Vocab Unit 10 G List

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, vocabularyworanop.com: Wort Definitions 1. askance (eskans) 3, benign @inin) 4. cavil (av ad) \ 5. charatan | (Ghie ator) 6, decimate | (des’ a mat) MN} aw un ‘audio program "interactive word spicion, distrust, of disapproval .cher looked ——®skanee_ mn that students read compendiums of atthe Dickens's novels. syvowns: distrustull, suspiciously {to make thin or slander; to weaken or ten fc tens, or value ‘tte making sure the wound was clean, the doctor ook ‘eps to _—-sttenuate_ the viet’ pain m te, water down snows boston ch gst, inc Ce eet nt er ingorsoelvestoprato Mea benign __ influence onthe lonely boy who Fad lost his mat enon: benevoler anronrus: malevolent feleterious ind fault in a petty way, car st you donot oe ntead focus on hal ssynont: (¥) nitick {nyone who feigns knowledge or abil: 2 pretender posts or quack "The reporter exposed the real estate agent a & ‘ieticharlatan who routinely deceived her customers. ssywonym: mountebank (v) to kill or destroy a large part of ‘Again and again, Napoleon was abl decimate the ar ‘and lead his men to fur ‘synonvs: devastate © cess vocabulary: 4c, 4d. (See pP-T# 0 ‘of his enemies 14-15.) om 12. obsequious (2058 hwe as) "obtuse tis) Cees A, (See pp. T14-15,) 101 teely YS 1010se weight a isto snow Fenounce TMS: indulge in, partane of accompanied by Ne equipm Everest are sa BEM expecitens ong tras °° Semone: charged with wn ANTONYMS: devoid of lacking, def toughen, harden; ion or exposure lave become ‘nvr ofthe long Acc we gps Ships ofthe lng Acc wns toughest SYNONYMS: accustom, acclimate to render us Wer used to something by eng (aaj) marked by si often for purely endoscending to how sysorous faving, serie svronnis:assertve, bums oa (ad) blunt, not comin 19 {0 a point slow ord (oc n understanding between 90° and 180" no causing ashy fapteion ‘The leutenare was too__obtuse_t9 seo fanger and led his company right into the hands ofthe ener. Smiowrns: dumb, thick, mild, dul-wited TTONYMS: perceptive, quick-witted Unit 10» 129 14, oscillate (as’ a lat) 45. penitent (pen’ a tant) 16. peremptory (pa remp’ ta ré) 17. rebuff (ri bat’) 18. reconnoiter (18 ka noit’ ar) 19. shambles (sham’ balz) 20. sporadic (Spé rad’ ik) 130 = Unit 10 (v) to swing back and forth with a steady thythy, or waver The terrified narrator in Poe's story “The pi, and th, Pendulum” watches the dreaded instrumen, oscillate Otley as it slowly moves tay SYNONYM: vibrate in, (adj.) regretful for one’s sins or mistakes; ( 1.) One wh wrongdoing : sp, The thief was sincerely Penitent In the Middle Ages, nitents 4 te their sins publicly and were publicly punisheg SYNONYMS: (aqj.) remorseful, regretful, rueful ANTONYM: (adj.) remorseless (adj.) having the nature of a command that leave: for debate, denial, or refusal; offensively self-asg determined, resolute The board members resented the director's ——Peremptory __ tone of voice SYNONYM: unconditional; ANTONYMS: irresolute, mild, unasgy- S.N0 oppor, UrEM, lta, (v) to snub; to repel, drive away; (1.) a curt rejection, ache The old man___tebuffed__ his neighbossty refusing all offers of friendship. Her rebuff of my invitation was quiterus SYNONYMS: (v.) repulse, reject; (n.) setback ANTONYMS: (v.) accept, welcome (v.) to engage in reconnaissance; to make a preliminary inspection Infantry officers often ask for volunteers to ——Teconnoiter___ the terrain ahead before ov their soldiers to advance. SYNONYM: scout Jed (n.) a slaughterhouse; a place of mass bloodshed; astaed complete disorder and confusion, mess les The burglars made a complete _—— apartment in their search for money and jewel"y : 5 jan (adj.) occurring at irregular intervals, having no set P ‘ont The soldiers heard __sporadic__gut® other side of the river. SYNONYMs: intermittent, spasmodic ANTONYMS: steady, continuous, uninterrupted GS ccss vocabulary: 4.0. (See pp. 114-15)

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