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12 Basis System

report is rendered), you can click the Refresh

AL03 Operating System
button to get an updated display of results.
Alert Monitor
Every application server has buffers allocated
This transaction is obsolete. Refer to SAP to it. You can change the size of the buffers
Note 953552 – CCMS: Obsolete Transactions for performance optimization.
Deleted for more details. The functionality
offered by this transaction is replaced by
AL13 Display Shared Memory
CCMS: Monitoring Architecture and by
(Expert Mode)
transaction RZ20.
You can use this transaction to provide a dis-
play of the shared memory segments. The
AL05 Monitor Current
report displays the shared memory size, the
address range of the memory segment, and
See transaction RZ20 for details. the name of the shared memory. The date
and time when the report is generated is
AL08 Users Logged On displayed in the report title.

You can use this transaction to get a listing

AL15 Customize SAPOSCOL
of all users who are currently logged into the
SAP landscape. The SAP active instance, the
client, the user name, the terminal and the You can use this transaction to manage
transaction (currently being executed) are existing logical destinations that call up
displayed as well. RFCOSCOL. You can access transaction SM59
– RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) from
Display SAP Directories AL15 landing screen. In the AL15 screen,
click the button New RFC Destination; this
You can use this transaction to display all will take you to the SM59 landing screen.
directories in the SAP landscape. You can use From transaction SM59 landing screen, you
the report to view and browse the directory can test the connection to RFCOSCOL.
structure. In the screen (where the report is
rendered), you can click the Configure but-
AL19 Remote File System
ton to maintain the individual directories.

This transaction is obsolete. Refer to SAP

AL12 Display Table Buffer
Note 953552 – CCMS: Obsolete Transactions
(Exp. Session)
Deleted for more details.
You can use this transaction to get an overview
of the buffers in an instance (the instance you
ALRTCATDEF Editing Alert Categories
are working on). The different buffers in the
instance, the size of the buffers, the free bytes You can use this transaction to configure
that are available, and the efficiency are dis- alert processing. Using this transaction, you
played in the report. In the screen (where the can create long and short text, alert priority,

12 Basis System

optional subsequent actions, etc. for the alert.

BD22 Delete Change Pointers
To make custom settings for alert processing
(for all categories), in the Alert Categories You can use this transaction to delete change
Display (Central Alert Server) screen, pointers from database tables. In the selection
choose Settings • Configuration from screen, you can select to delete Obsolete
the menu. This will take you to the Display Change Pointers (change pointers that are
View Alerts: Configuration: Details created in the specified date range), or Pro-
screen, where you can make the required cessed Change Pointers (change pointers
settings for: that have been processed in the specified
date range).
E Inbound Processing – The user will be able
to confirm alerts by SMS or email.
BD54 Maintaining
E Status Handling with Mails – The user
Logical Systems
can specify which statuses are to be
reported. You can use this transaction to create and
E Logging – The user can create a log con- maintain logical systems in the ECC. While
taining additional information while creating, you enter the name of the logical
processing alerts. You can view this log system and a short text.
using transaction SLG1 (object ALERT).
BD87 Status Monitor for
It is a prerequisite that the required authoriza-
ALE Messages
tions are assigned to the user who is creating
and maintaining alerts/alert categories. You can use this transaction to re-process a
failed IDoc. In the selection screen, you can
ALRTMON Alert Monitor select an IDoc by using the IDoc number, the
error number, the message type, etc. You can
You can use this transaction to monitor use transaction BD87 to re-process inbound
the alerts that belong to the alert category IDocs only, and you cannot re-process a suc-
MPA_TEMPLATE. You can enter the time cessful IDoc. The system retains the IDoc
period for which you want to monitor the number, even after re-processing by transac-
alerts in the selection screen. tion BD87.

ALRTPROC Process Alerts BDLS Convert Logical

Administrators are frequently flooded with System Names
alerts or messages about a failed job. You You can use this transaction to convert the log-
are also required to confirm such alerts. You ical system name to a new name. The logical
can use this transaction to process such types system name should exist and be maintained
of alerts. to perform the conversion. If you are per-
forming a logical system conversion, then all
BALE Area Menu for IDocs need to be processed too (because the
Administration logical system name can be included in the
IDoc data record). To perform the conversion,
You can use this transaction to display an you need to be assigned the authorization
area menu related to ALE Administration. object B_ALE_LSYS. SAP recommends not
The SAP Easy Access menu tree structure making the system name conversion by
displays the transactions that are related to directly changing the name in the tables.
ALE Administration. Doing so may lead to inconsistencies.

408 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Basis System 12

CMOD Enhancements DB05 Analysis of a Table

According to Index
You can use this transaction to create proj-
ects and to activate/deactivate enhancements. You can use this transaction to determine
Every enhancement is attached to a project whether adding another column(s) to the
(an enhancement can be assigned to one and index will improve the selectivity of the
only one project) and you can use CMOD to index. You can also determine what sequence
group those enhancements. Using CMOD, of fields provides the best selectivity. Transac-
you can display and get an overview of all tion DB05 reads the full table to perform the
enhancements and function exits contained analysis. If the table is large, then a full table
in an activated project. read will be expensive.

DB01 Analyze Exclusive DB11 Create Database

Lockwaits Connection

You can use this transaction to monitor data- Usually, database connections are created
base locks that are created during a read/ during installation. When required, you can
write or delete on the database table. With create new database connections or maintain
this monitoring, you can identify the dead- existing connections. You can use this trans-
locks and mitigate them. Refer to SAP Note action to create a new database connection.
806342 – FAQ: Analyzing Exclusive Database For creating a new database connection, you
Locks on SQL Server, for more details about will be required to enter the name of the
database locks and lockwaits. database connection, database connection
information, and the user data.

DB02 Tables and Indexes

Monitor DB12 DBA Backup Logs

You can use this transaction to analyze and This transaction is primarily used if you are
monitor database objects such as tables and using MS-SQL*Server as the database. You
indexes. Using this transaction, you can col- can use this transaction to collect and get an
lect statistics such as database growth and overview of information that is required to
size of the table spaces, check for missing monitor database backups. This is an impor-
indexes and size of the indexes, and look for tant transaction for database administrators
space critical objects. This transaction is being (DBAs) who are responsible for database
replaced by transaction DBACOCKPIT. backups. For non MS-SQL*Server databases,
you can use transaction DB12_MSS, which
performs the same function.
DB03 Parameter Changes
in Database
DB13 DBA Planning Calendar
You can use this transaction to display and
maintain the active database parameters. You can use this transaction to plan and
Using this transaction, you can check the schedule backups. Using this transaction, you
status and the validity of these parameters. can view the tasks scheduled for the day or
You will be able to display the history of for a specific date. You can also view the job
these parameters as well. The functionality log and action logs and get an overview of the
of transaction DB03 is similar to transaction status of the job or any other statistics.

12 Basis System

transaction provides similar functionality as

DB14 Display DBA
transaction DB03
Operation Logs
Many Basis administrators use BRTOOLS for
their daily DBA activities. These BRTOOLS cre-
ate a daily log file, which records the activities You can use this transaction to monitor and
and their status (succeed, warnings, failed). perform database administration. This trans-
You can use transaction DB14 to access those action is platform independent (i.e., you can
logs. In the log, you can highlight particular administer any database technology), and the
records and get a detailed overview. user interface provides options to perform
any aspect of database administration. You
can refer to SAP Note 1072066 – DBA Cock-
DB15 Data Archiving –
pit: New Function for DB Monitoring for
Database Tables
details about the transaction DBACOCKPIT.
You can use this transaction to schedule data The transaction DBACOCKPIT replaces indi-
archiving, using one of the following: vidual monitors like ST04 (DB Performance
Monitor) and DB02 (Tables and Indexes
E Find archiving objects that will delete
records from the specified database
E Display database space information DBCO Database Connection
for those tables that were included in Maintenance
archiving. You can use this transaction to maintain the
E Use the archiving object and branch to systems table DBCON. SAP maintains infor-
archive administration to schedule a data mation about the additional non-standard
archive. database connections in this table. You can
E List tables that were accessed when using use this transaction to create new information
a specific archiving object. You can delete or maintain/delete existing information.
data from these tables after archiving them
to a file. You can list all tables that were FILE Cross-Client File
accessed, including tables whose data Names/Paths
were archived.
You can use this transaction to define a logical
DB24 Administrative path name and cross-client logical file name.
Database Operations Using transaction SF01 (Client-Specific File
Name), you can create a client-specific logical
This transaction is obsolete and is no longer file name. The client-specific logical file name
supported by SAP. overrides the cross-client logical file name.
Hence, in any client, it is essential that you
DB26 DB Profile: Monitor delete any client-specific logical file names,
and Configuration which are not required. You can call transac-
tions FILE and SF01 directly from transaction
You can use this transaction to change and SARA (Archive Administration). In the initial
maintain the Oracle database parameters. screen of SARA, click the button Customiz-
Using this transaction, you can also check ing. A dialog box is displayed where you can
the status and validity of the Oracle database select the options Cross-Client File Names/
parameters, as well display its history. This Paths or Client-Specific File Names.

410 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Basis System 12

rent SAP system. This transaction provides

ICON Display Icons
functionality similar to transaction ST06N.
You can use this transaction to maintain and
display a list of all icons in the SAP system.
OS07 Remote Operating
You can get a list of icons in the SAP system
System Activity
by executing the program SHOWICON using
transaction SE38 or SA38.
This transaction provides functionality simi-
lar to transaction ST06. Refer to transaction
LICENSE_ License Administration
ST06 for details. SAP recommends that you
ADMIN Workbench (LAW)
use transaction OS07N for remote operat-
You can use this transaction to collect and ing system activity monitoring, rather than
consolidate license relevant measurement transaction OS07.
data, such as the number of users and number
of engines being used. These data are col- Remote Operating
lected from the component systems as well
System Activity
the central system from where LAW is run.
These data are an important component of
the license audit process. This transaction is used for operating system
monitoring. Compared to other operating
system monitoring transactions such as ST06
LSMW Legacy System
or OS07, this transaction provides better
Migration Workbench
usability, offers flexible options to collect
LSMW is a cross-platform component of history data, and displays data accurately in
the SAP system. You can use LSMW for data virtual OS environments.
migration from legacy/non-SAP systems to
Refer to SAP Note 1084019 – OS07N New
an SAP system. LSMW can be used to read
Operating System Monitor for details about
data from spreadsheets, sequential files, etc.,
transaction OS07N. SAP recommends using
convert data from source to the target format,
transaction OS07N if you experience prob-
and import data into the SAP system.
lems with transactions ST06 or OS07. Refer to
SAP Note 994025 – Virtualized OS Environ-
OS01 LAN Check with Ping ments in the Operating System Monitor for
You can use this transaction to conduct a per- details about transactions OS06N, OS07N
formance check of the network connections and ST06N.
to the different hosts in the network. The
SAP program PING is used to determine the OSS1 Logon to SAPNet
minimum/maximum/average transfer time
You can use this transaction to download
for data packets and number of lost PING
the required SAP Notes from the SAP Ser-
data packets.
vice Marketplace. This transaction can be
used for SAP support connection as well.
OS06N Operating System This transaction is obsolete and is no longer
Activity Monitor supported by SAP. It is recommended that
You can use this transaction to display OS you use SAP Solution Manager to perform
data for the application server of the cur- these functionalities.

12 Basis System

OY19 Customizing Cross- RZ02 Network Graphics for

System Viewer SAP Instances

See transaction SCU0 for details. This transaction is obsolete. Refer to SAP
Note – 953552 CCMS: Obsolete Transactions
Deleted for details.
PFCG Role Maintenance

You can use this transaction to create and

RZ03 Presentation, Control
maintain authorizations, roles and profiles in
SAP Instances
the SAP systems. Refer to SAP Note 113290
– PFCG: Merge Process when Maintaining You can use this transaction to start the con-
Authorization Data for details about mainte- trol panel. The control panel provides you
nance of authorization data using transaction with an overview of systems activity in your
PFCG. landscape. Using this transaction, you can get
an overview of the application server name,
It is a suggested best practice that you do not server services, statuses, and active operation
use transaction SU02: Maintain Authoriza- type. You can sort the results by server name
tion Profiles to manually edit or maintain or by status (active/inactive).
profiles. SAP recommends that you use
transaction PFCG for profile generation and
administration. Similarly, it is a suggested RZ04 Maintain SAP Instances
best practice not to use transaction SU03: You can use this transaction to maintain
Maintain Authorizations for manual authori- instance definition. You are required to
zation administration. SAP recommends that maintain instance definition if a new server
you use transaction PFCG for all authoriza- is added, if the server name is changed, or if
tion administration. the profiles are changed. (Profiles are files that
contain instance configuration information.)
PFUD User Master Data It is a prerequisite that you have the required
Reconciliation authorization to maintain instances.

You can use this transaction to perform user

master comparison for selected roles. (You RZ06 Alerts Thresholds Maintenance
can enter the roles in the selection screen.) In This transaction is obsolete. Refer to SAP
the selection screen, if you select the option Note 953552 – CCMS: Obsolete Transactions
Display Log, the errors and warnings are Deleted for details.
displayed in a dialog box after the report is
RZ08 SAP Alert Monitor

RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor This transaction is obsolete. Refer to SAP

Note 953552 – CCMS: Obsolete Transactions
This transaction is obsolete and is no longer Deleted for details.
supported as of Basis Release 7.20. Refer to
SAP Note 1257300 – RZ01: Job Scheduling
RZ10 Maintain Profile Parameters
Monitor is no Longer Available for details.
You can use this transaction to create and
copy profiles. Profiles can be created either
as Basic Maintenance or as Extended

412 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Basis System 12

Maintenance. Profiles are operating system system. You then add the other systems to
files and contain instance setup information. the alert monitor in the central monitoring
To create and maintain profiles, you should system. As per SAP Note 626771 – CCMS
have the authorization object S_RZL_ADM Performance Menu: Obsolete Menu Entry,
(Computing Center Management System transaction AL05 (Monitor current workload)
Administration) assigned to your authoriza- is obsolete and is replaced by transaction
tion profile. RZ20.

RZ11 Maintain Profile Parameters RZ21 CCMS Monitoring

Arch. Customizing
You can use this transaction to enter the
profile parameter attributes and the param- You can use this transaction to configure a
eter documentation. You must create and Central Monitoring System (CEN). In CEN,
maintain parameter documentation for each you can use this transaction to create the
profile parameter. CSMREG user, activate background dispatch-
ing, activate central system dispatching, and
create CSMCONF file for agents.
RZ12 Maintain RFC Server
Group Assignment
RZ23N Central Performance
You can use this transaction to create and
History (CPH)
maintain RFC Server Groups. The CCMS: RFC
Server Group Maintenance screen displays You can use this transaction to save the per-
the name of the existing RFC Group (dis- formance values of the monitored systems
played as Logon Group), the list of servers and to display them as reports (at a later date)
in the SAP system (displayed as Instance), or for comparisons with the earlier saved
and the current status of the server. To define data. Using this transaction, you can create
a new RFC group, in the menu select Edit • the report definitions, schedule the reports
Create Assignment. By defining RFC groups, as jobs, select the performance attributes that
you can specify which servers can be used by need to be saved in the CPH, and define how
parallel processed jobs. This aids in optimiz- long the performance values need to be saved
ing SAP systems resources usage. in CPH. It is a suggested best practice that CPH
exist only in the central monitoring system.
Transaction RZ23 (Central Performance His-
RZ15 Read XMI Log
tory Reports) is obsolete and is replaced by
You can use this transaction to display and get RZ23N.
an overview of the XMI log files maintained
in the SAP systems. Based on the search filter
RZ70 SLD Administration
entered in the selection screen, the XMI log
files are displayed in the report output. You can use this transaction for local admin-
istration of the SLD directory. The following
functions can be performed:
RZ20 CCMS Monitoring

You can use this transaction to start the alert 1. You can register a technical system in the
monitor. Normally, the alert monitor moni- SLD.
tors the system where you start it. To monitor 2. Using the RFC connection, an ABAP-based
multiple and remote systems, you need to SLD data supplier, you can send data about
identify one system as the central monitoring

12 Basis System

an ABAP system to the SLD bridge by the objects were not archived. The system
means of a SAP gateway. logs provide detailed information about the
archiving session.
3. You can schedule a data supplier as a peri-
odic batch job and set a time interval to
collect data about the current system. SARI Archive Information System

The default time interval for data collection You can use this transaction to retrieve previ-
is 720 minutes. (You can see this default set- ously archived files. SARI is an SAP tool that
ting in the RZ70 screen.) With this setting, facilitates access to the previously archived
the data will be updated in the SLD twice data in SAP.
every day.
SCAT Computer Aided Test Tool
SA38 ABAP Reporting
You can use this transaction to record a test
You can use this transaction to run (execute) script in SAP. You can also use this transaction
programs or reports in SAP. Using this trans- to execute test cases remotely by specifying
action, you can also execute a program in a valid RFC destination. To execute test cases
the background. To be able to access and in the remote system, you need to have the
execute this transaction, you need to have the authorization object S_DEVELOP assigned
authorization object S_PROGRAM assigned to your profile.
to the user.
SCC1 Client Copy – Special
SAINT Add-On Installation Tool Selections

You can use this transaction to install and You can use this transaction to transport
upgrade add-ons or install a preconfigured change requests from one client to another
system (SAP Best Practices applications) in the same server. You are not required to
directly from the SAP system. This is very release the transport request.
helpful because you are not required to restart
the system or access the operating system to SCC3 Client Copy Log
install the add-ons. The SAINT user interface
is available in English or German only. You can use this transaction to perform an
analysis of the client copy and transport
log. The transaction displays the jobs that
SALE Display ALE Customizing
are completed or currently being processed.
You can use this transaction to display the Double-click a specific job to see more details
IMG customizing steps related to the IDoc about the job. After a successful client copy,
interface and ALE. if you see the error: “tp status incorrect/
unknown” on the SCC3 landing screen, refer
to SAP Note 624069 – CC-Info: tp Status
SARA Archive Administration
Incorrect/Unknown for more details.
You can use this transaction to initiate the
archiving of data. Once the archiving is com- Client Administration
pleted, an archiving file will be created; you
can also delete the archived data from the You can use this transaction to create new
database in one step. SAP systems also cre- clients in your landscape, and/or to maintain
ate a log describing the reasons that some of clients that exist in your landscape. You need

414 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Basis System 12

to have required authorization to create new – CC-Topic: Remote Client Copy. The note
clients. describes the prerequisites and how to use
the remote client copy.
SCC5 Delete Client
SCCL Local Client Copy
You can use this transaction to delete a client
in your landscape. To delete a client, you need You can execute this transaction in the target
to have authorization object S_CLNT_IMP client to transport user master records and
assigned to you. authorization profiles from other clients. In
preparation for the client copy, in the source
client you need to perform the following: all
SCC7 Post-Client Import Methods
users (except system administrators) need to
After a client import, you should perform be locked, and all background jobs that were
post processing activities in the target client. released need to be cancelled.
The post processing activities are performed
to adapt the runtime environment to the
SCMA Schedule Manager – Scheduler
current state of data. It is a suggested best
practice to execute transaction SCC7 in the You can use this transaction to schedule an
target client. (You can also execute transac- entire task list for processing, in the sched-
tion SCC7 by remotely logging in from the uler. The tasks in the task plan appear in
source client.) the calendar with details about when they
are scheduled for processing. You can refer
to SAP Note 451999 – Schedule Manager:
SCC8 Client Export
Overview of New Functions for details about
You can use this transaction to transport the functionalities in Schedule Manager.
clients between systems. You can create up
to three transport requests. The output will
SCMP View/ Table Comparison
contain the names of the transports that are
to be imported. In transaction SCC8, the You can use this transaction to compare a
data export is asynchronous. Therefore, you table between two different clients. This
should not perform any other client copy transaction is particularly useful to confirm
until the export is completed. Using transac- whether all the transports made from one
tion SE01 (Transport Organizer—Extended client to another are complete and whether
View), you can check the status of the client the clients are now identical. You can filter the
export. results based on your selection criteria.

SCC9 Remote Client Copy SCON SAPConnect Administration

Copying a client between two different sys- You can use this transaction to configure and
tems is known as remote client copy. You can maintain communication types, conversion
use a remote client copy to transfer custom- rules, protocols, etc. These configurations
izing and other data between two systems. In ensure communications between the SAP
a remote client copy, the data are transferred system and outside systems, such as tele-
directly by an RFC interface; hence, it is a fax. The transaction can also be used for
good idea to test the RFC connections prior administration purposes such as maintain-
to initiating the copy. If you have issues with ing inbound distribution, scheduling send
transaction SCC9, refer to SAP Note 557132 processes, etc.

12 Basis System

SCOT SAPConnect Administration SCUG Transfer Users

Refer to transaction SCON for details. This is a useful transaction if you are using
Central User Administration (CUA). If a
new SAP system is added to the distribu-
SCU0 Customizing Cross-
tion model, you can use this transaction to
System Viewer
transfer the user master records in the new
You can use this transaction to compare system to the central system. You can use
system settings, IMG/customizing settings transaction SCUL to view and validate the
between two clients. The selection page distribution of the users after the transfer.
has a number of options that you can use
to build your selection criteria. Transaction
SCUL Central User
OY19 provides the same functionality. Refer
Administration Log
to SAP Note 18611 – Table Evaluation (OY19,
RSTBSERV): Quest. Problem for details about You can use this transaction to display the
transaction SCU0 and OY19. The SAP Note distribution logs for the Central User Admin-
explains common problems with the table istration. When a company address or the
compare function. user master data are changed in the CUA
central system, the change is replicated and
distributed to the child systems attached to
SCU3 Table History
the central system. The log gives an overview
You can use this transaction to display and of the status of the IDoc distribution; the log
view existing logs for tables and customiz- output displays whether the change to the
ing objects. It is a suggested best practice to user data or company address has been suc-
activate the logging of changes to table data cessfully distributed to the child systems.
for those tables that are identified as critical
for audits. The downside is that if logging is
SCUM Central User Administration
activated, there is a cost: it will slow down
system performance. You can execute report This is a useful transaction if you are using
RSTBHIST to display a list of tables where central user administration (CUA). You can
logging is activated. Refer to SAP Note 1916 use the distribution parameters available in
– Logging Table Changes in R/3 for details this transaction to get an overview of where
about logging table changes. the user master record and its individual parts
are maintained. If you are using CUA, refer to
these SAP Notes: 159885 – CUA: Collective
SCUA Central User Administration
note for Central User Administration, 313945
You can use this transaction to create Central – CUA: Incorrect Logon Locks not Globally
User Administration. When you create CUA, Reversible, and 862937 – SCUM: Initial Pass-
the partner profiles are created automati- word Can Be Changed Everywhere.
cally, the appropriate ALE model is created,
and text comparison is started. You can use
SDBE Explain an SQL Statement
Central User Administration to create and
maintain user master records centrally in You can use this transaction to get details
one system. This provides an overview of about the cost and resources used to execute
all user data in the landscape in one central an SQL statement. These details provide an
system. Any change to the user master record overview of the performance of the SQL
is distributed to the child systems. statement and are very helpful to fine tune

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and improve the performance of the SQL

SE06 Set Up Transport Organizer
You need to execute this transaction once in
every newly installed SAP system. You can
SDCCN Service Data Control Center
use SE06 to perform the following function-
You can use this transaction to support the alities: Generate basic settings of the Change
preparation and delivery of SAP service ses- and Transport Organizer; close other requests
sions, such as GoingLive and SAP EarlyWatch and tasks; set the System Change option.
Alert (EWA). In this transaction, non-ABAP
systems are also supported. The new Service
SE07 TMS Import Monitor
Data Control Center (SDCCN) supersedes the
old Service Data Control Center (SDCC). If You can use this transaction to check the sta-
you are using the old Service Data Control tus of imports into one or more systems in the
Center (SDCC), it must be deactivated prior landscape. The status information displayed
to activating the new Service Data Control in the import monitor is read from the status
Center (SDCCN). Refer to SAP Note 792941 – information stored by the transport control
Maintenance of Transaction SDCC or SDCCN program tp. Each system displays two pieces
for details on how to maintain SDCCN (or of information:
SDCC) for your basis release.
E Scheduling Job: This displays details such
as name of the request, the user who
SE01 Transport Organizer scheduled this request, target client for
(Extended View) client-specific imports, date and time of
You can use this transaction to start the trans- the job schedule.
port organizer, where you can perform the E Execution: This displays the date, time
following activities that are available in the and status of the import, and system mes-
various tab pages: display requests and tasks sage generated by the transport control
(Display); display, edit and maintain trans- program.
ports (Transports); display and edit piece
lists (Piece Lists); display all client transports SE09 Transport Organizer
(Client); display, edit and maintain delivery
transports (Delivery Transp.). You need the You can use this transaction to start the
required authorization to execute transac- Workbench Organizer. You can use the
tion SE01. workbench organizer to track changes to
ABAP workbench objects. You can also access
the Transport Organizer (transaction SE09)
SE03 Transport Organizer Tools
from transaction SE01 (Transport Organizer
This transaction provides tools that you can Extended View) by clicking the Transports
use with Transport Organizer. The tools are tab. At first glance, transactions SE09 and
organized under the following groupings: SE10 appear to be the same and call the same
Objects in Requests, Objects, Object Direc- program RDDM0001. However, a closer look
tory, and Requests/Tasks. at the program reveals a different logic for
each of the transactions.

12 Basis System

grams, classes, Web Dynpros, BSP library, etc.

SE10 Transport Organizer
that currently exist in the system.
You can use transaction SE10 to track cus-
tomizing changes and to display customizing
SE16/ Data Browser
requests in the system. At first glance, transac-
tions SE09 and SE10 appear to be the same
and call the same program RDDM0001. How- You can use this transaction to view the con-
ever, a closer look at the program reveals a tents of a table. The limitation is that with this
different logic for each of the transactions. transaction you cannot change or add new
fields to the existing table structure. Hence,
you can use this transaction for display only.
SE11 ABAP Dictionary Maintenance
You can also use transaction SE16N – General
You can use this transaction to view the Table Display to display the contents of a
ABAP dictionary of objects such as database table. SE16N is the most recent version of
tables, data types, search help, etc. You can transaction SE16 (Data Browser). It provides
also maintain the ABAP dictionary of the a number of improvements and enhanced
objects or create new objects. functionality compared to transaction SE16.
For example, in SE16N, ALV functionality is
ABAP Dictionary Display delivered as standard. If you have any perfor-
mance issues while using transaction SE16N,
You can use this transaction to display the refer to SAP Note 1004869 – Performance
ABAP dictionary of objects such as database Problems in Transaction SE16N.
tables, data types, search help, etc. Transac-
tion SE12 can be used for display only.
SE17 General Table Display

Utilities for Dictionary Tables You can use this transaction to display the
data in a specified table. In the Display Table
You can use this transaction to edit all objects selection screen, you can select which col-
derived from the ABAP dictionary objects. In umns of the table are to be displayed in the
the database utility initial screen, enter the output; the sort order of the output can be
object name and select the relevant object specified as well.
type, to navigate to the relevant mainte-
nance screen; for example, selecting Table
SE38 ABAP Editor
as the object type will navigate you to the
database table’s maintenance screen. To be You can use this transaction to view the
able to use this transaction, you need to be source code, attributes, variants, or docu-
assigned authorization to the authorization mentation of the program. Using the ABAP
object S_DDIC_OBJ. Editor, you can also develop and debug
programs in the SAP system. You can also
use this transaction to execute a program
SE15 ABAP/4 Repository
or a report. It is a suggested best practice
Information System
to restrict access to the ABAP Editor in the
You can use this transaction to open up production environment.
the repository information browser. Using
the browser, you can browse all repository
SE63 Translation – Initial Screen
objects, including the data dictionary, pro-
You can use this transaction to perform the
translation of texts in R/3 enterprise objects,

418 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

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OTR objects, and non-ABAP objects. You can specific logical file name and path. Refer to
also translate multiple objects via a worklist. SAP Note 40582 – Create New File Names via
From the initial screen of transaction SE63, Transaction SF01 for details on how logical
you can access statistics, proposal pool, file names/paths are created and maintained.
translation environment, and the transla- A client-specific definition always overrides
tion planner. It is a prerequisite that, prior a cross-client specific definition. Hence, it is
to executing the translation, you have defined important that you delete any unrequired
the translator settings to meet your require- client-specific definitions in every client in
ments; for example, make sure the source the system.
and target languages are correct.
SF07 File Name Analysis
SE80 Object Navigator
You can use this transaction to display and
You can use this transaction to access the get an overview of the path name, file name
ABAP Development Workbench. You can definitions and their specifications for the
use SE80, as a single integrated interface to respective syntax groups.
access ABAP Editor, ABAP Dictionary, Menu
Painter, Screen Painter, Function Builder, and
SFT2 Maintain Public
Class Builder. In SE80, you can also choose
Holiday Calendar
one of the following browsers: MIME Reposi-
tory, Test Repository, Repository Browser, You can use this transaction to display a list
Repository Information System, Tag Library, of public holidays, holiday calendar or fac-
and Transport Organizer. It is a suggested best tory calendar. The holiday and the factory
practice to restrict access to less frequently calendar are identified in the system, by a
used browsers. To restrict access and selec- two-character calendar ID. The calendar hier-
tion, click Utilities (displayed in the task archy is Public Holidays, which is defined and
bar), select Settings • Workbench (Gen- combined into Public Holiday Calendars. A
eral). Here you can select/deselect browsers holiday calendar is included in every factory
that you would like to access. calendar.

SE93 Maintain Transaction Codes SFW5 Switch Framework

You can use this transaction to create customer
specific transaction codes. You can use these You can use this transaction to activate and
custom transaction codes to call a custom switch on the SAP delivered business func-
report or to support business requirements tions. Using this transaction, you can display
that are not available in delivered transaction the activation logs or create a transport request
codes. It is essential that you assign required with the current settings as well. When new
authorizations to these custom transaction business functions are made available by SAP
codes. (for example, during new enhancement pack
releases), you can use this transaction to acti-
vate those business functions.
SF01 Client-Specific File Names

You can use this transaction to define a client- SGEN SAP Load Generator
specific logical file name and logical path.
You can use transaction FILE: Cross-Client You can use this transaction to generate the
File Names/Paths to define a cross-client ABAP loads of programs, function groups,

12 Basis System

classes, etc. You can also use this transac- system. After the install, when you log on
tion to generate BSP applications of selected to the system for the first time, you need to
software components. The selection screen execute this transaction manually. After the
provides a number of options to select for a first logon, this transaction is called auto-
generation task. The report RSGENINVLAS matically every time you start the server. The
can be periodically scheduled for an auto- installation check determines whether the
matic regeneration of invalidated loads. Refer release number and character set mentioned
to SAP Note 438038 – Automatic Regenera- in the SAP kernel match the data stored in the
tion of Invalidated Loads for details on how database system. Transaction SM28 provides
to schedule the report RSGENINVLAS. the same functionality.

SHDB Batch Input Transaction SIGS IGS Administration

You can use this transaction for IGS admin-
You can use this transaction to record a series istration. Executing this transaction displays
of transactions and their screens. The record- the administration page of IGS. The admin-
ing is later stored in the database under a istration page displays the static charts for
twelve-digit name. The initial screen of the the number of calls for each registered inter-
transaction recorder displays a list of avail- preter, as well the min/max/avg processing
able recordings. You can use these recordings time for a chart per interpreter. From the
to create batch input sessions, data transfer administration page, you can also read the
programs that use batch input, test data, and IGS log files of the multiplexer, and each
function modules. Each of these options is registered portwatcher.
available as a menu option in the task bar.
This transaction implements the report
GRAPHICS_IGS_ADMIN. Hence it is not
SICF HTTP Service Hierarchy required that you use transaction SA38 or
Maintenance SE38 to implement this report. As a prereq-
You can use this transaction to maintain HTTP uisite to using transaction SIGS, you should
Services for HTTP communication in the SAP have installed support package SAPKB70011.
system. The communication is enabled using You are also required to implement SAP Note
the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) 988677 – New Transaction SIGS.
and Internet Communication Framework
(ICF). In the SAP system, every service has SLAW License Administration
a list of HTTP request handlers, which are Workbench
implemented as ABAP object classes. If a
string containing a service or an alias for the See transaction LICENSE_ADMIN for
service is defined in the URL of the calling details.
request, the HTTP request handler for this
service is called. These HTTP request handlers SLDAPICUST SLD API Customizing
generate the required responses, which are
You can use this transaction in the business
sent to the client.
system to define the SLD access data. The
access data consists of the host and port of
SICK Installation Check the SLD. The user ID and password are men-
You can use this transaction to detect and tioned as well in the SLD access data.
identify any inconsistencies in the SAP

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Basis System 12

SLDB Logical Databases SM01 Lock Transactions

(Tree Structure)
You can use this transaction to lock or unlock
You can use this transaction to display the transaction code(s) for general usage. This
logical databases in your system. Using any transaction should be available and used only
of the options available in the initial screen, by Basis administrators to avoid user misuse
you can get details such as the structure of and inconsistencies.
the logical database or the database program
of the logical database. If you have the right
SM02 System Messages
authorizations, you will be able to create
new logical databases and maintain logical You can use this transaction to create system
databases. messages and broadcast it to users system-
wide. In the System Message Create screen,
you can specify the client/server to which
SLDCHECK Test SLD Connection
the message is to be sent. If these fields are
You can use this transaction to test whether blank or if you enter * (wildcard), the message
the System Landscape Directory (SLD) exists will be broadcast to all users logged into the
and to test the connection to the SLD. system. You can also specify the expiration
date of this message.
SLICENSE Administer SAP Licenses
SM04 User List
You can use this transaction to manage the
licenses of your SAP system. Using this trans- You can use this transaction to generate a list
action, you can display and get an overview of users who are currently logged into the sys-
of all the installed licenses, install a new SAP tem. The terminal name and the transaction
license or delete an installed license, and the user is currently executing are displayed
determine the hardware key of any host in as well. You can get the name of the server
the SAP system. You need to be assigned the from the status bar displayed at the bottom
authorization object (S_ADMI_FCD=SLIC) to of the screen.
be able to use this transaction.

SM12 Display and Delete Locks

SLIN ABAP – Extended
You can use this transaction for lock manage-
Program Check
ment. Using this transaction, you can perform
You can use this transaction to perform the following: display lock entries, based on
an extended check on ABAP programs. In the selection criteria; manually delete those
the initial screen, you can select the checks locks that cannot be released; test the locks
that are listed in the Checks group box; for any errors; monitor the locks that are set
the transaction will execute those selected in the system.
checks on the ABAP program. If you execute
the optional Standard Check, the program Unless required, it is a suggested best
will report those errors that are identified practice never to delete locks manually.
as critical. Unreleased locks are a pointer to a configu-
ration or a development issue. When the
issue is resolved, the locks will be released

12 Basis System

a log of those activities that were specified

SM13 Administrate Update Records
for audit. These logs are accessed by auditors,
You can use this transaction for update man- who need to get a detailed overview of what
agement. Using this transaction, you can is being executed in the SAP system. The
display update requests, change the status information that is captured in the audit log
of update requests, delete update requests, can be displayed as an audit analysis report
display statistics about update requests, for easy reading and evaluation.
and debug any issues pertaining to update
SM21 Online System Log Analysis

SAP logs all system errors, warnings, process

SM14 Update Program
messages and users who were locked out in a
log file. You can use this transaction to display
You can use this transaction to perform the the entries and messages that are captured in
following activities: control the update and the system log. In the selection screen, you
display the update records; configure and can enter the selection criteria and results are
maintain the update servers in the system; displayed based on the entered selection.
configure and maintain update server groups
(Note: Servers can be assigned to a group);
SM28 Installation Check
monitor and maintain the profile parameters
that pertain to updates. You can access trans- See transaction SICK for details.
action SM14 from transaction SM13. In the
initial screen, click the Administration but- SM29 Model Transfer for Tables
ton displayed in the Update System group to
access the Update Program Administration Using the specified command file, the system
screen. copies the customizing settings from client
zero to your client.

SM18 Reorganize Security Audit Log

SM30 Call View Maintenance
You can use this transaction to delete old
security audit logs. You can use this transaction (also referred
to as Extended Table Maintenance), to dis-
play and view entries in database tables. In
SM19 Security Audit Configuration
SM30 initial screen, you have the option of
You can use this transaction to define the three modes: Display (you can only display
activities that you wish to log in filters and in the table entries); Change (you can change,
the security audit logs. Some of the activities delete, copy existing entries or create new
and information that can be recorded are entries); Transport (you can include entries
successful and unsuccessful logon (dialog/ from database tables in transport request).
RFC) attempts, any changes to the user master
Refer to SAP Note 28504 – Table Mainte-
records, monitoring of activities being per-
nance in R/3 (SM31, SM30) for details about
formed by a remote support user, etc.
this transaction.

SM20 Analysis of Security Audit Log

You can use this transaction to read the secu-

rity audit log. The security audit log maintains

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SM31 Call View Maintenance SM37 Overview of Job Selection

This transaction is obsolete. Refer to SAP Note You can use this transaction to perform a
28504 – Table Maintenance in R/3 (SM31, variety of functions related to monitoring and
SM30), for details about this transaction. maintaining jobs. Using this transaction, you
can perform the following functions: define
jobs, schedule, reschedule, edit jobs and job
SM35 Batch Input Monitoring
steps, debug an active job, cancel/delete jobs,
You can use this transaction to get an over- compare the specifications of several jobs,
view of batch input sessions. In the selection review job logs, release or cancel the release
criteria group, enter the selections, and the of jobs. This transaction replaces the obsolete
details are displayed in the table below. From transaction SM39.
the displayed results, highlight and double-
click a record for further details and analysis.
SM38 Queue Maintenance
You can also use this transaction to explicitly
start a batch input session.
In SAP, ABAP function modules act as an
interface for asynchronous data transfer. Prior
SM35P Batch Input – Log Monitoring
to the transfer, the data are stored temporar-
You can use this transaction to display and ily in the database in queues. You can use
get an overview of batch input session logs. this transaction to administer and maintain
A detailed log of each batch input session that queues and the queue processing logs.
is processed is maintained. The log contains
progress messages and error messages (if any)
SM39 Job Analysis
from the transactions that are processed. A
session log is maintained only if the session This transaction is obsolete and being replaced
is processed with Keep option, if the session by SM37 (Overview of Job Selection).
is aborted, or if an error is generated.
SM49 Execute External
SM36 Schedule Background Job OS Commands

You can use this transaction to define and You can use this transaction to execute exter-
schedule background jobs. If you are not nal commands. For each external command,
familiar with transaction SM36, you can the system contains information about the OS
click the Job Wizard button (displayed in command, the pre-defined parameters, and
the toolbar) to schedule a background job. whether additional parameters are permit-
The job wizard will guide you through a step- ted to be used. The administrators can use
by-step process to schedule a background this transaction to maintain a list of allowed
job. You can also use transaction SM36WIZ external OS commands. You need to assign
to call the Job Wizard. authorization object S_LOG_COM to users
to be able to execute external commands.
Refer to SAP Note 677435 – Overview:
SM36WIZ Job Definition Wizard
External Programs and External Commands
You can use this transaction to call the Job to get more details about executing external
Wizard for scheduling background jobs. commands.

12 Basis System

SM50 Work Process Overview SM56 Number Range Buffer

You can use this transaction to get the current You can use this transaction to administer the
statuses of the work processes in the server number range buffer. In the initial screen of
you are currently logged onto. You can use SM56 (Number Range Buffer), you can see
this information to determine whether the the statistics related to number range buffer.
server is working to full capacity, whether It is a prerequisite that you have activated
fine tuning is required, or whether you are buffering in the main memory for a number
required to perform any trouble shooting range object.
SM59 RFC Destinations
SM51 List of SAP Systems (Display/Maintain)

You can use this transaction to get a list of You can use this transaction to define and
application servers that are registered with establish a HTTP connection from an SAP
the SAP Message Server. From the displayed system to an HTTP server. Using this transac-
results, select a record and click the specific tion, you can establish an HTTP connection
button (displayed in the tool bar) to branch to an external server (connection type G), as
to SM50 – Work Process Overview, SM04 well an HTTP connection to an ABAP system
– User List, or SM21 – Online System Log (connection type H).
Analysis to gather more details about the
specific server. Backgroup Control
Objects Monitor
SM54 TXCOM Maintenance
You can use this transaction to create server
You can use this transaction to configure CPIC groups. These server groups can be used
destinations for Secure Network Communica- to run jobs in the background. Such a dis-
tions (SNC) protection. It is a prerequisite that tribution of jobs maximizes optimal usage
SNC is activated on the application server of server resources and greatly aids in load
and CPIC destination is identified. You can balancing.
also execute transaction SM30 (Call View
Maintenance) to configure CPIC destinations SM62 Event History and
for SNC. Background Events

You can use this transaction to create and

SM55 THOST Maintenance
maintain an event. An event by itself does not
In SAP, host names are only 8 characters do any processing. Using the jobs that were
long. You can use this transaction to assign defined in transaction SM36, you can specify
an internal SAP short name (a short alias) to the newly created event as a “start condi-
a host with a very long name. You can enter tion.” You can use transaction SM64: Manage
this short alias in the destination host name Background Processing Events to manually
field. Refer to SAP Note 10743: Host Name trigger an event in your SAP system.
Longer than 8 Characters for more details on
how to use transaction SM55.

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SM63 Display/Maintain SM66 Systemwide Work

Operating Mode Sets Process Overview

You can use this transaction to maintain which You can use this transaction to get an over-
operation mode should be defined for a spe- view of work process load and view what
cific time slot in a 24-hour time period (Time may be causing the performance degrada-
slots are usually defined in 1-hour cycles). You tion. Using this transaction, you can view and
can specify operation mode sets as: monitor the work process load on all active
instances in the system, identify locks in the
E Normal Operation: In this option, you database, identify which users are currently
can define your normal daily operation logged on and in which client, and view any
modes. report that is currently being executed.
E Exception Operation: In this option, you
can define a specific one-time operation
SM69 Execute External
OS Commands
The system will switch to the exception
See transaction SM49 for details.
operation for the specific time slot, one time
only. After the execution of the exception
operation, the system will switch back to SMGW Gateway Monitor
normal operation. You can use this transaction to monitor the
gateway from the SAP system. You can use
SM64 Manage Background this transaction to analyze and administer the
Processing Events gateway. A number of functions for gateway
monitoring are available in the menu. For
You can use this transaction to manually trig-
example, you can increase the trace level of
ger an event in your SAP system.
the gateway trace by following the menu
path Go to • Trace • Gateway • Increase
SM65 Background Processing level. Every instance of an SAP system has
Analysis Tools a gateway. This gateway enables communica-
tion between work processes and external
You can use this transaction to check and
programs. The gateway also enables com-
validate the consistency of the background
munication between work processes from
processes. The initial screen displays the
different instances of SAP systems. You can
selections for the simple test. To execute an
also run the gateway monitor at the OS level
expert mode test, select Go to • Additional
and outside the SAP system.
Tests from the menu bar; the selection screen
for an expert mode test is displayed. Make
sure there are no background jobs running SMICM ICM Monitor
when you are executing the transaction
You can use this transaction to monitor and
SM65. The transaction locks the table TBTCO
administrate the Internet Communication
during execution and unlocks it when the
Manager (ICM). ICM is used to send and
analysis is complete.
receive HTTP requests to and from the Inter-
net. From the menu on the initial screen, the
following functions are available: monitor
the state of ICM, monitor and administrate

12 Basis System

the ICM server cache, display and change

SMQ1 qRFC Monitor
services, and administrate ICM.
(Outbound Queue)

qRFC denotes Queued Remote Function Call.

SMLG CCMS: Maintain Logon Groups
Remote Function Call is an interface that
You can use this transaction for the following manages the task of applications communi-
functionalities: to create a logon group or add cating with one another. This communication
an instance to a logon group, to delete a logon can be between internal applications or an
group or delete an instance from a logon SAP application communicating with a third
group, to change properties of a logon group party vendor application.
or an instance in the logon group. The logon
group SPACE is SAP-reserved; hence, do not You can use this transaction to get an overview
use it to name a customer logon group. and monitor the status of the LUW (Logical
Unit of Work) in the outbound queue. You
can restart any hanging queues manually. In
SMLT Language Management the selection screen, you can select the option
You can use this transaction for language Waiting Queues Only if you want to display
management and to import additional lan- those queues that have errors.
guage packages into the SAP system. By
default, English and German are installed SMQ2 qRFC Monitor
in all new SAP systems and are not required (Inbound Queue)
to be imported again. You can use transac-
tion SMLT_EX – Language Export to create You can use this transaction to monitor the
language packages. The transaction is wizard status of the LUWs in the inbound queue. It
driven and takes you through the selec- is assumed that qRFC with an inbound queue
tion screens, which facilitates ease of user always means that an outbound queue exists
inputs. in the client system.

Message Server Monitor SMQ3 qRFC Monitor (Saved

Message servers are an important component
You can use this transaction to monitor
of SAP SLD. The task of the message server
the status of LUWs in the saved inbound
is to inform all the instances in a SAP sys-
tem about the existence of other instances.
Other clients communicate with the message
server to get information about load balanc- SMQE qRFC Administration
ing. You can use this transaction to monitor
You can use this transaction for qRFC admin-
and administrate the message server. You can
istration, as well for registering/de-registering
access all the functions available to monitor
events. A host of functionalities are available
the message server from the menu option
in the menu. For example, you can access
Go To.
the qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue) by fol-
lowing the menu path Go to • Monitor •
SMOD SAP Enhancement Outbound Queue.

You can use this transaction to maintain the

enhancements. In SMOD you can see a list of
objects contained in an enhancement.

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Basis System 12

SMQR Registration of SNOTE Note Assistant

inbound Queues
You can use this transaction to implement
Use this transaction to register an inbound SAP Notes. In the initial screen you will see
queue. a worklist that contains SAP Notes assigned
to you as a user, all SAP Notes that are incon-
Registration of Destinations sistent (includes SAP Notes that are assigned
to other users), and new SAP Notes to be
You can use this transaction to register, de- processed.
register, and exclude destinations. You also
have the option to Register without Activa-
SNRO Number Range Objects
tion. In this option, the queue is not triggered
immediately by the outbound scheduler. The You can use this transaction to create and
other available functionalities in this transac- maintain a number range object. A num-
tion are TRFC Monitor to activate the tRFC ber range object must be maintained to
monitor and QRFC Monitor to activate the enable number ranges to be used. You can
qRFC monitor. also use this transaction for number range
SMT1 Trusted Systems
(Display <-> Maint.) SNUM Number Range Objects

In SAP, you can establish trusted relationships See transaction SNRO for details.
between systems. In a trusted relationship,
no passwords are required, and SSO is pos-
SP00 Spool and Related Areas
sible. To enable the trusted relationships, you
need to register the calling SAP system in the You can use this transaction to display an area
called SAP system as a trusted system. The menu related to spool. The SAP Easy Access
trusted relationship is valid in one direction menu tree structure displays the transactions
only. You can use this transaction to register that are related to spool and related areas.
the calling system in the called system as a
trusted system. Output Controller

You can use this transaction to display and

SMX Display Own Jobs
access reports (or other outputs) located in
You can use this transaction to display your your SAP spool. The reports remain in the
own jobs. When you execute this transac- spool for seven days, after which it will be
tion, all active, completed, and cancelled jobs automatically deleted by the system.
are displayed. Refer to SAP Note 846002 –
Changes in transaction SMX for details about Display Spool Requests
this transaction. You can use transaction
SMXX – Display Own Jobs for a display only You can use this transaction to display and
of all your own background jobs. The user get an overview of spool requests. In the
will not be allowed to carry out any other displayed list, if you click the Document icon
functions or processes. Refer to SAP Note (displayed in the column Type), the document
912117 – New transaction SMXX (display is displayed. You can also print directly from
all own jobs) for more details about this new the spool list.

12 Basis System

SP11 TemSe Directory SPDD Display Modified

DDIC Objects
Objects that are not stored permanently
in the system are stored in the TemSe. For During an upgrade, objects that were modi-
example, the spool system stores the output fied by the customer are overwritten by the
data temporarily in TemSe. You can use this delivered objects. You can use this transaction
transaction to display the TemSe objects. to adjust modifications to the objects during
an upgrade. All objects that were modified
with the Modification Assistant are displayed
SP12 TemSe Administration
with a green or yellow traffic light. All objects
You can use this transaction to manage and that were modified without a Modification
administer TemSe objects. Using this trans- Assistant are displayed with a yellow or red
action, you can administer the character set traffic light. Transactions SPDD and SPAU
buffer used by the spool system, as well. provide similar functionalities.

SPAD Spool Administration SPRO Customizing – Edit Project

This transaction is intended for administra- You can use this transaction to access the SAP
tors only or for users with administration Reference IMG (Implementation Guide). In
authorization. You can use this transaction the IMG, you can access the standard settings
for defining output devices in the SAP and configure them for specific customer
system, for analyzing printing problems, requirements.
and for maintaining and administering the
spool database. Refer to SAP Note 1036961
SPRO_ Customizing – Project
– Device Type Selection Wizard in Transac-
ADMIN Management
tion SPAD for details about output device
creation and the selection wizard, available You can use this transaction to create and
in transaction SPAD. maintain customizing projects. You can
define the project scope by manual selection
of nodes in the reference IMG, selecting the
SPAM Support Package Manager
required countries and application compo-
You can use this transaction to import SAP nents. You can later generate a project IMG
Support Packages into your SAP system. SAP based on these selections. The initial screen
releases support packages regularly and are of SPRO_ADMIN will display the existing
made available in the SAP Service Market- customizing projects. To use transaction
place ( SPRO_ADMIN to create a customizing proj-
ect, you need to be assigned the authorizing
SPAU Display Modified DE Objects object S_PROJECT.

You can use this transaction to process objects

SPROXY Enterprise Repository
that require adjustment after an upgrade or
an import. In the selection screen, you can
enter the selection criteria and the overview You can use this transaction to create and
screen displays all objects that have been maintain proxies for all object types that
modified. Transactions SPAU and SPDD pro- you have modeled in the enterprise services
vide similar functionalities. repository. Using the enterprise repository
browser, you can check, regenerate, and

428 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

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activate proxies. You can also use the enter- these queries do not require assignment to
prise repository browser to display and view user groups.
the structure of the objects in the enterprise
services repository.
SRMO SAP Retrieval – Monitor

You can use this transaction to display the

SQ01 SAP Query – Maintain Queries
Retrieval: Search Server Relation Moni-
You can use this transaction to create, change, tor. You can use the transaction to change
display and execute queries for a specific user or delete settings for:
group. Using SQ01, you can get a listing of
E Search Server Relation (SSR): SSR contains
existing queries in the system. The query
table in the initial screen will display details information about which search engine
such as name of the query, short text, the and which RFC destination the service
infoset based on which this query was cre- uses. It is a prerequisite that SSR must
ated, the name of the logical database, and be defined for an index category to be
the short text of the infoset. created.
E RFC destinations
E Index category: this is relevant only if
SQ02 SAP Query – Maintain Infoset
TREX is implemented outside the portal.
You can use this transaction to create, change,
and display infosets. Using this transaction, SAP recommends using the Search Server
you can also assign infosets to user groups. Relation Monitor if there are problems with
The initial screen will display details such as an index category or if you want to delete
name of the infoset, short text of the infoset, an index category. You can use transaction
data source, the author of the infoset, and SRMO to perform a TREX RFC setup test
the time stamp. between TREX and application server.

SQ03 SAP Query – Maintain SSAA System Administration

User Groups Assistant

You can use this transaction to create, change, You can use this transaction to get an overview
and display user groups. Using this transac- of the most important and most frequent sys-
tion, you can also assign infosets and users tem administration tasks in a single location.
to user groups. From the initial screen, you You get an overview in a hierarchical tree
will be able to initiate transports of queries, structure, where the tasks are grouped into
infosets, and user groups. logical areas and sorted according to periodic-
ity. At the end of the structure, the tasks and
the related documentation are displayed. For
SQVI Quickviewer SAP NetWeaver 7.0 and later releases, SAP
You can use this transaction to create one- recommends using SAP Solution Manager as
off reports or user-specific query reports. a replacement for transaction SSAA.
The query reports developed using the SAP
Quickviewer tool cannot be exchanged ST01 System Trace
between clients or between SAP systems.
The query reports developed using the SAP You can use this transaction to record the sys-
Quickviewer are user dependent; hence, tem activities of your SAP system. The system
trace is normally used when an authorization

12 Basis System

trace is to be used. Using ST01, you can moni-

ST03G Global Workload Statistics
tor the following components: Authorization
Checks, Kernel Functions, General Kernel, Using ST03G, you can display and get an
DB Access (SQL Trace), Table Buffer Trace, overview of statistical records for the entire
RFC Calls, Lock Operations. You can also landscape, for both ABAP and non-ABAP sys-
use transaction ST05: Performance Analysis tems. Using these data, you can analyze and
to monitor the following components: DB determine the workload of the monitored
Access (SQL Trace), Table Buffer Trace, RFC systems in greater detail. Transaction ST03G
Calls, Lock Operations. is similar in operation to transaction ST03 and
uses the functions of ST03 when you analyze
the workload of ABAP systems.
ST02 Setups/ Tune Buffers

You can use this transaction to get an over-

ST04 DB Performance Monitor
view of the current and maximum memory
usage for a SAP instance where the user You can use this transaction to monitor the
is logged on. The table displays the values performance of the database. Using this trans-
for the various SAP memory types, such as action, you can check and monitor important
SAP Roll Area, SAP Extended Memory and indicators, such as database size, database
Private Memory. The table also displays the buffer, database indexes, table scans, redo
amount of space used in memory and on log buffer, etc. You can execute transaction
disk; information about buffer used for the ST04 from any application server in the SAP
instance where the user is currently logged landscape. You can use transaction ST04RFC
on; buffer-related information such as hit – SAP Remote DB Monitor for SQL Server for
ratio, buffer quality, allocated size, free space, remote database monitoring of SQL*Server
number of directories, swapping,and data- database. Refer to SAP Note 530317 – Sql
base accesses. Server 2000 Profiler Trace for details on how
to start a SQL profiler trace. You can use trans-
action ST04_MSS – ST04 for MS-SQL*Server
ST03 Workload and
to monitor a SQL Server database from a non-
Performance Statistics
SQL Server SAP Application Server. Using
You can use this transaction to view and this transaction, you can display and get an
analyze data from the SAP Kernel. The trans- overview of the parameters and performance
action displays data such as distribution of indicators in SQL Server for further analysis.
response times, table accesses, memory usage This transaction is being replaced by transac-
for each user or transaction, workload related tion DBACOCKPIT.
data, etc. You can use these data to analyze
the performance of the SAP system or to com-
ST05 Performance Analysis
pare performances of individual instances
over a defined period of time. Using these Use this transactions to monitor the following
data, you can determine the reasons for the components: DB Access (SQL Trace), Table
performance downgrade. Buffer Trace, RFC Calls, Lock Operations.

ST03N Workload Monitor ST06/ Operating System Monitor

You can use this transaction to analyze statisti-
cal data from the SAP Kernel. This transaction You can use this transaction to display the fol-
completely replaces transaction ST03. lowing details: memory requirements, swap

430 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Basis System 12

space, CPU, disk with highest response time, level by accessing the work directory of the
etc. for the operating system of your SAP specific SAP application server. It is a sug-
system. ST06N is the new operating system gested best practice to display trace file from
monitor. This transaction completely replaces within the SAP system. You can download
transaction ST06 and is available as of Basis trace files to your local drive by executing the
release 7.0 report RSMON000_DOWNLOAD_TRACES.

ST07 Application Monitor ST12 Single Transaction Analysis

You can use this transaction to get details Transaction ST12 combines ABAP and SQL
about the number of users currently logged trace into a single transaction with major
into the individual SAP application modules. functional enhancements for ABAP tracing.
Using the options available in the menu bar, ST12 is similar to a combination of ABAP and
you can get additional details such as SAP SQL trace, transactions SE30 (ABAP Objects
buffer, DB accesses, DB memory, response Runtime Analysis) and ST05 (Performance
time, etc. In the application monitor, the data Analysis). Refer to SAP Note 755977 – ST12
are grouped according to the SAP application “ABAP Trace for SAP EarlyWatch/GoingLive”
components. From the initial view, you can for more details and documentation about
drill down to get a more detailed view of the transaction ST12.
modules and also determine which modules
or transactions are using the most system
ST13 Analysis & Monitoring
Tool Collection
When you click the History option, if no Transaction ST13 maintains a list of analysis/
data are displayed, it may be because the service tools and is a launch pad for these
program RSAMON40 has not been started tools. In the initial screen, in the field Tool
yet. It is a suggested best practice to run the Name, if you click (F4) a dialog box with
program RSAMON40 on a regular basis or a list of Analysis/Service tools is displayed.
schedule it as a background job. The program Selecting any of these tools will take you to
RSAMON40 generates snapshots of the data that particular transaction.
displayed in the application monitor and
saves them to the database.
ST14 Application Analysis

ST10 Table Call Statistics You use this transaction primarily during
SAP GoingLive session. Batch jobs collect
You can use this transaction to display details performance-relevant data, such as document
such as the number of table changes, direct statistics and customizing settings. These
reads, sequential reads, number of rows analysis results can be viewed as a tree and
affected, etc. at the table level. You can dis- downloaded into a service session for further
play the data as daily, weekly, or monthly analysis. Refer to SAP Note 69455 – Service
summaries. Tools for Applications ST-A/PI (ST14, RTC-
CTOOL, ST12) for details and documentation
ST11 Display Developer Traces about transactions ST13 and ST14.

You can use this transaction to display trace

files from within the SAP system. You can
also display trace files at the operating system

12 Basis System

ST20 Screen Trace STMS Transport Management

System (TMS)
This transaction provides a graphical naviga-
tion tool to analyze screen trace files. The You can use this transaction to organize,
trace files can be loaded directly from the perform, and monitor transports between
application server or from the local presenta- SAP systems. Using this transaction, you can
tion server. perform the following functions: configure
transport routes using a graphical editor, dis-
play import queues, import requests, perform
ST22 ABAP Dump Analysis
transport workflow, and perform TMS quality
You can use this transaction to analyze run- assurance. You can use the following trans-
time errors. In the selection screen, enter actions to access the TMS: STMS_QUEUES
the criteria and execute the selection. In the (TMS Import Overview), STMS_IMPORT
List of Selected Runtime Errors screen, (TMS Import Queue), STMS_INBOX (TMS
highlight and double-click the specific run- Worklist), STMS_QA (TMS Quality Assur-
time error that you wish to analyze. In the ance), STMS_DOM (TMS System Overview),
Runtime Error Long Text screen, different STMS_PATH (TMS Transport Routes), STMS_
options are available for you to identify and ALERT (TMS Alert Monitor), STMS_TCRI
debug the cause of runtime error. (Display/Maintain Table TMSTCRI), and
STMS_FSYS (Maintain TMS System Lists).
STAD Statistics Displays for
All Systems/Business STMS_ TMS Import Monitor
Transaction Analysis MONI
You can use this transaction to display and get See transaction SE07 for details.
an overview of all the statistics of a specific
user (or users) and clients on selected applica-
STUN Menu Performance Monitor
tion servers. These statistical data are related
to user transactions, background processing, You can use this transaction to display the
or are application-specific. transactions related to performance moni-
toring as a tree structure in the SAP Easy
Access. This transaction is not available in
STCTRL_ Copy Table Control
versions SAP R/3 4.6x. SAP Note 948066 –
COPY User Settings
Performance Analysis: Transactions to Use is
You can use this transaction to copy display an important SAP Note that you may wish
variants for other users by using an existing to refer to, to gather details on what transac-
variant as a template. Where required, you tions are available and can be used to analyze
can make copies between different clients. performance problems in SAP systems.
By default, you make copies only in the cur-
rent client.
SU0 Maintain Own Fixed
User Values
STF3 Maintain Factory Calendar
A user can use this transaction to set up details
See transaction SFT2 for details. such as default printer, personal time zone,
date format, time format, decimal notation,
etc. The values that the user sets up here will

432 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

Basis System 12

be set as default every time the user logs into can select the users either by address data
the SAP system. or authorization data. You can also use this
transaction for user maintenance of multiple
users in one go.
SU01 User Maintenance

You can use this transaction to create, main-

SU22 Authorizations Object
tain, and administer users and user master
Usage in Transactions
records. You can also create a new user by
copying an existing user. When you create You can use this transaction to maintain the
a new user by the copy method, you can assignment of authorization objects to the
select the parts that need to be inherited. applications (manually assign the authoriza-
Other user administration tasks that can be tion object or delete the assignment). Using
performed are managing users, user groups, this transaction, you can also maintain the
and roles; locking/unlocking users; password default values of the assigned authorization
maintenance. objects. The data built here form the basis
of role authorization creation by transaction
PFCG. In the initial screen, the field Type of
SU01D User Display
Application has a DDL with the different
You can use this transaction to display user types of application: transaction, RFC func-
master records. This is a display-only transac- tion module, TADIR service, and external
tion and no changes can be made to the user service.
master records.

SU3 Maintain Users Own Data

SU05_ Maintain Internet Users
You can use this transaction to set up and
maintain personal data. These include
This transaction is obsolete and is no longer address (can be maintained by transaction
supported. Refer to SAP Note 593439 – SU05 SU1), defaults (can be maintained by transac-
“Maintain Internet Users” – No Further tion SU0), and parameters (can be maintained
Development for details. by transaction SU2).

SU1 Maintain Own User Address SU53 Evaluate Authorization Check

A user can use this transaction to set up and You can use this transaction to get an overview
maintain personal addresses (except e-mail). of the access-denied errors and to perform
These include details such as title, academic authorization error analysis. The output will
title, language, phone numbers, etc. It is a display the last failed authorization check,
suggested best practice that a user’s e-mail the user’s authorizations, and the failed HR
address can be changed only by the system authorization check.

SU56 Analyze User Buffer

SU10 User Mass Maintenance
You can use this transaction to get a list of
You can use this transaction for mass user authorization objects assigned to a user. This
administration. You can use this transaction transaction displays the authorization objects
to create multiple or mass number of users for the user who is executing this transaction.
(user IDs and passwords) in one step. You Details such as server name, server instance,

12 Basis System

client, and the number of authorizations search range. In the Business Workflow
assigned to the user are also displayed. This Explorer, you can create new tasks/work-
is a very useful transaction that helps a user flows; you can also process the tasks that
to verify what authorizations are assigned are displayed.
to him or her.
SWEL Display Event Trace
SUIM User Information System
You can use the event trace to check for any
This is a very useful transaction to display and errors that might be generated in event-
get an overview of authorization profiles of driven workflows.
a user. A number of options are available in
the user information system menu tree for
SWU3 Automatic Workflow
querying and displaying the users who are
granted a particular authorization, etc.
You can use this transaction to execute all
activities that pertain to technical basic set-
SUPC Role Profiles
tings. You can execute Start Verification
You can use this transaction to generate pro- Workflow to start a workflow that will test
files for activity groups who do not yet have a the workflow environment. You can execute
current profile. If you have created an activity Check Event Linkages to conduct a valida-
group for a future need, you can use this tion check of existing event linkages.
transaction to create an authorization profile
for that activity group. Data Transfer Workbench

You can use this transaction for an initial

SWDD Workflow Builder
automatic transfer of data into the SAP sys-
You can use this transaction to call the Work- tem. This ensures that data are transferred
flow Builder. The Workflow Builder is the efficiently and that the transferred data are
main tool to create, process, and display consistent. The data load file needs to be in
workflow definitions. Using this transaction, SAP format and is loaded into the SAP system
you can also test the workflow definitions using a BAPI interface, as a batch input, or
and generate executable versions. by direct input. The data transfer workbench
also provides tools for analyzing the required
SAP structures. You can also use this transac-
SWDD_ Workflow Configuration
tion to create, maintain, and administer data
transfer projects.
You can use this transaction to configure a
workflow. By configuring a workflow, you
SXMB_ Integration Engine –
can define values for every step of the work-
ADMIN All Functions
flow definition. These values are evaluated at
runtime and take precedence over the values You can use this transaction to display a menu
in the workflow definition. tree combining the transactions for moni-
toring, configuration, and administration of
XML messages.
SWDM Business Workflow Explorer

You can use this transaction to display and

get an overview of all tasks for the specified

434 © 2013 by Galileo Press Inc., Boston (MA)

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You can display the results of the analysis in

SXMB_IFR Start Integration Builder
transaction TAANA.
You can use the Integration Builder to define
all objects for the integration repository
TREXADMIN TREX Administration Tool
either during the design time or during the
configuration time. You can use this transaction to administer
TREX, the delivered search engine for SAP
systems. Using this transaction, you can dis-
SYSADM_ System Administration –
play information about the TREX component,
TASK Task List
monitor TREX, administer the queues and
You can use this transaction to get a listing of indexes.
all periodic administrative tasks. The initial
screen displays the basic list, and the task list
UCCHECK Unicode Syntax Check
is sorted alphabetically by system name. The
legend for the status information: You can use this transaction to check a
program set for syntax errors in a Unicode
E A red light means the task has not been environment. By using this transaction,
executed on time. you can bypass the requirement to set the
E A green light means the task has been attribute Unicode Checks Active for every
executed on time. program. In the output list, if any errors are
E A gray light means the system cannot be displayed, you can navigate directly to the
accessed remotely. specific program and correct the errors. Using
E A yellow light means the remote connec- this transaction, you can create transport
tion to the system is currently broken and requests as well.
there are no status updates for the tasks
in this system. USMM Customer Measurement

You can access the task list by executing the You can use this transaction to exclusively
report RSSAA_WORKPLACE. The output of determine the number of users and the
this report will display a reduced list only. utilized units of SAP products. The results
of the system measures are consolidated
in the License Administration Workbench
TAANA Table Analysis
(transaction SLAW) and the consolidated
You can use this transaction to analyze how measurement results are transferred to SAP.
table entries are distributed across specific
fields. To perform a table analysis, you always
WE02 Display IDoc
require an analysis variant (use transaction
TAANA_AV – Table Analysis: Analysis Vari- You can use this transaction to view and
ants). You can also use this transaction to monitor IDocs. The selection screen has a
display, delete and re-organize table analy- variety of options that you can use to restrict
sis; create ad hoc analysis variants; create the selection. For example, you can use the
virtual fields (use transaction TAANA_VF – IDoc number or basic type to display a list of
Table Analysis: Virtual Fields). If you wish IDocs. You can access WE02 from area access
to analyze multiple tables in a single step, menu WEDI. There is little or no difference
you can execute the program TAAN_PRO- between transaction WE02 and transaction
CESS_MULTIPLE using transaction SA38. WE05. Both are attached to the program

12 Basis System

this transaction, you can create profiles for

WE05 IDoc Lists
inbound and outbound partners.
See transaction WE02 for details.
WE21 Port Definition
WE06 Active IDoc Monitoring
Ports are essential for communicating via
You can use this transaction to monitor IDocs. You can use this transaction to create
inbound and outbound processing of IDocs. and maintain port definition for any of the
Reports and graphic displays are available, delivered and supported port types: file inter-
which aids in IDoc monitoring. For example, face, CPI-C connection to the R/2 system,
you can run the active monitoring report on ABAP programming interface, and port type
a regular basis, and if too many incorrect XML (XML file and XML HTTP).
IDocs are found, a predefined recipient will
automatically receive a workflow notification
WE46 Error and Status Processing
about the status.
You can use this transaction to assign proces-
sors by workflow tasks, to process errors, and
WE07 IDoc Statistics
to provide status inputs.
You can use this transaction to display and get
an overview of IDoc statistics. For example,
WE47 Status Maintenance
in the selection screen, if you choose the
option Error History, this transaction will You can use this transaction to maintain the
display all IDocs (inbound and outbound) status at which process codes are active. For
that are currently in Error Status, IDocs example, you can maintain certain IDoc sta-
whose errors are resolved, and IDocs that tuses as archivable. Using this transaction,
are marked for deletion. select the status code from the displayed list
and maintain the archivability. The status
values for inbound IDocs are maintained
WE19 Test Tool
between status codes 50-99. The status values
You can use this transaction to generate an for outbound IDocs are maintained between
IDoc manually, without restriction to any spe- status codes 01-49.
cific port type. This is particularly useful for
testing new IDoc types. You can also use an
old IDoc as a template and edit the IDoc (by
adding segments or changing data) to meet You can use this transaction to display an
your requirements. You can use this IDoc for area menu related to EDI and IDoc. The SAP
inbound or outbound processing. Easy Access menu tree structure displays the
transactions related to EDI.

WE20 Partner Profiles

You can use this transaction to create part-

ner profiles for partners with whom you
wish to communicate via IDocs. Using

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