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Express your own experiences through - Make spontaneous strokes on the
images, starting with the plastic techniques blackboard with white or colored
of modeling, cutting and tearing paper. chalk.
- On continuous paper spread on the
floor, each child will make a
spontaneous scribble in the assigned
- With white wax pencils, trace on a
white sheet what each child wants.
- After each child tells what they did
during the weekend, give them a
blank sheet of paper and let them
draw freely with the material they
- Look in a magazine for what you like
most, help the children cut it out
and paste it on a sheet of paper.
- Paint yourself on a sheet.
- Knead, stretch and model freely with
plasticine or clay.
- Cut strips of paper with your hands
and glue them freely on a sheet.
- Cut outlines of images in magazines
or newspapers and tear the paper in
the cut area with the help of the
Get started in the use of thick brushes in - Paint a mural for the class, the
plastic productions. teacher will place continuous paper
on a wall in the class, each child will
have a very thick paintbrush (brush
type) and will paint freely on a mural
to the rhythm of background music.
Once dry, with the help of the
teacher, each child will put his or her
- Place a piece of paper that covers
the entire table, the teacher will
place a spoon of paint on the paper
and the child will spread it freely on
the paper with a thick brush. Name
the work and the author's signature.
- Paint with a thick brush, dipped in
water on the board.
Make prints with different elements. - Stamp with sponges. Soak sponges
of different shapes in different
colored tempera paints and gently
press them on paper, using them
one at a time.
- Crumple newspaper soaked in
tempera and make prints on a blank
- Make cotton balls and stamp with
- Make a mural using different forms
of printing.
Use the plastic techniques of tearing paper - Tear strips of paper of different
and chopping to create murals. colors and glue them to form a
mural freely.
- Look for photographs in magazines,
tear and paste them on a sheet of
paper, reassembling it, leaving free
spaces between the strips.
- Make the house mural. Look for
different types of houses in
magazines, cut out the outline, cut
them out with your hands and paste
them on a piece of cardboard
forming a street. Name the street.
- Create trees, the teacher will draw
the trunk of a tree and the children
will tear strips of paper and glue
them at one end to the crown as
Use properly: punch, glue, paper, cardboard. - Make chains. Cut strips of colored
Plasticine, thick brush, tempera. crepe paper and link them together
by gluing the ends of each one with
- Playing in the shops, each child will
choose a profession and make the
products they sell with plasticine
(bread, fruit, sausages...)
- Make mosaics, cut pieces of
cardboard of different colors and
glue them on a figure presented by
the teacher.
- Look in a magazine for the photo
you like the most, cut out the
outline and cut it out with your
hands, paste it on a sheet of paper
and decorate the rest with tempera

4 to 5 YEARS

Freely express their emotional world and - Hit, stretch and knead blocks of clay
experiences by applying different techniques or playdough. In silence the children
and materials in the creation of a mural: will think about what they did the
tempera paints, cutting, tearing paper, previous day and then they will
chopping, glue, crayons. begin their artistic works.
- Manipulating clay or plasticine
without any creative intention.
- Draw in sand and paper.
- Make free strokes with hard and soft
- Paint with hands and feet. The
teacher will place continuous paper
and trays with different colored
temperas on the floor, the children
will express themselves freely with
their hands, fingertips or feet.
- Cut out triangles, circles and squares
previously drawn on different
colored cardboard depending on the
shape. In turn divide the shapes into
other parts. Paste the shapes again
on a different colored support.
- Use all techniques freely. The
teacher will give the children a sheet
of cardboard and all the materials
necessary to use the different
techniques. Motivate the children
with music, song, story, etc., and ask
them to do whatever they want as
long as all the techniques are
- Each child will name their work and
explain the techniques they used to
make it. The activity can be carried
out in several sections.

Internalize one's own body schema by - Complete with the material you
representing the human figure through want presented images of body
drawing. parts.
- Paint your partner with makeup on
the indicated body part.
- Take a self-portrait. The children will
stand in front of a mirror while they
paint on a sheet of paper.
- Draw from a photo. Children will
bring to class a photo showing the
entire body of a person belonging to
their family environment and they
will make a drawing of this person
based on the photo. Before making
the drawing, he will show the photo
to his classmates and talk about the
person who appears in the photo to
awaken their emotions.
- Stamp parts of your body (nose,
mouth, hand, foot, elbow...) on a
sheet and then go over the outline
with a marker.
Get started in decoration techniques: - Make decoration balls: clay, place a
modeling shapes and figures to decorate. wool thread before it dries so you
can hang it, once dry decorate with
tempera paints. Tissue paper, place
the thread and apply polish.
Plasticine of different colors.
- Stretch clay. Form plates and cut
shapes with molds that the teacher
will provide. Before drying, a hole
will be made in the upper part to be
able to hang. Once dry, decorate and
- Make plasticine or clay cakes. Once
the balls have been modeled, the
children will flatten them, make
curlers and join them to the cake
forming rays. Color the suns in
different colors if they are made of
clay and use them to decorate the
class Christmas tree together.
- Make curlers, roll them up, decorate
and use them as decorations.
Create images based on auditory, tactile and - Paint to different rhythms of music.
olfactory stimulations. - Shape freely after listening to a
- Color freely after smelling different
- Listen to a song or story with your
eyes closed and draw about the
- Draw outdoors. Children will go out
to the patio or a nearby park, smell
the plants, caress them, identify the
sounds that occur in the
environment, feel the air on their
face or the sun's rays and then draw
their sensations sitting or lying on
the ground. (We will make sure that
they are a little separated from each
other, so that they can draw freely).
Experiment with colors: red, blue, green, - Discover the result when painting
yellow, brown. with wax of the colors presented on
cardboard of different colors.
- Compare the color stains with the
wax that produces it. On a black
cardboard make spots of the colors
and place the wax with which you
made it next to it, commenting on
whether there are differences.
- Mix colors. Combine the colors two
by two and paint on white paper to
check the results of the mixtures.
- Dye water. In small containers, place
water and put pieces of tissue paper
in them, obtain mixtures by putting
two or more different colors in some
Develop the creative capacity in making - Make a collage with newspaper.
collages. - Tear strips of paper of different
Get started in the plastic appreciation of thicknesses and glue them on
painting. cardboard.
- Glue the strips of paper
- Draw wavy lines and tear, paste the
strips on white paper with
separation between them.
- Alternate the different previous
techniques and create a work.
- Tear or pinch pieces of paper. With
your thumb and index finger, pinch
pieces of paper from largest to
smallest and glue them loosely on a
sheet or use it to fill in drawings.
- Use drawings or photographs in
making collages. The children will
separately cut out the parts of a
drawing they have made or
photographs from magazines, paste
them on a blank sheet of paper and
decorate the rest of the sheet with
torn, pinched or cut paper (trees,
sun, grass...)
- Add color to collages. Review the
contours of the glued figures with
wax or tempera.
Get started in the plastic appreciation of Appreciate your own image:
paintings. What I see
- Place the child in front of a mirror,
first observe his face, expressing
what he sees. Then some attributes
are provided such as feathers, hats,
handkerchiefs, glasses and others.
The child can make different
gestures, faces and poses. They are
asked: what do you have in your
head? What are your eyes, mouth,
nose or ears like?; If they put a hat
on you, who will you look like? …
- Appreciate the image of a
companion: the portrait of a friend.
- First the children must think of a
friend in the group, to dramatize
what they like to do most in class.
Once the dramatization is done, the
children have to guess who it is. At
the end of the game, they make a
portrait of their friend with the
technique they want.
- Appreciate pictorial works. The
teacher will present a portrait, a
landscape or a still life in different
- Steps to follow in the appreciation of
each of the works:
1. Observation by the children of the
work in silence.
2. Determination of the type of work it
is: a landscape, a portrait,…
3. Conversation led by the teacher:
Who can say what happens in the
work? Later on the question will be
asked: What title did the author give
to his work?
4. Basic concepts of visual structure:
What color can we see the most?
Why? What other color did the artist
want us to see? Why? What can we
see the most? Where did the artist
think of when making the painting?
5. Inform the title that the author gave
to the work, or, deepen the
appreciation of the work:
- Make a dramatization about it.
- Invent a story about what you
- Make a modeling or drawing on the
impressions of the work.
Experiment with colors: white, black, light - Create new colors. Mix dark green
green, dark green tempera with white. Paint with the
color obtained.
- Prepare color tone. In two
containers with different levels of
water, put a drop of green paint in
each one. Compare color tones.
- Repeat the previous activity using
several containers.
- Obtain a color by mixing two
primaries. Mix blue and yellow,
repeat the operation several times,
but using different amounts of blue
and yellow.
- Perform color contrast sedation
(white – black, dark green – light
- Make prints with the treated colors
by superimposing the prints on the
different colors. Observe the colors
obtained depending on which ones
are mixed when printing.
Accompany simple melodies with - Reproduce the rhythm of the
unconventional instruments: lids, boxes, heartbeat or of a clock hitting boxes,
plastic jars. bottles,…
- Mark the syllabic rhythm. The
teacher will say words from the
vocabulary worked on the topic and
the children will mark the syllables
accompanied by rhythmic knocks of
the objects.
- Create your own rhythms. The
teacher shows an image on a card
and the child creates a phrase
referring to the image and says it out
loud, playing music and
accompanying the rhythm with
- Accompany songs. In groups, the
children will choose the instrument
(object) with which they will
accompany a known song, they will
rehearse with it and experiment
with the sounds that the different
objects emit. Sing all together using
each group an object in the
Communicate through plastic techniques: - Create different types of masks
making masks, garlands, chains, etc. based on a given model. The teacher
will give the outline of the eyes on a
white cardboard plate, the children
will poke them and remove them.
They will decorate freely with the
different plastic techniques at their
- Produce material to decorate the
chains class: cut paper strips of the
same length and different colors.
Glue the intertwined ends together.
- Garlands: Draw a spiral line on
colored paper, on geometric figures,
cut along the line and put a thread
at the central point to hang it as
- Cut out geometric figures, decorate
with tempera or pinched paper.
Glue on a rope, folding at the top.
Represent the human figure through - Model the human figure with
different plastic techniques. plasticine.
- Complete figures presented on a
sheet with the material you want.
- Talk to the children about the
person they are going to represent.
Ask them questions and suggestions
- Physical characteristics.
- How can you represent each part?
- In what position are they going to
represent it?
- Finally, each child will freely draw
the chosen person.
- Make a drawing of a person, based
on a model presented.
- Draw their outline while lying down
and, from here, complete each of
the children's figures.
- Cut out of magazines: arms, legs, a
head, etc., and reconstruct a figure
by gluing the cut out parts.
Free expression of their emotional world: - Before each activity, carry out a
freely express their own experiences preamble of experiential
through plastic images. experiences: remember a very fun
day, a hiking trip, a vacation, visiting
your family or friends, a family party,
looking at family photos, what your
favorite toy is,…
- Paint your portrait.
- Draw the children at recess.
- Draw each one what you want.
- Hit, knead and roll out blocks of clay
and playdough.
- Paint with finger paint with your
hands, fingers and feet.
- Make prints freely with sponges and
- Compose a collage with images cut
from magazines.
- Glue strips and pieces of paper
forming an image.
- Apply waxes on different surfaces.
- Encourage children to express their
feelings through color. They will
choose their own work material.
- Put makeup on your face and
express your feelings.
- Make prints on different materials
(cork, fabrics, metals, etc.)

5 to 6 YEARS

Develop your creativity in the creation of - Build fans with folds of previously
plastic works using the paper folding decorated paper. The children will
technique. cut a rectangle and decorate it
freely. Fold it approximately 2cm.
From the edge and continue plating
successively each time in one
direction, secure the bottom part
with adhesive tape and unfold from
the top part.
- Make a tablecloth. Fold a square in
half several times and cut the edges
into different shapes. Deploy and
observe the result.
- Create decoration elements. Paste
the accordion sheet as many times
as you want to reproduce the motif.
Draw the figure you want to
reproduce taking into account that
part of the object has to be in
contact with the opposite edges of
the paper. Cut out the figure minus
the two parts that are in contact.
Unfold the accordion.
- Make objects with volume following
the instructions. The teacher will
give the children a rectangular or
square sheet of paper depending on
the case and a card on which the
steps that must be followed to make
the object are developed. Examples:
- Glass
- Tulip
- Ship
- Plane
Make three-dimensional plastic works - Handle freely with construction
materials. The teacher will arrange
as many three-dimensional objects
as possible in the class (bricks,
boxes, jars of different sizes...) so
that the child can experience the
properties of the objects and learn
about the notion of volume.
- Build figures from various geometric
objects (cube, sphere, cylinder).
Initially the teacher will offer models
for the children to make and later
they will freely manipulate the
elements they have and make free
- Experiment with the possibilities of
combining and creating plastic works
from a geometric body. With empty
cardboard boxes open on one side,
the children will combine them to
form decorative elements.
Doll's House.
- Join several cardboard boxes as the
rooms of the house and decorate
their interior with objects that we
can find in the room it represents.
These objects can be obtained by
cutting and pasting from magazines
or made by themselves.
- Stack the boxes with different
combinations. You can make small
shelves, with large matchboxes, or
larger structures with plastic
drawers with which we can make a
shelf for the corner of the library,
- Build models referring to the
motivational center. Using different
plastic techniques, children with the
help of the teacher can make
models of: a farm, a city.
Express yourself plastically through waste - Make masks with cardboard plates.
material. - Make costumes with paper bags and
- Use boxes of different sizes to make
cars, train cars, towns, etc.
- Build toys:
- A plastic or cardboard cup, strips
and colored paper, ice cream stick,
thread and two balls so that it hits
the glass when moving it.
- Empty painted or decorated plastic
- Make dolls with corks and

Evaluation constitutes the element and a fundamental process in educational practice

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