Valdez - Rheicy Bien - Final-Requirment-FiftyShadesOfGrey-Movie Analysis

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Pagsuhid anang Romansa: A Deep Dive into the

Psychology Behind 'Fifty Shades of Grey'
Prepare By: Rheicy Bien B. Valdez


"Fifty Shades of Grey" is a 2015 romantic drama film based on the novel of the same

name by E. L. James. The movie revolves around the relationship between two college

students, Anastasia Steele (played by Dakota Johnson) and Christian Grey (played by Jamie


Anastasia is a literature major who is asked to replace her sick roommate and

interview the wealthy and enigmatic Christian Grey for her school newspaper. During their

meeting, Christian introduces Anastasia to his unconventional lifestyle involving BDSM

(Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism). Despite her

initial hesitation, Anastasia becomes intrigued by Christian and his world, leading them to

develop a complex relationship.

As their connection deepens, Christian reveals his troubled past, which has shaped his

desires and preferences in relationships. He presents Anastasia with a non-traditional contract

that outlines the terms of their BDSM relationship, including rules, boundaries, and

expectations. Anastasia negotiates the terms, and they begin their journey together.

During the interview, Christian becomes interested in Anastasia. Afterwards, he visits

the hardware store where Anastasia works and offers her a photoshoot for the article she

wrote about him. Christian then invites her to a cafe and sends her rare books as gifts. They
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start dating, but as their relationship progresses, Anastasia learns about Christian's troubled

past and

realizes he is not good for anyone, including himself. Despite enjoying certain aspects of their

intimate relationship, she feels she must find the strength and courage to leave Christian, as

she believes he is dangerous. MischaLeCroix (2015)

Throughout the film, the couple faces various challenges, including Christian's ex-

submissive partner, Anastasia's inexperience in the BDSM lifestyle, and their differing

perspectives on love and intimacy. As they navigate these obstacles, they must decide

whether their passionate connection can overcome the hurdles and transform into a more

traditional, loving relationship.

In summary, "Fifty Shades of Grey" tells the story of Anastasia Steele and Christian

Grey's tumultuous and passionate relationship, which is marked by the exploration of BDSM

and the challenges they face in balancing their desires with their emotional connections.

James, E. L. (2011). Fifty Shades of Grey. London: Arrow Books.

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I chose "Fifty Shades of Grey" for the movie analysis from a psychological

perspective due to its exploration of human relationships, personality traits, and the dynamics

of power and control. The film provides an opportunity to discuss various psychological

concepts and theory, making it an engaging subject for analysis. I personally picked the

movie for my analysis on personality theories because it gave me a way to talk about human

behavior and personal growth in a relatable way. The characters and themes in the film made

it easy for a wide audience to understand these complex ideas.

I focused on the main characters to explore concepts like the Id, Ego, and Super-Ego

from Sigmund Freud's theories. The movie's themes of relationships, intimacy, and growth

are things that everyone can relate to. By using this movie, I could show how these theories

apply to real life, making it easier for people to understand and use them in their own lives.

The movie also sparked discussions about important topics like power dynamics and consent.

I wanted to add a psychological perspective to these discussions by analyzing the characters'

behaviors and motivations.

The film delves into the realm of BDSM (Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and

Submission, Sadism and Masochism), which can be analyzed from a psychological

standpoint. BDSM practices often involve the exploration of power dynamics, trust, and

intimacy. From a psychoanalytic perspective, these practices can be understood as a way for

individuals to express and explore their unconscious desires, fantasies, and conflicts.
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Sigmund Freud's theories on the pleasure principle and the role of sexual drives in human

behavior can be applied to analyze the characters' motivations in engaging in BDSM

activities, Feist (2021)

Moreover, the film allows for an examination of personality traits and the Big Five

Model of personality. By analyzing the characters' behaviors and interactions through the lens

of the Big Five, we can gain insights into their personalities and how they influence their

relationship dynamics. This analysis can help us understand how individuals with different

personality traits might approach relationships, communication, and conflict resolution, Feist


For that reason, "Fifty Shades of Grey" offers a rich context for analyzing various

psychological concepts and theories, including BDSM practices, personality traits and power

dynamics in relationships. This analysis can provide valuable insights into human behavior,

relationships, and the complexities of desire and intimacy. It helped me show how personality

theories connect to everyday situations, promoting a better understanding and application of

these theories in real life.

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Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalysis theory helps us understand how people behave and

develop their personalities by looking at the unconscious mind. According to Freud, our

minds are made up of three parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is like our instincts

and desires, wanting pleasure and satisfaction. The ego is more logical, balancing the id's

wants with what is practical in the real world. The superego acts as our inner moral compass,

based on values we learn from parents and society, Brennan, J., & Kerr, F (2020). Freud also

believed that our early experiences shape who we become. He suggested that there are five

stages of development, each focusing on different parts of the body. If we have unresolved

conflicts during these stages, it can affect our personalities and behaviors, Feist (2021).

To understand the behaviors in the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey," we can use the

Psychoanalysis Theory of Personality. This theory focuses on the unconscious mind and how

early life experiences shape an individual's personality and behavior. The lead role in the

movie are Anastasia Steele (played by Dakota Johnson) and Christian Grey (played by Jamie


Christian Grey's behavior in the movie can be explained by his psychodynamic

theory-based personality, which is largely influenced by his traumatic childhood experiences

and his relationships with his mother and adoptive family.

Early Life Story:

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Christian Grey was born into a troubled family, with his biological mother being a

drug addict. He was eventually adopted by the Greys, who provided him with a stable and

wealthy upbringing. However, his adoptive mother, was emotionally cold and physically

abusive to him. These experiences led to the development of Christian's personality traits, as

explained below.

Christian represses his true feelings and emotions, as seen when he struggles to

express his love for Anastasia Steele (played by Dakota Johnson). This stems from his early

life experiences, where expressing emotions could lead to negative consequences or

emotional instability in his adoptive family.

Christian's relationship with his mother, can be seen as an Oedipal complex. He is

attracted to strong, independent women, like Anastasia, who remind him of his mother. This

attraction is further complicated by his unresolved feelings towards his adoptive mother and

the desire to please her, which may have contributed to his dominant and controlling


The behaviors are also influenced by the internalization of his adoptive parents'

values. His disciplined, controlling, and perfectionist nature can be attributed to the adoptive

parents’ influence, while his emotional detachment can be linked to his mother’s distant

parenting style.

His interest in BDSM (Bondage/Discipline, Dominance/submission,

Sadism/Masochism) can be seen as a coping mechanism for his traumatic past. By being in

control during sexual encounters, he can recreate situations where he felt powerless as a

child. This behavior is also an attempt to overcome his feelings of inadequacy and

vulnerability, which stem from his early life experiences.

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Christian uses various defense mechanisms to cope with his emotional turmoil. He

employs repression to suppress his feelings and uses intellectualization to rationalize his

actions. He also uses projection, attributing his own fears and desires to others, such as his

concerns about Anastasia's feelings towards him.

On the other hand, according to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, Anastasia

Steele's personality can be analyzed through her unconscious mind, early childhood

experiences, and the interaction between her id, ego, and superego. An exploration of

Anastasia's personality using Freudian concepts, Schafer, R. (2020).

In the movie, it shows and discusses how Anastasia's personality is shaped by her

upbringing and unconscious desires. Her id, representing primitive and unconscious drives, is

exemplified by her attraction to Christian Grey, who represents a forbidden and exciting

world. Her ego, the rational and realistic part of her personality, struggles to balance her

desires with her moral principles. Lastly, her superego, the internalized moral standards, is

challenged by the unconventional nature of her relationship with Christian Grey.

Anastasia Steele’s psychosexual development could have contributed to her attraction

to Christian Grey. In the phallic stage, children develop an awareness of their sexuality and

may form an Oedipal complex, where they have unconscious feelings of love and jealousy

towards the parent of the opposite sex and a sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex,

Feist (2021). Anastasia's attraction to Christian, who represents a powerful and dominant

figure, could be an expression of her unresolved Oedipal complex.

Furthermore, the concept of defense mechanisms can also be applied to Anastasia's

personality. She might use repression to avoid confronting her feelings for Christian or denial
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when faced with the reality of their relationship. Other defense mechanisms, such as

projection and rationalization, could also play a role in her behavior and thought processes.

Sigmund Freud's theories provide a framework to understand both Anastasia Steele

(played by Dakota Johnson) and Christian Grey (played by Jamie Dornan) personality by

examining their unconscious desires, psychosexual development, and defense mechanisms.

These concepts help to explain their development and the challenges they face in navigating

their complex relationship.


Sigmund Freud's theories on masochism and sadism can be directly related to the

movie "Fifty Shades of Grey," as it explores the BDSM (Bondage and Discipline, Dominance

and Submission, Sadism and Masochism) lifestyle. Freud's views on these two concepts help

us understand the dynamics between the main characters, Christian Grey and Anastasia


Masochism: Freud introduced the concept of "masochism" in his work, "Three Essays

on the Theory of Sexuality." He described masochism as a psychological phenomenon in

which an individual derives pleasure from their own suffering or humiliation, Feist (2021). In

"Fifty Shades of Grey," Anastasia's character can be seen as exploring her masochistic

tendencies as she becomes interested in the BDSM lifestyle and enters into a relationship

with Christian, who is a dominant figure. As the story progresses, Anastasia learns to

embrace her masochistic desires and negotiates the terms of their relationship to ensure her

boundaries are respected.

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Sadism: Freud's theory on sadism revolves around the idea that an individual

experiences pleasure from inflicting pain or humiliation on others, Feist (2021). In the movie,

Christian Grey is portrayed as a sadist, as he takes on the dominant role in their relationship

and derives pleasure from controlling and dominating Anastasia. However, it is essential to

note that the portrayal of sadism in the movie is more complex than just inflicting pain, as it

also involves elements of power exchange and consent between the two partners.

Freud's theories on masochism and sadism provide a framework for understanding the

characters' motivations and behaviors in "Fifty Shades of Grey." The movie explores how


psychological tendencies intertwine in their relationship, highlighting the importance of

consent, communication, and the negotiation of boundaries within the context of BDSM.

The Psychodynamic Theory of Personality, specifically Sigmund Freud's structural

model, offers a compelling lens through which to analyze the behaviors and motivations of

Christian Grey in "Fifty Shades of Grey." The integration of the movie with this theory

allows us to understand how Christian's traumatic childhood and the resulting dynamics

between his Id and Super-Ego contribute to his complex personality and actions throughout

the film.

The provinces of mind: id, ego, and superego in Sigmund Freud's theory also includes

the concept of the unconscious mind, which is divided into the preconscious and the

repressed. The preconscious contains thoughts and memories that can be easily brought to

conscious awareness, while the repressed content is pushed away from consciousness due to

being too painful or threatening Feist (2021).

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The Interplay between Id, Ego, and Super-Ego, understanding how these three

components interact is crucial in analyzing an individual's personality (Freud, 1923). In the

case of Christian Grey, his Id-driven nature and his strict upbringing led to a strong Super-

Ego, resulting in a complex interplay between his desires and societal expectations (Hess,


The Id, representing the primitive and unconscious aspects of an individual's mind, is

seen in Christian's desire for pleasure and control. It is observed in Christian's attempts to

balance his desires with reality. Lastly, the Super-Ego, developed from internalized societal

norms and personal experiences, is evident in Christian's strict moral compass and self-

image. Anastasia's Id is evident in her curiosity, desire for adventure, and her attraction to

Christian Grey. Her Ego is observed in her attempts to navigate the complex relationship

dynamics and

balance her desires with reality. Her Super-Ego is demonstrated in her moral compass and

self-image, which are influenced by her upbringing and personal values.

The impact of Christian Grey's childhood experiences on his psychosexual

development, drawing upon Freud's belief in the significant influence of early life events on

personality formation (Hess, 2019). Christian's traumatic childhood and subsequent

upbringing have shaped his behaviors, decision-making processes, and the development of

his unique relationship dynamics with Anastasia Steele. Anastasia's upbringing, characterized

by a loving and supportive family, has contributed to her ability to empathize with Christian's

traumatic past and her desire to help him heal. This empathy is a crucial aspect of their

relationship and Anastasia's psychosexual development.

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In this movie analysis it demonstrates how the integration of Freud's psychoanalytic

theory in "Fifty Shades of Grey" provides a deeper understanding of the characters'

motivations, desires, and personal growth throughout the film. This exploration of the

psychoanalytic perspective offers a compelling analysis of the movie's narrative and the

complexities of human relationships.

In my view, connecting Sigmund Freud's ideas to the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey" is

interesting and makes you think. By looking at the main characters, Christian Grey and

Anastasia Steele, from Freud's perspective, we can see why they act the way they do and how

they grow as people. The movie shows how their past experiences affect their relationships,

showing how our early years shape our behavior and feelings towards others. This analysis

helps us understand the characters better and makes us think about how psychology

influences our lives and connections with others.

However, it's important to remember that Freud's theory isn't the only way to

understand the film or human relationships. Since human behavior is influenced by many

factors, it's wise to consider other theories besides Freud's. Overall, using Freud's ideas in

"Fifty Shades of Grey" provides a deep look at the characters and their relationship

complexities, prompting viewers to think about how psychology impacts our lives and

connections, while also understanding the limits of just one theory.


(See appendix)
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Brennan, J., & Kerr, F. (Eds.). (2020). The Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalysis
and Popular Culture. Routledge.

Cramer, A. O. (2020). The psychoanalytic theory of personality: A contemporary

perspective. In R. F. Baumeister, K. D. Vohs, & A. W. Kahneman (Eds.), Handbook of social
psychology (5th ed., Vol. 1, pp. 179-197). Wiley.

Fairbairn, W. R. D. (1952). Psycho-analytic studies of the personality. Tavistock


Feist, J., & Roberts, T. A. (2021). Theories of personality. In R. F. Baumeister, K. D.

Vohs, & A. W. Kahneman (Eds.), Handbook of social psychology (6th ed., Vol. 1). New
York, Wiley.
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Hess, D. R. (2019). Fifty Shades of Freud: The Psychosexual Development of
Christian Grey. Journal of Human Sexuality, 11(1), 1-24.

Lammers, L. M., & Pomerantz, J. R. (2020). Humanistic psychology: A contemporary

perspective. In R. F. Baumeister, K. D. Vohs, & A. W. Kahneman (Eds.), Handbook of social
psychology (5th ed., Vol. 1, pp. 257-273). Wiley.

Roberts, B. W., Walton, K. J., & Viechtbauer, W. (2017). The structure of personality
traits: A meta-analysis of five decades of lexical research. Psychological bulletin, 143(4),

Rogers, C. R. (1959). A Theory of Therapy, Personality, and Interpersonal Relations

as Developed in the Client-Centered Framework. In S. Koch (Ed.), Psychology: A Study of a
Science (Vol. 3, pp. 184-208). McGraw-Hill.

Schafer, R. (2020). Freudian Theory and the Romance Novel: Psychoanalytic

Perspectives on Fifty Shades of Grey. In Brennan, J., & Kerr, F. (Eds.), The Routledge
Handbook of Psychoanalysis and Popular Culture (pp. 101-114). Routledge.

Westen, D., Gabbay, J., & Olino, G. (2013). The psychodynamic detective: The
hidden clues in personality and relationship patterns. Guilford Press.



Thinking about this activity, I learned a lot about the Psychodynamic Theory of

Personality by looking at it in the context of "Fifty Shades of Grey." It helped me see how

our upbringing and past experiences can shape the way we behave and make decisions.

Studying Christian Grey's character using Freud's ideas helped me understand concepts like

the Id and Super-Ego better. The Id is the unconscious part of our mind that's primal, while

the Super-Ego comes from societal norms and personal experiences. Seeing how these
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Ground Floor, PS Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
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concepts played out in the movie helped me grasp the relationship between Christian's past

and present actions.

This activity showed me the importance of understanding our past and how it

influences who we are and how we act in different parts of our lives. It made me value

psychological theories more for explaining human behavior and got me interested in

exploring other theories like Humanistic, Trait, and Social Cognitive perspectives to get a

fuller picture of what shapes a person's personality. Doing this activity expanded my

knowledge of the Psychodynamic Theory of Personality particularly the Psychoanalysis

Theory and its role in understanding human behavior. It also emphasized how different

aspects of their personality interact when trying to understand why they act the way they do.

Watching the movie helped me see how the theory worked in real life, which made it

easier to understand how the different parts of our mind influence our actions. It also showed

me how important it is to think about our past and how it affects our personality and behavior

in all areas of life.

This experience made me realize how valuable psychological theories are for

understanding why people do what they do. It inspired me to look into other theories about

personality to get a better grasp of all the things that shape who we are.

Doing this activity expanded my knowledge of the Psychodynamic Theory of

Personality particularly the Theory of Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalysis and how it helps us

understand human behavior. It also reminded me of the importance of looking at someone's

past experiences and how different parts of their personality interact.

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Reflecting on the various theories of personality, I have gained a deeper

understanding of how individuals' thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are shaped by their

unique experiences, environment, and biological factors. This knowledge has broadened my

perspective on human behavior and has helped me appreciate the complexity of the human


Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory has significantly influenced my understanding

of the unconscious mind and its role in shaping personality. According to Freud, early

childhood experiences and the unconscious mind play a crucial role in determining an

individual's personality and behavior (Freud, 1900). His theory has been extensively studied

and debated, leading to the development of other psychoanalytic perspectives, such as the

object relations theory Cramer, A. O. (2020).

The psychodynamic theory, as explained in the context of "Fifty Shades of Grey," has

demonstrated how early life experiences and unconscious processes can influence personality

and behavior Westen, D., Gabbay, J., & Olino, G. (2013). This theory has been further

developed by other theorists, such as Erik Erikson, who emphasized the significance of

psychosocial development throughout the lifespan (Erikson, 1963).

Carl Rogers' humanistic approach to personality has been particularly impactful in

emphasizing the importance of free will and self-actualization Lammers, L. M., &

Pomerantz, J. R. (2020). Rogers believed that individuals have an innate drive to grow and

actualize their potential, given the right conditions (Rogers, 1959). This perspective has
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Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax No.: (082)308-0645 Local 189
helped me appreciate the significance of empathy and understanding in fostering personal

growth and self-awareness.

The trait theory, as proposed by Gordon Allport and later expanded upon by Hans

Eysenck, has provided a structured way to understand personality. By identifying specific

traits that contribute to an individual's personality, this theory allows for a more systematic

analysis of human behavior (Eysenck, 1990). This understanding has been particularly useful

in understanding the consistency of an individual's behavior across various situations

Roberts, B. W., Walton, K. J., & Viechtbauer, W. (2017).

Albert Bandura's social-cognitive theory has been instrumental in highlighting the

role of social and environmental factors in shaping personality. His concept of reciprocal

determinism emphasizes the interplay between personal, behavioral, and environmental

factors, leading to a more holistic understanding of human behavior (Bandura, 1986). This

perspective has helped me recognize the importance of context in shaping an individual's


To sum it up, studying theories of personality has been an enlightening experience

that has deepened my understanding of human behavior. It has allowed me to appreciate the

complexity of the human psyche and the various factors that contribute to an individual's


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