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Functions used in engineering

Diferential calculus

Gustavo Cornejo Pacheco

V Semester

Walter Palza Delgado


Engineers during their training and during their professional life use all or almost all the
methods of classical mathematics. But the result must be effective: a number or a
function, which involves the magnitudes related to the object of study. The argument or
logical structure seems unimportant to the engineer, since he trusts in mathematics and
that its laws and methods do not involve contradictions. On the other hand, many
concepts of mathematical functions have become indispensable elements of general
culture and of the engineer in particular. Even in everyday life, knowledge regarding the
speed of variation of a magnitude (derivative) or the summary effect produced by some
factor is sufficiently useful. They broaden the intellectual horizon and are applicable in
numerous situations.

In Engineering, the use of functions is frequent, which requires the creation of new
mathematical structures.
Performing successful simulations sometimes leads to a deeper understanding of
fundamental physical and biological phenomena. That understanding is then contrasted
with real data, creating a dynamic interaction between mathematics and the other
The existence of powerful and cheap computers has made it possible for mathematicians
to have a wide range of software at their disposal.

Access to these instruments is becoming widespread and is essential in the international

community of all branches of mathematics.

It is noted at this time that new and interesting mathematical areas are emerging
(biomathematics, computing)

Algebra is basic for solving any problem, and you use it throughout your entire career,
such as:
 Polynomial algebra
 Notable Products and Factoring
 Solution of polynomial equations
 Solution of systems of equations

They are the functions P(x), where P is a polynomial in x , that is, a finite combination
of sums and products between scalars (numbers) and the variable x . Usually, scalars are
real numbers, but in certain contexts, coefficients can be elements of an arbitrary field
or ring (for example, fractions, or complex numbers). Example: 4.5 x 3 − x .

 Constant function : f(x)= a

 Linear function : f(x)= ax + b is a binomial of the first degree.
 Quadratic function : F(x)= ax² + bx + c is a trinomial of the second degree.
Example: 3 x 2 − 5 x + 1
 Rational function : These are functions obtained by dividing a polynomial function
by another, not identically null.


Any function that cannot be expressed as a solution of a polynomial equation is called a

transcendental function.

 Exponential function

This is what all functions of the form f(x) = b x are called, where the base b is a
constant and the exponent is the independent variable. These functions have great
application in very diverse fields such as biology, administration, economics,
chemistry, physics and engineering.
 Logarithmic function

The inverses of exponential functions are called logarithmic functions . Since the notation
f -1 is used to denote an inverse function, then another notation is used for this type of
inverses. If f(x) = b x , instead of using the notation f -1 (x), we write log b (x) for the inverse
of the function with base b. We read the notation log b (x) as the “logarithm of x with base
b” , and we call the expression log b (x) a logarithm .

 Trigonometric functions

Trigonometry is essential for those who want to study civil, mechanical and
electronic engineering careers.

Since the sines, cosines and tangents are defined for any angle (do tangents exist for
any angle?), they give rise to the concept of trigonometric functions: sine, cosine,
tangent; secant, cosecant, cotangent; Arcosine, Arccosine, Arctangent.

 Hyperbolic functions : hyperbolic sine , hyperbolic cosine , hyperbolic tangent .

Hyperbolic functions are analogous to ordinary trigonometric functions or circular

Hyperbolic functions that, to a large extent, are analogous to common trigonometric

functions. Hyperbolic functions are frequently used in various technical
investigations. They play a very important role in non-Euclidean geometry,
participating practically in all of its trigonometric dependencies, since analogy
between trigonometric functions illustrates many problems of trigonometry from a
different point of view than the common one.


Geometry is a basic subject for civil, mechanical, chemical and environmental

Formulas based on functions are used to:

 Calculation of perimeters, areas and volumes
 Relationships between angles
 geometric strokes
 Earring
 Equation of the line, circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola

Analytical geometry is an essential subject for civil engineering and electrical

mechanics majors; the rest of the majors use it but on a smaller scale.
Distance between two points.
Statistics is an essential subject for disciplines that constantly use experimentation, such
as: Engineering. Chemistry and Engineering. Environmental.

 Probability distribution function

The probability distribution function of a random variable is a function that

assigns to each event defined on the random variable the probability that said event
will occur. The probability distribution is defined over the set of all events range of
values of the random variable.

When the random variable takes values in the set of real numbers, the probability
distribution is completely specified by the distribution function , whose value in
each real x is the probability that the random variable is less than or equal to x .

 Probability density function

In probability theory, the probability density function, density function, or, simply,
density of a continuous random variable is a function, usually called f(x) that
describes the probability density at each point in the probability space. such that the
probability that the random variable takes a value within a given set is the integral of
the density function over said set.


 Hypergeometric function

In mathematics , a hypergeometric series is a power series where the kth

coefficient of the series is a rational function of k . If the series converges , it defines
a hypergeometric function whose domain is some subset of the complex numbers .

Hypergeometric functions form a vast family of functions that includes, among

others, the Bessel functions , the incomplete Gamma function, the error function,
elliptic integrals and orthogonal polynomials. That this is so is due to the fact that
hypergeometric functions are solutions of a very general class of second-order
ordinary differential equations: hypergeometric differential equations.

 Bessel function

In mathematics , the Bessel functions, first defined by the mathematician Daniel

Bernoulli and later generalized by Friedrich Bessel , are canonical solutions y(x) of
the Bessel differential equation :

The Bessel Equation appears when solutions to the Laplace equation or the
Helmholtz equation are sought by the method of separation of variables in
cylindrical or spherical coordinates. Therefore, Bessel functions are especially
important in many problems of wave propagation , static potentials, and any other
problem described by the Helmholtz or Laplace equations in cylindrical or spherical
symmetries. When solving systems in cylindrical coordinates, Bessel functions of
integer order (α = n ) are obtained and in problems solved in spherical coordinates,
Bessel functions of semi-integer order (α = n + 1 / 2) are obtained, for example:
o Electromagnetic waves in cylindrical waveguides .
o Electromagnetic transverse modes in optical guides.
o Heat conduction in cylindrical objects.
o Modes of vibration of a thin circular (or ring-shaped) membrane.
o Broadcasting on a network.

Bessel functions are also used in other types of problems such as signal processing.

 Lambert W function

In mathematics , the Lambert W function , named after Johann Heinrich Lambert ,

although it is also known as the Omega function or log product , is the inverse
function of f ( w ) = we w where e w is the natural exponential function and w is any
complex number . The function is signified by W. For every complex number called
z , we have


The applications of the Lambert W function in the problems of fundamental physics

are not yet exhausted for the standard case expressed, as has just been seen in the
domains of atomic and molecular physics, as well as in optics.


Differential and integral calculus is essential for all engineering careers, along with
algebra it is one of the most widely used subjects.
Use of derivation and integration rules.
It has a stronger application for dynamics, vibration analysis and control, because
basically to deduce the formulas it has to be integrated, for example, as you know,
acceleration is the double derivative of distance with respect to time, so what happens in
a problem? in which you only have acceleration and need to calculate the distance, it is
necessary to integrate.

Another example is the systems that are used in control, mainly integrative control,
which uses integrals and PID control (proportional integral derivative), where the
feedback lines of your device correct errors through an integral and a derivation as well
as clear the proportion. that you need. Another example is the design of structures where
volumes are calculated for which there are no formulas, and in electronics the control is
used but now digitalized, so for a microcontroller application it is necessary to
implement a PID type control. An example would be the precision telescopes that use
this system to be correctly angled.


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