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The Apocryphal Books in the New Testament

The Apocrypha books of the New Testament are very varied, and are distributed in four
categories: gospels, historical, epistles and apocalyptic. All of them were discarded
because of their lack of apostolic authorship, and their contrariness in their writings.

Apocryphal or extracanonical Gospels is the name given to writings that emerged in the
first centuries of Christianity around the figure of Jesus of Nazareth that were not later
included in the canon of the Catholic Church , nor were they accepted by other historical
Christian Churches ( Church Orthodox , Anglican Communion and Protestant Churches).
Among those writings are the Nag Hammadi Manuscripts. Among the many existing ones
we can mention:
• Gospel of Philip
• Gospel of Thomas
• Gospel of Marcion
• Gospel of Mary Magdalene
• Gospel of Judas
• Apocryphal Gospel of John
• Gospel of Valentine or Gospel of Truth
• Gospel of the Egyptians
• The gospel according to the Hebrews (65-100 AD)


• Epistle of Pseudo Bernavé (70-79 BC)
• Epistle to the Corinthians (96 AD)
• Epistle to the Laodiceans (IV century) Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians (108 AD)
• The Seven Epistles of Ignatius (100 AD).
• Ancient homily, or the so-called ancient Epistle of Clement (120-140 AD)

• Apocalypse of Peter (150 AD)
• Apocalypse of Paul

• Pastor Hermas
• Didache, teaching of the Twelve (100-120 AD)
• Gospel of the Ebionites
• Gospel of Barnabas
• Gospel of Tatian
• Gospel of the Nazarenes
• Gospel of Ammonius
In the 19th century, in-depth studies began on these texts. "Apocryphal" writings were
found from the year 300 BC. C. to the New Testament, which provided researchers with a
great wealth of historical sources, as well as divergent positions on topics such as
immortality and resurrection, and the belief in them throughout the centuries, always from
an eschatological point of view.

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