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Choco Dictionary

A How the pig pisses. Pay cash

Acecid. Very agitated breathing
Amachao. Loose
Achichiguar. Lull the child
Acagual. a lot of mountain
Achichincle. Flatterer or prodigal
praises interested in obtaining favor
of a person
Chocolatao. Brown color
Get off. Get off from…
Goodbye! Farewell (Goodbye!
Arreconchar Re ar ga r
Ashushao. Way to greet a person Agalambao. Dumb dumb. (see
Aguajal. A lot of water
Aventazon. Heartburn, gases
To the chas, chas. Pay cash
Pimp. Person who consents a lot
Amashito. Very spicy chili for your
Ajitarriando. Annoy
size, in Veracruz it is known as
Achicharrao. Melted, burned
Amelcochao. In the form of a sticky dough,
Amulitao. Sick
Anaguao. Man who lives among women
Haunch. In the House of…
Anona. Chi ri mo ya
Apaste. Clay container for blending
Apelmasao. Tight
Apergollar Ensure
Squeezed. Tight
Washer. Hello in the dress
Arreconchar Paste on the wall
Ashotao. A female
Ashushao. Agalambao, zonso
Atarantao. Dizzy
Oh juela! expression of pity
Oh misho! Not that it was such a thing
Oh mojo! Not that it was such a thing
Azpoque. Monitor variety
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B Babasal. With a lot of salivation
Bacal. corn cob
Baldao. invalid, handicapped
Batition. Stir several different things
Batuquear. Shake
Bocho. Embarrassed (to bocho)
Bojincho. Pale
Shis jar. Child with parasites (Panzòn)
Bush. Natural container in the shape of
Armchair. low seat
c Cacaotal. cocoa plantation
Cacaste. Huacal of tied sticks
Cachumbear Kiss, fuck
Cachureco. Distorted
Cactus. Rustic leather sandal
Cajete. Clay pot for serving food
Litter. Group of people or animals
Chilpayate. Child
the same age.
Cancel. Bulkhead
Oil lamp. Rudimentary powered lamp
with oil
Chegua. Cooked corn
Capon. castrated pig
Cayuco. narrow boat
Sifter. Strainer made of gourd
Chachalaca. scandalous bird
Chacualear. Wash half
Chancaca. large red wasp
Chanchamito. Wrapped cylindrical tamale
very painful bite
in corn leaf
Checho. very pampered person
Chehe. Woodpecker
Cello. Blonde, güero
Chenco. Lame
Chereveco. Distorted
Chibol. swollen bump
Chiboludo. Inflamed
Cicada. Lib el u la
Chichigua . N to na
Chichimeca. Whooping cough
Chinchimbacal. Tabasco bird
Chin Chin. So naj a
yellow very restless
Chinchorro. Fishing net
Chinin. Edible fruit similar to
Chinton. Farmer
Chipile. Herb that is eaten in tamales
Chiquear Pray
Chiquiguao. lizard turtle
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Spark. Drunk
Choco. T ab a squ eñ o
Chojo. Woodpecker
Cholenco. Disabled, sick
Chombo. Zo pilo te
Chontal. Tabasco aboriginal, hat
Choropa. Head
Chorote. Po zo l
Chuchumo. Bulging bump
Chuculum! Action of falling water
Lap. stir the water
Chucumite. small bass
Chujo. You er to
Chujón. Bull frog
Chupita. Co li br í
Chuzo. wood splinter or thorn
One hundred in the mouth. Date banana
Colcobosh. Dry cocoa in the bush
Running. Running fast
Cotton. Long dress
Cubjon. Grab the person by the hand
Cuchupata or Acoccopache. Load a
trouser waistband
person behind the back
Cuijinicuil. Cuino-shaped legume fruit. very fat pig
Culeca. Clu e ca
Cushilar. To urge
d Deflate. Disassemble an object in
Wind. dirty something
your minimum parts
Dornajo. Container where the pig eats
e What a baby. some liquid to drink
embed Spread the bread or tortilla
Empeia. pork fat, fat
Encarpa. Pavement
Being in the chilla. be very poor
f Fluffy. Gap
Fuan. Juan
Stove. Rudimentary instrument for
Fueves. Thursday

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G Doodle. Garrobo wooden sweeping hook. Iguana male
with the machete
Guayapul. Coconut Flower
Gandio. who eats a lot
Guaca. double barrel shotgun
Guaco. Twins
Wow. snapping turtle
Guaraguao. Agu i li l la
Guarumo. Pir ul
Guashul. Child
Guilindrajo. Clothes or things hanging
Guinea. Sweet banana.
Güiro. Large size gourd (tree)
Gurutoad. Re na cud
h Treasury. Cocoa Plantation
Hicotea. Painted Turtle
Huliche. indigenous food, dough with
turkey or chicken meat
Iche ! Interjection of fear or disgust
Idiot. Tell the man Idiot
Ish lack!. Repugna nc ia
J Jahuacte. Cane-shaped rod with
Jacal. Home
Smelly. Stinky, bad smell
Gnat. small fly
Jícara. natural container
Jijueljijue. son of the son shape
Jiliar. Clean the cornfield or Jocico plantation. Mouth
Damn. be ground
Jocicón. Person or animal with a mouth
Jojo. Gap
Joloche. Corn leaf
Juicy. conceited person
Juamilia . Family
Juelipe. faith lip e
Juil. Ba gr e
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Jujo. Regional fruit
Julep . scold
Julep. Scold
Jumo. Drunk
Justan. Dress
kl Langurucho. Long, tall and skinny
Lia. Rope
Light. Run fast or do things quickly
m Motherado. cocoa plantation
Mandinka. big black ant
Manea. Large tamale without color, with
Cairn. large excrement
Masudo. full of dough
Mishinga . Excrement
Dying. Half dead
Misho. Cat
Mocho. One-armed or missing a limb
Momo. Acuyo vegetable, holy leaf
Muxe. Rear
N Born. swollen pimple
Naza. small fishing net
Don't procrastinate. Please, do not be late
Novelist. person who finds out gossip
Noveton. Young person or animal
Nuégano. Red bread in the shape of a ball
Ñ Ñengo. ra qu itic
Or Orejemico. Tender papaya candy (monkey ear)
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P Cowboy Bird. Goshawk
Pajón. Grass for roofing
Pajonal. Place where there is grass
Pajonudo. person with hair
Palotada. Many pieces of trees
Pancake. Caribou Bird
Potbellied. Big belly
Parrot. Dad to you
Papalota. Butterfly
Paddling. Animal or person about to
Pot or Posillo. Glass
Papujo. Pale
Pasmao. Cough
You kicked. Ordinary sweet and sour cocoa
Pea. scandalous bird
Lizardfish. Long fish, typical of the region
Pespita. J ac a na
Duffle bag. guano mat
Pijul. Bird of the crow family
Pinol. Cornmeal
Worst bit. Even more
Piripollo. Chicken pie
Pishcao. Cooked corn
Güiro Python. Protruding navel
Pixote. Child in a bad mood
Pochitoque. box turtle
Dust. Pinole with cocoa
Portillo. hole in the hedge
Poxe. Fish stew with leaf
Pozol. Regional drink made with corn and
Prey. Portion of meat
Puque. Rotten
Pusho. P a p u jo
Rutiar. Scold
Puzcagua or Pushcagua. E nvo lture
Q Cake. Hard cookie in the shape of a star or flower
R Scratch. Cheesy, current
Rebumbio. Revo lti jo
Rengo. that drags one foot

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s Hedge. Fence of reeds
Shicol. Worn or old clothing
Shis. Be thirsty
Shishito. very small shish
Shishudo. With a lot of sediment
Sho! Be quiet !
Shocked. With cough or flu
Shote. river snail
Shotería. Unimportant, set of
Shoto. Ho mo se xu al
Shuquío. I have dor
Sisguá. Cornbread
Soyenco. Large size
Climb the guava tree. Make love
I knew. Unpleasant fruit taste
t Stagger. trembling
Tarantin. From so rd on
Tapanco. Place where they are stored
Tastocon. The mere boss
grains of corn, beans, etc.
Tembeleque. T em b loro so
Teapot. T ar ta mute
Tiliche. Personal items
Timbiriche. small store
Tyrria. I hate a person
Titipuchal. Quite
Toloque. crested lizard
Toreada. Bullfight
Toscon. Treat without delicacy .
Toshito. Orphan
After what. Remember in the moment
Threshing. Path made by walking
Trompudo. Big Mouth
Tunca. The female pig
Turulete. Pinol cookie, dizzy by
Tutupiche. Perr illa
a hit
U Ushe! Herd the pig
V Beam. Wood used to build houses
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and Yagual. Basket that is placed on the
Herb. T ar á ntu la
stove to smoke food
z Zambutir. Stuffing messily
Zonzo. Dumb dumb
Zorimbo. Zo nz o
Zozquil. henequen fiber
Sumac. Tamale without meat
By ..::somarz Corp::..

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