Critical Stage in Starch Wastewater

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Research Progress on Corn Starch Wastewater

Treatment Process
ZHANG Chunyang1, ZHANG Congju1, LIU Jianguang2, HAN Lichao2
1. School of Thermal Energy Engineering; Shandong Jianzhu University; Jinan 250101 China
2. School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan, 250101,China;

Abstract: The reclamation approaches and treatment contains a lot of water which is about 4-5 times of the for-
technology process of corn starch wastewater were re- mer. The pickling liquid is high concentrated organic
viewed. contamination Characteristic of corn starch wastewater with the characteristic of four high and one low,
wastewater were concentration high and biodegradable, namely high CODCr (8,000 ~ 15000mg/L), high suspended
and the reclamation potential was huge. Treatment tech- solids (SS) (1000 ~ 3000mg/L), high total nitrogen value
nologies included biological treatment, physical chemistry (240 ~ 540mg/L), high concentration of phosphate (in P
treatment, biological pond and photosynthetic bacteria plan, about 15 ~ 130mg/L), and low pH (4.2 -5). The proc-
process. The optimized combine treatment process of re- ess water is medium concentrated organic wastewater with
source reclamation from corn starch wastewater and treat- CODCr value in 2000 ~ 3500mg/L, not high ammonia ni-
ment technology was recommended. trogen and phosphate concentration, respectively 20mg/L
Keywords: anaerobic, wastewater treatment, Corn Starch and more than 14 ~ 32mg/L.
Wastewater, reclamation From the analysis of the above data, it can be concluded
that: (1) Corn starch wastewater is rich in carbohydrates
1 Introduction and nitrogen, phosphorus nutrients, belonging to better
Starch is a kind of important industrial raw materials and biochemical high concentrated organic wastewater, which
widely used in the food, chemistry, textile, pharmaceutical is suitable for high concentration organic wastewater
industry, etc. In the production and processing process of treatment by biochemical process. (2) Wastewater sus-
starch, a large amount of high concentrated organic pended solids and the colloid protein content is relatively
wastewater is discharged, which mainly contains organic high, which will produce adverse impact to the develop-
matters such as starch, fiber, protein, etc. Once these or- ment of the anaerobic activated sludge system. (3) Corn
ganic matters are discharged into the water, it will lead to immersion process will produce a small number SO32 -. In
severe water pollution and bring repercussion to the sur- anaerobic treatment process, these sulfur-containing com-
vival environment of human beings. Therefore, starch pounds are deoxidized to hydrogen sulphide by microor-
wastewater should be processed to meet the standard be- ganisms, which is likely to produce certain inhibition on
fore discharging. Further, the high concentration of organic the anaerobic system.
matter in the water has revealed significant resource poten- 3 Corn starch wastewater treatment technology situa-
tial. tion
2 Quality of the corn starch wastewater 3.1 Biological treatment method
The wastewater generated by the production of corn starch Biological treatment method is to use the effect of the mi-
can be divided into two parts, namely the pickling liquid crobial metabolism, which degrades and converts the dis-
and process water. The former contains high content of solution and colloid organic pollutants into harmless mate-
organic matters, mostly protein, but little water; and the rial. The method of purifying wastewater can generally be
latter is generated by the whole production process of divided into anaerobic biological treatment and aerobic
broking corn, removing embryo and drying starch and biological treatment. Due to the characteristics of high or-
ganic matter in starch wastewater and difficulty in the

978-1-4244-9577-1/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

process, single biological treatment method is rarely used (m3·d) or so; the combination process on COD, BOD5, SS
and is usually combined to other kinds of biological treat- and NH3 - N can reach removal rates 99.1%, 99.6%,82%
ments. By this way, it can make its advantages and disad- and 96% respectively, which reaches the national sewage
vantages to supplement each other and improve the effi- comprehensive level 1 emission standard.
ciency. 3.1.2 Anaerobic biological treatment method
3.1.1 Anaerobic-aerobic combination The main processes in anaerobic biological treatment of
Anaerobic biological treatment can decompose a large handling starch wastewater have ShengLiuShi anaerobic
amount of high concentration organic compounds and sludge bed (UASB), anaerobic baffle plate reactor (ABR),
produce methane, while aerobic biological treatment is anaerobic fluidized bed (AFB), anaerobic contact method
used as the follow-up process to further remove the resid- (ACP), two-phase anaerobic digestion method (TPAD) and
ual organic matters. The combination of these two methods anaerobic filter (AF), etc.
has a higher efficiency thereby applying in the practical ShengLiuShi anaerobic sludge bed is a kind of anaerobic
production process as a whole subject. reactor based on mature theory. It is developed success-
Wang Rongmin etc used the three-phase anaerobic-aerobic fully by Lettinga in Wageningen agricultural university in
one-piece baffle plate bioreactor and added inorganic the Netherlands in 1977. It has a lot of merits, such as high
polymer abandoned packing rubber as the adherent grow- volume load rate and high sludge load rate etc and it is
ing packing for the aerobic microbes. According to the widely used in engineering. Li Yafeng etc introduced re-
result, in temperature between 25 to 35 ć, pH 5.0 ~ 850 actor UASB treatment effect used for starch wastewater
and the three-phase anaerobic-aerobic one-piece baffle treatment in a Shandong company. This company adopted
plate bioreactor effluent 200mg/L COD concentration be- 2 UASB reactors whose diameter was 20m and height was
low, COD total removal rate topped 98.7%;Effluent am- 6.8m in starch wastewater anaerobic biological treatment.
monia nitrogen in 10mg/L or so, ammonia nitrogen re- Meanwhile, COD volume load was 8kg / (m3 · for d) with
moval topped 82.3%, which makes the effluent water stable treatment effect and effluent COD, BOD5, SS re-
standard. moval rates were 83%, 90%, 62% respectively, which sat-
Yang Kaiming and Yang Xiaolin etc introduced a UBF - isfied the follow-up process requirements. Zhang Chunyan
CASS combination process to handle starch wastewater in analyzed the starch wastewater treatment process in Shan-
the northwestern starch company. CODCr tanking water is dong Qingyuan Food Company and proved that it was
reduced by 12000mg/L to 125mg/L, NH3 - N is reduced economic and effective to use UASB to process high qual-
by the original 160mg/L to 20mg/L, BOD5 and SS re- ity concentration corn starch wastewater, which operation
moval rates reached 99.4% and 87% respectively, which cost was low and the treatment effect was stable. It further
makes the effluent water to achieve the secondary standard. determined that the best temperature for the UASB treat-
The system has high impact resistance for strong capability ment was 35 ~ 40 ć; pH value of 6 ~ 7, CODCr reached
of load, stable operation effect in biochemical treatment 8kg / (d. m3) design load and the removal rate reached
unit. Moreover, the generated biogas and protein feed all above 90%.
can have certain economic benefits. Anaerobic baffle plate reactor used built-in vertical guide
Shi Hui etc used EGSB - A/O combination process to han- plate to divide the reaction chambers into several relative
dle high concentration starch wastewater in a starch com- independent ShangLiuShi sludge bed systems. Several
pany in Si Ping City. The result indicates that the process- small reaction chambers were installed in series, which
ing high concentration starch wastewater by methods is makes the processed wastewater flow up and down inter-
completely feasible. When COD for wastewater is nally along its baffle plate. In the mixing effect of the flow
8000~10000mg/L, the COD for processed wastewater is and the producing gases, organic matters in the wastewater
less than 100mg/L; the reactor COD is stable in 20kg / contacted with anaerobic sludge repeatedly and ware able

to be removed. Gong Qi adopted the anaerobic baffle plate 2.07 ~ 2.39 g. The produced fungus protein was no toxic
reactor in the test of high concentration organic emission and can be used for animal feed with good economic and
wastewater in a Shandong starch company. The result environmental benefits. According to the test result of Liao
showed that: ABR had high removal rate in the middle and Xinkai etc, SBR method can effectively deal with high
low concentration CODCr organic wastewater, up to 70% concentration starch wastewater. In normal temperature,
~ 80%; In change of operating conditions, the system op- when the filling starch content was 6.0 g/L and the corre-
eration effect was stable with strong impact load capability; sponding CODCr value was 6690mg/L, starch removal rate
It has good social and environmental benefits. and CODCr were 97.0% 94.0% respectively with stable
Anaerobic fluidized bed adds carriers which are small and treatment effect. The anoxia reaction and aeration reaction
larger than the surface in the reactor, which makes the of SBR are mutually influenced and restricted. In real ap-
biofilm composed of the anaerobic microbes grow in its plication, we shall determine a reasonable anoxia and aera-
surface. The carriers are in fluidized state so the microbes tion time distribution, which makes the treatment effect to
are easily accessible to the wastewater and the bacteria reach the expectation and reduces the cost to low level.
have high liveness. The equipment therefore has high Liang Jiajun applied A/O technique in handling high con-
processing efficiency. Luan Jinyi etc combined the bio- centration nitrogen corn starch wastewater. Experiment
logical fluidized bed with the contact oxidation method, result showed that the best hydraulic retention time for
which made the starch wastewater went through the fluid- A/O technique was 36.5h~54.5h; the COD removal rates
ized biological carriers before going to the packing layer. were 95.3% and 95.5% respectively; the NH3-N removal
This was used to handle the wastewater in a Beijing starch rates were 71.4%~81.4%. Extended HRT could further
company and the COD removal rate reached about 90%. reduce the content of NH3-N in wastewater but adequate
This method can complement the advantages of the bio- dosing carbon sources should be added. Compared with
logical fluidized bed technology and the contact oxidation conventional aerobic methods, A/O system runs stably,
process, which greatly improved the processing efficiency. consumes relatively low energy, has the same CODCr re-
Matsumoto also used anaerobic fluidized bed to handle moval rate, but its effect for removing nitrogen is 3 ~ 4
starch wastewater. When pH was 5.8, methanogenesis times of the conventional methods.
process will be slightly suppressed, which also proved the 3.2 Physical and chemical processing method
best system operation pH was 6.2. But the operation time 3.2.1 Flocculation precipitation method
was only 15d and the long-term operation can not be guar- Flocculating precipitation is a physical and chemical
anteed. treatment method, which adds flocculant (sometimes also
3.1.3 Aerobic biological treatment need to add coagulant) to reduce the stability of the colloid
Compared with anaerobic biological treatment method, solution to condense precipitation. The separating and pu-
aerobic biological method has strong handling capability, rifying method uses simple technique with high efficiency
good effluent, little occupying space, etc. Currently, it is and low cost. Liu Hui etc applied microbial flocculants
applied in a lot of corn starch wastewater treatment, such (MBF7) to deal with starch industrial wastewater, which
as SBR method, CASS method, contact oxidation method, added 10% CaCl25mLǃMBF720mL to 1L wastewater.
aerobic pond method, etc. Under the condition of the pH=9, turbidity removal rate
Jin etc used a set of aeration reactor whose effective vol- was as high as 96.4%. Poesponegoro separated two strains
ume was 45L and smallest working volume was 3.5L in cultured Ivk and Ivb in the active sludge of a food com-
the laboratory. In an inoculation of 10% DAR2710 fungi, it pany in order to foster and domesticate them to handle the
can translate above 95% of the starch material under 35ć starch wastewater as flocculant. They found that when Ivk
and initial pH = 4.0 for 14h reaction. COD removal rate was in HRT for 8 ~ 16h, COD removal rate could reach
was 95% and per litre wastewater recycling protein was amount to 84% ~ 95%, and when Ivb was in HRT for 13 ~

25h, COD removal rate could reach amount to 77% ~ 96%. fluent water to achieve farm irrigation water quality. Prac-
Both of them have obvious treatment effect. tice has proved that through the metabolic process which
3.2.2 Floating processing method contained 4 degree of wastewater handling, 3 steps of
Floating processing uses high pressure to dissolve a large multi-function and multi-system, this method can achieve
amount of vapor gas as working liquid. After sudden de- all material energy conversion and recycle. Thus, it has
compression, it will release countless small bubbles, which obvious popularized value.
makes the flocculate in the wastewater stick to their surface. 3.3.2 Photosynthetic bacteria method
Thus, the proportion of the flocculate is far less than the Photosynthetic bacteria (PSB) are mainly red pseudomonas
actual proportion. Along with the rising of the bubbles, the genera, which can conduct bad oxygen photosynthesis un-
flocculate will float to the liquid surface, thereby achieving der anaerobic condition. The organic matters are used as
the purpose of liquid-solid separation. Mu Jianbo etc took the carbon sources and the hydrogen body for photosyn-
the wastewater in a Hubei starch company and adopted an thesis, being decomposed and removed. Moreover, they are
air floating device to conduct an experimental research. able to withstand high concentration organic matters. Pho-
The wastewater infusing drug went through the pump into tosynthetic bacteria method is also good in removing con-
the integration device. The micro bubble produced by the taminants, such as nitrogen and phosphorus which has
dissolved gas water contacted with the counter-current been widely applied to remove waste water in organic pol-
wastewater. Floc properties were clinging to the micro lutants. Wang Yuxin etc separated out a spherical red coli
bubble and ejected along with the rising, the disposed wa- L2 from the wastewater sludge in Shandong Wen Deng
ter below the column went out through the liquid level Starch Company in order to handle the wastewater after
control device. According to the experiment and the analy- pretreatment. Under appropriate conditions, CODCr re-
sis of the flocculant, floating agent and the operation pa- moval rate could reach 95.7% which made the wastewater
rameters on the treatment effect, it is concluded that the to meet the effluent standard.
best operating conditions can be achieved in feeding posi- 4 Corn starch wastewater recycling technology
tion 70cm, air inflow 120L/h, feeding amount 100ml/min There are a lot of researches at home and abroad using mi-
and liquid surface height 127cm. croorganism for starch wastewater resource disposal in-
3.3 Other processing methods cluding using starch wastewater to produce single cell pro-
3.3.1 Biological pond method tein, recycling protein for fodder, producing microbial
Biological pond technology uses the natural purification flocculants, producing polysaccharide, etc.
capacity of water to handle wastewater. This technology Li Suyu etc introduced research in a variety of microbial
was developed rapidly after 1950s and mostly adopted in purification corn starch wastewater synergy. The result
sewage and organic industrial wastewater. According to showed that per cubic meter of wastewater could be used
the characteristics of high organic content and rich nutri- for producing feed additives SCP1.646 kg and could be
tion in starch wastewater, the combination of anaerobic turn into resources of protein production. Meanwhile, mi-
pond, facultative pond and aerobic pond is applied. Yang crobial synergy still can make wastewater COD removal
Fengjiang etc designed a method to handle starch waste- rate more than 90% and the purified wastewater COD re-
water with ShuiHuLu and XiLuPing based on the water moval under 300mg/L. Wang Yuanyuan etc used starch
characteristic of Xinmin Starch Company in Liaoning wastewater to tame, and foster mixed microbial flocculants
military logistic department. The precipitated wastewater to cultivate bacterium. Researching on the cultivated con-
was ejected into the natural oxidation pond to have natural dition, they found that in condition of COD concentration
fermentation. Then, it was ejected into the ShuiHuLu pond was 4000mg/L; urea was the source of nitrogen; C: N: P =
to be purified by 7d and was ejected into the XILuPing to 100:5-2, training time was 42h, culture temperature was 30
be purified by 7d again. All these procedures made the ef- ć, wave bed speed was 150r/min, the MBF - 17 floccula-

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Introduction positively, geotechnical structures must be designed so as to satisfy
their intended performance outcomes. Engineers try to achieve this
Geostructural systems are inherently variable. There is variability in by using various mechanical checks, along with rules of thumb that
load combinations and other actions, variability of material proper- have proven useful in previously successful projects.
ties in space (heterogeneity) and with time (process), variability in The aim of this paper is to review the evolution of methods
the behavioral mechanisms that need to be invoked to predict the for the evaluation of geostructural systems for the purposes of
system response, and variability with respect to the consequences design, from simple safety factors through partial factors and the
for human safety or property damage of an error in predicting that development of reliability assessments, to practical performance
response. Furthermore, the exceptional nonlinearity of geostruc- evaluations that shift the focus to serviceability. The topic will ul-
tural systems creates additional difficulties both for the definition timately entail good decision making under uncertainty, accounting
of appropriate material parameters and for the selection of appro- for the inherent variability, and nonlinearity of the systems under
priate behavior mechanisms. discussion. One key issue that must be faced is the balance between
The field of civil engineering as a whole is characterized by the the creation of design rules and their application in practice by
great uncertainties of the one-off construction of expensive and ex- well-educated professionals using their own judgment.
tensive infrastructure schemes that depend on unreliable materials,
weather, and human behavior for their success. Within civil engi- Failure
neering, geotechnical engineering is arguably the most susceptible
to these factors and therefore the most difficult to deal with. Geotechnical engineers are generally taught about past examples of
Perhaps for this reason, the cultures of decision making in geotech- failure early in their education (Morley 1996). The engineering stu-
nical and structural design have diverged, creating additional dent will often be exposed to discussions on prominent failures
communication difficulties on the topic of risk and reliability. such as the Aberfan disaster in Wales (HMSO 1967) and the failure
Similar to other branches of civil engineering, geotechnical of the Teton Dam (U.S. Department of the Interior Teton Dam
engineering tends to focus on the prevention of any sort of failure. Failure Review Group 1977), each of which was so catastrophic
Leonards (1982) describes failure as the “unacceptable difference as to wipe out much of the evidence of their actual causes, leading
between expected and observed performance.” Expressing the task to continuing speculation concerning mechanisms of cracking,
fluid transmission, and soil liquefaction. The geostructural failures
by tilting of the Transcona Grain Elevator ultimate collapse (Peck
Lecturer in Civil Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. and Bryant 1953) and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which repre-
of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TR, U.K. (corresponding author). E-mail: sented a repairable serviceability failure (Terracina 1962), were more amenable to the verification of mechanisms by back-analysis.
Emeritus Professor of Soil Mechanics, Dept. of Engineering, Univ. of Designers must anticipate how their designs could fail (if built) so
Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, U.K. E-mail:
that catastrophic events can be prevented; this is why case studies
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 2, 2015; approved on
September 15, 2015; published online on December 16, 2015. Discussion are essential (Petroski 1994). Until recently, however, the focus was
period open until May 16, 2016; separate discussions must be submitted placed on mechanisms of ultimate collapse, rather than unservice-
for individual papers. This paper is part of the ASCE-ASME Journal of ability. Geotechnics is perhaps the only branch of engineering in
Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engi- which the performance in service of manufactured goods is rarely
neering, © ASCE, ISSN 2376-7642. the keystone of the design process.
The potentially damaging effects of settlement and differential regarded simply as disappointing, as it could be rectified at a
settlement, however, have been collated and discussed for over cost, presumably by the constructors and their advisors. Burland
60 years (Meyerhof 1953; Skempton and MacDonald 1956; et al. (1977) described a category of damage that is described in
Polshin and Tokar 1957; Burland and Wroth 1975; Meyerhof 1982; this paper as disappointing in that it spoils the appearance and pre-
Boscardin and Cording 1989; Poulos et al. 2001). The various def- cedes unserviceability, which describes the rain or wind getting
initions that were found to be useful in categorizing the causes of in or the doors or the machinery jamming, progressing to safety
structural damage are (cf. Poulos et al. 2001): hazard—beyond which the building should be put in quarantine
• Overall settlement, w; pending rebuilding.
• Tilt (local and overall), θ; There was ample evidence regarding the significance of foun-
• Angular distortion (or relative rotation), β; and dation displacements during the time when limit state design (LSD)
• Relative deflection, Δw=L. and load and resistance factor design (LRFD) codes were written,
In this paper, the authors follow Burland et al. (2004) in prefer- and reliability-based design (RBD) was being developed. Simpson
ring relative deflection as the most practical definition of differen- et al. (1981) pointed out that structural engineers are often unsure
tial settlement for the purposes of estimating damage in structures about the confidence that geotechnical engineers actually place on
that are continuous over shallow foundations (e.g., storage tanks on their predictions of ground deformations. Hence, deformation
rafts, framed structures with pad foundations, buildings with load- checks have been subjected to much less scrutiny than those relat-
bearing walls on strip foundations, bridge decks continuous over ing to collapse. The reason may be that, until relatively recently,
three or more supports). engineers had no access to validated soil-structure deformation
Boscardin and Cording (1989) also studied the link between mechanisms for the assessment of serviceability that were
building damage and the combination of horizontal strain and an- equivalent to the failure wedges and slip circles that permit practical
gular distortion induced by ground movements caused by nearby assessments of collapse. This deficit will be addressed later in
excavations or tunneling. However, Burland et al. (2004) demon- the paper.
strated from careful field records that integral foundations such
as rafts offered immunity to elongation, reducing the additional
consideration of horizontal ground strains to the estimation of sub- Geotechnical Uncertainty
sidence damage in buildings on separate footings. Bolton (1981) reviewed system and parameter uncertainty in
Table 1 summarizes the various limits suggested by previous geotechnical engineering. Essentially, system uncertainty arises
authorities; these limits are linked with terms that might be found because existing behavioral models are a poor fit with reality.
in a risk analysis. In cases in which authorities have preferred to For example, everyday geotechnical calculation models generally
quote limiting values of angular distortion β, this was halved in ignore all but the most obvious stratification and anistotropy, the
Table 1 to derive an approximate value for the equivalent relative pre-existing lateral earth pressures, and the process of excess pore
deflection Δw=L, assuming a parabolic profile. Very severe crack- water-pressure generation and its partial drainage. In addition, as
ing accompanied by relative deflections of the order of 1/300 is noted previously, they usually address total soil failure, rather than
referred to in this paper as a hazard, on the grounds that segments structural deformation leading to unserviceability, which is by far
of masonry will have become isolated by wide cracks, and made the more common limit state encountered in practice.
vulnerable to collapse out of plane under differential wind pres- Parameter uncertainty recognizes that engineers cannot know
sures. Moderate to severe cracking is referred to as a violation the precise values of all of the engineering properties that should
of serviceability requirements, because the owner would surely ideally be available as inputs into their design models; judgment
regard the consequent lack of weatherproofing and the likely and choice are required. Bolton (1981) pointed out that system
jamming of doors and distortion of windows as intolerable. Loss uncertainty should never be assessed by statistical means that
of the good appearance of the structure might, in comparison, be inevitably require just that class of uncertainty to be eliminated

Table 1. Suggested Limits for the Relative Deflection of Structures

Type of structure Limit state Sources Magnitude Δw=L ≡ 0.5β Guideline Δw=L
Framed buildings Hazard (dangerous cracking) P& 1/300 to 1/500 1/300
Bo 1/300
Bu& 1/600
Serviceability (severe cracking) P& 1/1,000 to 1/2,000 1/600 to 1/1,200
Bo 1/600
Bu& 1/1,200
Appearance (repairable cracking) Bo 1/2,400 1/2,400
Machinery (malfunction) P& 1/2,400 to 1/4,000 1/2,400
Load-bearing walls Hazard Bo 1/300 1/300
Serviceability Bo 1/600 1/600 to 1/1,200
Bu& 1/2,000 sag
Bu& 1/2,000 hog
Appearance Bo 1/1,200 1/1,200 sag to 1/2,400 hog
Bu& sag 1/2,000
P& sag 1/1,250 to 1/2,500
P& hog 1/2,500 to 1/5,000
Bridges Structural damage P& 1/500 1/500
Serviceability TRB 1/250 to 1/500 1/500
Note: Bo = Boscardin and Cording (1989); Bu& = Burland et al. (2004) and Burland et al. (1977); P& = Poulos et al. (2001); TRB = TRB (2015).
Table 2. Types of Geotechnical Uncertainty (Adapted from McMahon 1985, with Permission from the Australian Geomechanics Society)
Type Description Cause of uncertainty
1 Risk of encountering an unknown geological condition Technical
2 Risk of using the wrong geotechnical criteria, e.g., designing to the wrong failure mechanism or failure to Technical
anticipate the eventual failure mechanism
3 The risk of bias and/or variation in the design parameters being greater than estimated Technical
4 Human error Social
5 Design changes Social
6 Over conservatism Social

(e.g., the biased penny in a tossing trial). He also opined that param- used engineering term, but it is difficult for practitioners to define
eter uncertainty should generally be dealt with by the deterministic and justify. To this end, codes of practice are written with the in-
analysis of validated limit mechanisms, employing carefully selected tention to guide the engineer toward an appropriate factor of safety
worst-case values of parameters, rather than probability theory and thus to a safe design; they do this using various methodologies
(Bolton 1981). However, as will be explored, others have taken a and philosophies.
different view. Meyerhof (1970) defined the factor of safety as “the ratio of the
McMahon (1985) categorized six types of uncertainties that are resistance of the structure to the applied loads in order to ensure
encountered in geotechnical engineering (Table 2). Practitioners freedom from danger, loss or risks.” He then explained that “the
may attempt to deal with Type 3 uncertainties arithmetically, i.e., by magnitude of the safety factor required depends mainly on the reli-
using statistical and probabilistic thinking. However, other sources ability of the design data : : : ” as well as (amongst other things) the
of uncertainty can only be reduced if researchers develop better probability of failure, and the consequences of failure, should it
failure models for use in design, if practitioners maintain up-to-date occur (Meyerhof 1970). Terzaghi and Peck (1948) (in Article
skills, if clients release sufficient money for adequate ground inves- 53) stated: “First, the factor of safety of the foundation with respect
tigation and construction control, and if all project partners main- to the breaking into the ground should not be less than 3, which is the
tain open channels of communication. minimum factor of safety customarily specified for the design of the
Moreover, engineering judgment is essential even in purely tech- superstructure. Second, the deformation of the base of the structure
nical aspects of the design process. In his Laurits Bjerrum memorial due to unequal settlement should not be great enough to damage
lecture, Peck (1980) states that “judgment is required to set up the structure. There is no definite relation between the factor of safety
the right lines of scientific investigation, to select the appropriate with respect to breaking into the ground and the settlement.”
parameters for calculations, and to verify the reasonableness of Terzaghi and Peck (1948) gave some classical values of safety
the results.” Petroski (1993) described engineering judgment as factors for geotechnical engineering design (Table 3). Meyerhof
“the quality factor among those countless quantities that have come (1995) referred to the factors from Terzaghi and Peck (1948) as
to dominate design in our postcomputer age : : : [it] prevents mis- “customary total factors of safety.” Today the values in Table 3
takes, catches errors, detects flaws, and anticipates failure.” can be thought of as reference values that practicing engineers con-
Codes of practice clearly cannot remove the need for good sider when performing design calculations and drafting codes of
judgement and skill in engineering practice, nor is exhaustive com- practice. In many cases, even if a limit state design method is used,
putation in the absence of such judgement any panacea. Burland engineers will still refer to an equivalent factor of safety.
(2008a, b) attributed the following sentiment to Hugh Golder: When reviewing the use of a single factor of safety in geotech-
“Any design that relies for its success on a precise calculation is nical engineering, Simpson et al. (1981) concluded that it can
a bad design.” produce “sensible results when material strength is the greatest un-
One way of reducing uncertainty is to make the final design con-
certainty in the design,” or when it is applied as a load factor when
tingent on the prediction and then observation of field performance
loads are significantly more uncertain than material strength. Sig-
during the early stages of construction, called the observational
nificant problems arise, however, when both strength and loads are
method (Peck 1969). Peck (1969) pointed out that the essential
uncertain. Kulhawy (2010) described global factors of safety as
requirement for use of the observational method is a design that
“misleading” because they are usually assigned without consider-
can be modified during construction, which has implications for
ing “(1) any other aspects of the design process, such as the loads
the drafting of construction contracts. Application of this approach
to decision making is made more feasible by recent advances in
smart sensor technologies that promise cheap and reliable means to Table 3. Some Classical Factors of Safety for Geotechnical Practice (Data
monitor the deformation of geotechnical structures such as tunnels from Terzaghi and Peck 1948)
(Bennett et al. 2010; Cheung et al. 2010; Mohamad et al. 2010), Type of construction Quoted FOS value T&P article
piled foundations (Klar et al. 2006), and deep excavation works
(Schwamb et al. 2014). The most salient advantage is that such de- Retaining structures 1.5 (against sliding) Art. 46
1.5 (base heave) Art. 32
formation measurements directly address the degree to which per-
2.0 (strut buckling) Art. 48
formance requirements, such as those in Table 1, are being met. Slope stability 1.3–1.5 Art. 51
Embankments 1.5 Art. 52
1.1–1.2 with monitoring
Geotechnical Factor of Safety Foundations
Footings and rafts 2–3 Art. 53–55
Factors and Codes Single piles 2.5–3 (with load testing) Art. 56
6 (with Engineering News formula)
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(or a factor of ignorance e.g., Petroski 1994, p. 31), is a commonly
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