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KEY: 30ENL0002W











In order to recognize why to teach Geometry in primary school,
consult various printed or digital sources on the following aspects:
- field of study of geometry
- Importance of the study of Geometry
- Elements studied by Geometry
- Its benefits or influence in areas of science, arts, humanities, in
everyday life.

We know that it is important to understand geometry from many perspectives, since these are presented in
various objects that we see daily, therefore we can say that geometry is presented in our daily lives.
This branch is presented as a science that specifically involves the field of science, as well as art,
humanities, or even finance.
Geometry has a lot to give, which is why it is important that we as future teachers can understand it, asking
ourselves, Why is it taught? How is it taught? What methods to use? How is it applied?
In this research we will address four very important points, which are: the field of study, the importance
and the elements of geometry , in turn, we will mention how it is involved and what benefits geometry has
within 3 areas: science, art and humanities and in them mention the appearance of this branch in daily life.
This research is as follows:
Field of study of geometry -
Geometry is the part of Mathematics that studies the idealizations of space in terms of the properties and
measurements of geometric figures. The
Geometry does not study real space itself, but ideal objects (also known as
mathematical or geometric objects), their properties, relationships and
theories, constructed by abstraction from qualities of real space or other
previously created ideal objects (in real space). There are no circles,
pentagons, lines, points, spheres... but rather objects that are shaped like...
or modeled by...; physical reality is always less perfect than the intended or
ideal geometric reality).
The teaching of Geometry has traditionally had a strong deductive
character. In secondary education, Geometry has been based on the language of algebra, on vector
algebra. In primary school, even without this formal, algebraic character, rote learning of concepts, theorems
and formulas has been excessively encouraged; the simple appoggiatura of some concepts in other
previous ones; and the early elimination of intuition as an instrument of access to geometric knowledge,
trying to accelerate the acquisition of such concepts, theorems and formulas, as if true geometric knowledge
were condensed in them.
Research on the construction process of geometric thinking seems to indicate, however, that it follows a very
slow evolution from initial intuitive forms of thinking to final deductive forms, and that these correspond to
school levels much more advanced than those we are considering here. So we understand that in Primary
Education we must escape deductive interpretations and go to an experimental, intuitive geometry. The
child's space is full of geometric elements, with concrete meaning for him: doors, windows, tables, balls, etc.
In his daily environment, in his neighborhood, at home, at school, in his play spaces, he learns to mentally
organize the space around him, to orient himself in space. That is the context that we find especially useful
to develop geometric teachings, in a way that is meaningful for students. The study of their close and familiar
environment, for the motivation and interest it can arouse and for being an inexhaustible source of objects
susceptible to observation and manipulation. Starting from situations that are familiar to students (usual
routes, shapes of known objects...) and through manipulative, playful activities (folding, cutting, modeling,
etc.), the teacher can encourage the development of the geometric concepts contemplated. in the curriculum
of this educational stage.
Its fields of application have a very wide variety, from when creating Industrial Designs, to its perhaps best-
known application in Architecture and Engineering, whether to provide different properties to constructions
(for which we will also help ourselves with other sciences such as Physical) as well as for purely artistic
purposes, giving rise to harmonies and complexities in the compositions.
This will also help us when it comes to making Artistic Drawings, learning a wide variety of concepts about
Composition and Perspective, as well as artistic resources to achieve a design that is as realistic as
possible, improving the representation of reality on paper.

Importance of the study of geometry

Geometry helps stimulate thinking skills and problem-solving strategies. It provides opportunities to observe,
compare, measure, conjecture, imagine, create, generalize and deduce. Such opportunities can help students learn
how to discover relationships for themselves and become better problem solvers.
Surely many of us have heard of the importance that Mathematics has in daily life, either as an instrument
that helps us with the Accounting and Operations that we carry out practically automatically (as it is when we
dedicate ourselves to making Purchases and Sales , controlling that we are given change money or paying
the exact price for the products) or it helps us exercise our intelligence through operations that require logic,
reasoning and deduction.
But the utility that derives from this Formal Science has a great variety of applications, being auxiliary to a
great variety and quantity of sciences, and one of those that attracts us on this occasion is Geometry, which
originally emerged, as every science proposes. , from the observation of the characteristics of the Earth and
the world around us.
As its name indicates, what it is mainly responsible for is analyzing
the Forms of Things, to subsequently measure each of their
characteristics and qualities, having different ways of carrying out
and even the most varied instruments, where surely Let us become
familiar with the use of the Compass to be able to make and
measure perfect circular figures, as well as the Rule, among other
teaching materials.
The need to teach geometry in the school environment
responds, first of all, to the role that geometry plays in
everyday life. Basic geometric knowledge is essential to function in everyday life: to orient yourself
reflectively in space; to make estimates about shapes and distances; to make assessments and calculations
related to the distribution of objects in space.
Geometry is present in multiple areas of the productive system of our current societies (industrial production,
design, architecture, topography, etc.). The geometric shape is also an essential component of art, of the
plastic arts, and represents an important aspect in the study of the elements of nature.
To be convinced of the value of teaching geometry in school, teachers and students must know its
usefulness in daily life and in the study of other disciplines. Below we present some of the uses of geometry:
1. Geometry is part of our daily language: Our daily verbal language has many geometric terms, for
example: point, line, plane, curve, angle, parallel, circle, square, perpendicular, etc. If we must
communicate with others about the location, size or shape of an object, geometric terminology is
essential. In general, a basic geometric vocabulary allows us to communicate and understand each other
with greater precision about observations about the world in which we live.
2. Geometry has important applications in real-life problems: For example, it is related to measurement
problems that occupy us daily, such as designing a flower bed or a piece of ceramic or a brochure,
covering a surface or calculating the volume of a body. ; with reading maps and plans, or with drawing or
building a roof with a certain inclination.
3. Geometry is used in all branches of mathematics: It behaves as a unifying theme of the mathematics
curriculum since it is a rich visualization resource for arithmetic, algebraic and statistical concepts.
Teachers frequently use geometric examples and models to help students understand and reason about
non-geometric mathematical concepts.
Some examples or geometric models used in elementary education are:
• The number line for numbers and operations.
• The geometric figures and shapes that are used to develop the meaning of concepts related to
fractional numbers.
• Rectangular arrangements to study properties of natural numbers or multiplication between them.
• The ideas of curves, figures and bodies directly related to the concepts of length, surface and volume.
• Coordinates on a plane and the idea of representing points through ordered pairs of real numbers to
relate algebra to geometry.
• Bar, circle, linear graphs, etc., which allow the description of numerical data using geometric
• The geoplane to represent fractions or routes.

4. Geometry is a means of developing spatial perception and visualization: Without considering the
need for good spatial perception in specific occupations, we all need the ability to visualize objects in
space and grasp their relationships, or the ability to read representations. two-dimensional images of
three-dimensional objects.
5. Geometry as a model of logically organized discipline: Ideas about logic and deduction in geometry
do not need to wait to be taught until higher levels of schooling.
On many occasions we hear about the importance of various natural sciences (physics and chemistry) and
formal sciences (mathematics), but nevertheless geometry in its broadest sense is a branch of mathematics
that deals with the properties of geometric figures in the plane or in space, and have been indispensable in
daily life for various careers that currently give development to a country, engineers above all implement
them in daily life, whether for the development of complex infrastructures such as buildings, bridges, among
others. Even simpler ones like homes, parks, etc.
However, geometry and its importance stand out throughout our environment, not only today, but since time
immemorial where it can be seen in Greek, Spanish, English, Mayan, Inca, Egyptian buildings, among

Where these civilizations fully applied the little

geometric knowledge to the construction of homes,
temples and meeting centers
social, which over the years gained greater momentum, allowing man to improve the techniques and
knowledge already acquired, currently giving the development and combination of geometry with other
sciences, these being formal and natural, for this reason currently geometry It manifests itself as one of the
most important branches of mathematics within a society, since it complements each and every one of the
sciences already known until now, and its knowledge is essential to promote the exact sciences, taking into
account that geometry It is manifested in the various geometric figures, giving a relationship between their
measurements, areas and volumes, which allow a more complex development of various systems applied to
the world, as can be seen in ships and their large tanks of irregular and regular shapes, which have a
defined area and in turn a volume of capacity for it, however the true geometric applications are directly
appreciated in the construction of infrastructures since within these there is a close relationship between
mathematics and geometry, as well as the physical and chemical phenomena that intervene, such as within
a building you can observe millions of geometric figures from millimeter dimensions to dimensions of large
scale magnitudes, such as circles, triangles, rhomboids, trapezoids, etc. It is for this reason that geometry is
of utmost importance since it allows human beings to know, develop and promote better infrastructures and
knowledge every day for future generations.
We live surrounded by geometric bodies, children's space is always made up of square things, spheres,
circles, cubes, pyramids, etc., and these have their concrete meaning in windows, balls or toys.
Furthermore, our daily verbal language has many geometric terms,
for example: point, line, plane, curve, angle, parallel, circle, square,
etc. If we must communicate with others about the location, size or
shape of an object, geometric terminology is of great help. In general,
a basic geometric vocabulary allows us to communicate and
understand each other with greater precision about observations
about the world in which we live.
Hence the importance of teaching geometry in schools, and training
teachers to teach it.
Many of the limitations that students express in their understanding of Geometry topics are due to the type of
teaching they have had. Likewise, the type of teaching that the teacher uses depends, to a large extent, on
the conceptions he has about what Geometry is, how it is learned, what it means to know this branch of
Mathematics and why it is taught.
Most teachers identify Geometry, mainly, with topics such as perimeters, surfaces and volumes, limiting it
only to metric issues; For other teachers, the main concern is to make students aware of the geometric
figures or relationships with drawings, their name and their definition, reducing the classes to a kind of
illustrated geometric glossary.
It is important to reflect on the reasons for teaching Geometry. If the teacher is clear about why, he will be in
a position to make better decisions about his teaching. A first reason to take this subject is found in our
immediate environment, just look at it and discover that there are many geometric relationships and
concepts: Geometry models the space we perceive, that is, Geometry is the Mathematics of space. For
example, a room: it is very likely to have the shape of a rectangular prism with its faces, edges and vertices;
walls and ceilings are generally rectangular; the walls are perpendicular to the ceiling and the ceiling is
parallel to the floor; If there is a window, it is most likely in the shape of a geometric figure with sides that are
line segments; When opening and closing the door, different angles are formed; If the floor is covered with
mosaics, they have the shape of one or more geometric figures that cover the plane without leaving gaps or
joining together and in it various geometric transformations can be observed: rotations, translations and
symmetries. Although the presence of Geometry in the immediate environment could be a sufficient reason
to justify its teaching and learning, it is worth clarifying that it is not the only one. Geometry offers those who
learn it an opportunity to embark on a journey towards higher forms of thought.
Also the geometry:
• It is applied in reality (in everyday life, architecture, painting,
• sculpture, astronomy, sports, carpentry, blacksmithing, etc.).
• It is used in everyday language (for example, it is said: parallel streets, cylindrical water tanks, the
spiral staircase, etc.).
• It is used in the study of other topics in Mathematics (for example, a geometric model of the
multiplication of numbers or algebraic expressions is the calculation of the area of rectangles).
• It allows students to develop their perception of space, their capacity for visualization and abstraction,
their ability to make conjectures about the geometric relationships in a figure or between several and
their ability to argue when trying to validate the conjectures they make.
Elements studied by geometry
The elementary components of geometric figures will be:
1. Point : A point is a dimensionless object that indicates a position in space. They are usually designated
with capital letters A, B, C… P, …
2. Straight : It is a line unlimited at both ends. It is usually denoted with lowercase letters r, s, t,... As a real
representation of a straight line we can take a taut thread, or the edge of a ruler.
3. Plane : it is an unlimited surface whose concretion in the real world can be seen, for example, on the
surface of a table, a sheet of paper,... It is usually represented with the Greek letters π1, π2, π3,...
Points are objects of linear geometry, points and lines give rise to plane geometry and points, lines and
planes are objects of spatial geometry.
Some considerations to take into account in geometry are the following:

• Two different points determine one and only one straight line that contains said points.
• Three or more points can determine several lines, but if they are all contained in one, the points
will be said to be collinear.
• Three non-collinear points determine a plane.
4. Solids:
• Three-dimensional geometric figures.
• They occupy a place in space.

5. Segment:
• Part of a line that lies between two points.
• The points are called ends of the segment.

6. Angle: Part of the plane included between two rays that have the same point of origin or vertex.
ts benefits or influence in areas of science, arts,
manities, in everyday life.

Geometry is part of our everyday language : Our daily verbal

language has many geometric terms, for example: point, line, plane,
curve, angle, parallel, circle, square, perpendicular, etc. If we must
communicate with others about the location, size or shape of an
object, geometric terminology is
ential. In general, a basic geometric vocabulary allows us to communicate and
erstand each other with greater precision about observations about the world
which we live.
ometry has important applications in real-life problems: For example, it is related to measurement problems that
cern us every day, such as designing a flowerbed or a piece of ceramic or a brochure, covering a surface or
culating the volume. of a body; with reading maps and plans, or with drawing or building a roof with a certain
en a father walks with his son on the street, passing through a construction area, the father will always say to the
d: “look son, here is a cone” and not, “look, here is a round body.”
f they play soccer together, the child will only know how to say that the object they use is a ball, but will not define it
a round body, a sphere.
m a young age, parents should familiarize their children with geometry, with these types of concepts, which after all
not so complicated. Numerous round bodies surround us every day, and if the children's own parents or guardians
ght them that a cone encompasses much more than that simple word, or that a soccer ball is not just a simple object
play with, if Not that you can learn much more from it, I consider that it would greatly facilitate, later, the work of
chers in schools, when they have to teach geometry to students, that would be today but let's not forget that
metry was also with our ancestors like: the Mayans

ometry is present in the different facets of the daily activity of the Mayans, such as: design of their cities, the shapes
heir buildings, ceramics.
d fabrics. All cities are distributed geometrically, based on the position of the stars and the sun.

How is geometry used in everyday life ? When you study the subject , the science of lines and angles can seem
like nothing more than a boring exercise in formulas and predictability. In reality, geometry works wherever you go.
Whether you know it or not, geometry literally shapes our lives.
An ancient science
How long does geometry take? To answer that question, let's take a look at where geometry gets its name.
Geometry is derived from the Greek words for Earth (Geo) and measurement (metria). It was put into practice by
the ancient Greeks and continues to be used throughout the world today. It is the science of measuring shapes,
angles, areas and distances. From the evidence left by the ancient Greeks in their amazing ruins, such as the
Parthenon, there is no doubt that they had a deep knowledge and understanding of the science of geometry.
If you need an example of how geometry affects you on a daily basis, you don't need to do anything but take a
look. Do you see? Maybe it's a bridge. Notice the steel beams below? They are arranged using very specific
geometry angles to give stability to the bridge. Geometry also determines the way your house is built, with angles
and lines making the walls solid and allowing the roof to shed water and snow.
You might see some people shooting at the group. Have you ever wondered how pool players measure their
strokes? They use geometric angles to try to estimate how the balls will react once they are hit.
If all this thinking gets to be too much, try drinking a can of soda. Have you ever wondered how they know a can is
exactly 12 oz? There is a geometric formula that dictates the size of the can so that it contains exactly the right
amount. The machinery that filled the can is also based on geometric formulas. People use similar principles when
cooking at home. Cake pans and pots are all specific, standardized sizes that wouldn't exist if we didn't have
Without geometry, we wouldn't be able to build things, make things, or play sports very successfully. Geometry not
only makes things possible in everyday life, but also makes them easier by providing us with an exact science to
calculate measurements of shapes, angles and areas. So the next time you bring a biscuit and soda to your pool-
playing friends who live just over the bridge, you can thank Geometry for bringing it all together.
In summary, geometry benefits daily life in the following points:
• The body is built by geometric and proportional patterns.
• There are laws that apply in art, architecture, design, science, physics, music, mathematics, etc.
• When painting a wall, the geometric, when comparing a store product, the shape of flowers and/or nature
can influence.
• Make comparisons between objects.
As we mentioned, geometry benefits in various areas, such as science, art or the humanities, therefore, we will
say how does algebra benefit from these areas?:
When talking about geometry, one of the most excellent expressions of the "Greek miracle", the name of Euclid,
author, around the year 300 BC, immediately arises. C., of the immortal Elements. The scientific and educational
importance of this first systematic treatise on geometry has been extraordinary and its cultural significance rivals
that achieved by the masterpieces of universal literature. However, the Romans were only interested in Greek
geometry to the extent of its application to military technology . And the eclipse of Euclid and his Elements covered
almost the entire Middle Ages.
Euclid and perspective
Things changed in the Renaissance, as expressed by the American researcher Samuel Y. Edgerton Jr.: "The
recovery of Euclidean geometry and the rediscovery of linear perspective gave the European Renaissance a way
of looking at physical reality unique among the world's cultures. This change in perception played a critical role in
the subsequent artistic and scientific revolutions."
In art, the change occurred with perspective or "optical geometry", which modified the way of representing the
world and gave a new and distinctive touch to the wonderful painting of the Renaissance.
The role played by Euclid's reborn geometry in the formidable development of European science initiated by
Galileo and Newton was no less important. The genius of Descartes (1596-1600) achieved the fusion of ancient
geometry and algebra, and its result, analytical geometry, is an irreplaceable instrument in the study of the
movement of bodies in space in accordance with Newton's laws. .
Now, in traditional geometry only flat and spatial figures with regular and predictable shapes have citizenship ,
such as circles, parabolas, spirals, spheres and cones. But this geometry leaves aside almost all of the shapes
and structures inherent to the
natural phenomena when considered in all their complex reality. For example, the shape of the waves when they
break on the beach, the bark of ancient trees, the clouds in the sky, the corals, the blood capillary networks and
the stellar galaxies surpass, by their irregularity and their infinite and varied details, the forms of classical
With the problem thus posed, the research of the French mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot led him, in the 1970s,
to the creation of fractal geometry and established him as a true magician whose spell hatched the amazing and
infinite universe of fractal forms.
How are fractal shapes generated? The answer is very simple: through algorithms. That is, procedures made up of
sequences of arithmetic operations and logical steps that are applied repeatedly, chaining their results. In the case
of fractals, the algorithms are converted into computer programs and their results are displayed on the screen as
strange and surprising figures, enhanced with thousands of colors and nuances.
chaotic phenomena
It can be stated then that fractal geometry is the result of the synergistic convergence between mathematics , the
most rigorous and penetrating scientific discipline developed by man, and the computer, the most powerful
instrument created to date.
On the other hand, since the emergence of fractal geometry, its intimate relationship with chaotic phenomena
could be appreciated. Indeed , the scientific theory of chaos shows that physical reality does not correspond to the
regular forms of classical geometry. Just think, for example, of the shapes of the liquid fillets in a mountain torrent
that rushes down over a sinuous and fragmented bed of rocks. From this follows the close link between natural
sciences, chaos theory and fractal geometry.
Likewise, given the infinite possibilities that fractal figures offer in terms of shapes and colors, an important current
of thought has arisen, supported by both scientists and artists, which gives fractal geometry the character of a new
visual art. Today there are many researcher-artists enthusiastically dedicated to the creation of new fractal forms
in various universities and artistic groups around the world. Among them, Mario Markus, from the Max Planck
Institute in Dortmund, Germany, believes that fractals are not a simple mechanical result of the computer.
Parameters such as scales and colors grant some degrees of freedom to the fractal creator. But "a greater degree
of diversity is possible when the numerical coefficients of a formula are changed or chosen. It can truly be said that
equations are a new type of brush here. It is likely that this artistic facet of fractal geometry is not yet accepted by
critics and
representatives of the art world. It will be considered, perhaps, a new form of technolatry. However, the creations
already achieved and the explosive spread of fractal geometry suggest that in a few decades fractal visual art may
acquire a relevant importance among the various expressions of art.
Furthermore, although without technology there would be no fractals in practice, the aesthetic values of fractal
forms are actually the visible expressions of that supreme beauty that Bertrand Russell assigned to mathematics.
• In practice, it helps in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
• The feedback that measures waves and through an interface can moderate them at will and accommodate
their frequency.
• You can use tools like visualization of geometric mandalas.
Geometry is one of the areas of mathematics that are frequently relegated to the background in Early Childhood
Education, often forgetting that its work is equally important for the logical-mathematical development of children.
Therefore, it is necessary to bring it closer to them, in a meaningful and motivating way, seeking their experience
on the part of the children, from a constructivist and close perspective. One way to concretize this is through art,
since in numerous plastic works the use of geometry can be observed, being a widely used resource in this area,
and which we must take advantage of to materialize the globalizing work characteristic of this educational stage,
placing Thus, an innovative axis on which to work geometry, based on a concrete and viable project. In this way,
through various artistic resources, we will allow geometry to enter an Early Childhood Education classroom,
serving as a starting point for its introduction in a systematic way, and as a basis for continuous work that allows
an enrichment in its training.
Some paintings that we have not wanted to point out in our work due to their complicity are some of the following
by, for example, Leonardo Da Vinci , who divides geometry into three parts:
• Geometry of vision: attempts to explain optical phenomena in a geometric way, therefore, it deals a lot with
• Geometry of nature: by observing this, try to look for geometric figures, (in relation to the personal level,
since this course began, I feel like this, searching for geometry in my nature)
• Pure geometry: in which he addresses the geometric problems he encountered in his time ( squaring the
circle ) .
For this reason, I point out a series of his paintings in which we see him, but primary
school children do not, due to their metacognitive development.
In The Virgin of the Rocks, an invisible geometry can be observed from the
position of the virgin's hands, her left hand resting on the triangle formed by the
baby Jesus and Uriel's hand. On the other side, we find a circle drawn with a
compass that encompasses the boy Tomás, indicated on a straight line by
Uriel's finger. This painting is not easy to see, but through the layout of the
triangle and the circle we find it much better.
Another painting that I wanted to focus on by this
author is Jesus at the Last Supper. In this painting Jesus is the center
represented by an equilateral triangle, which within sacred geometry, represents
divinity, the transcendent, the light.
These paintings are difficult to see, if you do not point out the geometric figure
they represent, what is clear is that Da Vinci does not leave geometry aside.

From one perspective, there are flat figures such as circles, triangles, squares,
star polygons... These types of paintings are interesting when dealing with primary school children, so that they
discover that in any painting they can find geometry, bringing the student closer to two subjects, art and geometry,
because they will begin by seeing paintings, but Then they will go out into the street and look at all the geometry
that exists...

• It contains its own vocabulary.
• It reproduces the 3 dimensions, when a painting is produced, the problem of projection from a three-
dimensional space to a two-dimensional space has to be solved.
• Encourages you to build and create designs or drawings.
• Examine figures like pyramids.

The old study plans required taking a subject called arithmetic and geometry. Both disciplines were part of the
Quadrivium made up of arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. For the Pythagoreans, the Quadrivium was
intended to achieve moderation and self-control, imitating the order and harmony of the universe. The Quadrivium
literally refers to four paths and these follow the trivium formed by logic, grammar and rhetoric.
Literary knowledge that taught us to think, read and speak in public. Both the Quadrivium and the Trivium give us
the number seven, which has to do with the seven liberal arts or humanities, whose origin we find in scholasticism.
Arithmetic studies number, geometry studies space, music studies number in motion and astronomy was the study
of space in motion. For Arab mathematicians, geometry illuminates the intellect and tempers the mind, with clear
and orderly proofs. Who knows geometry, acquires intelligence.
The word geometry is composed of two concepts: geo, which means earth, and metry, which does not refer to
measurement . It is a mathematical science that studies the properties of geometric figures such as space, points,
lines, planes, polytopes, parallels, perpendiculars, curves, surfaces, polygons, polyhedra. All of them are related to
the shape of the Earth. This one is not perfectly round. It is as if it were a potato and in it we see curves,
protuberances and depressions. So geometry helps us better understand the shapes and characteristics of the
Earth that can be measured and verified. To do this, human beings relied throughout time on the compass,
theodolites, the lead, the pantograph and now global positioning. These calculations are transferred to
mathematical analyzes and differential equations.
Geometry then solves concrete problems through the knowledge of shapes that can be located and measured. To
do this, it relies on other disciplines such as physics, mechanics, cartography, astronomy, nautical, topography
and ballistics. It was when some instruments began to be designed to rely on effectiveness for measurement, such
as the astrolabe, the compass and the sundial.
Astrolabe has to do with the word star and lip as a search engine. So the astrolabe is a representation of the
sphere of the firmament and in which stars are searched. The astrolabe is such an ancient instrument whose
invention is attributed to Hipparchus in the year 150 BC. The wise men of Alexandria, relying on the astrolabe,
determined the day or night, by observing the Sun or a star above the horizon, especially the polar star, and thus
determining the time of star rise. In the astrolabe we can transfer the movements of the earth in relation to the
stars and planets.
In the middle of the 13th century, both the Portuguese and the Spanish, faced with the need to reach other
territories and establish merchant colonies. Alfonso X the Wise created the Toledo school, where numerous Greek
and Arabic works were translated. It was when the astrolabe became the essential instrument for astronomers,
navigators, astrologers and surveyors. With the use of the telescope after 1608, the astrolabe took a backseat.
Geometry is undoubtedly one of the oldest sciences. The ancient builders relied on it, since this is the only way to
explain its orientation and position. To such a degree that the ceremonial centers seem to be a replica of the stars
its influence on the earth. The Assyrian Chaldean, Babylonian, Egyptian, Chinese, Indian, Mesoamerican and
Andean peoples relied on it for the construction of their buildings, through which the position of the stars and
planets in the celestial sphere was determined.
Humanism (humanities)
• Understand number theory, algebra, analysis, as theories of certain geometric spaces.
• The analysis coincides with the construction process.
• All its objects must and can be constructed from integers and natural numbers.
• Construction of objects invariant by movement, involves the construction of figures, notions and theorems
of geometry.

geometry#:~:text=A%20knowledge%20geom%C3%A9tric%20b%C3%A1sico %20es,objects%20in%20the
%20space el-arte-ciencias-humanidades-y-
en-la-vida-cotidiana http://www3.uah .es/albertolastra/geo1.pdf

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