Comparison Chart Between Comedy and Drama

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CHARACTERISTICS Comic or optimistic aspect of life. Comedy Aspects of tragedy and comedy. Literary
normally exposed and harshly criticized work with a sad subject, in verse or prose,
everything that irritated the poet, addressing which is characterized by the exclusive use
the audience in a language that the poet of dialogue between the characters and
understood perfectly. YO which is written to be performed in a scenic


CONTENT AND There is usually a prologue before the The drama does not have a defined
LINGUISTICS entrance of the chorus (parodos). character, but rather tragic and comic
DIFFERENCES aspects are combined indistinctly. This is
The actors usually maintain frequent agones because drama aims to represent life as it is,
(fights) with the chorus. which is why it tends to treat issues less
rigidly than tragedy and comedy.
The original element of comedy is parabasis, The term drama comes from the Greek word
in which the action is interrupted and the meaning "to do", and for that reason it is
actors address the audience, to make a normally associated with the idea of action. In
capitation benevolentiae and get the prize for general terms, drama is understood to be a
their work. story that narrates the life events of a series
of characters.
The protagonist is not a hero of myth, but a
hero of the people who parodies the ancient

Processions and parties are frequent to put

an end to the work. The fantastic and
obscene elements play an important role.

EXAMPLES William Shakespeare “The Two Gentlemen “The Phantom of the Opera,” “Romeo and
of Verona”, “The Merry Wives of Windsor”, Juliet,” “Macbeth,” “Othello,” “A Midsummer
“Much Ado About Nothing”, by another Night's Dream,” “Life is a Dream” and
author Moliere “The Tartuffe”, “Doctor with “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, “La
Sticks”, “The Miser”, “The Beautiful Celestina,” Fernando de Rojas, "Life is a
Ridiculous Ones” , “women's school”, “the Dream" Calderón de la Barca, "Don Juan
wise women” Tenorio" José Zorrilla, "Fuenteovejuna" Lope
de Vega, "The Yes of the Girls" Leandro
Fernández de Moratín, "Divinas Palabras",
"Luces de Bohemia" Valle-Inclán
"Yerma", "The House of Bernarda Alba" F.
García Lorca, "The Revenge of D. Mendo"
Pedro Muñoz Seca, "The Lady of the Dawn"
Alejandro Casona, "The Joyful Genius",
Álvarez Quintero

Prof. Cuauhtémoc Alejandro Martínez Mendoza

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