Coach Role Essay

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Prepared by

Nicolay Steven Vélez Parrado



Role of the coach, functions and impact it gives to athletes




The coach, in addition to the basic functions of preparing the athlete for
competitions in terms of technique and tactics, is responsible for preparing a man
or woman with solid ethical values, which in turn allow him or her to face not only
any sporting activity with dignity. and fortitude, but also to prepare him for life in a
general way.

The coach who, within the framework of sporting activity, wishes to obtain
maximum results must have a solid pedagogical preparation that allows them to
have a positive impact on the formation of social behavior and therefore on the
personality of their students - athletes.


The sports coach must be prepared to face challenges throughout his career as a
sports coach and must have multiple skills that collaborate with doctors to care for
the athlete who requires his services at the least indicated time. He must have
knowledge to give clinical diagnosis, intervention. therapeutics and rehabilitation of
injuries and medical conditions.

Athletic trainers work under the direction of a physician as prescribed by state

licensing statutes. The NATA Code of Ethics establishes the principles of ethical
behavior that must be followed in the practice of sports training.

The sports coach is sometimes confused with personal trainers. However, there is
a big difference in the education, skill set, job duties, and patients of an athletic
trainer and a personal trainer. The academic curriculum for athletic training and
clinical training follows the medical model.

The sports coach must graduate from an accredited baccalaureate or master's

program to obtain all of his or her knowledge to develop and apply it in practice
with players, and 70% of ATs have a master's degree. Learn more about sports
coaching education.

The Guide to Sports Training Services describes the qualifications of sports

trainers and the clinical tasks they routinely perform in the delivery of quality health

As a sports coach, you will help people who participate in sports achieve their
goals where they develop. They can support professional athletes, sports teams,
community teams or school groups, for team or individual benefit. They can play a
role in encouraging underrepresented groups or youth to participate in sporting

Sports trainers demonstrate their ability by identifying needs and planning and
implementing appropriate training programs to develop the athlete in their different
areas. Whatever the context, sports coaching involves developing the physical and
psychological fitness of participants and providing the best possible practical
conditions to maximize their performance.

Trainers must also know their ethical and legal obligations to their clients; they
must all be professionals in their area. Many coaches combine coaching with other
jobs, often full-time. Many sports coaches work part-time and unpaid, offering their
coaching services on a purely voluntary basis.

Responsibilities: Coaches' roles vary greatly depending on context, but typical job
activities are likely to include:


 evaluate performance and provide appropriate feedback, balance criticism

with positivity and motivation
 assess strengths and weaknesses in a participant's performance and
identify areas for further development
adapting to the needs and interests of group or individual participants
 communicate instructions and commands using clear and simple language
 demonstrating an activity by breaking the task into a sequence
 encourage participants to gain and develop skills, knowledge and
 ensuring that participants train and perform at a high level of health and
safety at all times
inspiring self-confidence
 Develop knowledge and understanding of fitness, injuries, sports
psychology, nutrition and sports science
 Work with IT-based resources to monitor and measure performance
 acting as a role model, earning the respect and trust of the people you work
 engaging with other partners in performance management, such as
physiotherapists, doctors and nutritionists
 working to a high legal and ethical standard at all times, particularly in
relation to issues such as
 child protection and health and safety requirements.


 producing personalized training programs

 maintain records of participants' performance
 coordinate participant attendance at meetings and other sporting events
 plan and execute activity programs for groups and individuals
 transport participants to and from training sessions and sporting events
 searching and applying for sponsorship deals
 find appropriate contests for participants
 marketing and promotion of your services, if you are self-employed
 planning your own work schedule.

As a sports coach or instructor, your primary job will be to provide expert training
for athletes. You will assist in the development of their skills and ensure peak
performance and fitness at crucial moments such as competitions, tournaments,
matches, trials and qualifying events.

The difference between a sports coach and a sports instructor is minimal, and the
terms are used interchangeably most of the time.

However, coaches are primarily involved in identifying and nurturing talented

athletes, while sports instructors are involved in providing theoretical and practical
instruction in a specific sport or helping athletes maintain their overall health and

Potential employers include amateur, professional and semi-professional sports

clubs, schools, colleges and universities, local authorities, sports development
organisations, gyms and gyms, other leisure facilities and sports management

Competitive sport is a global industry, with attractive employment opportunities for

sports coaches with excellent skills and an established track record of winning
competitions or coaching potential winners. Professional sports coaches with
experience in football, rugby, tennis, track and field, and other popular sports can
earn almost as much as the athletes they are coaching, and can choose to work
anywhere in the world.

If you enter this profession, you will be responsible for evaluating the performance
of athletes under your expert guidance and analyzing the flaws or weaknesses of
their upcoming opponents. You will then be in charge of developing tactics and
training activities.

It will also help your athletes develop new skills and mentally prepare for
competitions. Additionally, you will liaise with other sports professionals to ensure
athletes reach optimal levels of fitness at the right time.

Coach and leader may not be entirely synonymous, but their roles are related.
They both manage and improve their teams, and act as examples for others to
follow. Your position and influence are vital to building team relationships,
achieving goals, and providing a healthy environment for constructive growth.
Coaches are leaders within the field of athletics.

Sports coaches often use unique approaches to connect with their players and play
a successful season, and in doing so, develop the best coaching style that works
for them and their team. How they choose to interact can directly impact team
morale, understanding, practice, and progress.

There are various training styles that can be implemented, with some integrating
multiple aspects of each other. A sports coach can benefit from understanding the
advantages and disadvantages of a coaching style when deciding how they want
to interact with their players.

Autocratic sports coach: Autocratic training is the dictatorship of training styles. The
coach is generally the only one who has input and makes decisions autonomously
when considering the direction of his team. With autocratic coaching, coaches can
explain objectives and goals to their players (and can ask limited questions), but
the coach has the final say in how the team acts and plays.

This style of training may not be suitable for teams made up of experienced and
passionate athletes. It stifles creativity and can lower morale due to the restrictions
it places on players. To train and play to the best of their ability, players generally
want to feel important to their team, a feeling not easily found when following a
rigid and unappreciated plan.

However, autocratic training has some benefits, although it may sound archaic.
Although it is not the optimal style for experienced teams, it is useful for those
made up of new and inexperienced players.
They are new to the game and have a lot to learn just by doing drills and drills that
the coach knows will work. Players simply follow instructions and learn to play,
trusting in the coach's ability to mold them into an acceptable team.

Democratic Sports Coach: This coaching style prefers active communication and
team participation. Coaches who use the democratic style encourage players to
express their opinions and thoughts to make the best decisions. This commitment
usually results in a stronger relationship with the team, as well as a closer bond
between the teams.

Democratic coaching offers a wider variety of ideas for the coach to choose from
thanks to the team's input. The team's contribution works twofold, not only helping
the coach but also making individual athletes feel important to the team.

When athletes are invested in the team's direction and decisions, they tend to work
harder to achieve mutually agreed-upon goals. However, this style comes with
some drawbacks.

If the coach singles out one athlete's idea to use during practice or a game, other
athletes may feel undervalued or grow to resent their teammate's ideas.
Discussing and listening to everyone's ideas and making the best decision can
take a long time.

More importantly, too much discussion and input can work against the coach,
making them appear indecisive. Players want to follow a strong coach with
determination, and not a coach who follows the players' ideas exclusively.


The National Learning Service (SENA) is a Colombian public institution focused on

the development of vocational training programs. It is a government initiative to
develop education in Colombia and promote employment.

At the SENA sports institute, students are trained to specialize in the field of sports
and physical activity and they are looking for people who are professionals in the
area to help athletes compete in a professional manner. They also recruit new
students to develop them in the sports area using design tools, information and
communication technologies.



The career of a professional, or semi-professional, athlete usually lasts between

ten and twenty years in most cases, taking into account in this calculation the
transitional period of training, in which childhood gives way to adulthood. maturity
and competitive practice of sport.

In this long period of time, almost a quarter of a person's life, a fundamental figure
remains present in all the athlete's evolutionary stages: his coach, or rather his

We analyze some of the characteristics that sports technicians must have, we stop
to assess which are the most relevant functions that they must master in order to
optimize the performance and learning of their pupils, and we detail one of the
most relevant aspects that they must take into account. : the impact that their
actions and teachings have on the lives of the athletes, those they train and direct.


The main functions of the sports coach have been widely researched in recent
years. Various functional and competency-based frameworks have been
developed at national and international levels, such as those of some international
federations, the European Coaches Council, Zone VI in Africa, SASCOC in South
Africa and the National Coaches Certification Program in Canada .

The International Sports Training Framework specifies six main functions, all of
which help fulfill the central purpose of guiding improvement and development.
These primary features were derived from consultation, a literature review, and
primary research. Establish the vision and strategy. The coach creates a vision and
strategy based on the needs and developmental stages of the athletes and the
organizational and social context of the program.

Shape the environment The coach recruits and hires to work with a group of
athletes and takes responsibility for establishing plans for specific periods.

The athletic trainer also seeks to maximize the environment in which the program
takes place through staff, facilities, resources, work practices, and management of
other coaches and support staff.

Build relationships. The sports coach builds positive relationships with athletes and
other people associated with the program, including staff at the club, school,
federation and other levels.

The sports coach is responsible for engaging, contributing and influencing the
organizational context through the creation of respectful working relationships.
Conduct practices and prepare for and manage competitions.

The sports coach organizes appropriate and challenging practices using effective
techniques (e.g., practice design, demonstration, observation, feedback) to
promote learning and improvement. The coach prepares for specific competitions
and also supervises and directs the athletes in these competitions.

Read and react to the field. The coach observes and responds to events
appropriately, including all matters on and off the field.

Effective decision making is essential to fulfill this role and must be developed at all
stages of sports coach development. Learn and reflect.

The athletic trainer evaluates the program as a whole, as well as each practice and
competition. Evaluation and reflection support a process of continuous learning
and professional development. The athletic trainer also supports efforts to educate
and develop other coaches.

These core functions describe how coaches achieve their goals in general terms.
Substantial variation may exist depending on the nature of specific training roles
and circumstances. Additionally, experienced coaches tend to be more engaged
than early-stage coaches across all roles.

However, all coaches should strive to fulfill these primary functions regardless of
experience. The knowledge and competency associated with these roles are
examined in detail. The primary functions are interrelated and occur in a cyclical
improvement process that includes planning, implementation, review, and


A good athlete trainer must bring together a wide range of qualities. It is very
difficult to limit them all or try to determine to what degree each of them should be
combined, since each athlete to be trained is a unique case and different from the
rest. However, it is possible to identify certain skills that make a difference in favor
of good technicians. These are some of them:

• Ability to motivate: Sport is a continuous state of mind. Athletes can train and
train for hours, review videos and eat wonderfully... but if their mood is poor, their
performance will obviously remain below their optimal possibilities.

That is why the coach must be a great psychologist who knows every last
emotional corner of his athletes. This mastery of the personality of their pupils must
be complemented with extensive training in motivation techniques and reactivation
of the competitive and learning spirit. Each situation and each athlete, as we
mentioned previously, are unique and unrepeatable, and the coach must know how
to apply the perfect recipe so that the results are as planned.

If we aspire to be successful coaches, we must keep in mind that our success in

motivating will be the cornerstone on which all other decisions linked to this
profession revolve.

• Discipline : It is a complicated facet to control, since it is very easy to confuse it

with authoritarianism. The good coach must achieve compliance with standards of
conduct and training, based on the logical understanding of their usefulness by the

Imposing rules because if, without stopping to argue their meaning and relevance
in obtaining future successes, it would end up being revealed as a futile attempt to
put fences on the field. We cannot control the people we train through impositions;
it is much easier to achieve their loyalty and trust by establishing well-explained
codes of behavior that derive positive consequences that are easily observable by
our athletes.

• Master strategy : Without a doubt, this is the skill that makes the difference in the
world of professional sports. Motivation and discipline, at these levels, are areas
highly controlled by those in sports training. However, when the time comes to
confront our team, or our individual athlete, with that of a rival coach, the ability to
anticipate the opponent's movements and unbalance the fight in our favor is a gift
that brings enormous doses of category. and recognition to those who own it.
Being a good strategist is not just about knowing competitive theory by heart. It is
something that goes much further, and that translates into small details such as
being able to detect the opponent's fears and make them revive them at the right
moment, or knowing how to properly balance the patterns of attack and defense
that must be applied in each competitive dispute. .

• Control, evaluate and continually improve: It is a business maxim that we

must abide by if we want to avoid stagnation in our methods and athletes. Once
the season has been planned, just like a company's budget is prepared, we must
be clear that these plans will always, always, always suffer deviations in practical

This is where the coach's ability to establish efficient performance control systems
comes into play, in a differentiating way.

If we can measure, objectively and quantitatively, the results that we obtain, and
we are also prepared to adequately evaluate and interpret the meaning of these
data, we will be prepared to adopt the appropriate corrective measures that allow
us to evolve our training method, adapting it to the new demands imposed on us by
each type of competition, rival to beat or sport in which we get involved as


Although the most obvious task that the sports technician must perform is the
physical-tactical preparation of his athletes, the drift of current sport makes it
essential that these be complemented with adequate psychological preparation, to
face moments of emotional and emotional wear, with guarantees. of success, and
also with the effective transmission of good knowledge about competition strategy.

If we are successful in the joint and balanced teaching of these areas to our
athletes, we will be on the right path that will allow us to maximize the performance
and virtues of the team or the individual competitor, alleviate the influence of their
weaknesses and shortcomings on the final result, and help effectively counter the
actions of opponents.

Nowadays, due to the complexity of mastering all these concepts, coaches have
become technical bodies in which several members share these activities. If the
harmony between them is good, the efficiency of the training methods will be
implemented. But if this does not happen, it is always advisable that the coach in
charge of the technical team has a wide range of knowledge in relation to the
different fields mentioned.

If we master all of the above, not only will we be able to correctly handle situations
of incompatibility with our collaborators, we will also be able to optimally prepare
our teams when the means and work circumstances are marked by the
precariousness of available resources, and we will reveal ourselves as essential
assistants in the case that we are the ones under the orders of another sports


There is one aspect on which a sports coach should never lose perspective: the
influence that his actions and teachings can have on the personal and professional
development of the athletes in his charge.

From this point of view, it is important that we make a clear differentiation between
the grassroots coach, one who helps, through sport, to form the personality of
children and adolescents, and the adult coach, more focused on achieving goals.
results at a competitive or personal level.

Throughout their lives, there are usually multiple and very different grassroots
coaches who interact in the learning of children and adolescents. Although it is
impossible for all of them to agree on the specific methods and objectives to be
achieved in this fundamental period of personal education, all of them should
always keep the following maxim in mind: never make a comment or action of a
training without first having analyzed and weighed it properly.

When a coach punishes or reprimands an adult, or transmits comments of a

controversial nature, the recipient of such messages is an individual with an
already developed personality and with sufficient capacity to evaluate and filter
what he or she receives from his superiors in terms of approval and rejection.
However, minors mostly lack these cognitive filters, they are sponges that abide by
and internalize the teachings of their coaches, for the simple fact that they see in
them the protective shield that protects them in that specific social area that is the
training and competition field.

We have all been children and, if we think about some of the coaches we have
had, we will realize how easily we associate certain actions and specific phrases
with them. That is the educational trace that they have left in us, who now wish to
practice as coaches, if we do not already do so.

Aware of this impact that we can have on the future perception of life by our pupils,
surely from now on we will try to ensure that they identify us tomorrow with specific
moments in which values such as respect, fair play, success through effort and the
desire to improve. If we manage to make this happen, it is more than likely that it
will be a direct consequence of us gathering the skills and characteristics that are
supposed to identify great sports trainers.


Background: Physical inactivity, along with other lifestyle-related health risk factors,
unhealthy diet, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, is increasingly common in
developing countries facing rapid economic development and social, urbanization
and industrialization

Associated non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular diseases,

diabetes and cancer, have increased rapidly in transition countries, and their
and monitoring is now a major challenge for major governmental and non-
governmental organizations (NGOs).

The importance of physical activity as a means of prevention and control of NCDs

is recognized in developing countries, as is the need for appropriate programs,
policies and guidelines.
However, the evidence base on the implementation of physical activity
interventions in developing country context is sparse. The same applies to the
development of national physical activity policies and guidelines.

Objective of the review: This review aims to address the evidence gap by
describing activity interventions in developing countries (current practice), and
compiling case studies of those interventions that are considered successful (best
practice). current), for example, in terms of knowledge of the benefits of physical
activity and increased participation in physical activity.

This information will support WHO efforts to develop guidelines for implementing
physical activity interventions in developing countries. The main focus of this
review was interventions initiated by the ministries of health, sport and/or education
and carried out on a large scale (national, state, provincial). However, intervention
implementation generally includes components at the local level (community,
school, workplace).

Furthermore, the review also contributes to the documentation of national physical

activity guidelines as physical activity policies (or NCD disease prevention - obesity
prevention - health promotion including physical activity) in developing countries.
This provides valuable information about the context in which physical activity
interventions take place.


The characteristic of a coach greatly influences the behavior of athletes. And it also
establishes bases to overcome obstacles in life, creates an ideal profile with
fundamental principles of moving forward and achieving goals.

The coach with vision and mission and objectives to achieve is one who
demonstrates his greatness by doing his job in order, and maintaining a close
relationship with the athletes, considering them in some way if something fails,
showing motivation so that it does not happen again.
The influence of a coach who uses different training methods in order to achieve
the maximum capacity of athletes contains an order of training. So you can
damage the muscle fiber and obtain hypertrophy and increased strength.

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