will minimize costly

misassignments and enhance overall project efficiency and effectiveness, ultimately supporting

the company's growth and expansion plans.



Apaolaza, U., & Lizarralde, A. (2020). Managing multiple projects in uncertain contexts: A case

study on the application of a new approach based on the critical chain method.

Sustainability, 12(15), 5999.

Kjersem, K. (2020). Contributing to Resolving a Project Planning Paradox in ETO: From plan to


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