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faces of
Martha Duhne Backhauss

ON APRIL 20 , 1999, ERIC







Similar VIOLENT ACTS that I invoke

They profit teenagers, they have been
repeated with different faces, names and
number of victims in other parts of the
world and raise a cascade of questions,
but the most important one is: why?

René Magritte, The Lovers (detail).

as you see ?
involved, among other functions, in the
development of secondary sexual
characteristics in males (such as beards
and deep voices) and in building mass.
muscular. Studies carried out on prisoners
in different prisons showed that men with
the highest levels of testosterone were, in
many cases, those who had committed
violent crimes. But this relationship is not
always direct and is mediated by many
social factors. I like drug use.
Fourteen different studies have found
found that there is a marked tendency in
violent young people to have
significantly lower heart rates than less
aggressive people. Others is studies have
not found cardiac rhythms Abnormal cos
in psychopaths.
It is also known that males are the
most aggressive sex in almost all
mammals and this has led to some You
Eric Harris and Dylan tend to assume that men are naturally
aggressive and that violence is a natural
Boys who kill physiological or neurological differences consequence of biology. male gy.
in people who commit abuse violent However, the various tions in the number
Countless articles have been written
attacks? of homicides in different societies make it
trying to explain the possible causes of
evident that culture has a great influence
these events, apparently everything so The biology of violence on the probability possibility of a man
inexplicable. Eric and Dylan have been
At a clinic in Fairfield, California, Dr. committing murder sinato. For example,
called murderers, crazy people,
Daniel Amen conducted studies on 50 the proportion of the number of murders
psychopaths, even devil spawns, but
murderers and found that their brains in Colombia is 15
these tragic events raise a very interesting
shared some common characteristics. nes. the boys of now have changed
question for science: what can happen for
The structure called Cingulate Gyrus very changed in half a generation, or because a
a baby to become such an angry and
slowly in the 50 killers. “If you have genetic mutation has made them more
aggressive teenager?
Science is still very far from po I need (or CG for its acronym in English), which is times greater than that of Costa Rica,
to answer this question, but I and the
investigated Recent research on the located in the center of the brain, most of the United States is 10 times larger
relationship that exists between the social hyperactivity in all of them. He than that of Norway. There are even di-
and psychological reality of these CG acts as a transmitter of the ce- very marked regional differences
adolescents and the biochemistry of their rebro, allowing you to change a within the same country.
brain sheds some light on the possible thought to another. When it doesn't work well, the person gets stuck. graphics.
causes of the aggressive behavior that Worldwide, homicides
they present. they sit The conclusions that in a single idea, to which he returns with- youth gods have doubled in the
emerge from these investigations are not continuously. Also the bark last 15 years. This is not due to
so simple as to conclude that violence is prefrontal, which appears to act as a that the brains they are born with
genetically programmed, or that a brain supervisor, it worked
violent thoughts from which you cannot aggressive. If the current increase in
murder but potentially hides in the folds escape and there is no supervision "If you violence cannot be explained by
gues of the frontal lobes of the brain, northrow them away, you're in trouble," high physiological or neurological issues, we
in a childhood with abuse found levels of testosterone, a sex hormone must investigate try to find other causes.
continuous It is rather an extreme network says Dr. Amen. This type of damage
extremely complex of factors brain can result from strong blows The firsts years
biochemical, social and psychological you in your head as well as from an The learning capacity of a baby is
expo which, together, can perform important action to harmful substances amazing: in less than three years, it
mouth on a violent and aggressive person, capable of committing murder. Without crawls, walks, assimilates a language and
the pregnancy. learns to relate to its environment. But
However, understanding the origins of Other research has found such a young brain is also extreme.
violence offers us clues about Since, in general, physical men
how to try to prevent it. Have they en- physically aggressive have levels

as you see ?
ly vulnerable to psychological wounds he is an adult. This is why parents that
that occur during this period. A small bad treat their children physically or
child who continually lives expe tension psychologically, they were often
riences (such as abandonment no, abuse mistreated when they did not even us.
or even terror), you experience physical The criminals, in mu Many cases have
changes in your brain. The flu parents who abused alcohol
continuous flow of chemical and drugs, were criminals and
substances related to behaviors were beaten children.
that produce ten sion, tends to This sequence of events does
restructure the functioning of not always occur, but it is a
the brain, putting its defense risk factor: having grown up
system sa in a state of in a violent or lacking
constancy alerts you. The affection environment
result is a child who shows an increases the probabilities.
aggression impulsive sion. facts of creating people slow
For him, which Any attitude to repeat the vicious circle with
that you interpret as hostile can their children. You can tell a
increase the level of hormone child a thousand times that it is
in your brain. monkeys related bad to attack and hit others, but if
to responses to stressful they have treated him badly,
behaviors. insults and insults, his parents yell
In other children, constant contact at each other, and he observes
with pain and seeing lence, can block that violence is the way
the natural response to situations problems are solved, he is
tension, like a button that has been likely to understand that this
pressed so many times that it stops is an acceptable way to
working. These are the mu kids with behave.
antisocial personalities, who
often mind have a low Happy violence?
sensitivity sensitivity to the Current popular culture, in
needs and emotions of other songs, video games,
people. Internet, movies and
There may also be a programs more than
genetic component that leads television, it offers many
to a person antisocial nature. Aspects ahem plos in which the
of tempera ment such as irritability, smallest character, or the one who has
impulsivity, hyperactivity and low been humiliated and attacked, manages to
sensitivity to the emotions of others may take revenge, killing and destroying
have a biological basis. The way in which destroying his opponents.
a baby who is naturally unreactive to George Gerbner, a researcher at the
displays of affection develops depends It Annenberg School of Communication at
will depend on the capacity of your the University of Pennsylvania, has es
parents. to stimulate him and form studied for more than 30 years the effects
emotional ties with him. When a small of television on its viewers and found
child is not excessively aggressive, it is found that on average there are more than
due Train the family not to continually five violent scenes in an hour of
confront him, challenging him and programming mation in prime time and
fighting with him, but rather teach him 25 acts saw slow per hour in the cartoons
non-violent ways to solve his problems that are broadcast on American channels
and thus reduce his frustration. on Sunday mornings, which are the same
Different parental responses produce ones broadcast by our channels.
different brains and therefore to, different
behaviors. Behavior is the result of a
dialogue between the brain and
experiences and, although people are
born with some characteristics biological
statistics, the brain has many several
blank pages. The infinite number of
messages that a child receives from his
environment will give him the pattern of
how he is expected to behave. carry when
Eduard Munch, Madonna (detail). as you see ?
commercial ends. A child who for If you G.V.
Violence in full color
watch three and a half hours of television George Gerbner was born in Hungary and
a day, you will have witnessed more than emigrated to the United States fleeing
8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of fascism. He fought in World War II and
violence on television by the time the became a hero. gnaw. Back in his country, he
premium ends. estuary. dedicated himself to studying the effects of
Never before has culture been so television on the public, particularly violence,
and began to count murders and their
saturated with violent images. In the first frequency in that mass medium of
Just a Die Hard movie shows 18 information. Currently, from the Annenberg
murders; in the second, 264. In Robocop School of Communication at the University
I there are 32 dead; in its sequel, 81. The town of Pennsylvania, United States, has
three Godfather movies piled up 12, 18, been poured into one of the experts on the
and 53 bodies, respectively. subject.
After thirty years of analyzing it, he saw
What is the message of all this saw
lence on television in the United States—at
lence? The amount of violent scenes in least half of those programs are broadcast
the media encourages the idea that play in Mexico—and their influence on
aggressive behavior is normal and even television pectorals, Gerbner concludes the
desirable. “Living in a burdensome following:
society day of violence generates • Never before has a culture been so
aggression in some people and a lack of flooded gives violent images in full color;
Of course there is blood in fairy tales das,
sensitivity, insecurity and anger in stabbings in mythology, murders in
others," says Gerbner, who also thinks Shakespeare, and wars and battles in
that the great danger of television is that textbooks, but these representations of
it has become poured, not into mere violence are cultural expressions
entertainment, but into a modern religion legitimate, even necessary to balance
that presents It has a vision of the world tragic consequences.
• The selective and symbolic use, defined
that is coherent, violent, aggressive,
historically richly, the violence of
repressive, dangerous and false. “Happy heroism, cruelty or authentic tragedy has
violence” Gerbner calls the type of been its replaced by violence with a
violence seen in the media; spectacle happy ending.
violence, without consequences. Will any • Americans spend a third of their free time
viewer stop to think, as part of the film's watching television.
• Only 1.3% of the characters that appear in
plot, about the widows, the orphans, the
the series broadcast in the best ho Rare
mothers, or what the 264 deaths in Die are poor.
Hard II would imply? • For every white male victim there are 22
Born to Kill was the favorite film of female victims who belong to me. racial
Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris who norms.
managed to bring together, in the • The bad guys are mostly male, from the
basement not of their houses, an arsenal lower class, young and foreign (mu Latin
of four ar but of a high caliber, a bomb
• There is no difference between violence
made with a 10 kilo propane tank and present told with humor and the one that
more than 30 small bombs built by seems serious; In fact, the first is more
themselves with gunpowder, nails and dangerous because it makes violence seen
broken glass. And a good part of society as a behavior acceptable ment.
is American still thinks it's his legitimate • In general, television gives the idea that
the world is worse than it really is. This
right to have access to weapons.
causes feelings of fear and even
seriousness and that people are willing to
What can we conclude? accept take extreme government
We are all terrified by the events that measures against violence.
happen were given at Columbine High • Violent acts on television rob the public of
School, but we live in a society where the tragic meaning of life that is
necessary for compassion.
violence has become a spec taculum;
Gerbner, who heads the Movement for the
abuse of children is daily boys and Cultural Environment, does not recommend
women; intolerance is a constant in census ra but proposes diversifying
relationships between people people from programming in order to produce less violent
different ideas, cultures, religion nes or materials and more programs that portray
sexual preferences; impunity minorities and women in a favorable light; In
short, let the stories be told more by who nes
have something to say that for those who
have They have something to sell.

as you see ?
of certain sectors of the population tion
is not the exception, but the rule; more
than half of the population tion lives in
poverty and justice Ticia is no longer
blind (has she ever been?), but she does
have skin color and class so cial. It
should be just as terrifying as the events
of Columbine, having learned I see a
four-year-old child begging for money at
eleven at night like someone who sees a
traffic light.
It is very simplistic and even
comfortable to label tas, blame others,
find a cause, only one that ex explain
these murders in which so many lives,
hopes, dreams, fu turos. But the issue of
seeing lence is extremely complex and
has many different facets. And, truth be
told, it is not foreign to us.
If the conclusion was
ra that the main cause of the increase in
violence in three teenagers are only in a
path function guide development of your
brain or behavioral behavior tada in their
chromosomes, we could do a lot to
combat it. But if it is the result of many
factors, the problem is really complex.
And in this cocktail of factors, all We
both have our share of responsibility ity;
aspects in which to think, decide and
act. /and

Martha Duhne is a biologist; For several years he has

been dedicated to the dissemination of science, especially
in audiovisual media. She has been a producer, among
other programs, of Ciencia hoy , on TV UNAM,
inter@100.xia , on channel 11.

We thank doctors Marcelino Cereijido, researcher at the

Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the IPN,
and Humberto Nicolini, head of the Clinical Research
Division of the Mexican Institute of Psychiatry, for their
advice in the preparation of this article.

Eduard Munch, Madonna (detail). as you see ?


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