Athletics Project

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RAFTS - El Oro - Ecuador

1. Theme............................................................................................................................................3
Athletics for the development of basic skills of children and young people in the Balsas Canton. 3
2. Problem under study either...........................................................................................................3
Identify in children and young people through athletics how to develop basic skills such as
resistance, coordination, balance, among others?.............................................................................3
3. Objectives.......................................................................................................................................3
3.1 General Objective.....................................................................................................................3
3.2 specific objectives....................................................................................................................3
 Describe how athletics intervenes in the physical and cognitive part....................................3
4. Introduction...................................................................................................................................4
5. Development..................................................................................................................................5
Athletics classification....................................................................................................................5
fartlek method.............................................................................................................................12
. Budget and financing......................................................................................................................13
The work schedule in the athletics discipline is from Monday to Friday, three hours a day from
01:00 – 03:00, one hour per session. The course has unlimited space and will be divided by age
into three groups. In addition, the course will be taught at the Balsas Canton Coliseum................14
GROUP 1...........................................................................................................................................14
GROUP 2...........................................................................................................................................14
GROUP 3...........................................................................................................................................14
7 to 10 years.....................................................................................................................................14
11 to 14 years...................................................................................................................................14
15 to 17 years...................................................................................................................................14
01h00 – 02h00.................................................................................................................................14
02h00 – 03h00.................................................................................................................................14
03h00 – 04h00.................................................................................................................................14
Athletics activity schedule................................................................................................................14
1. Theme
Athletics for the development of basic skills of children and young people in the Balsas

2. Problem under study either

Identify in children and young people through athletics how to develop basic skills such as
resistance, coordination, balance, among others?

3. Objectives
3.1 General Objective
Determine the impact of athletics on the basic skills of children or young people in the
Balsas Canton for the sports development of your society.

3.2 specific objectives

 Describe how athletics intervenes in the physical and cognitive part
 Encourage the performance of athletics to help the sports development of the
 Evaluate children or young people on the ability to perform athletics

4. Introduction
Athletics is the mother sport since it is the basis of any other sporting discipline because for
every sport our physical resistance and speed depend, that is what conditions us to be the
best and deliver our 100% capacity. That is why this project has been organized in a
scientific analysis in the same way qualitative and quantitative methods are applied.

Based on the above considerations, the general objective is to determine the impact of
athletics on the basic skills of children or young people in the Balsas Canton for the
development of our society. Likewise, the specific objectives are derived, which are to
describe how athletics intervenes in the physical and cognitive part. Encourage the
performance of athletics to help sports development and finally evaluate children and
young people on their ability to perform athletics.

The Municipal GAD of the Balsas Canton, taking advantage of the vacation time of
children and young people, promotes and encourages them to carry out this sporting
discipline such as athletics, knowing that it is the base or mother of all sports. In addition, it
will be carried out in a scientific way within a teaching process from its basic and technical
foundations of races and classification as a track test, among them we have those of speed
and endurance: middle distance, long distance, relays.

This project is aimed at offering alternatives to improve the well-being of children and
young people in our Canton. Promoting physical activity and health through athletics,
discovering future promises in this sport, whether in speed, middle distance and distance.

5. Development
Athletics is considered the oldest organized sport in the world. It covers numerous
disciplines grouped into races, jumping, throwing and combined tests.

The word athletics comes from the Greek word atletes, which is defined as "that person
who competes in a given event for a prize", noting that said Greek word is related to the
word aethos, which is synonymous with the word "effort." .

Athletics is the art of surpassing the performance of opponents in speed or endurance, also
called distance, in distance or in greater height. The number of tests, and the types, whether
individual or in groups, has varied over time. Athletics is one of the few sports practiced
worldwide, either among amateurs or in competitions of all levels. The simplicity and few
means necessary for its practice explain this success.

Athletics classification
Races within athletics are classified into:

Speed races

This is what the shorter races are called in athletics and consist of running a predetermined
distance as fast as possible: 60, 100, 200 or 400 meters.

100 meter dash or 100 meter dash

It consists of a race in which you have to travel one hundred meters, free of all obstacles, as
quickly as possible.

200 meter dash or 200 meter dash.

They are a speed test of current athletics that begins at the curve of the track immediately
before the finish line, which implies that the athletes are not positioned at the start at the
same height, since otherwise the runners located further outwards they would travel a
greater distance.

400 meter dash or 400 meter dash.

They are a sustained speed test of current athletics in which the athletes run along each of
the streets into which the track is divided, a circumstance that implies that at the start the
runners are not placed at the same height in order to prevent the others from The exterior
streets cover more meters than the interior streets.

Middle distance or middle distance races.

They are a type of athletics event, which consists of running distances ranging from 800
meters to 3000 meters, with only the 800 and 1500 m being official in the Olympic Games.
Due to its distance ratio (the 800 almost doubles the 1,500)

800 meter dash or 800 meter dash.

It is a medium-distance test of current athletics in which each athlete runs along their
respective lane during the first 110 meters, moving from that moment on to the so-called
“free lane” normally composed of lanes 1 and 2 of the track.

Long distance or cross-country races.

They are a type of athletics event, which consists of running distances ranging from 5,000
m to 42 km that are contested in the marathon event. In the Olympic Games there are only
three events, the 5,000 m, the 10,000 m and the marathon, although at a popular level
distances as varied as the two leagues (approximately 12,000 m), the fifteen kilometers, the
half marathon (21,097 m) are run. ), or the 30 km.

5000 flat meters or 5000 flat meters.

They are a background test of current athletics that in the current format debuted, in its
male form, in the Olympic Games held in 1912 in Stockholm while, in its female form,
they were not part of the Olympic program until the Games held in 1996 in Atlanta.

10,000 flat meters or 10,000 flat meters.

They are a basic proof of current athletics that in the current format debuted, in its male
form, in the Olympic Games held in 1912 in Stockholm while, in its female form, they
were not part of the Olympic program until the Games held in 1984 in Seoul.

Relay or relay races.

They are tests for four-member teams in which one runner runs a certain distance, then
passes a rigid tube called a witness to the next runner, and so on until the race distance is

completed. The passing of the baton must be carried out within a certain area 20 meters
long and without it falling to the ground.

Reasons for disqualification.

1 - Receive the token outside the “transfer zone”

2 - If any component of the equipment is driven at the start or assisted by any other means.

3 - Competitors, before receiving and/or after they have transferred the baton, will remain
in their respective streets or areas until the track is clear, to avoid obstruction of other
participants. If a competitor, when leaving his place or lane at the end of a relay,
intentionally obstructs a member of another team, his team will be disqualified.

4 - If the receiver starts running before the person.

The witness

A tube called a "witness" is passed from the first runner to the second and so on. The relay
indicator is smooth and hollow, about 12 mm. Diameter and 30 cm. of length. It can be
made of wood, metal or plastic and weighs only 50 grams. They are generally brightly
colored to make them easier to see .

4x100 .

One of the most exciting speed tests are the relays. They are often the highlight of
important competitions such as the Olympic Games and are generally the last events to be
held. Unlike many other athletic events, relays are team events in which four runners each
run a part, called a leg or relay, of the total distance.

Each team member is chosen for their characteristics. The fastest runner runs first, the
strongest runners run second and last, and the best cornering runner runs third.


It is very similar to the 4x100. Each runner makes a complete lap of the track, at which
point he passes the baton to the next teammate.

The basic difference with the 4x100 race is that there is no "Person" . The athlete who is
going to receive the baton must accelerate in the same transfer zone.

3000 m. Obstacles.

The obstacle course is a 3000 meter race in which competitors have to pass 28 obstacles
and 7 water jumps. Below we show you the competition area.

The dry obstacles have a height of 91.4 cm. and a width of 396.24 cm.

The waterfalls have a length of 356.76 cm. and a maximum depth of 69.85 cm.

Competitors must jump over, step on, or use one hand to clear obstacles.


Walking races are typically held over courses ranging from 1500m to 50km and are mainly
popular in Europe and China. The fundamental rule of this type of run is that the heel of the
front foot must remain in contact with the ground until the toe of the back foot stops
making contact with the same foot.

Methodology for the race

 Give a general conception of the type of career. Despite the similarities of several of
the actions carried out in the different types of careers, the student must have
information on the particularities of each of them. This distinction allows you,
within the general conception, to define the essence of the differences that
correspond to the type of career in question.
 Teach straight and curved runs. This part of the teaching methodology that includes
both types is the one that consumes the most time in the execution of the movement.
However, it is necessary to distinguish the differences between them due to the
participation of different principles in their implementation. In the curved race,
different types of forces operate in the various sections. In curved sections,
centrifugal forces tend to orient the movement in a straight direction, tangential to
the trajectory as long as the curve persists. In straight sections this force loses its
action. On the other hand, in straight races the centripetal force does not affect the

movement and only the braking action carried out by the track acts, expressed in the
form of friction.
 Teach the start and run the first steps. The snatch, as a technical element, must be
taught together with the teaching of the first steps because it is part of the initial
execution of the modality, responds to the sequential order of execution and to
avoid sudden changes (braking) as causes of muscular accidents.
 Use different ways to complete the race. The ways to finish the races are normal,
chest and shoulder but all of them in the support phase. The culmination should not
be carried out in the flight phase because this is the cause of possible accidents.
 Evaluate and control, although methodologically this sequence appears described in
a posterior position in the teaching-learning process, these actions must be present
in each of the previous ones. Compliance with these elements ensures the
monitoring of the assimilation of skills, the dosage of the time necessary for each of
them and the characterization of individual development for differentiated work.

Training methods

It is characterized by the application of an interrupted load, that is, without pauses or rest
periods during work. The duration of work is usually long and the training effect is
primarily based on this, during which physiological adaptations are constantly generated.

Extensive continuous method:

 Intensity: low or medium, represents work at a regenerative or subaerobic level (50

- 70% Vo2 max.)
 volume: high (30' to 2 hours)

Intensive continuous method:

 Intensity: medium high, represents work at a subaerobic and superaerobic level (70
- 80% Vo2 max.)
 Volume: medium to medium high (30' to 90').

fartlek method
Fartlek (speed game in Swedish) is a training system that consists of doing various
exercises, both aerobic and anaerobic , mainly running exercises, characterized by changes
of pace performed at intervals.

The fartlek was developed by the Swedish trainer Gösse Holmér and was subsequently
adopted by many physiologists . Of the many varieties that are practiced, one of the most
popular is the Polish fartlek, a type of fartlek developed in Poland by Jan Mulak and other
trainers, being a more systematized system in which time is divided into 4 phases: warm-
up, series on short distances, long distance series and recovery.


 The heart rate range depends on the training goals.

 The volume of work does not have to be excessive since that would lead to a
deterioration in quality, which is why it is recommended that the duration does not
exceed one hour although specialties vary the duration:
 Background (1h)
 Medium long bottom (45'-60')
 Short mid-distance (30'-40')
 Speed (20'-30')
 It consists of a continuous running exercise that alternates periods of slow pace with
shorter periods of fast pace. 3
 Example of a 20-minute fartlek exercise (the exercise must be performed modulating
the speed, without pauses between sets):
 4 minutes at 60% of the athlete's aerobic capacity
 1 minute at 80% of the athlete's aerobic capacity
 4 minutes at 60% of the athlete's aerobic capacity
 1 minute at 80% of the athlete's aerobic capacity
 4 minutes at 60% of the athlete's aerobic capacity
 1 minute at 80% of the athlete's aerobic capacity

 5 minutes at 60% of the athlete's aerobic capacity

. Budget and financing

In order to execute the proposal for this project, a total of $500.00 plus VAT will be
invested. The financing will be managed by the Gad. Municipal of Cantón Balsas through
its corresponding department, who will cover the total cost. And the teaching material that
will be used in it will be delivered, such as: fences, stopwatch, cones and saucers which
will be provided by the Cantonal Balsas Sports League.

The work schedule in the athletics discipline is from Monday to Friday, three hours a
day from 01:00 – 03:00, one hour per session. The course has unlimited space and will
be divided by age into three groups. In addition, the course will be taught at the
Balsas Canton Coliseum.


7 to 10 years 11 to 14 years 15 to 17 years

01h00 – 02h00 02h00 – 03h00 03h00 – 04h00

Athletics activity schedule


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10
min . min. min. min. min.
Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating;
Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and
muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation.

Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m
Familiarization Explanation of Explanation of Proper Arm Swing Resistance or
with the different speed track tests: race technique Exercises and aerobic exercises,

tests of the 100, 200 and 400 Anaerobic Walking recreational games
athletics meters exercises Technique according to the
discipline speed exercises sport
Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15
min. min. min. min. min.
Motivational talk Motivational talk Return to calm Talk regarding Talk regarding
and technical talk sports, recovery sports, recovery
exercises exercises

WEEK #2.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10
min . min. min. min. min.
Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating;
Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and
muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation.

Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m
Running exercises Explanation of the Exercises with Aerobic training
Resistance or
with correct middle distance continuous exercises aerobic exercises,
technique and track test of 800 extensive and recreational games
swing of the arms and 1500 meters intensive methods according to the
Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15
min. min. min. min. min.
Motivational talk Motivational talk Return to calm Talk regarding Talk regarding
and technical talk sports, recovery sports, recovery
exercises exercises

WEEK #3.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10
min . min. min. min. min.
Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating;
Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and
muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation.

Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m
Running exercises Explanation of the Exercises with Exercises with Polymetric
with correctlong distance track fartlek methods continuous running jumping and multi-
technique andtest distance of Short kick methods jumping exercises,
swing of the arms 5000 and 10000 exercises. recreational games competition games
Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15
min. min. min. min. min.
Motivational talk Motivational talk Return to calm Talk regarding Talk regarding
and technical talk sports, recovery discipline, recovery
exercises exercises

WEEK #4.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10
min . min. min. min. min.
Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating;
Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and
muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation.

Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m
Main phase: 35m
Explanation of Explanation of the Strength exercises Javelin throwing
field tests javelin for the upper body exercises jumping and multi-
Javelin, bullet and measurement and Throwing Exercises for the
jump exercises for
discus weight exercises proper position for
Exercises for throwing the
Exercises to
proper position javelin improve javelin
throwing technique
Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15
min. min. min. min. min.
Motivational talk Motivational talk Return to calm Talk regarding Talk regarding
and technical talk sports, recovery discipline, recovery
exercises exercises

WEEK# 5.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10
min . min. min. min. min.
Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating;
Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and
muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation.

Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m
Explanation of Strength exercises
Jumping and Exercises on Strength exercises
field tests for the upper and
multi-jumping proper shot put for the upper and
Bullet lower body exercises technique, lower body
Speed exercises
Exercises for Saucer speed drills,
with cymbals proper body throwing
position for shot competitions
Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15
min. min. min. min. min.
Motivational talk Motivational talk Return to calm Talk regarding Talk regarding
and technical talk sports, recovery discipline, recovery
exercises exercises

WEEK #6.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10 Initial phase: 10
min . min. min. min. min.
Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating; Heating;
Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and Moving joints and
muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation muscle elongation.

Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m Main phase: 35m
Explanation of Strength exercises
Jumping and Anaerobic Strength exercises
disk field tests for the upper and
multi-jumping exercises Exercises for the upper and
lower body exercises for proper discus lower body
Discus throwing
Exercises for throwing technique Saucer speed drills,
exercises proper body discus throwing
position for discus competitions
Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15 Final phase: 15
min. min. min. min. min.
Motivational talk Motivational talk Return to calm Talk regarding Talk regarding
and technical talk sports, recovery discipline, recovery
exercises exercises

NOTE: It should be noted that the athletics instructor will work with sports
implementation such as: stopwatch, hurdles, cones and saucers, which will be
provided by the Balsas Cantonal Sports League.


In this research we have realized that Athletics is a set of athletic practices or physical
exercises (running, jumping, throwing) that tend to improve the physical and moral
conditions of children or young people in the Balsas Canton and that give rise to individual
competitions. or by teams held in stadiums or other suitable facilities.

Sports practice is not limited only to elite athletes, high-performance athletes, young
people, etc. Every human being can and should carry out some sporting activity according
to their needs and physical possibilities.

Due to the above, it is recommended:

 Keep in mind that athletics begins from an orderly process, using the respective
teaching materials for training sessions.
 In our training vary continuous methods, fartlek methods
 Do not forget the physiological part, recommending adequate nutrition for the child
or young person with a variety of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Without forgetting something as important as good hydration.

Bibliography sport
/el historia /atletismo.asp

20 Php ?title=Edufis2douni7


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