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Period Literary analysis of the graphic novel Persepolis (3 A)

YO. Location
1. Location in the literary context IRAN

Persepolis is an autobiographical comic from the 20th century, it belongs to the avant-garde
movement because the author expresses herself freely about the sociopolitical problems
experienced in Iran; It also corresponds to the modernist current because it narrates events that
occurred in the period from 1979 to 1988.

Through the comic Marjane Satrapi describes the problematic reality in Iran as a result of the
autocrat Shah.

2. Author references

Satrapi was born in Iran at the beginning of the Islamic revolution….

Strong blow or disappointment when he found out that the Shah was not chosen by God

His father tells him the true story about the Shah's father who had betrayed the country by selling
land to the Americans to seize the oil...

II. Content plan

1. Topic: The new home and the clash of cultures

2. Ideas:

1. His arrival in Vienna made him see the overwhelming difference in customs

2. He receives Western influence and this generates his first acts of rebellion

3. He suffers his first heartbreak, causing him to move away from human contact and warmth.

4. Conflicts arose that led him to hit rock bottom, all of this as a result of his breakup.

1. Feelings

1. Disappointment, infatuation, excitement, disillusionment, nostalgia, love.

1. Plot and plot


It is an autobiographical novel that was written by Marjane Satrapi, who narrates events in her life in the midst
of an Islamic revolution that would eventually lead her to leave her country.

Persepolis, is a reflection of a teenager who, at only 14 years old, was forced to use the scarf in her social life
and even began the separation of sexes in schools, for which she traveled to Germany with the aim of
improving herself and avoiding live in the midst of war. As time goes by she gets to know many cultures and
types of personalities. In addition, she was developing as an independent person of which she had thousands
of cases that happened to her in her life, therefore Satrapi remembers her life that goes back to her ancestors
and in this way helps us understand the causes of the history of the Islamic revolution.


Marjane goes to Vienna because she was not safe in her country due to the wars. He arrives at a nuns'
residence where he meets Lucia who invites him to spend Christmas in the southwest of Austria with her
family. At school he meets Julie, an 18-year-old girl with whom he establishes a good friendship and joins her
group of friends. Then she had a conflict with the mother superior who offended her for eating in a pot, which
is why she decided to leave and go live with Julie. In his coexistence with Julie he discovers “Sexual liberation”.
Later Marjane has physical changes and adopts a Punk Look in which she also learns to smoke. At the same
time she had psychological changes which affected her a lot because they did not respect her culture. Then her
mother comes to visit her and they spend time together, and she finds her another place to live. When her
mother leaves, Marjane meets Enrique with whom she has a romantic relationship but soon discovers that he
is homosexual. Then she meets Jean Paul who only seeks academic help from her. Finally she meets Markus
who becomes the first great love of her life and it is with him that she goes through a lot of things and gets
carried away by drugs until she reaches her perdition. Just on her birthday Marjane had planned to spend it
with her friend. But as the train left her she returned to Markus' house where she found a great scene of
infidelity, Markus was in bed with another girl, it was the end of their relationship. Suffering so much, he leaves
the house where he lived and that is where he spends his first night on the street, looking in the garbage to eat
and becomes seriously ill, which is why he goes to the hospital and they recommend not smoking anymore.
Due to these problems he decides to return to his country with his parents.

2. Characters (identity, behavior and relationships)

Just consider the characters who participate the most in book 3

Marjane's father and mother are missing

The relationships of each character are missing (daughter, father, mother, boyfriend, friend, etc.)


_ Clear skin. _ Rebel.

Marjane _ Large eyes. _Affectionate

_He had a mole on his face. _Justice

_ Short black hair. _ Independent

_ Large eyes.

_ Slim

_ High.

_ had blonde hair. _ she was a renegade.

_His skin was white. _ was ignorant.

Zozo _ was thin. _ was serious.

_ She was tall _ remained stressed

_ had small eyes. _she was a woman who demanded a


_ he was brave.

_ was persevering.

_ he was chubby.
_ Was very shy.
_ was short.
_ was kind.
Houshang _ he was almost bald. _ was sentimental.

_ had big eyes. _ retailer

_ Affectionate.

_His hair was short, wavy and black. _ I was very worried.

_ Its size was medium. _ was enthusiastic.

Chirine _ was white. _ modern era.

_she is chubby. _ was ignorant.

_ Large eyes. _ was kind.

_ had short, blonde, wavy hair.

_ She was tall. _ was kind.

_ White skin. _ was annoying.

Lucy _ Thin. _ was happy.

_ he had hair in his armpit.

_ he was tall

_He had hair only in the middle and it

was standing.
_ was kind.
_ used glasses.
Momo _ he was very affectionate.
_His lips were thick.
_had a very particular way of kissing.
_ he was thin.
_ He was interested in the lives of his
_ wore earrings. friends.

_had a big nose. _ was sadistic.

_ was an orphan

_she was sure of herself.

_he was short. _ was extroverted.

_ was independent. _ was expressive with ease.

_His hair was almost blonde and was

Julie neither very long nor very short.

_ was white.

_ had big eyes.

_ wore clothes with a neckline.

_His parents were tall, unlike his
mother who was thin and his father
who was chubby.

_His way of dressing was peculiar. _they were very kind.

Lucia's parents _His mother had a beard. _they were too affectionate.

_ They were white, their dad had light _ They were very decorative and
hair and their mom had black hair. detailed.

_They were both tall.

_ They dressed in black tunics and


_ High. _they were firm.

_ Thin. _ they were angry
The nuns
_they were spiritual.

_ White skin. _ was agreed.

_ Its size was medium. _ he was stupid.
_ Black hair. _ it was cute.

1.Chubby girl.
2.Short blonde hair.


4.He wore glasses

5.White skin. _ was permissive.

6.Small eyes.

Julie's mom:

III. Structure

External composition:
1. External: title, dedication or previous quote, epigraph, etc.

TITLE: Persepolis book 3

It contains 10 chapters which are:

1. Soup

2. Tyrol

3. Pasta

4. The pill

5. Vegetable

6. Horse

7. Hiding place

8. love story

9. The croissant

10. The handkerchief

IV. Plane of expression

1. Storyteller

2. Types of narrator:

1. Intradiegetic, the first-person narrator (I) is omniscient and protagonist, example:

1. Semantic level (metaphor, hyperbole, simile, synesthesia, etc.)

1. Simile, on p. 204: “Exactly! Life is suffering, everything is suffering. Everything is nothing, for nothing,
when a man becomes aware of this emptiness, he can only live like worms, inventing leader and directed
games to forget his fragility […]”

1. Hyperbole, page 204: “then I faked fits of laughter […]”

It lacks metaphors (yes there are in book 3)

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