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VENEZUELAN 2402:1997


(1st Revision)


The Venezuelan Commission of Industrial Standards (COVENIN), created in 1958, is the body in
charge of programming and coordinating Standardization and Quality activities in the country. To carry
out the work of developing standards, COVENIN establishes Technical Standardization Committees and
Commissions, where governmental and non-governmental organizations related to a specific area

This standard completely replaces the Venezuelan Standard COVENIN 2402-86 Typology of
Cargo Vehicles, was prepared by the CTXVIII Transport Technical Standardization Commission through
the cooperation agreement signed between the Ministry of Transportation and Communications,
MTC and FONDONORMA, being approved by COVENIN at its meeting No. 149 dated 1997/12/11.

The following entities participated in the preparation of this Standard: Ministry of Transportation
and Communications, MTC; CONSETRANSPORTE; Automotive Chamber of Venezuela, CAVENEZ;
Association of Venezuelan Trailer Manufacturers, ASOFARE; Venezuelan Automotive Industrial
Chamber, CIVA; Ministry of Industry and Commerce, MIC.
BURDEN (1st revision)

1 OBJECT 3.8 Frame: Structure designed to support

all vehicle components and load.
The purpose of this Venezuelan Standard is to
establish the requirements that cargo vehicles 3.9 Drivetrain: It is the mechanical
must meet for automotive land transport by road, assembly that allows the self-propulsion of the
with a gross vehicle weight equal to or greater vehicle, consisting of the following elements:
than 3,500 kilograms, engine, gearbox, drive axle(s), differential
assembly and rear half-axles.
3.10 Chassis: Basic structure of the vehicle,
The following standards contain provisions that, consisting of the frame or drive train or other
when cited in this text, constitute requirements of related mechanical parts.
this Venezuelan Standard. The editions indicated
were in effect at the time of this publication. As 3.11 Bodywork: That structure that is added
all standards are subject to revision, it is to the chassis in a fixed manner, for the
recommended that those who make agreements transportation of load.
based on them analyze the convenience of using
the most recent editions of the standards cited 3.12 Cabin: It is the structure designed to
below. exclusively locate and protect the operating
personnel, controls and controls.
COVENIN 795-75 Definitions and terminology
of vehicle dimensions. 3.13 Dumping: It is the body designed as a
tilting structure used for transporting cargo.
COVENIN 2017-83 Internal combustion
engines. Test methods. Raw power. 3.14 Platform: It is the body with an open
flat structure, designed for the transportation of
3 DEFINITIONS cargo, which may be provided with side, front
and rear rails, fixed or removable (stakes).
3.1 Cargo vehicle: Vehicle intended for
transportation of goods. You may have additional 3.15 Van: It is the closed structure body
equipment to provide specialized services. designed for the transportation of cargo.

3.2 Truck: Cargo vehicle, which can also 3.16 Tank: It is the body with a closed
be used for towing. Its design may include a body structure, designed for the transportation of fluids
or supporting structure. or solids in bulk.

3.3 Tractor Truck (Chuto): Vehicle 3.17 Locker: It is the body designed as a
designed to tow and support the load transmitted structure suitable for transporting cargo in
by a semi-trailer. specific spaces.

3.4 Trailer: Vehicle without an engine, 3.18 Container carrier: Structure designed
with front and rear axle(s), whose total weight, to transport container carriers.
including the load, rests on its own axles and is
towed by a motor vehicle. 3.19 Additional equipment: These are the
equipment or systems that, with fixed mounting
3.5 Balanced Trailer: Vehicle in which the on cargo vehicles, provide specific services, such
load-bearing axle(s) are located approximately in as; lifting, compacting, mixing, drilling, spraying,
the center of the supporting structure. watering, suctioning, transforming, transporting
armed vehicles and others.
3.6 Semi-trailer: Vehicle without an
engine, with rear axle(s), whose weight and load NOTE: When additional equipment is adapted to
are supported (partially transmitted) to the tractor a cargo vehicle, it is named after the service it
truck that tows it. provides, unless this service is secondary (see
figure 2).
3.7 Celia (Nurse): Part of the body
designed exclusively for the transport of armed 3.20 Drive axle: Axle used to transmit
vehicles (see figure 2). traction force.
3.21 Non-drive axle: Axle that does not 3.33 Combined gross vehicle weight: It is
transmit traction force. the gross vehicle weight of the truck plus trailer,
tractor truck plus semi-trailer or balanced truck
3.22 Steering axis(es): Axis through which plus trailer combination.
vehicle steering control(s) is applied.
3.34 Power per ton: It is the relationship
3.23 Front axle(s): Axle(s) located at the between the nominal power of the engine and the
front of the chassis. simple or combined gross vehicle weight.

3.24 Central axis(es): Axis(s) located in the 3.35 Fifth wheel: It is that mechanical
center of the chassis. element located in the tractor unit that is used to
couple the semi-trailer.
3.25 Rear axle(s): Axle(s) located at the rear
of the chassis. 3.36 Front overhang: Distance between the
first axis or the center of the group of rotation
3.26 Simple axle (single axle): Axle not axes and the most protruding front part of the
articulated to another, which can be driven or not, vehicle.
directional or not, front, center or rear.
3.37 Rear overhang: Distance between the
3.27 Composite axle, Tandem: Two axles last axis or the center of the group of rotation
articulated to the vehicle by common devices, axes and the most protruding rear part of the
separated by a certain distance, and may be drive, vehicle.
mixed or only load-bearing.
3.28 Composite axle, Tridem: Three axles
articulated to the vehicle by common devices, For the purposes of this standard, cargo vehicles
separated at a certain distance, and may be drive, are designated according to the arrangement of
mixed or only load-bearing. their axles, as established below:

3.29 Retractable axle: Axle that can 4.1 The first digit indicates the number of
transmit part of the vehicle's load to the road axles on the truck or tractor truck.
surface or be isolated from it by mechanical,
hydraulic or pneumatic devices, it must be 4.2 The letter “S” means semi-trailer and
original from the factory. the immediate digit indicates the number of its
3.30 Tare of a vehicle: It is the weight of the
vehicle, in running order, excluding the load. 4.3 The letter “R” means trailer and the
immediate digit indicates the number of axles.
3.31 Load capacity: It is the maximum
allowable load for which the vehicle was 4.4 The letter “B” means balanced trailer
designed. and the immediate digit indicates the number of
3.32 Gross vehicle weight: It is the tare
weight of the vehicle plus the loading capacity. 4.5 Below, for a better interpretation of the
designation, the following examples are given
(See figure 1):
2: Two-axle truck

3: Three-axle truck

4: Four-axle truck

2S1: Tractor truck with two axles and

semi-trailer with one axle.

2S2: Tractor truck with two axles and semi-

trailer with two axles

2S3:Tractor truck with two axles and semi-

trailer with three axles

3S1: Tractor truck with three axles and semi-

trailer with one axle.

Figure 1. Types of cargo vehicles according to the arrangement of their axles (start)
3S2: Tractor truck with three axles and semi-trailer
with two axles

3S3: Tractor truck with three axles and semi-trailer

with three axles.

2R2: Truck with two axles and trailer with two axles.

2R3: Truck with two axles and trailer with three axles.

3R2: Truck with three axles and trailer with two axles

3R3: Truck with three axles and trailer with three


Figure 1. Types of cargo vehicles according to the arrangement of their axles (continued)
3R4: Truck with three axles and trailer with
four axles

4R2: Truck with four axles and trailer with

two axles

4R3: Truck with four axles and trailer with

three axles.

4R4: Truck with four axles and trailer

with four axles.

281: Truck with two axles and

balanced trailer with one axle.

282: Truck with two axles and

balanced trailer with two axles.

283: Truck with two axles and

balanced trailer with three axles.

Figure 1. Types of cargo vehicles according to the arrangement of their axles (continued)
3B1: Truck with three axles and balanced
trailer with one axle.

3B2: Truck with three axles and balanced

trailer with two axles.

3B3: Truck with three axles and balanced

trailer with three axles

4B1: Truck with four axles and trailer

balanced with an axle.

4B2: Truck with four axles and trailer

balanced with two axles.

4B3: Truck with four axles and trailer

balanced with three axles.

Figure 1. Types of cargo vehicles according to the arrangement of their axles (final)
REQUIREME 5.4 Front overhang
5.1 Vehicle dimensions 5.6 Feeding system
Maximum width 2.60m
Maximum height 4.10m Cargo vehicles must be provided with an adequate power system in
Maximum length in truck with two accordance with the requirements of fuel savings and
axles 11.50m environmental preservation.
Maximum length in truck with three
axles 12.20 m 5.7 Direction system
Maximum length for Celia type
vehicles (Suckles) Cargo vehicles must be provided with a system that allows
Length maximum in handling in difficult traffic circumstances.
semi-trailer tractor truck combinations.
Examples: (2S1), (2S2), (2S3), (3S1), 5.8 Braking system
(3S2), (3S3), etc.
5.8.1 Motor vehicles must be
provided with:
Length maximum for A service braking system that acts through two
trailer truck combinations. Examples:
independent circuits for the front and rear wheels and that allows
(2R2), (2R3), (3R2), (3R3), (3R4), etc. 21.00m
the speed to be regulated and stopped quickly and effectively,
Length maximum for
whatever the load conditions and road slope.
balanced trailer truck combinations.
Examples: (2B1), (2B2), (2B3), (3B1), Those vehicles that use air brakes must have a safety
(3B2), (3B3), etc. .
brake system, which acts in the event of failure of the service
21.00m braking system.
Maximum length of a trailer without the
rudder 12.00m A secondary parking braking system, independent of the
Maximum balanced trailer length service braking system, that allows the loaded vehicle to stop
without rudder 10.00m within an acceptable distance and keep it stationary on an 8%
Maximum length of a semi-trailer slope, without driver intervention.
13.75m An automatic service brake system that operates on all
wheels of the combination, in addition to a device that acts
5.2 Axle spacing independently on the wheels of the towed vehicle, for those
vehicles that operate with a trailer or semi-trailer, whose combined
5.2.1 The separation between consecutive axles of a compound gross vehicle weight is greater to 4 000 kg.
axle must be 1.20 m as a minimum value. An air brake system for vehicles with a gross vehicle
5.2.2 The separation between consecutive simple or compound weight greater than 10,000 kg.
axles must be 3.00 m as a minimum value.
5.8.2 Trailers or semi-trailers whose gross vehicle weight
exceeds 3 500 kg must have:
5.3 Rear overhang In addition to a braking system that operates on all
The rear overhang must not exceed the wheelbase by: wheels, an emergency braking system, which is activated instantly
when disengaging from the motor vehicle or when the primary
brake service system fails.
a) 50% for two-axle cargo vehicles Unbalanced trailers must have a parking brake, which
b) 60% for three-axle cargo vehicles. keeps them stationary on a maximum slope of 8% even when
c) 60% for balanced trailers, considering 60% of the distance
between the center of the rear axle(s) of the truck and the center
of the axle(s) of the balanced trailer. 5.9 Suspension system

5.4.1 The front overhang must not exceed the value of 1.70 m. Cargo vehicles must use a suspension system according to the
characteristics required for each type of vehicle, depending on the
5.4.2 The upper front overhang of the body must not exceed the use for which it is intended.
bumper (Motherboards) (see figure 2).
5.10 Bodywork
5.5 Engine
5.10.1 The bodywork must be constructed in such a way as to
Minimum gross engine power must be 6.5 HP per ton of gross guarantee maximum structural safety and stability for both the
vehicle weight or gross vehicle combined weight. vehicle and the driver. The materials to be used must be resistant to
weather and other elements to which they will be subjected.
5.10.2 The bodywork must not have protrusions or ends that 5.13.1 A laminated clear windshield.
could represent danger to users.
5.13.2 An automatically operating windshield wiper, as per
5.10.3 The bodywork must not protrude more than 0.50 m factory design.
measured from the rear bumper.
5.13.3 An operational speed indicator.
5.11 Bumper
5.13.4 A horn or bugle, the sound of which can be heard under
5.11.1 Vehicles must have bumpers which must not protrude normal conditions at a distance of one hundred meters.
laterally with respect to the body.
5.13.5 An exhaust silencing device that muffles engine
5.11.2 Bumpers must be placed on both the front and rear of explosions.
trucks or combinations, having the following maximum heights
measured from the ground to the bottom of the bumper. 5.13.6 Two rearview mirrors that allow the driver to see by
reflection up to seventy meters of the road they are leaving behind.
Front bumper 0.75m These mirrors must be placed on the outside of the vehicle and on
each side of it and may exceed the maximum width.
rear bumper 0.65m
5.14 Modifications
5.12 Accessories
No element or system of the vehicle should be modified or altered,
Cargo vehicles with a capacity greater than 3,500 kg must be unless said modifications or alterations comply with the technical
equipped with the minimum accessories indicated below: specifications stipulated by the manufacturer.

5.12.1 Two headlights with their two high and low light 5.15 Identification plate
projections, allowing objects to be seen at a distance of one
hundred and fifty meters and sixty meters respectively. A metal identification plate must be available, located in an easily
visible place, which contains at least the following information:
5.12.2 Two front lights (cocuyos), visible at one hundred and
fifty meters, yellow. 5.15.1 Truck, tractor truck

5.12.3 A non-dazzling white light, placed at the rear of the - Manufacturer identification
vehicle that illuminates the license plate and makes it perfectly
legible at night from a distance of twenty meters. - Identification or serial number

5.12.4 Two red lights placed at the rear of the vehicle visible - GVWR
from a distance of one hundred and fifty meters, in addition to two
red lights of greater intensity that come on when the vehicle brakes - Vehicle tare
are applied and two other red reflected lights (cat eyes), the which
must be integrated into the bodywork. - Towing capacity

5.12.5 An electrical system of lights, crossing indicators and 5.15.2 Trailers, semi-trailers
occasional turn signals.
- Manufacturer identification
5.12.6 Trailers and semi-trailers must have a minimum of two
yellow lights on the front, two lights of the same color properly - Identification or serial number
spaced on each side, and two red lights on the rear sides.
- Vehicle tare
5.12.7 Cargo vehicles must have a compartment in order to store
- Loading capacity
documentation related to the vehicle.
5.13 Various installations
The criteria established in this standard were obtained from the
Cargo vehicles must have at least the following: contribution of private companies as well as official state

Figure 2. Celia type vehicle (Nurse)

2402:1997 c


Av. Andrés Bello Edif. Common Fund Tower Floors 11 and 12
Tel. 575.41.11 Fax: 574.13.12


LC.S: 03.220.10
Forbidden the total or partial reproduction by any means.

Descriptors: Cargo vehicles, typology.
ISBN: 980-06-1833-3

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