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Beyond the Pages Paper Mario: Beyond The Pages is a Tabletop RPG in which you roleplay mario specied charcters with friends, roll dice, and move around on a grid. Much like D&D. However, it plays just like the N64 title Paper Mario and the Gamecube title Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. Also, its a heavily modified version of a system called Anime Campaign which is what the animated Internet series called Epithet Erased is based off of. Though i’ve changed it to the point where you can slap Paper Mario/TTYD Items and Enemies directly in and it'll work out just fine. The Game is played on Tabletop Simulator and is intended for 3-4 players and 1 DM. Though, you can make do with less or more as long as the DM is mindful of the balance and time required to do each turn. You start by Making Characters and working with your DM to figure out what Species from the Mario Universe you want to play, and how your characters tie in together in what the DM has you doing. Are you Heroes? Mercenaries? So on. To do that though, it helps to understand.. The Rules "Lifelines" Heart Points Flower Points Badge Points Lifelines are the basic bread & butter of what you have to worry about when using your character. If you run out of HP you fall unconscious. If you run out of FP you can't use your abilities anymore. And if your BP is full that means you can't carry any more Items or equip any more Badges. "Lifelines Cont." Just like the game, the mechanics are similar. You start with 10 HP, 5 FP, and 3 BP. Taking Damage reduces your HP. Using Abilities consumes your FP. Holding Items and Wearing Badges fills your BP slots, though unequipt badges do not. 50 Coins fills 1 BP and 3 Star Pieces fills 1 BP. Gold Bars are 1 BP and Triplet Gold Bars are 2 BP. Gold Bars sell for 100 Coins, but cost 120 Coins. Due to being on a Grid there's also a new Stat. And thats MV, aka, your Movement. You start with 5 MV, and very few things can adjust that. But, you do get a few starting options. The initial option is what you call your Build. Not only is this flavor for your size and/or weight.. But it affects your Starting HP vs Starting MV. Your MV is also your Range Value or RV. Whenever you use an Attack or Ability that has any kind of Range or AoE to it, it uses your MV to determine the default Range or Size it has. "Your Build" & Average Heavyset -5 Starting HP +0 Starting HP +5 Starting HP +1 Base MV +0 Base MV -1 Base MV Everyone picks a Build during character creation, and there are suggested Builds per Species. For example Goombas and Squeeks are Small, Toads and Koopas are Average, and Clefts and Piantas are Heavyset. This isn’t set in stone and is Negotiable with your DM. For example you could be a 2x2 tile Heavyset Bob-omb. Even a Small Chain Chomp thats adorably tiny, or a Heavyset Bullet Bill to be a Banzai Bill. Creativity is entirely in your hands in that regard. There are some Default Species Templates though. “Your Focus" BES Magician Bruiser Focus? Much like the game theres Star - Points, called Proficiency Points here, or PP. Instead of leveling up upon gaining 100, you spend it to Upgrade various aspects of your character. One of them, your Lifelines. It normally costs 10 PP in order to Upgrade either your HP, FP, or BP. When it comes to HP and FP you get +5 per Upgrade, BP its +3 per Upgrade. Depending on your Focus, that 10 PP cost is reduced down to only 5 PP for a specific lifeline. Though you're limited in how many times you can Upgrade based on your Star Rank, which is based on your Collective PP. More about Upgrades will be discussed later on. "Your Focus Cont." To quickly cover what else your Focus does for you, i'll list the benefits below. Feel free to reference back to this later once you understand more about the system. This is Page 7. Magician FP is 5 less PP to Upgrade. +2 PP ona Nat 20 instead of +1. +1 FP Budget on Abilities. Magicians typically were born with or acquired strange or magical powers, oft dangerous. Bruiser HP is 5 less PP to Upgrade. +1 Damage with Attacks, including Improvised. But, it doesn't exceed your DV Cap. Bruisers are typically the brawler sort or front-line combatants who oft enjoy getting into fights. Expert BP is 5 less PP to Upgrade. You gain 1.5x Coins from Combat Rewards. You gain 1.5x Coins from Goal Rewards. Experts are usually badge enthusiasts or tactical combatants, using their wit more oft then not. "Your Resources" Coins Items Star Pieces _—_Style Points These are things you'll find and gain over time which can be Spent, and except for SP, Traded. Coins are used to buy Items which are typically Consumable, meaning they can only be Used Once. But, you don't have to roll to use them. They can be offensive, defensive, weird, so on. Badges are also a unique form of Item that can be Equipt rather then being Consumable. But, it takes up an amount of your BP to equip it. They give a Passive or FP-Costing Activated Effect. Star Pieces are simply Rare Collectibles that certain Traders only accept, rather then Coins. Style Points or SP are a pseudo-lifeline similar to FP, but they'll be discussed later on. "Momentum" Now that you know the basics of your character you're probably wondering how you make use of them. This is done through Actions and a d20 Dice Roll, by spending Momentum or #M. $F This is represented as Green Lightning. When Spent, they turn into Gray gntning. For Combat, everyone rolls a d20 for Initiative. Higher rolls go before lower rolls, and players will always win ties against non-boss enemies. At the Start of Combat, you have 3 Spent #M. When your Turn arrives, all 3M Restores to Filled. They can now be spent on Actions. You may also Start Combat with 1M of Actions. One character may do this, then initiative starts. “Actions & DoS" Actions are options you can choose in Combat. Each requires spending a varying amount of #M. But before that, how do you know if it succeeds? This is determined by your Degree of Success. You figure this out by rolling a d20 Dice. 1 | Blunder. This usually means a miss or hinders the user or an ally somehow. DM typically decides. 2-5 | Failed Input, reduced damage/effect.. 6-7 | Sloppy Success, nothing special happens. 8-14 | Normal Success, increase your SP by 1. 15-19 | Stylish Success, increase your SP by 2. 20 | Perfect Stylish Success, increase your SP by 3 and add +1 Budget to what you did. You can exceed the DV Cap with that FP. Also, Gain +1 PP. As you can see, its actually quite unlikely you'll full on miss an attack or waste your #M due to a bad roll. Much of success in combat either comes from smart use of your Lifelines and Resources, or through clever use of your MV regarding ally and enemy placement. Numbers too of course. Players will often have more HP and often more Damage or DV then enemies, unless they're fighting a Mini-Boss or Boss enemy. But, bad positioning can quickly turn the tables! “Actions 1" g | Attack [1M] - Do one of your Attacks. S | Move [1M] - Move up to your MV, every other Diagonal movement costs 2 MV. ® | Special [2M] - Use an Ability that Costs FP, or more advanced Out/ Overclasses that Costs SP. 3 | Appeal [2M] - Increases your own or another's SP by a 1d6 Dice Roll, regardless of MV away. BN | Combo [-8 SP] - Combo your advantage, you can use and gain 1 Temporary Momentum even when it isn’t your turn. It alongside with Momentum you've Delayed can be used outside of your turn AFTER another's action. Any #TM goes AWAY at the Start of your Turn. You can also instead use this to add +1 Budget to whatever Attack or Action you're trying to do. This does not allow you to exceed the DV Cap and using it here its 1 Budget per +1 DV. kK | Guard [2M] - Defend against all incoming Damage until the Start of your Next Turn. Reduce Damage by 1, and Roll d20 to reduce it further. Swap SP Gain with more Reduction. Q | Item [2M] - Use an Item, these are consumable and can only be used once. “Actions 2" © | Badge Swap [1M] - Put 1 Badge into your BP Slots, thusly Equipting it. You can also Remove 1 at the same time Swapping Them if you have the BP for it. € | Run Away [2M] - Attempt to flee the battle, each conscious character has to Run Away for this to succeed. Based on a d20 Roll, you lose an amount of Coins or if you're lucky, you gain Coins instead. 1 | Stupendous Failure! -4 Coins 2-5 | Failed the Input! -3 Coins 6-7 | Barely Escaped! -2 Coins 8-14 | Got Away! -1 Coin 15-19 | Flawless Escape! -0 Coins 20 =| Bamboozled ‘em! +5 Coins 3 | Delay [-3SP per #M] - You can End Your Turn Early, keeping any #M you didn't spend. At any time After an Action has been completed, you can jump back in and spend the rest of it as you see fit. This sets your Initiative to 1 Below the Character you reacted too. -P | Improvised Attack [1M] - Make a made up on the spot Attack with a Budget and SP Cost equal to up to 1, plus 1 for every Star Rank you have Past E. Defense Piercing for this is specifically is half the Budget Cost using this, its by default 1 FP for 1 Piercing. Here its 0.5 for 1. "PP _& Star Rank" As you've read PP or Proficiency Points are basically your Experience Points. You use them to not only 'Level Up’ after getting enough Collective PP, increasing whats called your Star Rank.. But you get to spend it on Upgrading. When you spend your PP your Collective PP does not change. Rank. To D, to C, to B, to A. This does a few things, primarily acting as a threshold for unlocking various aspects of your character. As for Star Rank you start out at E, and every 40 Collective PP you raise a Star Namely it gives you more Style Pips to fill up with SP, it acts as a Level Range for the DM to determine if they should group you with other players or what Enemies you should face, and it unlocks more Talents and Abilities for your character. "Style Points or SP" You've seen reference to SP above, and simply put it is a resource you gain simply by Rolling Dice most of the time, since most Degrees of Success rewards it. Each of these Gauges is called a Pip. And they can be filled with SP, starting at 0 and able to fill up to a full amount of 8 (©) You start with 1 Pip Gauge. And for every Star Rank you obtain, you gain another. 2 at D, 3 at C, 4 at B, to a Max of 5 at A. Meaning by Star Rank A, you'll be able to build up to a total of 40 SP at once. When they're not yet unlocked they take the appearance of a gray empty circle @ Typically SP is used for the Combo Action, the Improvised Attack Action, and the Outclass/Overclass Abilities later on. ©0000 "Passives and Talents" Passive Talent When Creating your Character you start with a few things, we'll cover the simple two. Passives, and Talents. Typically each Example Species already has these made for you to either Default or use as reference for designing your own with your DM Passives you only ever get 1 of, the one you start with. And it 'usually' has to do with your Species in some way. Talents, you still start with 1, but you'll unlock a 2nd at Rank D and a 3rd at Rank B. These are usually effects that are often applicable to playing, or unique quirks. Talents are the same thing, but a weaker or less commonly applicable version of them, and are oft based on some acquired skill rather then their species. There'll be some examples on the page below of both Passives and Talents. They aren't always restricted to specific species, as you can make/modify your own. Balance is pretty loose on these, ask your DM. "Passive Examples" Goomba Passive - Underestimated - Whenever in Danger or Peril you do 1 more damage with your attacks and abilities. Danger is when you're at 5 HP or less. Peril is when you're at 1 HP. You have to have at least 10 Max HP for Danger to function. Toad Passive - Spore Head - You're immune to Poison and Drain Damage and anything that Jumps on you or attempts to Drain you is poisoned for 3 turns. Taking 1 damage at the start of each of their turns. Cleft Passive - Rock Bod - You're made of sturdy stuff. You have 2 Defense, and are immune to Poison, Magic, Lightning and Fire damage. Forced Movement toppels you reducing your Defense to 0 and halving your MV. On your turn you can spend 2M to get up or will automatically at the start of your 'next' turn. Explosive and Frost damage makes it so when damaged again in the same turn you take +2 damage once. ‘Talent Examples" | Generic Talent - Tattle - This gives the Tattle Action, which for 1M and 1 FP you can reveal your choice of an Enemy's HP and FP, Attacks and Abilities, or Resistances and Weaknesses. | Generic Talent - Chef - You're able to spend 1 coin to cook any single item, potentially improving it if the recipe to do so exists. | Cheep Cheep Talent - Seaback - You can carry 1 person with you up to your MV*2 across water before sinking. If your passenger is damaged twice before their turn, they fall off. | Parakoopa Talent - Carry - Due to your flight an ally can spend 1M to grab onto you, being carried and sharing your Hover status. You cannot Ascend while carrying someone, and can only carry one person at a time. If you move more then your MV across a gap, you both descend to Landed. Just like you if they are struck twice before their turn, they drop. If you drop they do. | Toad Talent - Likable - All purchases that are intended for you are 20% off. You can make one purchase with this discount for a friend per visit to a town. “Attacks and Abilities" 8&8 Melee Ranged/AoE When designing an attack or ability, you have a choice. Is it Melee, Jump, or Ranged/AoE? This matters because of whats called Location Status. Stuff like Landed, Airborne, Hanging, Underground, etc. Your Location Status determines what can target you. It also interacts with other specific usually Species Status. Melee Can attack adjacent enemies at same elevation, even if Airborne or Hanging. Affected by things which react to melee attacks, which are uncommon. Typically things with particular passives or talents to do counter damage/effects. Jump Can attack adjacent enemies even if Airborne, but cannot target Hanging enemies. Affected by things which react to jump attacks, which are common. Usually things that are Toppelable or have Spikes on their head. “Attacks and Abilities Cont." Ranged Can target pretty much any target within RV which is typically equal to your MV. Affected by things which react to ranged attacks, which are rare. When used typically its to block or reflect projectiles. « Requires 0.5 Budget Investment. Line Can attack all creatures in a straight line of your RV in your choice of Landed/Hovering or Airborne/ Hanging Location. Affected by things which react to Ranged Attacks & AoEs, which are rare. Friendly Fires. ¢ Requires 1 Budget Investment. Cone/Burst/Arc* (More on RV/AoEs further down) Can attack all creatures within the specified shape and Size determined by your RV. Affected by things which react to AoEs, which are rare. Friendly Fires*. ¢ Requires 1 Budget Investment. * Arc only targets allies if you choose too. Location Status Specifics ¢ Hovering - You are hovering above the ground. Quake Immunity, but Forced MV is x2 as effective vs you. ¢ Airborne - You are flying above the ground. Same as Hovering but Melee Attacks/Abilities can't reach you. In both cases taking 2 hits before your next turn lowers you 1 block. For 1M you rise from Landed to Hovering, to Airborne +1 block per. ¢ Underground - Only Quake/Explosive damage can typically harm you in this state, but it does +2 extra damage. Exceptions can occur. For Underwater swap Quake with Lightning, etc. “Attacks and Ab g Attack Ability When Creating your Character you start with an Attack and an Ability. You only ever get One Attack unless a Passive, Talent, Badge, or even Ability is used to gain another. Abilities however you get a bunch of, one extra at each Star Rank past E. So D, C, B, and A. Attacks are free, 1.5 Budget by default, and use 1M. Abilities cost FP based on Budget Total and use 2M. The #M is adjustable, + or - the Budget the same. Upgrades add +1 Budget but Attacks only get +0.5. Budget? Basically its a system on how to design Attacks and Abilities in a balanced manner. You've already heard of the Damage Value Cap or DVC, which is the Max A mount of Damage Value an individual action is allowed to do based on your Collective PP. More about this below . To put it shortly for ya, 1 FP equates to 1 Budget, so you build Ability FP Cost this way. For attacks specifically, you start at 1.5 and add 0.5 FP of Budget per Upgrade. “Status Effects" Bliale (damage over time) Status Effects are either Buffs, Debuffs, or DoTs that continue their effect for a number of rounds. If they're a Passive Effect such as for most buffs/debuffs you just get the benefit/debilitation the moment you get inflicted and it lasts until the duration until spent. -1 Duration a Round. Tf they're an Reoccuring Effect however, such as a DoT or something that triggers every turn, based on of its a Buff or Debuff/DoT it triggers at a different time. Buffs get a default duration of 2 rounds, and will activate at the start of each of your turns until spent. Debuffs/DoTs get a default duration of 1 round, and will activate at the end of each of your turns until spent. Tf the attack or ability has both, such as upsides and downsides, if inflicting it on yourself treat it as a Buff, if inflicting it on an enemy treat it as a Debuff/DoT. There are also Active Status, which last until used up and trigger at specific times, reducing it's Remaining Uses by 1. "Status Effects Cont." You've probably also noticed they make mention of degrees types of status effects. Minor, Moderate, and Major. This determines the Initial Cost of a Status Effect, as the various effects that can benefit and debilitate others when stacked up to each other in comparison are not at all equal. Minor These are usually things that provide small bonuses or penalties to your character. Oft affects things like RST/WEK, RST Piercing, DoTs, MV, RV, Max HP/FP, DV, Dispelling a Specific Status, Coins, and the Elements. Moderate These are usually things that provide meaningful bonuses or penalties to your character. Oft affects things like DF, DF Piercing, Talents, Conditional HP/FP/SP Changes, Lines, Cones, Conditional #M Changes, Disabling RV, Miss Chance, Immunity, Dispelling a type of Status, and Items. CB maior BIBI) These are usually things that provide significant bonuses or penalties to your character. Oft affects things like Direct #M Changes, Passives, Direct HP/FP/SP Changes, Turns Being Skipped, Disabling MV, Disabling Attacks/Abilities, Absorption, Duration Changes, Reflection, Dispelling all Status, and Badges. “Balancing Budget" This Upcoming Section can get a bit complicated, so if you are not comfortable getting into the details, you are welcome to rely on your DM to help you or simply pick one of the default species templates available and modify it how ya see fit. That being said, its rather simple. When you design an Ability, you decide how much FP you want it to cost, and how much #M has to be used. This determines your Budget, which you spend to add FP Effects. Abilities default to 2M, and if you lower it to 1M then the Budget lowers by 1, making it weaker but quick. But, if you raise it to 3M then the Budget raises by 1, making it stronger but less convenient to use. When thats decided, here are some basic rules. Successive Attacks in the same turn have -1 DoS. Your DV Cap is 1 + (PP/20) + #M the action used. 0.5 FP allows you to make the action Ranged / RV. 0.5 FP allows you to move up to your MV. 0.5 FP allows you to move others up to your MV. 1 FP equates to 2 Damage, or 1 Healing. Damage Over Times add 1/2 Duration to DV Cap. Attacks/ Abilities are by default 1 RV, aka, Adjacent. If you want examples on easy to apply AoEs, skip the FP Effects section below for now and go to RV and AoEs. "FP Effects" Below is a list of a variety of things you can use as part of your Budget. This isn't just it either, you can design an ability and balance it however you want too with your DM. Oh, and before 1 forget to mention it.. Defense or DF is how much you reduce all incoming Damage or DV. And Resist(RST) and Weakness(WEK) is for Chosen Elements. Defense does not stack with Resist, use the higher of the two. Same applies for buffs and debuffs. 4 10 PP can be spent in order to Upgrade one of the following.. 4 A Passive, Talent, Ability, Attack, HP, FP, BP, or Badge. # Based on your Focus, either HP, FP, or BP only costs 5 PP. # You may Upgrade any individual thing 'Once' per Star Rank. Your Attack starts with 1.5 Budget. (Aka, 1.5 FP) Attacks when Upgraded gain 0.5 Budget. (Aka, 0.5 FP) Abilities when Upgraded gain 1 Budget. (Aka, 1 FP) © 0 FP allows you to pick the Element your Attack or Ability is. © 0.5 FP allows you to move up to your MV. © 0.5 FP allows you to move another up to your MV. ° 0.5 FP allows your MV to be treated as RV, or RV into a Line. © 0.5 FP adds 1 DV, or 1 RST Piercing, or 1 WEK. © 0.5 FP adds a Minor Status Effect with a Stylish Success. ¢ Debuffs last 1 Turn, and lose 1 Duration at Turn End. ¢ Buffs last 2 Turns, and lose 1 Duration at Turn Start. © 0.5 FP allows you to Steal 1 Coin 'once' per enemy. ¢ Then 1 Coin twice per enemy, then 2 Coins once per enemy, etc. © 0.5 FP allows you to Steal An Item with a Stylish Success. © 0.5 FP allows your Ability to do 1 of 2 Simple Things. © 0.5 FP allows your Ability to randomly do 1 of 3 Simple Things. ° 0.5 FP allows your Attack or Ability's 1 hit to count as 2. © 0.5 FP allows your Attack or Ability to count as another Element. "FP Effects Cont." ¢ 1 FP adds 2 DV or 1 Healing. Be it HP, FP, or SP. ¢ 1 FP adds 1 DF Piercing, or 2 RST Piercing or 2 WEK. ¢ 1 FP adds a Minor Status Effect with a Normal Success. © 1 FP enhances a Minor Status Effect or adds +1 Duration. * 1 FP adds a Moderate Status Effect with a Stylish Success. * 1 FP enhances a Moderate Status Effect or adds +1 Duration. © 1 FP allows you to Steal An Item with a Normal Success. ¢ 1 FP allows your Attack or Ability to have a Cone at MV-1. © 1 FP allows you to transfer 2 HP or 2 FP to an ally, with +1. ¢ 1 FP allows you to transfer 1 SP to an ally, with +1. to do 1 of 2 Complex Things. to do 1 of 3 Simple Things. Etc. © 1 FP allows your Ability to randomly do 1 of 3 Complex Things. Etc. © 1 FP allows your Ability to randomly do 1 of 4 Simple Things. Etc. © 1 FP allows your Attack or Ability to Multi-hit +1 times per purchase. ¢ 1 FP allows your Ability to Mi 2 Coins Worth of No-Heal Items. ¢ 1 FP allows your Ability to Mil a Talent for 2 Turns per purchase. ¢ 1 FP allows your Attack or Abi to no longer Friendly Fire. ¢ 1 FP allows your Attack or Ability to only target Allys. ¢ 2 FP allows your Ability to do 1 of 5 Complex Things. Etc. ¢ 2 FP allows your Attack or Ability to have a Burst at MV-3. ¢ 2 FP allows you to transfer 4 HP or 4 FP to an ally, with +2. Etc. ¢ 2 FP allows you to transfer 2 SP to an ally, with +2. e 2 FP adds a Minor Status Effect with a Sloppy Success. ¢ 2 FP adds a Moderate Status Effect with a Normal Success. ¢ 2 FP adds a Major Status Effect with a Stylish Success. e 2 FP enhances a Major Status Effect or adds +1 Duration. © 2 FP allows you to Steal An Item with a Sloppy Success. ° 2 FP allows your Ability to Mimic a Passive for 2 Turns per purchase. "FP Effects End." ¢ 3 FP adds a Moderate Status Effect with a Sloppy Success. © 3 FP adds a Major Status Effect with a Normal Success. © 3 FP allows your Attack or Ability to have a Arc at MV-2. © 3 FP allows you to make use of a Minion until it is defeated. ¢ They start with 1 HP, 0 FP, 0 BP, 5 MV, 1 DV, 0 RV, and 2M. + Each extra FP lets you add 1 to any of these values. + MV caps at 7, M caps at 3, DVC is half the FP Cost rounded down. ¢ RV for their Attack is x3 RV per purchase, rather then based off MV. ¢ For an Ability, the Budget cost is 1/2. x1 for the 2nd. x2 for the 3rd. ¢ Giving them a Talent costs 3 FP, and upgrading it costs 2 FP. # 1RST costs 1 FP. You can do this up to 1 time per Star Rank. ¢ 1 WEK gives 1 FP. You can do this up to 1 time per Star Rank. ¢ 1 DF costs 2 FP. You can do this up to 1 time per Star Rank. # You can increase most other things up to 2 times per Star Rank. ¢ For every additional minion actively used, the 3 FP cost adds +1 to it. ¢ Adding back their third #M costs 2 FP. Appeal is only grants 1d4 SP. + Reducing them down to 1M gives 2 FP. Appeal also uses ALL their #M. © 4 FP adds a Major Status Effect with a Sloppy Success. © 4 FP allows you to transfer 4 SP to an ally, with +4. Etc. ¢ 5 FP makes your Status Effect need a Sloppy Success to dispel. ¢ 5 FP can make a Minor Status Effect last an entire Combat. © 6 FP makes your Status Effect need a Normal Success to dispel. © 6 FP can make a Moderate Status Effect last an entire Combat. ¢ 7 FP allows your Attack or Ability to target All Creatures in combat. © 7 FP makes your Status Effect need a Stylish Success to dispel. © 7 FP can make a Major Status Effect last an entire Combat. "Range Value/RV & AoEs" The game is played on a Grid. This lends itself to a mechanic the games don't have, Movement Distance in combat. Basically as you saw you more then likely start with a MV based on your chosen Build, and potentially Species/Passives/Talents. You also saw something called Range Value or RV, which is by default simply Equal to your MV. But, Attacks and Abilities by default don't have an RV, meaning they can only attack enemies who are beside you or Adjacent. Melee/Jump. However, through the Budget Design of your Attack or Ability you can grant it RV, making it either Ranged or an AoE. Ranged Attacks are very simply attacks or abilities that can target an enemy at a RV of, by default, your MV. So if your MV is 5, you can hit someone up to 5 tiles away. Every 2nd Diagonal is 2 MV, so if you move Diagonal twice, its 3 MV. In order to give an Ability or Attack an RV Value, you have to dedicate 0.5 FP in the Budget Design for this. Anything that increases your MV also increases your RV, though as can guess this is 1 to 1. But, if you want to increase your RV specifically.. You just dedicate the FP to the Budget Design again and treat your MV as x1.5 more rounded up” purely for the purpose of modifying your RV. If you want to do it manually, its 1 Budget for 2 RV. Grid Tiles /MV Distances added to Budget Grid Tiles / MV Distances k. Ri 40.5 @) Melee Attack to "ch You Adjacent 2RV “"AoEs Cont. Lines" Line AoEs are the most basic form of Area of Effects/AoEs. They behave like a Ranged Attack, but hit multiple targets. All creatures passed through by the attack are struck if on the chosen level of elevation or Location Status you decide on. It uses your MV to figure out RV as normal, however.. It costs 1 Budget to make an Attack/ Ability a Line. Where as giving an Attack/Ability RV is 0.5 Budget. One can be upgraded into the other via 0.5 Budget. For an Example, the Koopa's default Ability; Power Shell. It moves yourself in a Line and does 2 damage. All AoEs friendly fire unless Budget is bought to not too. Lets do the Budget Balancing to figure out FP Cost. 1 FP for the 2 DV. 1 FP for the Line of your MV. 0.5 FP to move yourself your MV. 1+1+ 0.5 is 2.5 Budget. But since FP is spent without decimals.. Its often fair to just round 2.5 down to 2, so it has a 2 FP Cost. Ask your DM however before simply deciding this. And of course... Since its an Ability, it requires 2M to be spent by default. | Koopa Ability - Power Shell [2 FP] [2M] Spin in your shell and gather force before releasing it, launching yourself your MV in a Line, and doing 2 damage to all creatures passed through. _ 18D 999 GS ape POG: 2138 999 QE. 2M QUP 4 “AoEs Cont. Cones" Cones are a intermediate sort of AoE. This is where a term known as Size comes in to play. Size is simply a term to differentiate from RV when referencing. This is because Abilities can have RV, AND Size at the same time. Like a thrown bomb, RV distance then a Size AoE where it lands Other then that, it behaves basically the same. Scaled off your MV. Cones require 1 FP Budget just as Lines do, but treat your MV -1. This means if you have 5 MV, the Size is actually 4 RV. But what is a Cone anyway, right? Lets explain it for ya. Depending on the Angle, Cones have varying shape. Lets use a Fire Bro to show an Example, who has 5 MV. Keep in mind, Every 2nd Diagonal costs +1 Extra MV/Size. é.. Ons MU Size As before for the Budget/FP Cost.. 1 FP for 2 DV, its 0 FP to make it Fire Damage. And then 1 FP for the Cone of your MV-1. Simple as, right? 1 + 1 = 2 FP. And then 2M. | Fire Bro Ability - Fire Breath [2 FP] [2M] Shoot out a Cone of flames up to your MV-1 from your mouth. Doing 2 Fire Damage to all creatures within the Cone. “AoEs Cont. Bursts" Bursts are an expert sort of AoE due its cost. Remember how I mentioned a Thrown Bomb as an example? The Size is your RV is every direction from the Origin. By default, this is the tile you're standing in. Unlike Lines and Cones, this costs 2 FP Budget, and at -3 MV. This means if you have 5 MV, its 2 RV of tiles in every direction. Lets use a Bob-omb's default Explode as example. | Bob-omb Ability - Explode [3 FP] [2M] Damages all creatures in a Burst of your MV-3 for 3 Explosive DV. PRESETS 3 cre Ons Behe he ae Damage/| or Wa As for the Budget.. 1.5 FP for 3 DV. 2 FP for the Burst Effect. 1.5 +2 =3.5 Budget. 3.5 rounds down to 3 FP. And of course, 2M default. As you can see, AoEs don't innately pass through walls. While unlisted in the Budget Balance page, this can change. For 0.5 FP per tile, you can pierce through that many obstacles. They do however bend around corners, given enough Size. If you added RV to the Ability, you would toss the Origin to a tile. “AoEs Cont. Arcs" Arcs are also an expert sort of AoE due its cost. Think of Lightning basically Arcing between multiple targets. The Size or RV is your MV-2, but the FP Budget is 3. Lets use a Boomerang Bro's default Boomerang Arc as example. & Cr. MU | Boomerang Bro Ability - Boomerang Arc [4 FP] [2M] Throw your boomerang up to your MV-2 and bounce it off} an enemy doing 2 damage, it then travels up to your MV-2 towards another not yet hit target and repeats until you run out of targets. Bé eae en Before 5/S@ aM¢¢F 6 PPG -2M F After USB IMFFF As before for the Budget/FP Cost.. 1 FP for 2 DV, kept as Physical Damage. And then 3 FP for the Arc of your MV-2. Simple as, right? 1 + 3 = 4 FP. And then 2M. ‘Simple and Complex Things" As mentioned in the Budget Explanations, there is a distinction between Simple and Complex "Things". What are Things? Simply put its referring to the Effects your attack or ability is causing. This only really comes up and matters if you design something to be able to do multiple different things based on choice or random chance. Simple Things should be able to be conveyed in a short sentence. Complex Things requires explanation or often requires context to work. Theres also the matter of Theme. Tf you design an attack or ability to be able to do a bunch of things, they should still be related in some way based on the Theme of your character or the ability itself. If you designed it with efficiency in mind rather then creativity, this gives the DM who is looking over your attack or ability some bias to determine Simple vs Complex. How do you balance a ‘Multiple Choice Attack/Ability'? Well, lets say you spent the 1 FP Budget to do 1 of 3 Simple Things. You then decide it costs 3 FP to use the Ability. Well, 3 - 1 = 2.. So, that means you design 3 different mini-abilities all which have an FP Budget of 2 each, and when using your Ability you choose between the different ‘things’ that your Ability can do. Attacks pad Abilities are just bundles of Budget Effects afterall. An example would be Lively Melody. | Crazee Dayzee Ability - Lively Melody [3 FP] [2M] Sing towards an a creature within your MV*1.5(2Fp), "doing one of 2 things". Deal 4 Celestial DV(are) "or" Heal their HP by 2;2Fp). “The Elements" g Physical g

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