Massage Report

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Swedish massage is a type of massage designed to eliminate tension and firm muscles and joints.
Its toning and relaxing effect promotes blood and lymphatic circulation and the elimination of
toxins and helps the body to regain its natural balance.

It is a type of toning and relaxing massage, which promotes the release of toxins and the
elimination of tension in our body.

Many Western massage modalities, including chiromassage, have their origins in the so-called
Swedish massage. This manual technique combines friction, kneading and slapping, and is based
on knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

History of Swedish massage

 This very ancient healing technique.
 Originally from Sweden, developed at the beginning of the 19th century (1776 to 1839) and
quickly popularized throughout the world.


Purpose of Swedish massage
Swedish massage is a classic therapeutic massage and one of the most popular in the world. This
method serves as an effective way to relieve pain, muscle tension and stress. Its basic technique is
percussion, and the movement is applied to the soft tissues of the body, joints, tendons and

When do we need a Swedish massage?

It is a technique that will always come in handy, but we especially do it in moments where the
person has a lot of tension, for example, in the back of a person who needs to rest, release and
relax all the accumulated pressure and tension, or in people who suffer a lot in their legs, who are
overloaded, who have circulatory problems. It is not a relieving massage where the person suffers,
it is a massage where the person relaxes and needs to relax deeply.

It is a massage that not only benefits and relaxes the body, but also helps us relax the mind.

Types of Swedish massage:

Therapeutic Swedish Massage

 It relieves some muscle ailments (contractures, knots, and muscle tensions) and also helps
combat back, waist, and spinal pain.

Swedish Relaxation Massage


 The therapist uses some essential oils that help prevent friction of the hands with the patient's
skin and to be adhered through the bloodstream.

Swedish massage techniques:

 Kneading
 Percussion
 Friction
 Vibration
 Gentle rubbing.

Application of Swedish massage:

Its application (soft or strong) in all areas of the body, always against the direction of circulation.
The movements of this massage focus on improving blood circulation.

 The person receiving a Swedish massage is naked.

 The masseuse uses oils of vegetable origin or body creams.

 During the Swedish massage there can be various combinations of movements.

The Swedish massage method


The method developed focused on the benefits provided by the execution of specific physical
movements, the reason why Swedish massage has become world famous: the physical and mental
aspects of well-being, as well as the healing and healing benefits of its method.

Swedish massage methodology

• To avoid friction with the skin, different massage oils are used, preferably warmed
slightly before applying.
• It is accompanied by active and passive movements, always in the opposite direction to
circulation to stimulate it.
• It is preferable that the person receiving it be naked or wearing underwear, even if it is
uncomfortable, covered with a sheet, leaving the area to be massaged exposed.

Swedish massage movements

During the application of this technique there are several combinations of movements:
arms, legs, head, to move the joints. Among the traditional movements of this massage


• Effleurage Movement: performed along the body towards the heart, to calm the
body and warm and calm the muscles. In addition, it serves to distribute the oil evenly
throughout the body. It is used at the beginning of the session to allow the patient to
become familiar with the massage.

• Petrissage Movement: Kneading the body to activate blood circulation and achieve
deep general relaxation.

• Pressure Point Movement: Focuses on pain points. The thumb is used. Press with
your thumb on the pain points that appear on the body due to excessive accumulation of
tension. Pressing them distends the affected area, allowing greater relaxation.

• Deep friction movement: tension is relieved through circular movements. The entire
body is rubbed with circular movements, emphasizing the most affected areas.



• Roller Movement : Gently pinch, as if wrapping around itself, the patient's skin in
small localized areas.

• Tapotement Movement: With the palms of the hands closed, several pats are
applied to the patient's back with the aim of activating the energy circulation of the body.
This movement is performed in the last stages of the session.

• Brushing : the tips of the fingers are used, sliding them over the body while pressing.
Helps calm nerves and relax muscles. It is applied at the end. Depending on how thorough
the massage is, it can last anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes.

Swedish massage technique : pressure

The intensity of the pressure varies depending on the objective of the massage performed and
the condition of the person who will receive the massage.


 The simple mass method consists of showing your hands on the area that will receive the
massage, pressing lightly, the movements being soft, slow or rhythmic according to the
 In some techniques such as recording, the gesture to be performed consists of a light slap
to stimulate strategic areas of the body. To relax the muscle fibers, pressure can be done
in many ways, a series of percussion, slaps or blows.

Swedish massage technique : the sense of touch

The sense of touch is different depending on the expected result. These are the most common
actions in most massage technique

 Movements according to the direction of the length of the body

 The movements are upwards
 The movements are circular
 The movements are spiral

How does it work?

The Swedish massage is based on the combination of five fundamental passes that produce the
effects of eliminating toxins accumulated by tension in the muscles, improving blood circulation
and, therefore, oxygenating the tissues. All of this produces muscular efficiency and relaxation,
providing psychological well-being and reducing stress.

What is a Swedish massage session like?

The Swedish massage can last from 30 to 90 minutes and is performed on a table and in direct
contact with the patient's skin. A massage oil is applied so that the slide is frictionless, previously
warming it in the hand so that the contact is pleasant.

The aforementioned passes are then combined in the areas that the masseuse and the client
consider appropriate. The sensation of the Swedish massage should be basically pleasant,
although at some point it may be slightly annoying when working on painful areas, but the
sensation should not turn into pain.

The Swedish massage can be slow and gentle, or vigorous and invigorating, depending on
the style the masseuse practices and the objectives pursued: simply wanting to relax is not the
same as acting on a contracture, for example.


Before the massage, the masseuse will, in fact, ask you about your general state of health and why
you are there: what hurts, if you suffer from any allergies or illnesses, pregnancy, etc. This is a first
contact that also serves to indicate your preferences regarding the pressure of the movements or
which area you want them to insist on the most (the most popular massages are those of the back
and neck).

Afterwards, they will tell you where to leave your clothes and how to lie on the stretcher – face up
or face down. In general, the massage is applied on the naked body or in underwear (many centers
have disposable underwear for this purpose), although a towel is always placed on the part that is
not being worked on.

The cabin must also be properly equipped: clean, with dim lighting and a pleasant smell, you can
even play relaxing music in the background. The masseuse usually uses aromatic oils or some
cream to help him in his task.

The Swedish massage technique

Although the Swedish massage technique has been refined, the base includes the same
movements that Dr. Ling devised and which must be performed in a certain order, without raising
the hands and with the same rhythm.

The massage begins with some sedative slides, to relax, or with friction, to warm the body. Then
comes a centripetal maneuver (towards the heart) so that the blood flows and is renewed.
Kneading is then carried out, in order to tone and nourish the muscles of the body. The session can
be completed with pressure, vibrations or slaps and at the end new relaxing movements are

Although you don't have to follow this order, you normally start lying face down and the first thing
you work on is your back. Then the back of each leg. Next, you have to turn around to massage the
front of the legs, the arms and finally the neck and shoulders. In general, a session lasts between
45 and 50 minutes, although it can be extended to 75-90 minutes if we want something deeper.


BENEFITS: they are physical and psychological
What is sought with this system is to relax and tone the muscles, relieve joint pain, stimulate the
nervous system, reduce stress, mitigate the symptoms and pain caused by low back pain, purify
the skin and improve blood circulation. It uses certain basic movements that can be applied
individually or in combination, depending on what the patient needs.

This massage brings with it countless benefits for our physical and emotional health. Among

• Relieve chronic and acute back pain, and knee osteoarthritis.

• Provides vitality, well-being, relaxation and flexibility.

• It facilitates drainage, that is, the elimination of toxins and improves blood circulation.

• Fight against stress, anxiety and depression (massage recommended for postoperative patients,
hospital staff).

• Helps the prompt recovery of damaged tissues.

• Stimulates the skin.

• Reduces nerves.

 Tensions
 Contractures
 Insomnia
 Irritability
 High blood pressure
 Scoliosis, back pain and low back pain.
 Stimulation of health in general.

 Fever
 Vomiting
 Diarrhea
 Nausea
 Fractures
 Bruises
 Arthritis in the area to be treated
 Osteoporosis


 Thrombosis
 Thrombophlebitis
 varicose veins
 High pressure
 Problems in the heart.

And finally…
The Swedish massage session ends by leaving the state of relaxation with the help of percussion
passes. The patient should get up slowly from the stretcher so as not to become dizzy with the
sudden change in blood pressure and the transition from a state of muscle relaxation to that of







Swedish massage is the best known in the world.

It consists of applying the massage to all areas of the body, always going against the
direction of circulation. The movements focus on better blood circulation and
cardiovascular activity to make the heart work better.

Swedish massage uses oil to avoid friction with the skin, it must be slightly warmed before

It has several types of movements that can be both active and passive.

The person in this type of massage is usually naked, although they can do it with
underwear. Normally the person is naked, covered only with a sheet and only the area
that is being massaged at that moment is exposed.

This massage can last between 30 and 90 minutes.

Swedish massage has benefits such as:

 improves circulation
 muscle relaxation
 Reduce stress
 Stimulates the skin and relaxes the nerves
 relieves some muscle ailments
 Helps recover faster in case of abuse to muscle tissues.



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