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‘Table 2-1 Alarm List 3€ ; The rudder is frozen at the time of alarm generating and the steoring mode indicator blinks. Name of lanes Group alan dap ARP individual alam | Cause of alarm | detail ssmar] avo | Remark Gisplay name) ddaplay af rn, (28 7 [AUTO unit | MMA PID = display area | Communication is -|- oO is abnormal | invalid ‘MMA. [EEPROM INDICATE) | WMO orn waris [RTCSRAM labnormall RTC battery [E014 -|-)-]o] worst [B00 [sHosinw [pour | [| 1/01 Ly |[BoL8 2 |PILOT Of Coed during {02,1 course keping in | | : |WATCH (AUTO / NAV mode © |OFF HEADING (PILOT W) _ _ 3 |GYRO GYRO ~ PID lk03.1 | (O) LEAm, Communication is invalid (O):In AUTO / NAV mode 1 GYRO bearing is invalid [p93.2[(O)| — | © only. The rudder may (GYRO) GYRO failure 03.3 |(O)| is fone on proper GYRO bearing has 5 osition in course __| nrg err poet |= | = | = | O | changing | REP POWER | Gyro repeater power | 04.1 IPA faluce a (REP. PWR) B |No1S/G | Sewoloop Garboard) feos _| O Howe DN DW CONTEAIL | Servo loop (port) e052 | G ou ee NI oop GSSONP [contol maior fae [oss [DMC DW C82 ee only Overload (OL) [e055 | — L type only Tow pressure GP) pop. | — Tete option Towievel 05.7 | = yp option ‘Open phase OP) 058 | — TL type option Steringmieel (5059) |_| Sega vise udder response fail OF g | — | — | Reto pmatrs Manual ot (starboard) the steering wheel override side. (SG CNT is not li oventaoaaaee — [0°4 taiwan veride Ruddee andi drs ptm Response fal ° Retro Operators Manoa of (port) the steering wheel override side. (SG CNT is not i) | Niovenite Joos NFU override option Rader response fi xcept DM, DW (starboard) NFU override 05.6 NEU override option and Rudder response fail - bin rudders option Sport), Except DM, DW "3: Incase of FP type, alarms of No.1/No.2 SIG CONT are not generated, 213 3: The rudder is frozen at the time of alarm generating and the steering mode indicator blinks. Name of ‘Alarm Group alarm display _ | 7 individualalarm | Cause of alarm | detail | si [avert] ato | Romark Gisplay name) display { mn | om [=| Nod Rudder position 05D xcept DM, DW CONTRAIL | feback filure ° (SG ONT) Rudder positon poss | Option fr tein adios | 3) feedback failure Except DM, DW (port) eles el Steering simnal output [pos Except DM, DW fail starboard) | Steering signal output [E05 | _ Option for twin rudders fail (port | Except DM, DW. @ [No2 Servo loop taxboar [B01 _| O Except DM, DW Is/@cont. | Servolop or) |z062 | 5 Option for twin rudders RAIL Except DM, DW osc cnn) | Comtolmotor fire s06.3 | — DMDW-OS2 type only oa) Overload OL) 065 | — Ltype only Tow pressure 5066 | — Type option Tow level (LL) 506.7 | = Liype option Open phase OP) __|[B06.8 | — Liype option Steoring wheel e069) | | ‘Steering wheel oven option. override ° | Refer to Operator's Manual af Rudder response fail the steering whesl override (starboard) sido, @SG CNT is not lit) Steering wheel E06.) | ‘Steering wheel over option override ‘and twin rudders option. Rudder response fail ° Refer to Oporator's Manual of (ort) © | — | = | the steering wheel override side. 28G CNT is not it) NFU overside E068 ‘NFU override option Rudder response fail - Except DM, DW (starboard) = NFU override B06.C | [FU ovensde option and Rudder response fail - twin rudders option Gor) | _ Except DM, DW. Rudder position B06D Exeopt DM, DW focdback failure ° (starboard) —_ —_| Rudder position B06E Option for twin rudders feodback failure ° Except DM, DW (port) Stocring signal outpat [HooF | — Except DM, DW fail (starboard) Steering signal output [B00.G | — Option for twin rudders fail (pord i Bxcopt DM, DW *3 : In case of FP type, alarms of No.1/No.2 S/G CONT are not generated. a4 3: The rudder is frozen at the time of alarm generating and the steering mode indicator blinks, Name of ‘Alarm Group alarm display AM individuallamm | Cause of alarm | detail smi] Avro Remark Gsplay name) display vam, { an, |" 7 [HAND Nod RSA power faikwe [po7.1 | — [AUTON ana (ROM. MODE Nod RSA power failure |p07.2 (vith RC mode) are lit (HAND M) 7 No. FPAMP Bo78 EP iype onl Hardware is abnormal ‘AUTOM. | and [ROM (starboard) | (with RC mode) are lit. Noi FPAMP Bora FP type only Hardware is abnormal _ (AUTOM. } ana (ROW. Cc © | = | = Jlwith R¢ mode) are tit. (Option for twin rudders Noa FPAMP 0.78 IFP wype only Hardvars bora - ‘AUTOM, | and [ROM tarboa (with RC mode) are lt. [Nearer "| [po.76 IEP type only adware i abnormal [AUTON ana (Gord (rth RC mode) are bit Option for twin rudders 8 [AUTO PID > MMA Bos. | MODE eaaieeane Order is abnormal Og082 | © lol _ Kauro my | erp ida checkar Oo} -}o abnormal) a) Pidhantwassahoral [Eee | — - ADPT = PID zo. | ¥ When ADPT is selected Conasuniaton invalid *2.When ADPT is not PID — ADPT Foss |_| — | O | O | selected Commauniaton invalid #1 | +2, | Option ADPT Hardware is sone | — abnormal WDT reset ‘ADPT Hardware is [E087 abnormal EEPROM eles 9 JREMODE | Bxernal i — WEA Jaoo. | TO Communication simal M ee External 2 MMA |poa2 | _ Communication isimalid |_| | External 1 Not Ready |p09.3 | — [External @NotReady [rove [— | _ | _ |G RCwteerngisainamal oo. | — Disconnection elarm leew. | © | | tarboard a) Bissoanecion alam [e998 | O (for twin rudders) 7 [Gord | ) 10 [LOW SHIP | Ship's peed down frt0.1 Option SPEED (When AUTO aDPr ee eee cow spp) | Tr De POWER | Depower battery) nia Tacading ening PAIL failure -| |. montero) (oc PWR) “4: In case of FP, when the alarm is generated the rudder is not frozen but the mode signal to the steering gear change non-follow up mode. 215 3: The rudder is frozen at the time of alarm generating and the steering mode indicator blinks. Nemo Group alarm display Pe individual slam | Cause of alarm A070 | ss Remark 2 | Giepay neue) an, |= 12 |STBRING | Steering wheel E121 steering | WHEEL disengaged alarm = -|o 'DISENGAGED (WHL OFF) 7 18 |AUXFAIL | Setting course invalid [ia.1 | _ ~lo alarm a External alarm) [rao 3S _ External alarm? [p33 | — Extemalalarm 3 |p1s4 | — Bxtemal alarm 4 [iss Er S1O2input abnormal [e136 | — S102 Loop abnormal |pis.7 | — i Steering wheal 13.8) Siang vila override mechanism -lol]-|- 5 Operatnrs Manna ‘thesterng wheel verde itenesrent | (AUX is not lit) FU override miss | [oo [Fe override option disconnection alarm Q No.1 Rudder onler | Bi3A output is abnormal - Gtarboard) | No.1 Rudder onder [mia B BP oa output is abnormal - Option for twin rudders G0 | |__| -l- ee No2 Rudderonder |mig.c ° BP type only output is abnormal : Sea natberonir fas Eppa output is abnormal Intion for Gord No.TRudder angle [pis | FP type option inputia abnormal - Gtsrboard 3 FP iype option and Nod Rudderange [mig input is abnormal - tovin rudders option (Gor) -lok — No2 Radderange [pig | ©. |RPispe onto input abso - | | tacboa range [ea FP type option and No.2 Rudderange [pis 9 input is abnormal - ‘win rudders option (oor Nod Saree B51 | | ForDM, DW (ctarboard — No Servo loop or) |z05.2 | Option a vin a {FU override option for Noi NFU override |p05.B NEU overs oi Ruder response fail (starboard) = No.l NFU overside ]05.0 © | ~ | ~ | ReU see opie and udder reponse fai : twin ud | po - lee ‘No.1 Rudder position p05. For DM, DW feedback failure ° | (etarboard) | Bi Option for twin radilere No.1 Rudder postion [pose | @ focdback failure (ort) 2 | for DM, DW 216 3H: The rudder is frozen at the time of alarm generating and the steering mode indicator blinks. Name of ‘Alarm (Group alarm display fe individual alam | Cause of alarm | detail | 3% Jexsmas] auto Remark Gisplay wae) Aspley van | wa ("= 13 [AUX FAIL | Nod Stooring Sanal [pos | — ] For DM, DW (aun output fail (starboard) — No.1 Steering signal | RO5.G ‘Option for twin rudders output fail ort) for DM, DW No.2 Servo loop 506.1 For DM, DW (starboard) ° _ | No2Servoioop Gord 'zoc2 | G Option for twin rudders : for DM, DW No.2NFU override {06.8 NFU override option Rudder response fail | - for DM, DW (Gtarboard) No.2 NFU overside — |g0a.6 o | — | — [NFU ovenide option and Rudder response fail - twin rudders option for or!) DM, DW | No.2 Rudder position [p00 | For DM, DW feedback failure ° (Gtarboard) | —— ‘Nod Rudder positon [poe | G ‘Option for twin rudders feedback failure (port) 2 for DM, DW ‘No.2 Steering signal [poo For DM, DW ‘output fail = (tazboard) No.2 Steoring signal [poaG | _ Option for twin rudders output fail port) |_| foe pve, Dw 14 [OPTION Option alarm 1 miata ora ALARM [Option alarm 2 Bia | — Option alarm 5 Option alarm 4 lpia. [Option alarm 5 heias Option alarm 6 Bu6 | — Option alarm 7 Ts Option alarm 8 E148 =e |2 Option alarm Ierag ol_l- Option alarm10_|miaa | — | Option alarm ii nup | — ~ 07 allie, tion alarm 12 [14.0 lst No.1 power no wollage Operates with DO power POWER FAIL | -|-|-]-]- (PWR EF) = [No.2 No2 power no {Die POWER FAIL | = oe ale |e (a-PWRF) | 217

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