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Week 8 Assignment BI


Question 1

Analytics can be seen as dehumanizing managerial activities by some because they can

reduce decision-making to purely quantitative data, potentially overlooking the nuanced human

aspects of management. When managers rely heavily on analytics, there is a risk of neglecting

the soft skills, intuition, and empathy essential in leadership (Hu, 2020). This over-reliance on

data-driven decisions may lead to a lack of personal interaction and understanding of employees'

needs, causing a disconnect in the workplace. Additionally, if managers prioritize data over

human judgment, it can foster a culture of micromanagement and reduce employee autonomy,

which can demotivate and hinder creativity.

Conversely, others argue that analytics do not dehumanize managerial activities but

rather enhance them. Analytics can provide valuable insights that help managers make more

informed decisions, optimize processes, and allocate resources effectively. By reducing

guesswork and bias, analytics can lead to fairer and more equitable management practices.

Moreover, data-driven decisions can improve communication by providing transparent, objective

benchmarks for performance evaluation and goal-setting (Hu, 2019). Managers can still apply

their human judgment and interpersonal skills in interpreting data and implementing strategies

that benefit both the organization and its employees. In this view, analytics can complement

rather than replace the human elements of managerial activities, leading to better overall


Question 3

Major privacy concerns in employing intelligent systems on mobile data include the risk

of unauthorized access and data breaches, the potential misuse of personal information by apps

and services, and the tracking of user behavior without consent. According to Sharda et al.

(2019), intelligent systems often require access to a wide range of user data, raising questions

about data security and user consent. Additionally, the gathering and analysis of sensitive

personal information can lead to privacy infringements if not managed transparently and

responsibly, with the risk of sensitive data falling into the wrong hands or being used for

unethical purposes. Users must be vigilant, and organizations must implement strong data

protection measures to mitigate these concerns.

Question 4

Concerns about data science as a profession have developed dramatically in the aftermath

of recent privacy violations. For example, the 2018 Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal

revealed the unauthorized acquisition of personal data from millions of Facebook users, resulting

in the targeting of political advertisements and manipulation of public opinion. This incident

created a global privacy debate and lowered trust in data-driven services (Hu, 2020). Similarly,

the Google location-tracking controversy revealed that the company continued collecting

location data from customers even after explicitly stopping location services, resulting in privacy

litigation and public outcry.

These cases have had a significant impact on the field of data science. They have

highlighted the ethical and legal duties that data scientists carry in terms of data privacy, leading

to stronger rules such as the GDPR in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act in the

United States. Data scientists are currently under growing scrutiny and pressure to manage data

ethically and transparently and emphasize user privacy and data security in their work (Hu,

2020). This is to mandate some change toward more ethical and privacy-aware data science


Exercise 2

Intelligent systems have greatly impacted numerous aspects of modern business,

encouraging empowerment, mass customization, and collaboration. For example, intelligent

systems in the workplace can give employees increased decision-making and problem-solving

skills in the context of empowerment. Sharda et al. (2019) reiterate that these artificial

intelligence-powered devices can analyze massive volumes of data to provide significant

insights, allowing employees to make better-educated decisions. Due to this empowerment,

individuals are better equipped to respond to dynamic conditions and contribute effectively to the

organization's success.

Intelligent systems have transformed industries like manufacturing and e-commerce in

the field of mass customization. These systems use machine learning and data-driven algorithms

to comprehend each customer's unique tastes and behaviors. Consequently, businesses can

provide customized services and product recommendations based on client's unique requirements

and preferences (Sharda et al., 2019). This degree of personalization raises client engagement,

loyalty, and satisfaction. Intelligent manufacturing systems make it possible to produce

customized goods quickly and effectively. They also allow production lines to be adjusted to

meet specific customer requests while still being economically viable.

Furthermore, intelligent systems can help team members collaborate and coordinate by

promoting teamwork. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used by project management software and

communication platforms to automate repetitive operations, improve workflows, and give real-

time project progress insights. This increases the team's productivity as a whole and frees team

members to concentrate on more strategic and creative areas of their work since the systems take

care of administrative and repetitive tasks (Sharda et al., 2019). Furthermore, data-driven insights

from intelligent systems can help teams collaborate across functional boundaries and better

coordinate their efforts toward shared objectives.



Hu, M. (2020). Cambridge Analytica's black box. Big Data & Society, 7(2), 2053951720938091.

Sharda, R., Delen, D., & Turban, E. (2019). Business intelligence, analytics, and data science: A

managerial perspective

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