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• Title of the training program: Promotion of blood donation.

• Training program code: 33130210
• Name of the project (if it is qualified training) N/A.
• Project phase (if qualified training) N/A.
• Project activity (if qualified training) N/A.
• Competence: 230101239 - Promote health actions in accordance with public health regulations.
• Learning outcome(s) to achieve:
o 230101239-01 - Recognize the technical foundations of blood donation taking into account
current regulations.
o 230101239-02 - Schedule campaigns to promote blood donation taking into account
methodologies, logistics and blood component requirements.
o 230101239-03 - Carry out the promotion of blood donation in accordance with technical
guidelines of the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health.

• Guide duration: 48 hours


Welcome to the Blood Donation Promotion training program, designed to strengthen the technical
capabilities of those who carry out work in promoting blood donation. This guide will address elements
necessary to achieve the learning outcomes, which allow a clear understanding of the aspects related to the
promotion of blood donation as a contribution to transfusion safety and the strengthening of public health. The
above arises from the development of the following learning activities.


For the development of learning activities, it is necessary to review the training components developed to
support your training process. The instructor will provide support on the virtual platform to guide and guide
some specific situations that must be taken into account for the development of each of the evidence. Before
developing the evidence proposed in this learning guide, you must carry out the following initial activities:

• Updating personal data.

• Participation in the social forum .
• Read the program information , this will allow you to understand the objectives, activities and
methodology that will be developed during the course.
• Please note that it is essential to understand the learning outcomes to have a greater understanding of
the process.
• Review the schedule , which will allow you to know the planning designed to achieve
sequential learning outcomes.

Below is the organization of the evidence associated with the competition, distributed over 4 weeks, each
evidence contemplates a development and delivery time, keep in mind that each week you must present the
evidence indicated in the table hereof. guide and in accordance with the guidance received by your instructor.
In this guide you will find the description of each activity and the necessary instructions for its presentation and

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Process diagram:
Conceptual map: Interactive
structure of planning
regulatory structure in presentation: basic
blood donation
promoting blood concepts in blood
campaigns AA02-
donation AA01-EV01. donation AA02-EV03. Interactive Video:
generate a culture
Checklist: tool to verify Collaborative of blood donation
compliance with the document. Part II: AA03- EV02.
document. Part I:
regulatory criteria in blood donation
blood donation
promoting blood campaign strategy
campaign strategy
donation AA01-EV02. proposal AA03-EV01.
proposal AA02-EV02.

Hours 12 12 12 12

The active teaching strategy of this program is based on the project method, as well as autonomous learning,
situated from the context of management for the promotion of health actions in accordance with public health
regulations. These activities will allow you to place yourself in real situations of your daily work life and in this
way appropriate the conceptual and procedural contents, applying your knowledge and skills to solve the
proposed actions.

Study the thematic contents, review the proposed complementary material and then develop the activities
according to the schedule.

3.1. Learning activity 1. Identify current regulations promoting blood donation.

Knowing the regulatory aspects allows the promoter of blood donation to adopt these measures in each of the
activities carried out, generating awareness of the importance and foundation of each of these and leading to
the strengthening of transfusion safety from the type of blood donor recruited, until the execution process. With
the development of this activity, the learner will be able to have an overview of the regulations promoting blood

Duration: 10 hours.

Training material : to facilitate the development of this activity, review the training component Regulations
on Promotion of Blood Donation . It will also help you to enter the website of the National Institute of Health , the specific routes where you will find the documents to verify said information are:
• / blue tab “accesses” upper right side home page / National Blood Bank Network /
• / blue tab “accesses” upper right side home page / National Blood Bank Network /
Publications, continuing education and documents under review / Publications.

Evidence: The actions and corresponding evidence that make up the learning activity are described below:

• Conceptual map: regulatory structure in promoting blood donation AA01-EV01.

To prepare the concept map, you can use digital tools found on the Internet such as Cmap Cloud, Mindomo,
among others; You can also use programs such as Word or PowerPoint, in which you can establish a
structure using the SmartArt tool. Remember that, to access it, you must go to the toolbar, Insert option and
then SmartArt , then choose the Hierarchy graphic option.

To develop the map you must start around the type of norm, remember to approach according to the
normative range; Therefore, you must register in the following order:

• decree
• Resolution
• Circular
• Lineament
• Bulletin

The above means that the graph will begin mentioning the decrees and will end with the technical bulletins.
For greater clarity it is necessary to review the Annex-example-template-conceptual-map-AA1-EV1 , which
contains a guide as an example. projection of the concept map.

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

o Product to be delivered: a conceptual map with the regulatory aspects in promoting blood donation.
o Format: the concept map must be created in a digital tool, in a horizontal position, you can also create it
in Word or PowerPoint; Select the best option that suits your learning process and then generate a
PDF as a delivery product.
o Extension: free.
o To send the related evidence, go to the activities area and locate the link corresponding to the evidence
of knowledge Conceptual map: regulatory structure in promoting blood donation AA01-EV01.

• Checklist: tool to verify compliance with the regulatory criteria in promoting blood donation AA01-

Dear apprentice, it is key to understand that the checklist is a tool used in audit and technical assistance
processes, its main function is to verify whether the established regulatory criteria are being met, likewise, its
use allows providing transfusion security, guaranteeing a monitoring of the activities carried out, in such a way
that if improvement actions or some type of recommendation are required, there is an element to guarantee
and manage their strengthening.

At the time of its application, the person in charge of carrying out the audit or the technical assistance visit,
investigates based on the elements related to the checklist, in order to review compliance with the activities
that are being carried out, each action is corroborated. Through the evidence provided by the personnel who
are responding to what was investigated, what was observed and the recommendations, are recorded GFPI-F-135
in said

It is important to keep the following recommendations in mind when applying this checklist in the future:

Keep in mind that you must call those responsible for promoting blood donation, since they will be
the ones who will answer the questions established in the checklist.
You should be informed that the exercise to be carried out will contribute to the strengthening of
your technical capabilities.
Ideally, it should begin by telling you how they promote blood donation in said bank. This type of
story can generate a rapprochement with said people, in addition to verifying whether what is
mentioned verbally is in accordance with what is described in the Procedure. Standard Operation for
the promotion of blood donation.
When the description of activities expressed by the promoter is completed, you must continue with
the questions in the guide that you have not been able to complement in said story.
As the rule is already known to you, as the visit progresses, express verbally and with a record in
the guide, the recommendations that you consider you should provide. The dates on which the
activities that are required to be carried out to strengthen the regulatory aspects established in the
guide will be delivered must always be mutually agreed upon. Once said time has passed,
compliance will be monitored.

Taking into account the previous explanation and the knowledge of the regulatory criteria in promoting blood
donation, prepare a checklist with the necessary elements to carry out the verification activities and
compliance with what is legally established in said area of the blood bank, Keep in mind that the questions you
propose in the checklist should be short and clear, thinking about the person who is leading the activity at the
time. The minimum structure of the format can be identified based on the review of the Annex-example-

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

either Product to be delivered: list Checkup

either Document format: PDF.
either Extension: free.
o To send the related evidence, go to the activities area and locate the link corresponding to the product
evidence: Checklist: tool to verify compliance with the regulatory criteria in promoting blood
donation AA01-EV02.

3.2 Learning activity 2. Know the methodologies, logistics and requirements of

hemocomponents for programming campaigns to promote blood donation.

Duration: 19 hours
Training Material: to facilitate the development of this activity, keep in mind to review the training component
Management of blood donation campaigns . Likewise, it will be helpful to enter the website of the National
Institute of Health, and locate the National Guidelines for blood collection in mobile stations,
whose route is as follows: / blue tab “accesses” upper right side home page / National Blood Bank Network /
Publications, Continuing Education and Documents under Review / Publications / Transfusion Safety Bulletins
or in the link: https://www moviles.pdf

Evidence: The actions and corresponding evidence that make up the learning activity are described below:

• Process diagram: structure of planning blood donation campaigns AA02-EV01.

A process diagram is a tool for visual representation of a series of ordered and systematized actions or
activities, used to detail, define and schedule the decisions, records and documents of a process and the
relationship between them. Its greatest usefulness is to be able to observe a process in a complete and
effective way, to understand and understand each of the parts and their components.

In accordance with the above and supported by the study and complementary material, a process diagram
must be made, in which each of the steps is structured to carry out the planning of a blood donation campaign.
For implementation, you can take into account the example of a process diagram that you will find in Annex-
example-process-diagram-AA2-EV1 regarding how the selection of blood donors is carried out in a blood

Remember to locate the aspects that you consider most relevant in the process, in such a way that it
describes to anyone the actions that must be carried out when carrying out a blood collection at mobile

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

either Product to be delivered: diagram of process.

either Document format: PDF.
either Extension: free.
o To send the related evidence, go to the activities area and locate the link corresponding to the product
evidence: Process diagram: structure of blood donation campaign planning AA02-EV01.

• Collaborative document. Part I: blood donation campaign strategy proposal AA02-EV02 .

Dear apprentice, a collaborative document is a tool used to promote work between peers and allow
communication processes between people virtually. For this evidence, you will have to form a group and
establish an initial proposal with the minimum requirements for programming a campaign to promote blood
donation. To do this, you must prepare a document that contains the following structure:

• Introduction
• Justification
• Goals
• Theoretical framework

For the development of this proposal, capture the necessary considerations, taking into account the following

• What indicators will you base on when setting goals?

• What population will intervene: young people, business officials, among others?
• Mention at least 3 proposal options that you could use to promote blood donation in the population to
be intervened.
• Express the logistics required, take into account the material requested for the promotion and
collection actions to be carried out during the campaign.

Note: keep in mind that to prepare it you can do it in the OneDrive or Drive tool.

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

either Product to be delivered: Collaborative document.

either Document format: PDF.
either Extension: free.
either To send evidence
related information go to the activities area and locate the link
corresponding to product evidence: Collaborative document. Part I: blood donation campaign
strategy proposal AA02-EV02.

• Interactive presentation: basic concepts in blood donation AA02-EV03.

Interactive presentations are computerized documents that can include texts, diagrams, graphics,
photographs, sounds, animations and video fragments, from which they become a resource that allows
information to be transmitted in a friendly way. Therefore, for this evidence through an interactive presentation,
you must explain each of the basic concepts that a donor must know regarding infectious diseases that can be
transmitted through blood, do not forget to include the concept of immunological window.

To develop this presentation you can use the Microsoft PowerPoint program, but you can also use online tools
such as, Emaze, among others. Keep in mind that, before creating the presentation, you must save
the images you will use (backgrounds, characters, situations, among others) as well as videos or pages of
interest; Always keep in mind that, out of respect for their copyright, you must give credits to where you
obtained them.

Remember that you should not use technical terms and that the explanations must be made in basic
language; this presentation may not exceed 5 minutes.

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

either Product to be delivered: interactive presentation of basic concepts in blood donation.

either Document format: public link of the presentation if it is made in tools in
line. In the PowerPoint program you must deliver a PDF document with the link to the presentation.
To do this, upload the presentation to a cloud storage space (OneDrive, Drive, among others) and
obtain the public link for viewing.
o Extension: maximum 5 minutes.
o To send the related evidence, go to the activities area and locate the link corresponding to the product
evidence: Interactive presentation: basic concepts in blood donation AA02-EV03.

3.3 Learning activity 3. Promote the promotion of blood donation according to the technical guidelines
of the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health.

Duration: 19 hours

Training Material: to facilitate the development of this activity, consider reviewing the training component
Actions to generate a culture of blood donation . Likewise, it will help you to enter the website of the
National Institute of Health www.ins., and locate the National Guidelines for blood collection at mobile
stations, whose route is as follows: / blue tab “accesses” upper right side home page / National Blood Bank Network /
Publications, continuing education and documents under review / Publications / Transfusion Safety Bulletins or
in the link: https://www

Evidence: The actions and corresponding evidence that make up the learning activity are described below:

• Collaborative document. Part II: blood donation campaign strategy proposal AA03-EV01.

Dear apprentice, taking into account the importance of adequately informing blood donors, the results of the
various studies of knowledge, attitudes and practices carried out on the general population in Colombia, it is
necessary for a blood donation promoter to know the results. of these studies and thus be able to establish
what type of information is relevant to provide to blood donors, thus allowing us to resolve possible doubts that
people may have regarding blood donation.

Based on the above and in order to unify the support that clarifies these questions, we ask you to prepare
texts in which the following aspects are explained clearly and creatively:

• What is blood?
• What are the functions of each blood cell?
• How much blood does an adult have in their body and how much do they donate?
• Does donating blood make you gain weight?
• Do they sell blood?
• Donate sick blood?
• How many people benefit from a blood donation?
• Can a person who has had hepatitis donate blood?
• Can a person with a tattoo donate blood?
• What happens to blood after it is donated?

Having determined the texts to clarify the previous questions related to blood donation, prepare a collaborative
document with the group formed previously, in which the previously defined supports are reflected. The
document must contain at least the following structure:

• Definition of the strategy and actions to promote blood donation.

• Methodologies for the development of the strategy and actions for promotion.
• Logistics and requirements for blood components, based on the recognition of a social or institutional

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

either Product to be delivered: collaborative document.

either Document format: PDF
either Extension: free
either To send evidence
related information go to the activities area and locate the link
corresponding to product evidence: Collaborative document. Part II: blood donation campaign
strategy proposal AA03-EV01.

• Interactive Video: generate a culture of blood donation AA03-EV02.

Dear apprentice, taking into account the aspects related to the national guidelines for the promotion of the
donation of blood and components anatomical (link: ) , create
an educational strategy to promote the culture of blood donation. Keep in mind that the development of the
strategy for the promotion of blood donation must be in accordance with the technical guidelines of the
Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health, knowledge acquired through the activities proposed
during the course.

For this activity you must choose one of the following towns:

• School population, children from 10 to 16 years old

• Adolescents from 17 to 25 years old
• University population

After having created the strategy according to the chosen population, create an interactive video under a
creative and innovative concept, in which you can bring the devised strategy to reality. Remember that said
strategy must include the explanation of the following aspects discussed in the above evidence:

• What is blood?
• What are the functions of each blood cell?
• What amountHow much blood does an adult have in their body and how much do they donate?
• Donate blooddo you get fat?
• Do they sell blood?
• Donate blood sick?
• How many people benefit from a blood donation?
• Can a person who has had hepatitis donate blood?
• Can a person with a tattoo donate blood?
• Immunological window
• What happens to blood after it is donated?

Having finished the video, proceed to publish it and spread it on at least 3 social networks, for 5 consecutive

Consider the following:

• Before recording, you must be clear about the devised strategy.

• The video should be visually pleasing and in a fluid tone
• You can use the digital tool that best suits you or that you know best.
• Starting with the slide show option GFPI-F-135
• Maximum duration of 5 minutes

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

o Product to be delivered: interactive video and evidence of dissemination of the video on at least 3
social networks, for 5 consecutive days.
o Document format: PDF document with the link to the video, to do this upload the video to a cloud
storage space (OneDrive, YouTube, Drive, among others), obtain the public link for viewing, this link
is the that must be sent through the evidence space.
o Extension: free
o To send the related evidence, go to the activities area and locate the link corresponding to the product
evidence: Interactive video: generating a culture of blood donation AA03-EV02.

Evaluation techniques and
Evidence of learning Evaluation criteria
Understands the aspects
technicians in the promotion of
Evidence of knowledge:
blood donation taking into account
the guidelines
Map conceptual: structure
regulations promoting blood IE-AA01-EV01.
donation AA01-EV01.
Describes the functions of national
and local level institutions of
agreement with the
structure of the national network of
blood banks.

Identifies duties and rights of

citizens as donors within the
framework of technical
Product evidence:
Respect the donor as a subject of
Checklist: tool for the
rights, in accordance with ethical Rubric:
check of the
compliance of the criteria IE-AA01-EV02.
regulations to promote blood
It sets out the minimum criteria
donation AA01-EV02.
that a person must meet to be a
blood donor having in
account the
technical fundamentals.

Meets the criteria for acceptance

of a donor according to guidelines.

Verifies risk behaviors, vector-
borne diseases, adverse events
that compromise the safety of the
donation of blood
according to

Appropriates basic concepts of

promoting blood donation in
Product evidence: accordance with technical
references. Rubric:
Process diagram: structure of
planning blood donation campaigns Identify mechanisms of IE-AA02-EV01.
AA02-EV01. functioning of the center
regulator of
blood components, according to
procedures operational
Product evidence:
Distinguish the
Check list:
Collaborative document. Part I: blood components taking into
blood donation campaign strategy account the guys, utility,
proposal AA02-EV02. conservation and useful half-life.

Relate the groups

taking into account their

Informs the potential donor about

care before, during and after blood
Evidence of performance:
donation according to guidelines.
Presentation interactive:
Identifies the importance of
basic concepts in blood donation IE-AA02-EV03.
promoting blood donation based
on public health strategies.

Promote blood donation in the

Product evidence: population taking into account
strategies Check list:
Collaborative document. Part II: communicative and sociocultural
blood donation campaign strategy characteristics. IE-AA03-EV01.
proposal AA03-EV01.

Evidence of performance:
Campaign program to promote
donation and collection of
Interactive video: generating a
bloodaccording to
culture of blood donation AA03- IE-AA03-EV02.


Blood bank: is any establishment or unit with a Health Operating License to carry out activities related to the
obtaining, processing and storage of human blood intended for the transfusion of whole blood or separate
components, apheresis procedures and other preventive procedures. therapeutics and research. One of its
purposes is to ensure the quality of blood and its derivatives.

Coerced or replacement donor: person who donates blood or components, after a process of awareness
and education, when requested by a member of his or her family or community without there being a
requirement for the provision of the service.

Blood donor: person who, prior to compliance with the indicated requirements, gives, without financial
remuneration and free of charge and for preventive, therapeutic, diagnostic or research purposes, a portion of
his or her blood voluntarily, freely and consciously.

Voluntary Donor: a person who donates blood or components of his or her own free will and does not receive
any payment, either in the form of cash or in kind that could be considered a substitute for money. This would
include time away from work not reasonably necessary for the donation and travel. Small souvenirs,
refreshments and reimbursements of direct expenses associated with travel/transportation are compatible with
this type of donation.

Habitual, repetitive/repeat voluntary donor: person who donates blood or components at least 2 times in
the last 12 months, of their own free will and does not receive any payment, either in the form of cash or in
kind that could be considered a substitute for money.

Hemocomponent : part obtained by separating a unit of whole blood, using physical or mechanical means,
such as sedimentation, centrifugation, freezing or filtration.

Promotion of Blood Donation : these are all information, awareness and education actions on blood
donation and self-care behaviors offered by blood bank staff to the general population, with the aim of
generating a culture of donation and whose message is focused on obtaining blood and blood components
from people who have a low risk of transmitting infections, in addition to having a supply of blood available to
meet the transfusion demands of different hospital institutions; Likewise, it aims to strengthen social
responsibility in citizens and public health actions, which lead to the transfusion system being effective and

National Network of Blood Banks : technical, administrative and healthcare coordination system that allows
the development, organization, supervision and evaluation, with the purpose of guaranteeing the sufficient,
timely and safe supply of blood and its blood products in the national territory.


National Institute of Health -INS- (2020, November 25). Circular 001 of 2006 Voluntary and altruistic blood
donation . Retrieved from

National Institute of Health (2020, November 25). Circular 003 of 2015 Recommendations to address the
insufficiency of red blood cells and platelets in the December and post-December season . Retrieved

National Institute of Health -INS- (2020, November 25). Guidelines Promotion of blood donation and
components anatomical of 2019. Recovered of

National Institute of Health -INS- (2020, November 25). 2018 Blood Donor Selection Guideline . Retrieved

National Institute of Health -INS- (2020, November 25). Technical bulletin Promotion of voluntary and habitual
blood donation as an impact on transfusion safety 2011 . Retrieved from

National Institute of Health -INS- (2020, November 25). Technical bulletin: Summary of cases of coerced
donation 2016. Retrieved from

National Institute of Health -INS- (2020, November 25). Technical bulletin: Response mechanisms of the
National Network of Blood Banks and Transfusion Services in situations of disaster risk, emergency
and disaster in Colombia of 2019. Recovered of

National Institute of Health -INS- (2020, November 25). Technical bulletin: Blood Collection at Mobile Stations.
Recovered from

National Institute of Health -INS- (2020, November 25). Technical bulletin: Strategies associated with the
promotion of the donation of blood of 2018.
Recovered of

National Institute of Health -INS- (2020, November 25). Technical bulletin: Notification of three cases of
transfusion transmitted infection (TTI)-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) of 2019 . Retrieved from transfusion-virus-

Ministry of Health (2020, November 25). Decree 1571 OF 1993, which partially regulates title IX of Law 09 of
1979, regarding the operation of establishments dedicated to the extraction, processing, conservation
and transportation of whole blood or its blood products, creating the national network of blood banks
and the national council of blood banks and other regulations are issued provisions
about the subject . Recovered of

Ministry of Health (2020, November 25). Resolution 0901 of 1996 Manual of technical, administrative and
procedural standards in blood banks.Retrieved from

Pan American Health Organization -PAHO- (2013). Working standard for blood services. Editorial Pan
American Health Organization.

Name Post Dependence Date
Author(s) Magda Juliana Expert Subdirectorate of December 2020
Rodriguez Rodriguez Thematic organ, tissue transplants
and Banks of
Blood National Institute of
Maryuri Sharpen it Designer Center of Design April 2021
Frank Instructional and
Metrology. Regional
Capital district
Andrés Felipe Velandia Methodological Center of Design April 2021
Espitia and Pedagogical and
Reviewer Metrology. Regional
Capital district
Sandra Patricia Hoyos Correction of Center for the Graphic April 2021
Sepúlveda style Communication Industry.

Name Post Dependence Date Reason for change


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