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Authors: Noris Gonzalez and Rafael Castillo

4 Types of Syrup to Dip Biscuits.....................................................................................................................12
Coffee Syrup..................................................................................................................................................13
Traditional Coffee Syrup...............................................................................................................................13
Syrup With Instant Coffee.............................................................................................................................14
Citrus Syrup...................................................................................................................................................15
Chocolate Syrup............................................................................................................................................16
Spice Syrup....................................................................................................................................................18
How to Cut a Round Cake................................................................................................................................19
Expert level.......................................................................................................................................................19
Steps to Cut the Cake....................................................................................................................................20
Additional Tips..............................................................................................................................................22
Red Velvet or Velvet Cake...............................................................................................................................23
Steps for preparation......................................................................................................................................25
Pastry Dyes – Types And..................................................................................................................................33
Gel Colorants.................................................................................................................................................35
Paste Dyes.....................................................................................................................................................37
Powder Dyes..................................................................................................................................................39
Spray Dyes.....................................................................................................................................................41
How to Make a Cake of 2 or 3 Floors Covered with Fondant or Buttercream...............................................43
Materials Needed for Assembly....................................................................................................................44
Step by Step to Assemble a Cake 2 or 3 Floors...........................................................................................46
How to Assemble and Decorate a Cake Nude and Semi-naked......................................................................53
How to Make a Naked Cake and Half-naked Step By Step.........................................................................54
Ingredients for the cake..............................................................................................................................54
Cake Preparation........................................................................................................................................55
Ingredients for Buttercream.......................................................................................................................57
How to Assemble and Decorate a Cake Naked and Semi-naked?...............................................................58
How to Place Rice Paper and About What Type of Surface It Is Ideal..........................................................62
On What Surfaces Can It Be Used? Rice Paper?.........................................................................................63
How to Place Rice Paper on Cakes Covered with fondant?.........................................................................63
How to Glue Sheets of Paper Rice on a Cake Covered Buttercream?........................................................65
How to Place Rice Paper on Chocolate Surfaces?.......................................................................................66
How to Glue Paper Prints Rice Over Crackers?...........................................................................................67
How to Chop and Assemble a Layer Cake.......................................................................................................69
Preparation of Vanilla Layer Cake................................................................................................................70
Ingredients for the cake:............................................................................................................................70
Preparation of the Cake for the Layer Cake:.............................................................................................70
Ingredients for Vanilla Buttercream:.........................................................................................................72
Preparation of Buttercream:.......................................................................................................................73
How to Chop a Layer Cake...........................................................................................................................74
Assembling the Layer Cake Step by Step.....................................................................................................76
How to Make Basket Weaving In a Cake........................................................................................................82
Before starting the procedure, take a look at the things you will need:.....................................................83
Basket Technique Step By Step....................................................................................................................83
How to Make Professional Fondant..................................................................................................................90
Step by Step.......................................................................................................................................................90
How to Make Professional Fondant In Home? Step by Step.......................................................................91
Step by Step Preparation:...........................................................................................................................92
How to Make Fondant with Marshmallows?................................................................................................95
Step by Step Preparation:...........................................................................................................................95
How to Achieve Intense Colors in Fondant?................................................................................................96
How to Make Mirror Glaze...............................................................................................................................98
Cakes Step by Step............................................................................................................................................98
How to Make Mirror Glaze Cakes?..............................................................................................................99
1. Mirror Glaze Color and Effect Marbled...................................................................................................99
Step by Step Preparation:.........................................................................................................................100
2. Neutral Mirror Glaze...............................................................................................................................102
Step by Step Preparation:.........................................................................................................................103
How to Prepare a Cake Wet Chocolate Brownie Type..................................................................................107
How to Moisten Cake Chocolate?..............................................................................................................112
Condensed Milk Cream With Chocolate....................................................................................................114
Assembling the Chocolate Cake Wet.........................................................................................................115
How Is Powder Used? Meringue?..................................................................................................................117
What is powder made of? Meringue?.........................................................................................................117
What is it for?..............................................................................................................................................118
How to Use Meringue Powder As a Substitute for Egg Whites?...............................................................118
2 teaspoons of meringue powder + 2 teaspoons of water = 1 large egg white.......................................119
How do you make frosting or icing with it? Meringue Powder?...............................................................119
Step by Step:............................................................................................................................................120
Tips for Cutting and Serving Square Cake....................................................................................................124
Steps to Cut a Square Cake.........................................................................................................................125
Additional Tips............................................................................................................................................128
Tutorial - Drip Cake- Pastel Que drips..........................................................................................................129
What you will need to carry out this infallible technique is:...................................................................130
Ganache Ingredients and Preparation Dark Chocolate...............................................................................131
Ganache Ingredients and Preparation With White Chocolate....................................................................133
Techniques to Make a Dripping Cake Perfect............................................................................................134
Tricks and Considerations...........................................................................................................................135
Here are some of the most significant:....................................................................................................136
How to Make a Striped Cake..........................................................................................................................140
Step by Step Preparation.............................................................................................................................141
How to Make the Piñata Cake - Cake.............................................................................................................147
1.Make the Cakes:....................................................................................................................................148
4 .Fill With Treats:..............................................................................................................................150
5 .Cover and Decorate:........................................................................................................................151
How to Make Marbled Pound, Zebra, Chess and Rainbow...........................................................................153
Traditional Ponque Recipe..........................................................................................................................154
Marbled Pound Technique..........................................................................................................................156
Zebra Punch Technique...............................................................................................................................157
Ponque Chess Technique.............................................................................................................................158
Rainbow Ponque Technique........................................................................................................................163
Practical Tips for Lining a Cake With Fondant.............................................................................................166
Basic Tips....................................................................................................................................................166
1. Fondant Kneading................................................................................................................................167
2. Stretch and Flatten the Fondant............................................................................................................169
3. Lining the Cake with Fondant..............................................................................................................171
4. Final Finish:.........................................................................................................................................172
Basic Pastry Cream Recipe - 3 Simple Ways to Prepare It............................................................................174
Among the most common variations to customize the pastry cream are:...............................................175
3 Simple and Different Ways to Prepare Pastry Cream.............................................................................176
Classic Pastry Cream...................................................................................................................................176
Cookie Dough Recipe.....................................................................................................................................182
Decorated Cookie Dough Recipe................................................................................................................183
Preparation of the Cookies Recipe To decorate.........................................................................................183
Types of Meringue, Recipes and.....................................................................................................................190
What are these three types of used for? Meringue?...................................................................................191
French Meringue Preparation......................................................................................................................191
Preparation of Italian Meringue...................................................................................................................193
Swiss Meringue Preparation........................................................................................................................194
Tricks to Make the Best Meringue..............................................................................................................195
3 Ideal Fillings for Cakes Covered With Fondant.........................................................................................197
Chocolate Ganache......................................................................................................................................198
Lemon Curd/ Orange Curd..........................................................................................................................202
Fault Line Cake Technique.............................................................................................................................206
Steps to Create the Crack Effect..................................................................................................................207
Final Decoration......................................................................................................................................216
Paste Modeling Techniques............................................................................................................................219
How to Make Gum Paste at Home?............................................................................................................220
Step by Step Preparation..........................................................................................................................221
How to Color Gum Paste?...........................................................................................................................223
Basic Paste Modeling Techniques Rubber.................................................................................................224
Basic Flowers:..........................................................................................................................................225
• Necessary utensils:...........................................................................................................................225
• Process:.............................................................................................................................................226
• Process:..................................................................................................................................................227
Figure Modeling..........................................................................................................................................228
Types of Buttercream, Why Use and Preparation Technique........................................................................231
1 American Buttercream..............................................................................................................................232
2 Swiss Buttercream....................................................................................................................................234
3 Italian Buttercream...................................................................................................................................236
4 French Buttercream..................................................................................................................................237
5. German Buttercream............................................................................................................................239
6 Flour Buttercream.....................................................................................................................................240
Fondant Cake Decorated With Sprinkles.......................................................................................................242
Sprinkles - Step by Step..............................................................................................................................243
Tools and Ingredients Needed.................................................................................................................243
Fondant Cake Decoration With Sprinkles..................................................................................................245
Tools and Ingredients...............................................................................................................................245
- With metallic powder coloring.........................................................................................................247
- With Metallic Spray Colorant...............................................................................................................247
Peach Upside Down Cake...............................................................................................................................251
Ingredients and Procedure For Prepare Peach Upside Down Cake Natural.............................................252
Tricks for Frosting a Cake And Achieve a Perfect Finish.............................................................................257
Essential Utensils.........................................................................................................................................258
The Best and Simplest Tricks......................................................................................................................259
V Layer Collects Crumbs:........................................................................................................................262
V Be careful with your first layer of bitumen:.........................................................................................262
V Finally, Perfect:....................................................................................................................................264
Tricks to Prepare the Best...............................................................................................................................265
Buttercream At Home.....................................................................................................................................265
Solution for a Very Buttercream.................................................................................................................266
How to Fix Buttercream or Cream Cut Butter...........................................................................................268
How to Prevent Buttercream from Spreading Melt....................................................................................270
Buttercream With Air Bubbles....................................................................................................................271
Tricks for a Basic Cake...................................................................................................................................273
Basic Cake Recipe.......................................................................................................................................274
Tricks That Every Beginner Should Know................................................................................................279
Tricks and Tips for a Perfect Chantilly..........................................................................................................285
Step by Step Preparation.............................................................................................................................286
Tricks and tips.............................................................................................................................................291
Tutorial- How to Melt Chocolate Perfectly...................................................................................................294
What is the result of a chocolate Well Tempered?.....................................................................................295
Does it work with any type of Chocolate?.................................................................................................295
Chocolate Tempering Process.....................................................................................................................296
Step by Step of Tempering Chocolate........................................................................................................297
Important Considerations for a Perfect Molten Chocolate.........................................................................300
Tutorial- How to Paint On...............................................................................................................................302
Fondant with powder coloring........................................................................................................................302
Dye Preparation...........................................................................................................................................303
Step By Step To Paint The Fondant............................................................................................................305
Tutorial- Slate Cake Step By Step..................................................................................................................309
Step by Step Preparation.............................................................................................................................310
Slate Effect..................................................................................................................................................313

How to Make Marbled, Zebra, Chess and Rainbow Punch 152

4 Types of Syrup to Dip Biscuits.....................................................................................................................12
Coffee Syrup..................................................................................................................................................13
Traditional Coffee Syrup...............................................................................................................................13
Syrup With Instant Coffee.............................................................................................................................14
Citrus Syrup...................................................................................................................................................15
Chocolate Syrup............................................................................................................................................16
Spice Syrup....................................................................................................................................................18
How to Cut a Round Cake................................................................................................................................19
Expert level.......................................................................................................................................................19
Steps to Cut the Cake....................................................................................................................................20
Additional Tips..............................................................................................................................................22
Red Velvet or Velvet Cake...............................................................................................................................23
Steps for preparation......................................................................................................................................25
Pastry Dyes – Types And..................................................................................................................................33
Gel Colorants.................................................................................................................................................35
Paste Dyes.....................................................................................................................................................37
Powder Dyes..................................................................................................................................................39
Spray Dyes.....................................................................................................................................................41
How to Make a Cake of 2 or 3 Floors Covered with Fondant or Buttercream...............................................43
Materials Needed for Assembly....................................................................................................................44
Step by Step to Assemble a Cake 2 or 3 Floors...........................................................................................46
How to Assemble and Decorate a Cake Nude and Semi-naked......................................................................53
How to Make a Naked Cake and Half-naked Step By Step.........................................................................54
Ingredients for the cake..............................................................................................................................54
Cake Preparation........................................................................................................................................55
Ingredients for Buttercream.......................................................................................................................57
How to Assemble and Decorate a Cake Naked and Semi-naked?...............................................................58
How to Place Rice Paper and About What Type of Surface It Is Ideal..........................................................62
On What Surfaces Can It Be Used? Rice Paper?.........................................................................................63
How to Place Rice Paper on Cakes Covered with fondant?.........................................................................63
How to Glue Sheets of Paper Rice on a Cake Covered Buttercream?........................................................65
How to Place Rice Paper on Chocolate Surfaces?.......................................................................................66
How to Glue Paper Prints Rice Over Crackers?...........................................................................................67
How to Chop and Assemble a Layer Cake.......................................................................................................69
Preparation of Vanilla Layer Cake................................................................................................................70
Ingredients for the cake:............................................................................................................................70
Preparation of the Cake for the Layer Cake:.............................................................................................70
Ingredients for Vanilla Buttercream:.........................................................................................................72
Preparation of Buttercream:.......................................................................................................................73
How to Chop a Layer Cake...........................................................................................................................74
Assembling the Layer Cake Step by Step.....................................................................................................76
How to Make Basket Weaving In a Cake........................................................................................................82
Before starting the procedure, take a look at the things you will need:.....................................................83
Basket Technique Step By Step....................................................................................................................83
How to Make Professional Fondant..................................................................................................................90
Step by Step.......................................................................................................................................................90
How to Make Professional Fondant In Home? Step by Step.......................................................................91
Step by Step Preparation:...........................................................................................................................92
How to Make Fondant with Marshmallows?................................................................................................95
Step by Step Preparation:...........................................................................................................................95
How to Achieve Intense Colors in Fondant?................................................................................................96
How to Make Mirror Glaze...............................................................................................................................98
Cakes Step by Step............................................................................................................................................98
How to Make Mirror Glaze Cakes?..............................................................................................................99
1. Mirror Glaze Color and Effect Marbled...................................................................................................99
Step by Step Preparation:.........................................................................................................................100
2. Neutral Mirror Glaze...............................................................................................................................102
Step by Step Preparation:.........................................................................................................................103
How to Prepare a Cake Wet Chocolate Brownie Type..................................................................................107
How to Moisten Cake Chocolate?..............................................................................................................112
Condensed Milk Cream With Chocolate....................................................................................................114
Assembling the Chocolate Cake Wet.........................................................................................................115
How Is Powder Used? Meringue?..................................................................................................................117
What is powder made of? Meringue?.........................................................................................................117
What is it for?..............................................................................................................................................118
How to Use Meringue Powder As a Substitute for Egg Whites?...............................................................118
2 teaspoons of meringue powder + 2 teaspoons of water = 1 large egg white.......................................119
How do you make frosting or icing with it? Meringue Powder?...............................................................119
Step by Step:............................................................................................................................................120
Tips for Cutting and Serving Square Cake....................................................................................................124
Steps to Cut a Square Cake.........................................................................................................................125
Additional Tips............................................................................................................................................128
Tutorial - Drip Cake- Pastel Que drips..........................................................................................................129
What you will need to carry out this infallible technique is:...................................................................130
Ganache Ingredients and Preparation Dark Chocolate...............................................................................131
Ganache Ingredients and Preparation With White Chocolate....................................................................133
Techniques to Make a Dripping Cake Perfect............................................................................................134
Tricks and Considerations...........................................................................................................................135
Here are some of the most significant:....................................................................................................136
How to Make a Striped Cake..........................................................................................................................140
Step by Step Preparation.............................................................................................................................141
How to Make the Piñata Cake - Cake.............................................................................................................147
1.Make the Cakes:....................................................................................................................................148
4 .Fill With Treats:..............................................................................................................................150
5 .Cover and Decorate:........................................................................................................................151
How to Make Marbled Pound, Zebra, Chess and Rainbow...........................................................................153
Traditional Ponque Recipe..........................................................................................................................154
Marbled Pound Technique..........................................................................................................................156
Zebra Punch Technique...............................................................................................................................157
Ponque Chess Technique.............................................................................................................................158
Rainbow Ponque Technique........................................................................................................................163
Practical Tips for Lining a Cake With Fondant.............................................................................................166
Basic Tips....................................................................................................................................................166
1. Fondant Kneading................................................................................................................................167
2. Stretch and Flatten the Fondant............................................................................................................169
3. Lining the Cake with Fondant..............................................................................................................171
4. Final Finish:.........................................................................................................................................172
Basic Pastry Cream Recipe - 3 Simple Ways to Prepare It............................................................................174
Among the most common variations to customize the pastry cream are:...............................................175
3 Simple and Different Ways to Prepare Pastry Cream.............................................................................176
Classic Pastry Cream...................................................................................................................................176
Cookie Dough Recipe.....................................................................................................................................182
Decorated Cookie Dough Recipe................................................................................................................183
Preparation of the Cookies Recipe To decorate.........................................................................................183
Types of Meringue, Recipes and.....................................................................................................................190
What are these three types of used for? Meringue?...................................................................................191
French Meringue Preparation......................................................................................................................191
Preparation of Italian Meringue...................................................................................................................193
Swiss Meringue Preparation........................................................................................................................194
Tricks to Make the Best Meringue..............................................................................................................195
3 Ideal Fillings for Cakes Covered With Fondant.........................................................................................197
Chocolate Ganache......................................................................................................................................198
Lemon Curd/ Orange Curd..........................................................................................................................202
Fault Line Cake Technique.............................................................................................................................206
Steps to Create the Crack Effect..................................................................................................................207
Final Decoration......................................................................................................................................216
Paste Modeling Techniques............................................................................................................................219
How to Make Gum Paste at Home?............................................................................................................220
Step by Step Preparation..........................................................................................................................221
How to Color Gum Paste?...........................................................................................................................223
Basic Paste Modeling Techniques Rubber.................................................................................................224
Basic Flowers:..........................................................................................................................................225
• Necessary utensils:...........................................................................................................................225
• Process:.............................................................................................................................................226
• Process:..................................................................................................................................................227
Figure Modeling..........................................................................................................................................228
Types of Buttercream, Why Use and Preparation Technique........................................................................231
1 American Buttercream..............................................................................................................................232
2 Swiss Buttercream....................................................................................................................................234
3 Italian Buttercream...................................................................................................................................236
4 French Buttercream..................................................................................................................................237
5. German Buttercream............................................................................................................................239
6 Flour Buttercream.....................................................................................................................................240
Fondant Cake Decorated With Sprinkles.......................................................................................................242
Sprinkles - Step by Step..............................................................................................................................243
Tools and Ingredients Needed.................................................................................................................243
Fondant Cake Decoration With Sprinkles..................................................................................................245
Tools and Ingredients...............................................................................................................................245
- With metallic powder coloring.........................................................................................................247
- With Metallic Spray Colorant...............................................................................................................247
Peach Upside Down Cake...............................................................................................................................251
Ingredients and Procedure For Prepare Peach Upside Down Cake Natural.............................................252
Tricks for Frosting a Cake And Achieve a Perfect Finish.............................................................................257
Essential Utensils.........................................................................................................................................258
The Best and Simplest Tricks......................................................................................................................259
V Layer Collects Crumbs:........................................................................................................................262
V Be careful with your first layer of bitumen:.........................................................................................262
V Finally, Perfect:....................................................................................................................................264
Tricks to Prepare the Best...............................................................................................................................265
Buttercream At Home.....................................................................................................................................265
Solution for a Very Buttercream.................................................................................................................266
How to Fix Buttercream or Cream Cut Butter...........................................................................................268
How to Prevent Buttercream from Spreading Melt....................................................................................270
Buttercream With Air Bubbles....................................................................................................................271
Tricks for a Basic Cake...................................................................................................................................273
Basic Cake Recipe.......................................................................................................................................274
Tricks That Every Beginner Should Know................................................................................................279
Tricks and Tips for a Perfect Chantilly..........................................................................................................285
Step by Step Preparation.............................................................................................................................286
Tricks and tips.............................................................................................................................................291
Tutorial- How to Melt Chocolate Perfectly...................................................................................................294
What is the result of a chocolate Well Tempered?.....................................................................................295
Does it work with any type of Chocolate?.................................................................................................295
Chocolate Tempering Process.....................................................................................................................296
Step by Step of Tempering Chocolate........................................................................................................297
Important Considerations for a Perfect Molten Chocolate.........................................................................300
Tutorial- How to Paint On...............................................................................................................................302
Fondant with powder coloring........................................................................................................................302
Dye Preparation...........................................................................................................................................303
Step By Step To Paint The Fondant............................................................................................................305
Tutorial- Slate Cake Step By Step..................................................................................................................309
Step by Step Preparation.............................................................................................................................310
Slate Effect..................................................................................................................................................313

4 Types of Syrup to Dip


Syrup is a basic preparation in baking; it is a mixture of

water and sugar that, when heated, forms a sticky liquid,
ideal for soaking cakes and cupcakes before filling them or
covering them with creams.

Preparing a good syrup can be responsible for providing

juiciness and differentiation to your creation, preventing
the cake or cookie base from drying out at room
temperature; on the contrary, it keeps it moist.

There can be many types of syrup, as many as there are

own styles, everything will depend on the personal touch
of flavor and the greater or lesser density that you want to
give to the syrup, depending on your taste, depending on
its use and purpose.

This time I bring you some flavor ideas for syrups, which
will be great to complete your cakes:

Coffee Syrup
With a coffee syrup you get a juicy cake with a delicious
Mocha flavor. Generally, it is used to prepare the famous

However, it is also perfect to accompany ice cream and

moisten, flavor and flavor any cake.

As for its preparation, it is quite simple, you will only need

to add a little coffee, either already prepared or powdered
(instant) to the rest of the basic ingredients for the syrup.

Traditional Coffee Syrup

If you use the coffee (500ml) already prepared, what you
should do is simply replace the water with it, bring it to
medium heat along with the sugar (360gr/2 cups).
Let the mixture boil for at least 10 minutes, stirring
constantly with a wooden spoon. During this time the
coffee will lose water and become much more

Syrup With Instant Coffee


V 500ml of water.
V 2 cups of sugar.
V 4 tablespoons of instant coffee.


1. Place all the ingredients in a pot. Stir everything to

integrate and bring it to the heat.
2. After a few minutes it will start to boil. Stir constantly
with a wooden spoon until the sugar is completely
dissolved. Let it cook for a few more minutes.

3.Check its texture every 5 minutes to see if it thickens.

In 15 or 18 minutes you will have your coffee syrup
ready, with the thickest texture. You must be careful
not to overdo it.

If you are a coffee lover you can increase the amount of

coffee, in fact there are those who add a couple of
tablespoons of coffee liqueur, this depends on you or your

Citrus Syrup
Citrus syrup is perfect for your fruit tarts or to combine in
your chocolate cakes. All you have to do is add a little juice
and a few peels of lemon, orange or any other citrus fruit
to the sugar and water mixture.

However, there is another way to prepare citrus syrup (in

this case lemon) that is much more concentrated and is as


•350ml of water.
V 2 cups of sugar.
V Juice of 12 lemons (if you use another fruit it should
be approximately the same amount)
V Peel of two lemons (optional)


1. Extract the juice from the lemons and reserve.

2. Bring the water along with the sugar to medium heat,
let it boil until the sugar crystals dissolve and the
mixture thickens.
3. If you want to intensify the lemon flavor, add the
peels. These must be removed when packaging.
4. When it reaches the desired texture, remove from
heat and let cool.
5. Once cool, add the lemon juice through a strainer to
get rid of the seeds from the fruit.
6. Mix and package. If not using immediately,

Chocolate Syrup
For those with a sweet tooth and chocolate lovers, a syrup
of this flavor could not be missing, ideal for intensifying
sponge cakes filled and covered with chocolate.

• 500ml of water.
• 1 ½ cup of sugar.
• 2-3 tablespoons of dark chocolate powder.
• 1 tablespoon vanilla essence.


1. In a pot place the sugar along with the water and

bring to medium heat.

2.Stir to help dissolve the sugar crystals. Let it boil for at

least 5 minutes.
3.If you would like to add liquor to your syrup this is the
right time, this way the alcohol evaporates, making it
suitable for any diner.
4.After this time, remove from heat and flavor with
vanilla essence.
5.Add the dark chocolate powder and stir until
dilute it.
6.Let cool before starting to cover your cakes.
Spice Syrup
The latter is one of the most common and easiest syrups
to prepare. The type of syrup you use will depend on your
taste and the best thing is that it would be good for any

The preparation is extremely simple; Bring the water and

sugar in equal quantities to medium heat. Wait for it to
boil and add a couple of tablespoons of the spice of your
choice (cinnamon, sweet cloves, guayabita...)
Remove from the heat, cover while it cools and finally
strain before beginning to moisten your cake. A trick to
enhance the flavor of the spice is to put them in a pan
over low heat for a little while until they begin to release
their aroma.

With any of these different types of syrup you will be able

to give that moist touch to your filled or cream-covered
sponge cakes, in addition to intensifying their flavor and

How to Cut a Round Cake

Expert level

After enjoying the meeting, talking and opening the gifts

that the guests brought, the moment most anticipated by
everyone arrives, especially the children: Eating cake!
From this delicious dessert, everyone hopes to receive a
good piece that, in addition to being delicious, is
beautifully and well cut.
And as you might expect, in most cases the person
responsible for cutting it is the birthday boy. Doing it and
getting pieces in equal parts, which are also enough for
all the guests, can be a little stressful.
To avoid this tension, I will share with you a simple
strategy with which I am sure you will be able to pierce
your cake so well that all the guests will be satisfied.
To carry it out you just have to follow in detail the steps
that I detail below, of course, taking into account that for
this strategy to work perfectly and you can achieve
uniform cuts, the cake must be circular and larger than
20cm in diameter.

Steps to Cut the Cake

1. To begin, take a knife that is long enough (a little taller
than the cake) and with it pierce the cake in the
central part, begin cutting until the circumference is
Make sure that the cut you make is approximately
5cm away from the edge of the cake.

2. Cut the outer circle into pieces of approximately 4 cm,

the width may vary depending on the number of
3. If the size of the cake is greater than 20cm in
diameter, continue with the process of cutting two
circles also of approximately 5cm.

4. After that, begin cutting and distributing the outer

circle until only a smaller cake remains in the center.

5. Finally, cut the center cake into small pieces (or

smaller, you can distribute this to those who just want
to try a little.
Now you are probably wondering: How many people
should the cake serve? In theory, if the cake is 20 cm in
diameter you can easily get between 30 and 33 slices.
Obviously if the cake is a little bigger, you can get either
slightly larger pieces or more of them.

Additional Tips
V If the birthday cake you are going to serve is dense,
heavy and/or viscous , the ideal is that before starting
to cut it, dip the knife in hot water after making each
cut, this to prevent the knife from sticking or ruining
the shape of the cake.
This trick also works perfectly if you are cutting a
V If the cake is quite spongy , the best knife to use to
cut it is one with serrated teeth.

V In the case of frozen cakes , clean the knife after

making each cut if what you want is to get beautiful
and perfect slices.

V Make sure you cut your cake on a non-slip surface to

avoid ruining it when cutting.
I assure you that by following each step and using the
knife according to each type of cake, cutting and serving it
will no longer be a cause of stress in your celebrations.

Red Velvet or Velvet Cake

Surely you have tried this cake in the form of a cake,

however enjoying it alone as a cake is also super delicious,
and has the advantage of not requiring any type of
For this reason, and since it seems to me that it is a
delicious basic cake that can be used to make any type of
cake, I will detail the recipe, explaining each step so that
you get a perfect and very delicious cake.
Before explaining its preparation, let's go to the
• 300g of all-purpose common wheat flour.
• 250g of sugar.
• 250ml of whole milk.
• 2 large eggs.
• 15g unsweetened cocoa powder.
• 120ml of mild olive oil.
• 1 teaspoon baking soda.
• 1 teaspoon white vinegar.
• 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
• 1 teaspoon vanilla paste or extract.

In addition to these ingredients, you will need to have a

mold for baking , in this case I will use a heart-shaped one,
but you can easily use one with 18 or 20 cm in diameter,
depending on the height you want for the cake.
On the other hand, it will be useful to have an electric
mixer , because although you can easily beat it by hand,
this tool makes your work easier by being able to integrate
the ingredients more quickly.

Steps for preparation

1. Before starting the preparation , the first thing you
should do is have the mold ready where you will bake
your red velvet cake.
To do this, spread a little non-stick spray all over the
inside to make it easier to remove from the mold.
It is extremely necessary that you have it prepared
before starting to prepare the mixture, since this cake
contains baking soda, which requires immediately
putting it in the oven, otherwise the baking soda will
not be as effective and may not act correctly. .

2. Next,begin the preparation of your cake with a

homemade buttermilk . To do this, you only have to
add the lemon juice to the milk, stir and let it rest for
approximately 10 minutes while you continue with the

3. Ina bowl , beat the two eggs at medium-high speed

for 5 minutes , enough time for them to air out and
become a little foamy.

4. Continue adding the sugar and beating for at least

one more minute to integrate very well, then add the
mild olive oil.
If you don't have olive oil, you can easily substitute it
with sunflower, corn, canola or any other vegetable oil
you like.
5. Now take the vanilla paste and add it to the mixture.
You can also replace this with extract or essence.
Continue beating until you have perfectly integrated
all the ingredients.

6. At this point, place half the amount of wheat flour and

cocoa powder on a fine mesh strainer, tap gently to
sift both ingredients and get rid of any possible lumps.

7. Stir
the mixture a little with the mixer off to integrate
and prevent everything from flying when you turn it
Run the mixer at the lowest speed so you do not
develop the gluten in the flour and you will have a
very fluffy cake.

8. When you no longer notice traces of flour, proceed to

integrate half of the buttermilk that you left resting at
the beginning, you will notice that it has small lumps,
but don't worry, it is totally normal, what has
happened is that the acid in the lemon juice It has
separated the whey from the milk and is just what you
are looking for.

9. Repeatthe previous step, adding the would and cocoa

powder through the mesh strainer, followed by the
other half of the buttermilk.

10. When everything is well mixed, it is time to give it

that red color characteristic of all red velvet , and for
this you will use coloring paste; This is perfect to give
it an intense tone that cannot be achieved with
another colorant (liquid or powder).

11. Beat for another minute until you get a uniform red
color in your mixture.
12. Now mix the baking soda with the vinegar and
immediately add red velvet to your mixture, beat a
little more to distribute it throughout the dough.

13.Once your mixture is ready, quickly pour it into the

mold you have chosen and place in the preheated
oven at an average temperature of 180°C, for
approximately 50 minutes.
Remember that you should not let the mixture sit as it
contains baking soda.
TIP : A trick that would be good for you to use is, before
putting the mixture in the oven, cover the mold with
aluminum foil, this will help the cake to be much juicier
and the surface of the cake is not browned and does not
dry out.

14.After this time, prick your cake with a toothpick to

make sure it is well baked . Once ready, remove from
the oven and let it rest for at least 10 minutes before

15.When you unmold, place it on a rack until the cake

cools completely.
Once your red velvet or red velvet cake is cold, all you
have to do is transfer it to a plate to snack on and enjoy a
rich, tender and soft red velvet cake, perfect for making
any type of cake, enjoying with ice cream or simply for
breakfast .
Pastry Dyes – Types And

This post is dedicated to one of the most

used in baking; the dyes. In general,
When purchasing them, countless questions arise.
that I will try to clarify, such as, for example, in gel, in
paste, powder? Which is better? What colors to buy?
One of the most important things to know about these is
that absolutely all of them are artificial dyes, so it is
recommended not to abuse them.
The good thing about these is that most of them are quite
concentrated and by using only a very small amount you
can obtain quite intense colors in the mass or cream to be
Another issue is the colors to buy. If you are just going to
start working with them, it is best to start by purchasing
only the primary colors (yellow, blue and red).
From these three colors you can create a wide palette, for
example; Mixing red with blue will result in violet; with red
and yellow, orange, and with blue and yellow, green.
This way you can add a little more color to achieve the
desired tone. Now, let's talk about each of them:
Gel Colorants

Colorants with a gel texture have the particularity of not

interfering with the texture of the preparations, therefore
they are perfect for coloring fondant, gum paste,
whipped cream, coloring buttercream and sponge cakes.
Generally, they are available in countless brands but in
only two presentations; in 28g jars and in convenient 25g
tube formats.
Both presentations are quite concentrated and have a
wide range of colors. Among its advantages is that it does
not contain gluten or nuts, this means that they are
colorants suitable for vegetarians.
Regarding its use, it is recommended to start by adding
only a small amount of colorant depending on the
presentation. If you use the jar presentation , the ideal is
to use a toothpick to take just a bit with the tip of it.
It is important that every time you are going to use this
dye, you also use a new toothpick, this to avoid
contaminating the dye bottle.
If the presentation is in a tube , then it will be enough for
you to start by adding just one drop of dye to the mixture
to be dyed.

In any case, and in the presentation you decide to use, it is

best not to exceed the amount of dye, that is, if you want
a much more vivid color, add it progressively.
In fact, in many cases, depending on the brand, the
intensity of the color increases as the minutes pass.
Paste Dyes

Paste dyes, unlike gel dyes, have a much denser texture ,

they are even much more concentrated, so that with just a
pinch you can achieve quite intense colors.
Among its most recommended uses is dyeing fondant,
flower paste, marzipan, buttercream and of course, gum
paste and icing (these last two are favored, since this type
of dye does not contain glycerin, which helps it to dry
Regarding its presentation; It is in jars of approximately
20g and they have a wide variety of colors, to dye with
them you can choose between using them alone or mixing
them together to obtain different shades.
It is even possible to achieve intense shades of red and
black using the presentations identified with the names
“Extra Red and Extra Black”, which will prevent you from
using practically an entire bottle of paste dye to achieve
very intense shades.
They are characterized by being free of gluten, fat, nuts
and GMOs, which makes them an excellent coloring for
vegan desserts .

Regarding its use, it is basically identical to that of gel

dyes; Take a small amount with the tip of a toothpick.
Remember that if you need to add a little more color, you
should take a new, clean toothpick.
Powder Dyes

The powder dyes are found in 2g jars, their color chart is

really wide, in addition to having certain finishes such as:
- Luster Powder Colorant: results in a matte finish,
perfect for coloring macarons.
- Bridal Powder Colorant: perfect for giving a wedding
finish with satin and quite elegant colors.
- Pollen Grain Powder: they are special for flowers
and/or to give a moss finish.
- Magical Sparkles : in addition to providing a touch of
color, it gives a special shine to the creations.

Like the previous colorings, these are completely gluten-

free, although they may contain traces of nuts, they are
also suitable for vegetarians.
These types of colorants are generally used to give shades
to fondant, gum paste or icing once they have dried . In
this case it should be applied with the help of a dry brush.
The best way to do it is always by removing the excess on
a piece of kitchen paper and then painting with gentle
movements. If you want to get a more intense tone, all
you have to do is repeat the operation.
On the other hand, they can also become edible paint if
mixed with edible white alcohol or any transparent
alcoholic beverage (vodka, rum, etc.).
They are also widely used to color macarons , since they
do not vary the composition and also have a high
concentration of pigments, which means that we can
achieve very intense colors with a very small amount of

Spray Dyes

This last type of dye is also available in a wide variety of

brands and colors, some with special finishes as in the
case of silver and gold sprays. They also exist with an
airbrush effect.
Most of them provide spectacular finishes to the creations
on cakes and other pastry products, since with just one
spray you can achieve quite versatile effects such as those
of an airbrush, gradients, shadows and flashes of color.
Surely, during the process you will stain your hands with
one of these types of dyes, if so, don't worry, just wash
your hands with a little soap and warm water for the
stain to disappear .
To keep your dyes in perfect condition , make sure to
cover them correctly and always keep them at room
temperature , it is not necessary to store them in the
refrigerator or some other special place.
After reading this post about baking dyes and their most
common uses, I hope I have clarified many of your doubts.
Now all that's left is for you to dare to give color to your
cakes and creations.
How to Make a Cake of 2 or 3
Floors Covered with Fondant or

You don't have to be a baking expert to know that two-

and three-tier cakes never go out of style. These are the
perfect complement for many of our special occasions,
such as 15th birthday parties, baptisms and even

The greatest difficulty when making one of these cakes

is always ensuring that all the floors remain fixed and
firm, especially if they are covered with fondant or
buttercream, extremely delicate coverages.
Now, whatever the number of floors and decoration
that your cake has, it is important that you learn step by
step and in detail how to support one cake on another
without failing in the attempt.
Therefore, throughout this post I will detail each of the
steps to follow so that you become an expert in
assembling a multi-tiered cake. But first, let's go with
the necessary materials.
Materials Needed for Assembly
The first thing you should take into account when
preparing to assemble a multi-tiered cake is that having
the necessary tools will make half the job easier.
Whether you are going to assemble a cake decorated
with fondant or buttercream, you will need to have
essential utensils such as:
- Wooden Sticks or Large and Thick Straws: depending
on the weight and the number of layers that your cake
has, you can vary from one to another.
- Wooden Rod: the ideal one would be ¼ inch thick, this
will be used to set the number of levels and prevent
them from slipping when moving the cake.

- Cardboard Cake Base or Discs: these bases are the

most common and practical, since they are disposable,
they can be easily purchased in baking stores in various
sizes or you can choose to make them at home.
Whatever method you use, you will need to have two or
three of them for each of the levels of the cakes.
In this case, the cakes that we will use will be 30cm
(1.5kg), 25cm (1.1kg) and 20cm (800g) in diameter each,
so the cardboard bases must be the same
- Thick Base to Present the Ready Cake: this base is
essential to support and present the multi-layered cake.
It is also found in baking stores in countless styles and
The most common and ideal for this type of cake, which
generally tends to weigh quite a bit, are those made with
high-resistance plastic.

They can also be found in other materials such as

Formica or cardboard wrapped in aluminum.

- Thick and Resistant Adhesive Tape: we will use it to fix

the cardboard disc of the first cake or the lower floor to
the thick base where we will present the cake, to
prevent it from rolling.
Step by Step to Assemble a Cake
2 or 3 Floors
1. Before beginning the assembly of one floor on top of
another, it is necessary that each of the three cakes be
previously covered, either with fondant or
buttercream and of course placed on the cardboard
discs according to the diameter of each. one.

2. With the cakes mounted on their respective

cardboard bases, take the first one, that is, the largest
cake (25cm in diameter) and place it on the round cake
base that must be larger than its size.

A perfect trick to prevent the cake from sliding off the

base is to place a few turns of masking tape and on this
cake that corresponds to the bottom layer.

It is on this base where you will present your finished 2

or 3-tier cake, so make sure it is made of very resistant
material that can support the weight of the tiers.

3.To move the cakes without ruining the coverage or

decoration you have, the ideal is that you use pastry
spatulas with which you will take the cakes by the

4. After having positioned your base cake, what follows

is to mark the silhouette of the next cake, which would
be the second floor (the 25cm diameter cake).

To do this, use the mold or cake pan where you have

baked it inverted, pressing lightly until leaving an outline
that indicates where the next floor will go, ensuring it is
well centered.

5.Now that we have the exact sketch where we will

assemble the second floor or the second cake, it is
time to start placing the support, with which we
prevent the weight of stacking one cake on top of
another causing them to sink and ruin the decoration.

As a support you can use wooden sticks that you can

easily purchase in baking stores and they are perfect as a
support for heavy cakes, such as fruit cakes and cakes
lined with fondant.

If the cakes you are going to stack are dry cakes covered
with buttercream, you can easily use straws or thick
straws, which are known as jumbo.

6.Regardless of the support you decide to use, the

correct way to do it is by inserting a wooden stick or a
jumbo straw in the center of the cake, in this case, the
largest cake which is the bottom layer, and proceed to
mark the height with a pencil, as shown in the image.

7.Remove the stick and cut right on the mark with a

knife, small saw, or one of those pickaxes sold in
hardware stores.
8.Now cut the number of sticks or straws that you
consider necessary to that same length. Keep in mind
that for dry cakes you will not need that many, 4-5
supports would be fine.

But, if your cakes or floors are heavy, I recommend

placing 8 to 10 supports.

9.Start inserting the sticks into the bottom deck. Place

the first one in the center right where you had already
inserted it to take the height, place the rest of the
sticks around them.

10. Once the supports have been placed on your

lower cake, what follows is to take the second floor
with the help of some pastry spatulas and place it on
the first floor taking as reference the sketch that you
had already marked, so that it is well centered.
11. Repeat the same procedure with this second floor;
Mark the center with the reverse part of the mold or
cake pan, take the measurement of the height of the
cake to cut out the supports and finally fix them in the
center of it.

12. Use the spatulas again to take the third tier (which
would be the smallest cake) and place it on the cake,
taking the outline as a guide so that it is centered.

13. If you do not plan to move this three-tier cake

from the place where you have made the decoration,
you can leave it like this, that is, with the supports that
you have placed. be enough.
In case the cake has to be moved to another place, it
will be necessary to secure the three floors a little
more and to do this, you will use the wooden rod with
which you will cross the three levels.

14. Take the rod and place it next to your cake to have
an idea of its height, mark the rod with a pencil, cut
and insert it very carefully into the center of the cake
until it crosses the three levels.
This will prevent the layers or levels from moving while
moving the cake and completely ruining the decoration
of your three-tier cake.
In this way you will have ready the fixed and firm
assembly of a three-tier cake, now the last thing will be
to continue with its decoration, where you will let your
imagination fly, depending on the occasion.
How to Assemble and Decorate a
Nude and Semi-naked.

This technique is also known as naked cake and consists of

filling the cake but leaving it uncovered (or simply placing
a little cream lightly) on the sides of it, which gives it a
rustic but quite beautiful finish.

The semi-naked cake is generally characterized by being

decorated with natural ingredients such as flowers and
fruits, which go very well.

As for the filling, it can vary depending on people's

preferences, however, the most common filling and the
one that works best is buttercream, it is one of the ones
with the best consistency to support the weight of the

How to Make a Naked Cake and

Half-naked Step By Step
The preparation or recipes for rustic cakes is nothing out
of this world, however, it is necessary to take certain
things into account, such as the consistency of the cake
and the type of cream to use.

Below I will detail the preparation of the cake, the cream

and the simplest way to decorate naked cakes, let's begin:

Ingredients for the cake

V 5-6 eggs (depending on size).

V 350g wheat flour, preferably self-rising.
V 250 gr of white sugar.
V 1 teaspoon baking powder.
V Pinch of salt.
V 100 ml of oil.
• 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract.

V Lemon or orange zest.

V The juice of 1 lemon.
V Butter to grease the mold.
Cake Preparation

1. Start by preheating the oven to 180° before starting to

prepare the cake .
2. Cover the inside of the cake pan or baking mold with a
thin layer of butter and then spread a little wheat
flour, this to prevent the cake from sticking when you
remove it from the mold.
3. Take two bowls and separate the egg whites from the
egg yolks in them.
4. Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and beat until
stiff. Once this point is reached, add half of the sugar
to form a kind of soft meringue. Booking.
5. Now take the bowl with the yolks, oil, lemon zest,
vanilla and the rest of the sugar, beat until all these
ingredients have been perfectly mixed.
6. Also add the freshly squeezed lemon juice, using a
strainer to prevent the seeds from falling into the
mixture, otherwise you will end up with a bitter cake.
Continue mixing.
7. On the other hand, sift the wheat flour together with
the baking powder (this will prevent lumps from
forming) and gradually add it to the previous mixture,
without stopping beating until it becomes thick.
8. Finally, little by little add the meringue that you made
with the egg whites at the beginning, here you need to
do it using a wooden paddle and giving gentle
surrounding movements.
9. Once the cake mixture is ready, pour it into the mold
and put it in the oven for 45 minutes.
10. It is important that you take into account that as your
cake bakes it will rise a little, so you should not fill the
entire cake pan with the mixture, ideally just a little
more than half.
11. Before removing, check that the cake is smooth by
inserting an orange stick or the tip of the knife in the
center, it must come out completely dry, otherwise it
will be necessary to bake a couple of more minutes.
12. Let it rest for a few minutes before unmolding.
13. Unmold and let cool on a rack.

This is the basic way to prepare a delicious cake, however,

to decorate this type of cake, several layers of cake are
required, so you can choose whether to divide the cake
into layers once it is ready and very cold. or simply bake
layer by layer, adding less mixture to the tray.

As for the filling of the semi-naked cake, there are many

options; pastry creams, muslin cream, buttercream,
buttercream, etc. can be used.

The flavor of both the cake and the filling can also vary.
One of the most used in this type of cake is butter cream,
as it has a better consistency, which allows for a firmer

Ingredients for Buttercream

V 2 cups of softened butter (unsalted).

V Approximately 4-5 cups of powdered sugar.
V Pinch of salt.
V 1/2 whole milk.
• Vanilla essence.

Preparing Buttercream for the Filling

Buttercream is perfect to use as a filling for cakes or

simply to decorate, it is quite delicious and easy to
prepare, just follow the steps below:

1. With the help of an electric mixer, beat the butter

until it turns whitish in color and is quite creamy. The
final texture of the cream will depend on this step.
2. Sift the icing sugar and little by little add it to the
butter while continuing to beat until it reaches
consistency. If you want to add coloring or flavor the
cream, this is the time to do it.
3. While you beat, add the vanilla essence, a pinch of salt
and the milk until you achieve a smooth cream ready
to spread. You may not be able to use the entire
amount of milk described in the recipe, you must add
little by little until you achieve the desired consistency.

Now, once the cake and the cream for its filling are ready,
all that remains is to simply assemble and decorate the
semi-naked cake.

How to Assemble and Decorate a Cake

Naked and Semi-naked?
To decorate a semi-naked cake, there are countless
options or alternatives, this will depend on the taste of the
person and the occasion, because if it is for a wedding, the
ideal is to make a naked cake with flowers.

But yes, the occasion is a birthday or simply a sharing at

home, the ideal is to make a naked cake with fruits, in any
case it will always look beautiful, without losing its rustic

Whatever the case, you will basically have to follow the

steps I detail below:

1. Divide the cake into the number of layers you have

chosen, two or three will be fine.
2. Place the first layer on a tray, then pour a
considerable amount of buttercream and with the
help of a pastry spatula spread it, trying to make it as
level as possible.
3. Place the other layer of cake on top of the cream and
repeat the procedure until all the cake layers are
4. Finally, apply a little pressure so that the cream is
visible between the layers, which is the technique
known as “ naked cake.”

5. You can choose whether to leave it like this or give it a

“ semi-naked cake ” finish, which consists of passing
the spatula to spread the excess cream over the
6. sides and allow the cake to be seen from behind.

To assemble the decoration you have countless options,

from the placement of fruits to flowers, all you have to do
is put your creativity to work and create the best design,
according to your taste.
How to Place Rice Paper and
About What Type of Surface It Is

Rice paper, also known as wafer paper, is an edible paper

used to decorate confectionery products such as cakes
and cookies.
Although it is commonly called rice paper, it is not made
from rice, but rather comes from a combination of water,
vegetable oil, and potato starch.
Of the three different types of paper to make our edible
prints (sugar paper, rice paper and chocotransfer) rice
paper is the most rigid, a characteristic that makes it
perfect not only for decorating cakes but also cookies.
On What Surfaces Can It Be Used?
Rice Paper?

Both rice paper and sugar paper can be applied to various

surfaces, such as; fondant, chocolate ganache,
buttercream or buttercream.
Although in the latter it is more delicate because it is more
humid and can spoil the impression a little.

How to Place Rice Paper on Cakes

Covered with fondant?

To stick rice paper on fondant, the first thing you have to

do is cut out the image according to the size of the cake. It
is super important that you do this step before paying for
it, after that you will not be able to take it off to cut, you
would ruin the sheet of paper.
Once you have your sheet cut out, what follows is to apply
a little edible glue, or barely moisten the fondant with a
wet brush evenly (this way we prevent bubbles from
forming) and then we support the sheet of rice paper.
It is important that you control the amount of glue you
use so as not to wet the rice paper sheet too much and
cause the ink to smear. If you notice that there is air left,
press gently from the center outwards to expel the air and
break up any bubbles that may have remained.
If you are going to glue it on one side, in the case of thick
sheets you can divide them in the middle, taking into
account that the sides have to be perfectly smooth or the
sheet will not stick properly.
To achieve a fondant coverage without imperfections, the
ideal would be to make a chocolate ganache to cover the
cake before the fondant, this will ensure a perfect side.
In the case of colored fondant, it is necessary to take into
account that it can tint the image. A good tip is to stick a
thin sheet of white fondant behind the image.

Another thing you should take into account is that if you

put the cake covered in fondant in the refrigerator, when
you take it out the fondant can “sweat” a little and can
moisten the impression and therefore ruin it.
To avoid this, it is best to put the cake in the refrigerator
without the edible printing, in this case without the rice
paper sheet.
When you take the cake out of the refrigerator, let it rest
in a cold place and when it absorbs the “sweat” proceed
to place the impression on top of the cake.
How to Glue Sheets of Paper
Rice on a Cake Covered

Buttercream is another perfect cream to support edible

prints. Since it is creamy, you do not have to use any type
of glue, you just have to smooth the surface of the cake
well and place the sheet of rice paper.
If the buttercream hardens too much, you can spray a little
water on it to be able to stick the rice paper print on top.

When you stick the edible paper on the buttercream,

make sure it sticks completely to the surface; if there are
areas that do not adhere to the cream, air bubbles may
How to Place Rice Paper on
Chocolate Surfaces?

If we want to place the sheets or prints of rice paper on

chocolate, the ideal is to always choose white chocolate,
since black can cause the print to darken unless you
decide to use the same tip that I mentioned above, which
consists of placing a thin sheet of white fondant behind
the print.

Now, to stick edible prints on chocolate that has

hardened, you have to brush the back of the print with a
little edible glue, and then adhere it in the same way as
you would on fondant.
If the chocolate coating does not harden, then it will not
be necessary to use edible glue, just place it on the cake
and apply light pressure to set it.
How to Glue Paper Prints
Rice Over Crackers?

If you want to decorate cookies with rice paper prints, it is

advisable to cut a fondant circle of the same size, not too
thick, let it rest, and glue the rice paper to the fondant
with edible glue.
Let it rest and then glue the cookie also with edible glue,
this will ensure that the sheet is not folded or deformed
due to imperfections in the cookie dough.
Among all these surfaces, the most recommended and the
one that leaves the best finish is fondant, since the other
two are a little wet and if not worked properly the sheet
can come off.
As you can see, using edible prints, on whatever type of
paper, can be very useful and can even successfully solve
any cake decoration.
The alternatives are almost endless, you can print
anything from a photo to an effect, such as; the grass of a
soccer field, all you have to do is give free rein to your
How to Chop and Assemble a Layer

The layer cake has become one of the most common

desserts at celebrations or birthdays, since the
preparation of a cake of this type is usually quite varied,
both in shape and ingredients.

The truth is that, regardless of the ingredients or creams

with which it is filled (butter cream, jam, pastry cream...) it
will always have at least three or more layers.

On this occasion we will prepare a chocolate layer cake,

filled and covered with vanilla buttercream. Once you are
clear about how to prepare and assemble it, you can
choose to prepare a Retvelvet or Black Forest style layer
cake, to mention just a few examples.

Preparation of Vanilla Layer Cake

To prepare this layer cake or layer cake, we will use a basic
chocolate sponge cake, which we will fill with a delicious
and soft vanilla bettercream.

Ingredients for the cake:

V 6-8 Eggs (depending on size).

V 400gr of sugar/ 2 cups.
V 300g of butter/ 1 ½ cup.
V 1 glass of whole milk.
V 500gr of self-rising flour/ approximately 4 cups.
V 150g cocoa powder/ 1 cup
V 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract.
V Lemon zest.
V 1 teaspoon of liquor (rum or whiskey).

Preparation of the Cake for the Layer Cake:

1. Startby mixing the softened butter with the sugar

until you obtain a soft, whitish cream.

You can use a wooden paddle or an electric mixer, the

latter will help you simplify the preparation.
By “softened butter” I mean soft butter, to get it you
just have to remove it from the refrigerator at least
half an hour before starting the preparation.

2. Take the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks
and beat the first until stiff, set aside.

3. Add the yolks to the butter cream with sugar and mix.

4. Subsequently, add the milk, vanilla essence, rum and

lemon zest, mix until all these ingredients are

5. In a bowl, mix the wheat flour, baking powder, cocoa

powder and sift. Then add it little by little to the
previous mixture, this time using a wooden paddle
and using circular movements.

6. Finally, add the egg whites until stiff, continuing to

beat until you get a homogeneous mixture.

7. Pour the cake mixture into a previously buttered and

floured mold. Here you can choose to bake the cake in
a high mold and then cut it in layers to fill it or simply
bake it layer by layer.

8. Let the tall cake bake for at least 40-45 minutes. If you
are going to do it layer by layer the cooking time will
decrease, 15-20 minutes for each one will be enough.
9. After time, prick the center of the cake with a
toothpick. If it comes out completely dry, it means it is
ready, otherwise let it bake a little more.

10. Remove from the oven, let it rest for a couple of

minutes, unmold and let it cool on a rack while you
prepare the buttercream or buttercream to fill.

Remember that to make the layer cake you can use the
cream or jam of your choice, here I only detail the butter
cream because it is one of the easiest to prepare.

Then you can modify the layer cake recipe to your liking,
replace the vanilla with chocolate or Oreo, everything will
depend on your taste.
Ingredients for Vanilla Buttercream:

• 500 g of unsalted butter.

• 800 gr of powdered sugar.
• 2 tablespoons of milk.
• 1 tablespoon vanilla essence.
• Liquid coloring (in case you want to give a specific
color to your preparation)

Preparation of Buttercream:

1. Beat the butter until it is quite soft. For this you can
use a manual or industrial electric mixer.

2. Little by little add the icing sugar, previously sifted to

avoid lumps. Mix until they are perfectly integrated
and add the vanilla essence. You will notice that the
cream begins to take on a whitish color.

3. Test the consistency, if necessary add the tablespoon

of milk and continue mixing, repeat until the cream is

4. If you want to add color, it's time to add just a little

food coloring and mix until it's a uniform shade.
Now, once the cake and vanilla buttercream are ready,
what follows is to form the delicious layer cake.

How to Chop a Layer Cake

As I mentioned before, to make a layer cake you can bake
one or two cakes and cut them into layers depending on
which ones you want to use, or you can choose to bake
layer by layer.

If you decide on the first option, you can use tools that
make the work easier, such as; a knife with guides or a set
of hoops or leveling rings for cutting cake.
If you do not have any of these tools then you will have to
do it the traditional way, using thread and a few
toothpicks that will serve as a guide.

To apply this method you must wait for the cake to be

completely cold, take the toothpicks and place them
around the cake, just as thick as you want the layers.

Then line the thread around the cake guided by the

toothpicks. Pull each tip so that it cuts through the cake.
Once the first layer has been chopped, use a tray or
cardboard to remove it and continue chopping the next

If this procedure seems a little complex to you, you can

simplify it by baking layer by layer, trying as much as
possible that they are all the same thickness.

Assembling the Layer Cake Step by Step

Once you have the cake layers you are going to use, you
can begin the assembly process. In this case, we will use
the separately baked layers.

Regardless of the way you use to obtain the cake layers,

the steps to follow will be basically the same:

1. Thefirst step is to gather the necessary tools, so that

they make your work much easier, such as a
cardboard disk where you will place the cake, a
rotating cake stand, an ice cream spoon that will help
you measure the amount. of cream to use between
layers, a glass of water and long and short pastry
spatulas to spread the buttercream.
2. Placethe rotating cake base in the place where you are
going to work, place the cardboard disk on it, which is
where you will present your layer cake, spread a little
buttercream on it so that it works as glue to prevent the
cake from rolling.

3. Proceedto place the first layer of cake, choose the least

perfect one. If you wish, you can place wax paper
around it to avoid dirtying the cream base when
spreading it.

4. Placethe amount of cream you want on this first layer.

To do this, use the ice cream spoon, as I told you, to
measure the amount you are going to place between
5. Use the longest spatula to begin to
Spread the cream over the cake towards the edges,
trying to obtain a layer of cream with a uniform

6. Place the second layer of cake, level it with the bottom

layer and gently flatten and settle it with your hand to
prevent it from moving.

7. Place the same amount of cream that you used between

the two previous layers and spread with the spatula. To
make this step much easier, rotate the base.
8. Placethe third and final layer of cake and level with the
previous two layers. Make sure the latter is the one that
looks the best.

9. Spread a considerable amount of cream and begin to

cover your cake, starting from the top and then from the
sides. This first layer is what is known as crumb sealing.

10. When you have covered your cake with this first
layer of cream, put it in the refrigerator for at least 1
hour so that it can cool and set.

11. After this time, add a generous amount of cream

again to cover the top and sides.
12. To help you spread the cream and achieve as
smooth a finish as possible, moisten the spatula in the
glass of warm water and pass over the cream again.

13. In the case of the sides, what you should do is

place the longest spatula in a vertical position and,
without moving it, rotate the base with the other
You can also assemble your layer cake in the style of a
naked cake, in this case when you place the cream
between layer and layer you should extend it only up to
two or three centimeters before the edge of the cake, in
this way you prevent the cream from spreading when
placing the top layer. overflow too much.

Whatever style you decide to use for your layer cake

(covered, naked or semi-naked) what remains is to
decorate it to your liking, for this you can use fruits,
flowers and even candy, it's all a matter of letting your
imagination fly.
How to Make Basket Weaving
In a Cake

The two-dimensional technique or design that simulates a

basket or basket weave gives a quite attractive finish.

Generally, it is used to decorate cakes with basket designs,

fences or to cover the sides of the cake completely.

The best thing is that making this basket weave or basket

on a cake is much simpler than it seems, so don't miss this
tutorial in which I teach you the technique step by step.
Before starting the procedure, take a look at the things
you will need:

- Pastry bags, preferably disposable.

- Basket nozzle or simply the one you want. Your choice

will depend on the style you want, therefore, you can
vary the nozzle or its size, taking into account that the
smaller it is, the more time and work it will take to
cover the entire cake.

- Swivel base.

- Food coloring, the tone of your preference.

Basket Technique Step By Step

1. The first step is to cover your cake with buttercream or

To do this, use a curved spatula to make it easier for you

to distribute the buttercream over the top of the cake.

For the sides; Instead of using the spatula, fill a

disposable pastry bag with a large round nozzle with
cream and begin to cover, zigzagging from top to
bottom around the entire cake.

If you don't have a nozzle of this type, nothing happens,

just cut the tip of the sleeve and that's it. By covering
the sides in this way you will avoid raising crumbs with
the spatula.

Once you have covered the entire cake with cream,

finish smoothing it with the spatula or a cake lifter.

I suggest the cake lifter because as you will see in the

image below, it is great functional, since its height
allows you to rest it on the side of the rotating base and
give it stability, with one or two passes you will get
completely smooth sides.

Finally, use a curved spatula to smooth the edges of the

top. It is not necessary for the edges to be completely
perfect, as the basket weave will hide this.

Note: The color of buttercream that you use to smooth

the cake has to be the same color that you later use to
make the basket weave.
2. When you have the cake covered and smoothed with
buttercream, proceeds to tick lines
verticals around it with the help of the cake marker.

With this tool you will ensure that the vertical lines of
the basket weave are very straight and with an even
distance. However, it is not essential, you can easily
make the marks with some skewer sticks or a cutting

Note: There are no set rules for dividing the cake, you
can do it however you like . To weave a narrower
basket, make the marks closer together and for a looser
weave, make the chests farther apart.
For a square or rectangle cake you can use a ruler to
make the marks, or simply by eye, of course for a round
cake it is much easier to divide in half, then in quarter
and so on.
3. Now take a disposable pastry bag with the nozzle of
your choice and fill it with the cream and begin to draw
a vertical line over one of the lines that you had
previously marked with the cake marker.

4. Then, starting at the base of the cake, make a horizontal

line over the vertical line. The width of this line will be
limited by the lines to the right and left of your first
vertical line.

5. It is important that you make spacer points the width

of the nozzle on the ends of the horizontal line that you
just made. do . These points
Spacers will help you make the horizontal lines straight
and the same size.

6. Continue making horizontal lines and spacer dots along

the entire vertical line.

7. Draw the next vertical line over the spacer points , this
time before making the horizontal line first, make a
separator point. Once you have made the separator
point, place the tip of the nozzle against the first vertical
line and draw the horizontal line. Make another
separator point and repeat the process along the entire
vertical line.
8. Repeat the entire process around the cake until
completely covered.

9. When you finally have the basket weave ready, proceed

to fill a pastry bag using another nozzle, in this one I
almost used a star nozzle, to make a bead around the
base and top of the cake.

Note : For the cord, make a kind of elongated and

horizontal "S", to make the next "S" place the tip of the
nozzle under the second previous "S" curve... continue
until you finish the cord around the cake.

10. Finally, put your creativity to work and finish

decorating the top part of your cake as you wish . To do
this, you can do the same technique on the top part,
create flowers with different nozzles and butter cream
of different colors, etc.
How to Make Professional Fondant
Step by Step
Do you want to learn how to decorate your cakes or
cupcakes really beautifully? Are you tired of trying fondant
brands without finding a good quality one? If so, it is time
for you to learn how to make your own professional
fondant at home.

One of the most common, versatile coverages that

provides the best results when preparing decorated cakes
is undoubtedly fondant.

This has led me to try countless brands available on the

market, but the truth is that I have not been able to find
one that really meets my expectations.

It was then when I decided to investigate how to make

homemade fondant, I tried countless techniques and tricks
until today I manage to prepare this coverage with which I
really get the expected results.

In addition to this, I consider that I save much more

money at home than trying brand by brand that I find on
the market, something that surely has not only happened
to me, so I have decided to share my recipe and tricks so
that you too can encourage us to prepare the best
fondant in the world.

How to Make Professional Fondant In

Home? Step by Step
Fondant is basically a dough made from sugar, water and
fat. The recipe that I will detail below is for me one of the
ones that has worked best for me, however, it is not the
only one, in fact we can prepare fondant with masmelos,
to mention just one of many ways.

You can multiply the ingredients below if you want a much

larger quantity of fondant, but to start I recommend using
the quantities I mention.

V 500 gr of powdered sugar.

V 1 tablespoon CMC (tylose powder).
V 3-4 sheets of unflavored gelatin.
V 1 tablespoon of glycerin.
V 1 tablespoon of glucose.
V 1 tablespoon of margarine.
V ½ teaspoon vanilla essence (preferably clear).
V 3-4 tablespoons of cold water.

Step by Step Preparation:

1. The first thing you should do before starting to

prepare the fondant dough is to sift the icing sugar at
least twice, to prevent lumps from forming when
2. Divide the amount of sugar into two different bowls.
To the first bowl add the tablespoon of CMC powder,
reserve the second bowl for last.
3. On the other hand, take the water and heat it for a
couple of seconds in the microwave, immediately
immerse the unflavored gelatin sheets in it so that
they are hydrated, this may take 5 minutes or perhaps
a little more.
4. When you notice that the gelatin has increased its
volume a little and is completely soft, add the glucose,
glycerin and margarine.
5. Return to the microwave, no more than a minute, 30
seconds will be enough for the margarine to melt and
we can integrate perfectly.
6. Now add the vanilla essence. You can use any other
that you prefer, but don't overdo it, 3-4 drops are
more than enough.
7. Take the bowl again where you mixed the icing sugar
with the CMC powder. Make a kind of hole in the
middle of the bowl and add it to the mixture that you
melted in the microwave.

8. Mix with a pastry spatula until you achieve a yellowish

and quite liquid dough.
9. Subsequently, begin to add little by little the icing
sugar that you had reserved at the beginning, continue
mixing with the help of the spatula until it becomes a
little more compact.
10. At this point you will be ready to start kneading with
your hands. If you notice that the dough is still very
wet; Add a little more powdered sugar. If, on the other
hand, the dough is too dry; then you will need to add a
few drops of water and continue kneading until you
achieve the perfect consistency and texture.

11.Finally, wrap your fondant dough in plastic wrap,

reserve in a container with an airtight lid and leave it
out of the refrigerator. There are those who let only a
couple of hours pass, I particularly prefer to let a day
pass after its preparation, I notice that it takes on a
better texture.
Another excellent and, of course, faster way to prepare
fondant at home has been using marshmallows. This, like
the previous recipe, has allowed me to obtain an
impeccable final result.

How to Make Fondant with

As I mentioned before, this recipe for fondant with
marshmallows or clouds is one of the quickest to prepare
and it has gotten me out of trouble in particular.


V 500 g of white marshmallows.

V A tablespoon of butter.
V 1 kilo of icing sugar.
V 1 teaspoon clear vanilla essence.

Step by Step Preparation:

1. Place the marshmallows in a bowl and place them in a

double boiler along with the vanilla essence. To speed
up the process a little, take scissors and chop the
marshmallows into small pieces so they melt more
2. Mix with a pastry spatula to help them melt.
3. In a bowl, place half of the previously sifted icing sugar
and with the help of the spatula, mix with the already
melted marshmallows.
4. As you consider necessary, add the remaining sugar
little by little, you may not need all of it.

5. When the mixture no longer sticks to the spatula, take

it to the counter, grease your hands with a little butter
and knead until you achieve a smooth dough free of
6. Reserve for at least two hours before using so that it
takes on a better consistency.

Now, you can give the fondant the color you want just
before you start using it. Ideally, use paste colorants, these
generally give good color.
How to Achieve Intense Colors in
Before starting with the step by step to color your fondant
dough, I want you to know that this will depend on the
quality of the colorant you are going to use.

When purchasing it you will find countless options; liquid,

gel and paste bleach, the latter is indicated when coloring
fondant. Why? because it is the only one that does not
add moisture to the pasta.

Now, the steps to follow are the following:

1. Sprinkle the table where you are going to work with a

little cornstarch, place the fondant dough and warm
your hands a little before starting to knead to soften it.
2. With a toothpick, take just a small amount of the food
coloring paste and place it on the white fondant.
3. Continue kneading to unify the color. The dough may
become a little sticky, if so, apply a little cornstarch to
your hands and continue kneading.
4. Once the colored fondant is ready, you can use it
immediately or let it rest for another day, only if you
want to intensify the color.

As you can see, learning to make professional fondant at

home is nothing out of this world. As you practice, it will
be much easier to achieve the desired texture and
consistency, with which you can make beautiful
decorations without any details.

How to Make Mirror Glaze

Cakes Step by Step
Can you imagine being able to see your face reflected in
your most delicious cake? Well let me tell you that it is
possible with the fabulous technique of mirror icing for
cakes .
This wonderful technique consists of decorating and
covering the cakes with a specially prepared glaze that
results in an extremely beautiful mirror effect.

How to Make Mirror Glaze

There are many recipes or ways to make mirror glaze,
below I will detail how to prepare this beautiful coverage
in two of the simplest ways.
1. Mirror Glaze Color and Effect
This is the most common glazing technique, you can
choose to simply dye the mixture with the desired tone or
combine two or three colors until you achieve the marbled

In any case, the ingredients to use are the following:

V 300 gr of refined white sugar.

V 200 ml of condensed milk.
V 1 cup of water.
V 2 sachets of gelatin are powder flavor (each 7g).
V ¼ cup of water to hydrate the gelatin.
V 350 gr of white chocolate.
V Powder, paste or gel dyes of the colors of your

Step by Step Preparation:

1. The first thing you should do is take the white chocolate

and chop it into very small pieces or grate it. Booking.
2. Next, take ¼ cup of warm water and mix with the
unflavored gelatin powder so that it hydrates. Booking.
3. Take a pot and add the sugar along with the cup of
water, bring to medium heat and stir constantly, just
when it reaches the boiling point, remove from the
4. In a bowl, add the condensed milk and on top of it the
syrup that you recently prepared.
5. Stir until combined and continue incorporating the
chopped white chocolate. The smaller the pieces the
faster they will melt.
6. Stir with a paddle or spatula to integrate and help the
chocolate dissolve. If necessary, you can heat the
mixture a little in a bain-marie.
7. With the chocolate completely melted, proceed to
incorporate the unflavored gelatin, already hydrated
and well dissolved.
8. Immediately add the coloring of your choice and beat
until the frosting mixture becomes a uniform color.

9. If you want to achieve the marbled effect then you

should divide the frosting mixture into two or three
equal parts.
10. Add a little food coloring of different colors to each part.
Mix until dyed evenly.
11. Take a large jug and pour one shade over another
without mixing.
12. Prepare the surface of the cake or sponge cake (it
should be as smooth as possible), place it on a rack and
pour all the glaze over the surface of it, making sure it is
completely covered.
13. The design that results from this mirror bath for cakes
will depend solely on the colors you use and the way
you pour the frosting on the cake, no one will ever be
exactly the same as another.

Something you should take into account is that this type of

frosting is perfect for frozen cakes and biscuits, otherwise
you will have to cover it with a considerable layer of
whipped cream, buttercream or butter cream, refrigerate
until they harden and finally add the frosting. mirror.
2. Neutral Mirror Glaze
This other type of glaze is mostly used to make mirror-like,
crackled coatings or simply to give shine to fruit cakes,
doughs, among others.


• 250 ml of water.
• 260 gr of refined sugar.
• 20 ml of glucose syrup.
• 1 teaspoon lemon juice or citric acid powder.
• 8 g of NH pectin.

Pectin is a fine powder made from the natural fiber found

in the skins of fruits. It acts as a powerful gel when mixed
with water, sugar and the acid of a fruit.
Step by Step Preparation:

1. To start this mirror glaze without chocolate , mix the

pectin together with 60 g of refined sugar and

2. Meanwhile, mix the sugar, water and glucose syrup in

a pot.
3. Bring to medium heat and stir with a whisk until the
sugar is completely dissolved.
4. With the sugar well dissolved and the water hot,
proceed to add the pectin-sugar mixture, slowly and
without stopping stirring to prevent lumps from
5. After a couple of minutes add the citric acid, if you
don't have it you can simply add a teaspoon of freshly
squeezed lemon juice.
6. Leave it on the heat for a couple more minutes,
stirring constantly, then remove it and transfer your
mirror glaze without condensed milk to a clean bowl.

7. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it cool to room

8. After a while you will notice that when the gel cools it
has gelled.
9. To start using it, heat a little in a bain-marie or in the
microwave for several seconds, add a little water and
pour over the dessert you are going to decorate.

10.You can color it by adding a couple of drops of liquid

coloring of your choice and use it as you wish, such as
creating a crackle design with mirror icing .

3. Crackle with Mirror Glaze.

To create this last effect, known as crackling or spider
effect, you must use white food coloring (titanium dioxide)
as a base, although you can then give it any color you

So, start by adding a little white food coloring to the

neutral frosting. This should have a fairly liquid
consistency, which will allow the perfect crackle effect to

It is important to take into account that to create this

effect it is necessary to have a base glaze, which will be
the one that will cover the entire cake, this will generally
be the colored mirror glaze like the one we prepared at
the beginning or a mirror glaze with cocoa, that is, dark in

Once you have covered your entire cake with the base
glaze, what you should do is immediately take the white
glaze with the help of a pastry spatula and pass it over the
cake. As it cools, you will notice how the crackle effect
How to Prepare a Cake
Wet Chocolate Brownie Type

Chocolate cakes never go out of style, and this time I bring

you an excellent variant, it is a moist cake very similar to a
brownie, filled with a delicious and soft cream.

Before starting to detail the preparation step by step, the

first thing you should do is take paper and pencil to write
down the ingredients you will need.

The ingredients that I detail below are extremely easy to

purchase in supermarkets or baking stores; in terms of
quantities, they are equivalent to a cake of approximately
half a kilo.

V 3 cups of wheat flour/ 280gr.

V 2 cups of refined sugar/ 400gr.
V 4 eggs.
V 2 cups whole milk/480 ml.
V 1 ½ cup cocoa powder.
V 1 ½ of vegetable oil.
V 1 tablespoon vanilla essence.
V 1 tablespoon baking powder.
V 1 ½ baking soda.
V 2 teaspoons of white vinegar.
V Pinch of salt.
V Pinch of ground cinnamon.

Something important when gathering the ingredients is to

be as exact as possible with the quantities, placing more or
less of any of them can change the flavor or texture of the
cake, and can even ruin it completely.
I detail the quantities in cups, grams or milliliters,
depending on the ingredient, this is in case you do not
have measuring spoons or cups.

Step by step for making the chocolate cake:

1. The first step to start making your delicious brownie

cake is to sift the dry ingredients, that is, wheat flour,
baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon powder and

To do this, use a strainer in very good condition,

completely clean and dry. Try to do it in a bowl large
enough to finish preparing the cake mixture in it.

What you achieve by sifting the dry ingredients is that

the mixture does not form lumps and therefore
remains quite smooth.

2. Next,take the eggs and separate the yolks from the

whites, place the latter in a bowl and with the help of
an electric mixer beat until stiff and set aside.
3. Return to the bowl of dry ingredients and begin to
add the rest, starting with the yolks of the
eggs, milk, vanilla essence, oil, everything
this without stopping beating.

4. Once the ingredients are well integrated, proceed to

add the two teaspoons of white vinegar and mix.

What white vinegar does is react with baking soda

during baking, resulting in a much spongier cake.

This step is dispensable but highly recommended.

5. Afterhaving added all the ingredients, what follows is

to incorporate the egg whites that you beat at the
beginning until stiff.

At this point it is time to put the electric mixer aside

and take a pastry spatula to integrate them into the
mixture, little by little and with gentle surrounding

6. Ready the mixture, empty it into the cake pan or

baking mold which you must previously grease and
flour to prevent the cake from sticking to the mold
and being ruined when you remove it from the mold.

7. Take it to the oven previously preheated to a

temperature of 180°C. Cooking time is approximately
45 minutes, this will depend on the power of your

8. Afterthis time, go to the oven (this should be the first

time you open it during the entire cooking process)
and check if it is ready by inserting the tip of the knife
into the center of it.
If the utensil comes out completely clean and dry, it
will mean that it is ready to remove from the oven,
otherwise you will need to let it bake for a couple
more minutes.

9. Once you remove it from the oven, ideally you should

let it rest for at least 10 minutes, run a knife along the
edge of the cake and unmold it onto a rack, where you
should let it cool completely.

At this point you will only have the first part of your
chocolate cake ready, now continue chopping it in half and
moistening it to continue providing it with flavor.

How to Moisten Cake

Simple, to moisten or soak your chocolate cake it will be
necessary to prepare a basic syrup with only two
ingredients; sugar and water in equal quantities.

Place both ingredients in a pot over medium heat, stirring

constantly until it thickens and browns a little, at which
point immediately remove it from the heat.

If you want your syrup to have a different flavor, you can

add a couple of tablespoons of some liquor just before
removing it from the heat.

Let it rest a little and empty it into a plastic bottle that

makes it easier for you to use.

Before you start icing your cake, you need to divide it into
two layers, either using the traditional method that
consists of marking with toothpicks and then cutting with
thread or using one of the new tools such as; the cake
knife with guide.
Once your cake is divided into two, what you have to do is
begin to moisten them by spreading the syrup evenly on
both layers.

While you wait for the cake to perfectly absorb the syrup,
take advantage of the time to prepare the cream that will
serve as both the filling and the topping.

Condensed Milk Cream With

This cream is delicious and quite simple to prepare, it is
also good for this type of moist cakes, for this you need
the following ingredients:

V 1 can of condensed milk.

V 50g of soft butter.
V1 bar of pastry chocolate/ 200 g of chocolate approx.


1. Placea small pot in a double boiler to melt the butter,

chop the chocolate, add it and mix continuously. The
smaller the pieces, the faster they will melt into the
butter. You can simplify this step in the microwave,
placing the butter and chopped chocolate in a
microwave-safe bowl, heat for 30 seconds, remove
and stir, reheat and repeat until completely melted.
2. With the chocolate well melted, add the condensed
milk and, stirring constantly, cook until the cream is
about to boil, immediately remove from the heat.

3. Let your cream rest so that the temperature decreases

a little before starting to assemble the cake.

Assembling the Chocolate Cake

1. As you already have your two layers of cake
moistened with syrup, take the base layer and place it
on the plate or platform where you are going to
present it.

2. Onthis first base, place a considerable amount of

condensed milk cream with chocolate and spread it.
3. Placethe other layer of the cake on the cream and
apply a little pressure, just a little.

4. Finely,
to decorate your moist brownie-type chocolate
cake, you can cover it with the remaining cream or
simply sprinkle a little grated chocolate.

This is just one of many ways to fill and decorate a moist

chocolate cake. You can replace this cream with a
delicious buttercream and even a pastry cream,
depending on your taste.
How Is Powder Used?

Meringue powder is also known as meringue powder,

meringue base or Albumin; as it is commonly called in the
food industry.

Nowadays it is considered one of the ingredients widely

used in the field of baking, thanks to its good results.

What is powder made of?

As for its preparation, it is mainly made from dry or
dehydrated egg whites, to which other ingredients are

Among the ingredients that complete this white powder

are; salt, sugar, gum (or gelatin), vanilla essence, cream of
tartar (hardens and gives firmness) and corn starch (helps
keep it loose during storage, preventing it from caking).

It is these same ingredients that act as stabilizers to

ensure that the meringue becomes more consistent and
does not fall.

What is it for?
The aforementioned particularities mean that this product
is often used as a substitute for fresh or raw egg whites,
this makes it a necessity when preparing meringue, royal
icing or royal icing, and even to stabilize the glaze of
marshmallow or whipped cream.

But now, how does it work? What is the magic formula to

use meringue powder instead of egg whites? Well, let's
get started!

How to Use Meringue Powder

As a Substitute for Egg Whites?
To use meringue powder as a substitute, just follow this
simple formula:
2 teaspoons of meringue powder + 2 teaspoons of
water = 1 large egg white
Although meringue powder can be used to make frostings,
buttercreams, frostings and meringues, we suggest not
using it as a substitute for eggs in a recipe.
If you are making dough for cakes, brownies, cookies, or
breads, it is best to use real eggs.
Meringue powder alone works perfectly as a substitute for
eggs that need to be beaten until they reach peak peaks,
so some of the ingredients in meringue powder may
prevent baked goods from turning out as planned.

How do you make frosting or icing with

Meringue Powder?
Perhaps the most common use of meringue powder is in
royal icing , which is typically used to form flowers and
decorate cookies.
The consistency of the royal icing to be prepared will
depend exclusively on the use to which it is intended , so
it can be a firmer or more liquid consistency and dries
strongly for easy packaging and storage.
In any case, the ingredients and steps to follow are as
V ¾ cup warm water.
V 5 tablespoons of meringue powder.
V 6-7 cups of powdered sugar.
V 1 tablespoon lemon juice (optional).
V Food coloring (optional).

Step by Step:
1. The first step for royal icing, as in any other recipe, is
to prepare the ingredients and tools to use.
2. Startby placing the meringue powder in the bowl of
your food processor.
3. Next,add the warm water and with the help of a
manual whisk mix both ingredients. If you want to
obtain a super stiff glaze, it is the ideal time to add a
teaspoon of cream of tartar (optional).
4. Once the meringue powder is perfectly integrated into
the water, turn on your robot at a medium speed.
5. Little
by little, add the powdered sugar. When you
have added everything, use a pastry spatula to clean
the edges of the bowl so that the sugar can be fully
6. Continue mixing for 5 minutes, stop the robot and use
the spatula to clean the edges of the bowl again. Beat
again for 5 more minutes, but this time at high speed.
7. After the mixing time has elapsed, check the
consistency of the glaze, which by now should form
firm peaks and be quite shiny.

8. Ifyou want to give color to your glaze, just a little

artificial coloring is enough, beat a little more until the
color is uniform.
As for the hard consistency that you have obtained
directly from this mixture that I have explained to you,
which is used for outlining, writing or making details, you
will obtain the other desired consistencies depending on
the use you are going to give it.
You will obtain the medium consistency by adding
water , very little by little, to the previous glaze. You will
know that it has this consistency if, when you make a line
with a knife on the glaze, counting 10 seconds, the marked
line has disappeared.

If the line has disappeared before 10 seconds, it means

that you have added a lot of water and the glaze will be
very liquid.

If the line takes more than 10 seconds to disappear, the

icing will be too hard and you will need to add a little more
water to obtain the desired consistency, ideal for filling.
Additionally, meringue powder can also be used to
stabilize other frostings, especially those made with
whipped cream.

As? Simply adding meringue powder to the frosting will

prevent it from falling, which is helpful if the desserts are
going to sit at room temperature for an extended period
of time.

I hope that with this article you have learned a little more
about meringue powder and now you begin to include it in
your preparations.

Tips for Cutting and Serving

Square Cake
No one can argue that the cake is one of the key pieces of
any celebration, whether it is a birthday, an anniversary or
a wedding.

And in general, guests look forward to them because most

people don't eat cake very often, so they take advantage
of one of these celebrations to try this delicious dessert.

This delicious dessert that can be prepared in different

shapes and sizes, in many cases becomes a total
challenge when cutting and serving in equal parts ,
especially for those who have not done it before.

If you are one of these people, you will no longer have to

worry about destroying it or serving different sized pieces
to your guests.

With the infallible method that I will detail below you

will be able to cut a square cake , whether frozen or
dense, perfectly without it falling apart. Let us begin!

Steps to Cut a Square Cake

1. Measure approximately 5cm from the edge of the
beautiful cake you have prepared or purchased and
cut a horizontal line through it.

2. Start slicing approximately 4 to 5 cm pieces of cake

and finish with that first row before continuing to cut
the rest of the cake.
3. Proceed to cut another horizontal line across the cake,
making sure it is the same width as the first, that is,
approximately 5cm from the edge.

4. Repeatthe process once more; i.e. cut 4 to 5 cm for

each piece, then serve it before cutting another
horizontal line.

5. Likewise,
continue with the same procedure until you
cut the entire cake and see that all your guests are
enjoying this delicious dessert.
Additional Tips
The following tips will be useful for cutting and serving any
cake, regardless of its shape and size:

V For dense cakes, rinse the knife in hot water after

each slice to prevent the knife from sticking or tearing
the cake.
This way, you will retain the shape of the cake longer
until you finish with the last piece.

V In the case of a frozen cake, it is best to clean the

knife every time you cut a piece so that, in the same
way, the cake does not break or lose its shape.

V Another great trick for getting fairly uniform cake

slices is to use baker's twine or unflavored dental floss
to divide your cake into equal sections.
V To prevent the entire cake from sliding on the table
due to the force you apply when cutting it, I
recommend placing it on a non-slip surface before you
start cutting it into small pieces for your guests.

Now that you know how to cut a square cake evenly

without it falling apart, would you dare to be the one to
serve such a delicious dessert at celebrations?

Tutorial - Drip Cake- Pastel Que


Have you still not decided to prepare your own “ dripping

cake” ? Did you try and something went wrong? Then this
step by step is for you. Once you get the hang of this style,
you probably won't stop using it.
And you will want to apply this technique to all occasions:
birthdays, weddings, baptisms or baby showers since it is
very versatile and fun, which makes it possible to play with
the most varied designs.
To make the drip that defines this style you can use
chocolate, caramel or a glaze, but the perfect consistency
is achieved with the delicious chocolate ganache and that
is why that is the coverage that we are going to use in the
step by step.
As for the cake to decorate, it is a personal choice .
Dripping, however, looks much better on a tall or multi-
layered cake and for that reason it is best to choose a cake
that has good stability and weight.
In fact, in this tutorial I will explain how to apply the
technique about a cake deck
with fondant or buttercream , however, this does not
eliminate the possibility of applying the drip on a cake
covered in meringue, naked or without icing.
What you will need to carry out this infallible technique
V A cake covered with buttercream or fondant that has
been in the refrigerator for a while. The cold is very
V Heavy cream or cream.
V Chocolate coverage or molding pastry bath (depends
on how much you want to spend). If we want it to be
chocolate colored, it has to be black (semi-bitter or
milky), if we want to give color to the drip then you
must use white chocolate.
/Coloring paste, color of your preference.
V a big spoon
V A microwave-safe bowl can be made of plastic or
V A pastry spatula to mix the ingredients.
Once you have the cake to decorate, the ingredients and
utensils necessary to make your drip cake, all that remains
is to get to work and start preparing.
Ganache Ingredients and Preparation
Dark Chocolate
V 150g dark chocolate.
V 150gr of whipping cream, which is the same as
whipping cream (35%MG)
V 1 tablespoon corn syrup (optional).
1 . Weigh equal amounts of dark chocolate and cream. A
50/50 recipe is recommended because it gives the
ideal consistency for dripping.
2 . Mix both ingredients; the chocolate and cream in a
microwave-safe mug or bowl.
3 . Heat the mixture in the microwave until the
chocolate is well melted. As each microwave has a
different power, the best way to avoid burning is to do
it in 30-second intervals.
4 . Once the chocolate is well melted, add the corn
syrup and continue mixing. What you achieve with this
step is to give a touch of shine to the ganache.
5 . Once all the ingredients are integrated, a liquid and
soft mixture is formed, ready to apply the technique.
Ganache Ingredients and Preparation
With White Chocolate
V 150g white chocolate couverture.
V 50gr of whipping cream, which is the same as
whipping cream (35%MG).
V 1 teaspoon corn syrup (optional).
V Paste coloring suitable for chocolate (color of your
1. As in the previous preparation, you must weigh the
ingredients, in this case a 3/1 recipe is recommended,
that is, three parts of white couverture chocolate and
1 part of cream.
2. Mix the white chocolate couverture with the cream
or cream in a microwave-safe bowl.
3. Microwave the mixture in 30-second intervals until
the chocolate is well melted.
4. Mix and make sure everything is well melted, add the
corn syrup if you want to give it a bright touch. This
step is optional.
5. Now, you can use your white ganache or give it the
color of your preference. In this case, what you should
do is add just a drop of food coloring and beat until it
becomes a uniform color.
Techniques to Make a Dripping Cake
There are two fairly simple ways to perform this

1. The first is to drop all the ganache mixture in the

center of the cake and with the help of a spoon push
the drops to the edges so that they fall by gravity. This
is really not the most recommended technique for
those who do not have a lot

2. Another key to this technique is to add the ganache

little by little with a spoon from the edges . It is
essential to proceed with very small amounts to have
control over the drops.
Once the entire edge around the cake is covered,
begin to cover the center, but always with small
amounts. Check that the consistency of the ganache is
still appropriate and then use a pastry spatula to
smooth it.
When the dripping is finished, wait for it to gain
consistency, then let your imagination fly and decorate the
top of the cake as you prefer.

As I mentioned at the beginning, the possibilities are

endless, you can use, for example, flowers if the occasion
is a wedding, candy for children's cakes, etc.

Tricks and Considerations

Up to this point you have probably thought that making
the drip cake is extremely simple, however, to achieve a
perfect finish it is necessary to take certain considerations
and apply one or another trick.

Here are some of the most significant:

V The first thing you should take into account is that

these cakes look much more attractive if they are tall
and a layer cake with perfect edges because the drip
does not cover imperfections and the drip stands out
more if it takes a long route.

V Something extremely important, apart from the style

of cake you want to decorate, is its temperature. For a
perfect finish it is essential that the cake be cold from
the refrigerator .
The fact is that the chocolate ganache will fall in drops
to give the drip finish, it must be warm and if the cake
is not completely cold and the buttercream set, when
you start to cover the cake it may melt.
Therefore, the cold cake covered with perfect edges
allows you to have a base that not only offers an
impeccable finish for the drip but also calms a little
the momentum of the chocolate glaze, gives you more
control over the drip and also if you don't You got one
drop right, you can correct it and remove it because
the chocolate hardens quickly.
V As for the drip recipe, there are many but the ones
that work best are; the dark chocolate ganache (much
easier to handle unlike others) and the white
couverture chocolate ganache, which although is a
little more temperamental than the previous one,
allows it to be dyed.

V When preparing your glaze version chocolate ganache

, it is important that you take care of the quantity of
the ingredients described in the step-by-step

V In addition to the quantity of the ingredients, you

must consider the temperature of the ganache . If
you want to have a “dripable” consistency you must
be patient, if you use it freshly made even with a cold
cake from the refrigerator, it will melt the cake, plus it
will be very liquid and the drops will not have body.
The measure of consistency you have to keep in mind
is: a consistency so thick that it allows the drops to fall
slowly, but not so thick that they do not fall and stay
in place.
Therefore, I recommend that when you take it out of
the microwave, you let it sit for at least 3 minutes, so
that it warms up and becomes perfectly fluid.

V As for the decoration of the drip cake, it will depend

solely on the occasion and of course on your
imagination , something that would be very good for
you to use are sprinkles, chocolates, nuts, meringues,

Note: sprinkles is a term in English (translated as

sprinkle, sprinkle, spread) that is used to refer to those
small pieces of sweet confectionery that are used to
decorate different pastry and pastry products,
cupcakes, donuts, cakes, ice cream, etc.
I assure you that if you follow the recipe for the dark
chocolate and white chocolate ganache in detail, in
addition to the techniques and tricks to decorate your
cake, you will achieve almost professional results.
How to Make a Striped Cake

Perfect stripes are one of the cake decorating techniques

that at first glance tends to seem quite complicated to do.

But, the truth is that this beautiful technique is simpler

than it seems , the trick to a perfect finish is having the
right tools.

If you have previously prepared a layer cake or covered

cakes with cream, this technique will only mean one more
step using a new tool. Let's get started!

To carry out this technique you will need the following:

V Vanilla or chocolate cake.

V Icing comb, which would be the star tool.
V Food coloring, the shades of your preference.
V Swivel base.
V Angled pastry spatula.
V Disposable sleeves.
V Nozzles (optional).
V Cream to use to fill, cover the cake and make the
stripes (ganache, Swiss meringue, chantilly, etc.).

Step by Step Preparation

1. Thefirst step is to prepare the cake according to the
recipe of your preference . In this case, use the
chocolate cake recipe and bake it in 15cm diameter by
5cm high molds.
Once my two chocolate cakes were ready I let them
cool and with the help of a cake cutter I cut each cake
into two layers.
You can use the tool you have on hand, be it a knife
with guides, a cake cutter ring or simply applying the
traditional thread technique.
2. Thenext step will be to fill the cake with the chosen
beech cream until all the cake layers have been stacked.

3. Next,cover with a little cream and refrigerate, this step

is known as the “crumb collecting layer.”

4. Aftera few minutes of refrigeration, it will be ready to

start covering with a thick layer of the cream you have
chosen , in this case I will use Swiss meringue, but
remember that you can use ganache, buttercream,
chantilly, etc.

5. Once the cake is completely covered, it is time to use

the star tool, it is a comb For icing, it generally comes in
a set of 3 or 4 combs.
For this technique, the comb to use is the one I show
you in the image below.

6. Tobegin, place the comb in a horizontal position on the

rotating base, and very carefully rotate it little by little to
mark the grooves that the comb leaves on the cream.

7. Returnthe cake to the refrigerator while you color the

Swiss meringue with food coloring, you can use the
shade(s) of your preference.
8. Take the colored cream to a pastry bag and proceed to
fill the grooves of your cake, trying to make them as
smooth as possible.

9. Using the angled pastry spatula , smooth the cake

several times to have defined lines , cleaning the
spatula or smoother each time you make the

10. For the top part, smooth it using the same spatula
trying to make the edges as perfect as possible.
11. Finally finish decorating your cake as you see fit. It
would be good for you to also apply the drip cake
technique that I have already explained to you in my
previous posts, form a few spirals on the top and even
sprinkle a little sprinkles.
And this is how beautiful and creamy your perfectly
striped cake will look once you start handing it out to your
guests, who I assure you will be delighted to see an
unusual cake.
How to Make the Piñata Cake -

The piñata cake, also known as surprise cake or piñata

cake, is one of the best options when it comes to
preparing an unusual cake.

And with this cake, you will undoubtedly surprise

everyone when you bite it, especially the children when
they see their favorite sweets come out from the inside of
a cake that seemed very usual.

At first glance it may seem like a very complicated cake to

make, but the truth is that its preparation consists of 5
basic steps:
1. Make the biscuits.
2. Cut the central part.
3. Assemble the layers.
4. Fill with treats.
5. Cover and decorate.

In addition to preparing the cake, it is also necessary to

prepare a syrup to moisten it (optional) and buttercream
to join the layers.

Now, let's go with the steps to follow:

1.Make the Cakes:

The first step is to make the biscuits. Here you can
choose to make them as you normally would and then
chop them in two or three layers, or bake each layer
One of the advantages of baking layer by layer is that it
allows you to play with the colors between them, which
gives your cake even more attractiveness.
You can intersperse layers of vanilla biscuits with other
layers of chocolate, or you can also use the rainbow
technique; For this, the only special thing you will need
is food coloring.
This way you will get a cake with different colored
layers, very fun and original for a birthday or special
2.Cut the Central Part of the Cakes:

The second step is very simple. Once you have the layers
of cake of the flavor and color of your preference, cut a
circle in the central pieces and then fill them with candy,
gummies, m&m or whatever you like the most.

To pierce the layers of cake you can easily use a can, cup
or any round kitchen utensil. If you want to soak them
with syrup, this is the ideal time.

In this case I will use dark chocolate cake. Remember that

you can play with the color and flavor of the cake, as well
as the number of layers, depending on the height you
want to give your cake.
3.Assemble the Layers:

Now, to give the cake more consistency it is necessary to

join the first layers (starting with a flat base, followed by
the layers that you have pierced), for this you must use
chocolate buttercream or any other cream of your choice,
you can being a pastry chef, cream cheese, dulce de leche,
Make sure not to overdo it with the amount of cream
between layers to avoid excess, especially on the inside of
the cake where your treats will be.

4 .Fill With Treats:

Once the base and the layers of cake that you have
previously cut are joined, just before placing the lid (which
should not have holes) add the sweets that you have

One recommendation is that you make sure that these

sweets are not too big, so that when you cut the cake they
can fall without problem.
5 .Cover and Decorate:

Finally, place the last layer that would be the lid and
proceed to cover like a normal cake, either with the same
cream that you used to join the layers or any other.

As for the decoration, you can use the same candy that
you filled with, this last step you can do to your liking, it's
just a matter of putting your imagination to work.

Here are some of the many options to decorate your

piñata cake, ideal for any occasion, especially for the little
ones' birthdays at home.
How to Make Marbled Pound,
Zebra, Chess and Rainbow

Ponque is a fairly common dessert that is easy to make. It

is generally prepared with vanilla, although there are
many other versions such as the traditional combination
of vanilla and chocolate.

This delicious version allows you to create effects such as

marbling, zebra, chess, and if you add coloring to the mix;
the pretty colorful rainbow effect.

All of these effects or techniques allow you to create cakes

that are very attractive to the eye internally, that is,
preserving the original vanilla cake recipe but adding a
touch of chocolate and/or coloring to make it a much
more attractive dessert.
Traditional Ponque Recipe

- 3 cups of self-rising wheat flour/360g approx.

- 2 cups of white sugar/400gr.
- 1 cup of butter/200gr.
- 6 eggs.
- 1 ½ cup of whole milk/300ml approx.
- 1 teaspoon baking powder.
- 1 tablespoon vanilla essence.
- Lemon or orange zest (optional).

To create the effects or techniques of marbling, zebra,

chess and rainbow, you will also need 1 cup of cocoa
powder and baking coloring (in this case the colors of the

The amount of these ingredients is equivalent to the

preparation of a half-kilo pound cake, an amount that
corresponds to a 30cm diameter cake pan.

Step by Step Preparation:

1 . To simplify the process a little you can use a food

processor or an electric whisk.
2 . Regardless of the tool you are going to use, the first
step will be to beat the butter until creamy, that is,
until it becomes creamy and whitish.
3 . Add the sugar and continue beating until the sugar
crystals dissolve.
4 . One by one, add the whole eggs.
5 . With the help of a sieve, sift the wheat flour together
with the baking powder and add to the mixture. For
this step it is important that you reduce the speed of
the robot or mix with a paddle using soft and
enveloping movements.
6 . In another bowl, mix the milk with the vanilla
essence and then add it to the mixture, along with the
lemon or orange zest if you want to add it.
7 . Continue beating until you achieve a homogeneous
8 . Prepare the mold or cake pan by buttering and
flouring it to make it easier to remove from the mold
once the cake is ready.
9 . Pour the mixture into the mold and place in the
preheated oven at a temperature of 190°C for
approximately 45 minutes.
10 . After this time, check that it is ready by inserting
the tip of a knife into the center of the
11 Well, this must come out clean and dry, otherwise
you will have to let it bake for a little longer.

Starting from this basic recipe you can do the various

techniques to give that colorful look to your cake, of
course using cocoa powder or baking coloring to achieve
color contrast.
Let's start with the most common and simplest:

Marbled Pound Technique

To create the marbled effect, what you must do is divide
the cake mixture into two different bowls. To one of these
parts you must add the cocoa powder and beat until
perfectly integrated.

Pour the cake mixture into the mold, alternating the

dough in the two bowls. Finally, with the help of a knife or
orange stick, move the mixture in a zigzag shape to give
that effect.

Zebra Punch Technique

The procedure for this technique is quite similar to the
previous one. Here it is also necessary that you divide the
mixture into equal parts, add the cocoa powder to one of
these and integrate it in an enveloping manner.
The difference is going to be in the way you add the
mixtures to the bowl. After buttering and flouring it, place
3 tablespoons of each mixture in the center, one on top of
the other until you finish both.

Ponque Chess Technique

Chess cakes are quite attractive, and although they seem
very complicated to make, the truth is that they do not
require much effort, especially if you use the chess mold
(chess cake kit) to make this technique.
If you have this mold, what you should do is divide the
mixture (one vanilla and one chocolate). Then place, well
centered, the plastic separator for the colors that the kit

Next, carefully begin to pour the mixtures into alternate

holes, doing so up to half the height of the mold.

You can pour it directly from the bowl or by putting the

dough in a pastry bag. You may need to smooth it out a
little with a spoon.

After you have filled all the holes in the mold, hold the
separator firmly and hit the mold against the counter or
counter so that the mixtures settle.
Very carefully, lift the separator and place the cake in the
oven. Meanwhile, wash and dry the separator well, you
will use it to pour the dough into the second mold.

When the first cake has finished baking, place the next
one in the oven. You decide whether to make your cake
with two or three layers.

Keep in mind that when assembling the other cake you

must alternate the masses, so that you can obtain the
chess effect. The more layers, the better it will look.
Once all the layers of cake are ready, what remains is to
assemble your cake, starting by trimming any possible
humps with a knife, in order to leave the surface

Place the first cake or first layer in a fountain or on a piece

of cardboard so you can later move the cake.

You can fix the layers together with chocolate ganache or

buttercream, although it is not essential. The important
thing is that you pay attention to placing the colors
You can put the already assembled cake in the refrigerator
so that the cream you have used becomes firm. When the
cake is cold, finish covering it with the topping you have
chosen and refrigerate it again if required.

Now, if you do not have this mold and you are a little
more expert in baking, you can divide the mixture into
equal parts and add the cocoa powder to one of them.

Then have both mixtures in individual sleeves and proceed

to pipe them into rings inside the mold. Alternate two
identical discs and another in reverse so that when
assembling the three layers you can obtain the chess

Rainbow Ponque Technique

This last technique is the most colorful of all, here you will
not use cocoa, but rather baking colorings, specifically the
colors of the rainbow.

You should divide the cake mixture into at least six equal
parts. Color each of the parts with vegetable baking dyes
(violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red).

If you do not have all the colors, with the 3 primaries you
will achieve violet, green and orange.

When you have colored the mixture, pour each colored

part into a previously buttered and floured mold. Take,
one at a time, to the oven preheated to 180°C degrees for
around 15 to 20 minutes.
For the filling between the layers and the coverage you
can use a chantilly cream or buttercream and finally
decorate on top to taste.

Another simpler and faster way, without the need to bake

layer by layer, is to use the marbling or zebra technique,
pouring one color over another.
With any of these techniques you use you can give your
traditional ponque recipe a different touch, much more
colorful and attractive, perfect for any occasion.
Practical Tips for Lining a
Cake With Fondant
Learn step by step the easiest technique to cover a cake
with fondant, so that you can do it yourself from home,
avoiding excessive and unnecessary expenses.

Place this coverage on your cakes and obtain optimal

results. You will only achieve this if you follow in detail
each step and advice that I will detail throughout this post.
You will see that what you will get is a cake with a finish
similar to that of a professional baker, whether you use
commercial fondant or decide to prepare it as is explained
in another of the posts on this blog.
Basic Tips
When lining a cake with fondant coverage, one of the
main concerns is to achieve a perfect finish, similar to that
of a professional baker.
Achieving it is just a matter of technique and practice, and
something that will ultimately help you and be very useful
are the tips that I show you throughout this post.
You will see how by following each of them, with the
greatest of details, you will be able to obtain wonderful
And to be as specific as possible, I have divided the tips
and suggestions into steps, let's see:

1. Fondant Kneading
It could be said that this first step is the most significant,
obtaining a neat finish will depend on this.
Once you have a fondant ready, what follows is to knead it
a little again and then proceed to stretch the dough.
For this kneading process, the best advice is to spread a
little vegetable butter on your hands and knead firmly so
that you give elasticity to the dough.
The correct way to knead is to do it as if you were going to
form a ball, without stretching too much to prevent
bubbles from forming in the dough.
When you consider that it has acquired the perfect
elasticity, form a ball with the fondant and flatten it lightly
with your hands.
Do not use powdered sugar until the exact moment of
stretching the dough. If you use it at the time of kneading,
what you will achieve is that your fondant will lose
flexibility and crack when you place it on the cake.
Another very good trick to preserve the flexibility of the
dough is to keep it covered with plastic wrap while not in
2. Stretch and Flatten the Fondant
Now, to start rolling out the fondant that will serve as a
cake covering, the first thing you should do is sprinkle a
little icing sugar on the surface you will be working on.
All you need to do is sprinkle a little sugar, just to
eliminate any possible moisture from the table where you
are going to roll out the fondant.
There are those who tend to use cornstarch instead of
powdered sugar, but what happens with this is that since
it is a flour and has contact with the moisture of the cake,
it can ferment.
Then, with the help of a sufficiently long rolling pin, begin
to stretch and flatten the fondant, calculating that it is
between 3 and 5 mm thick.
If you are not so practical, and want to make sure that
when you stretch the dough it is a uniform thickness, you
can choose to use rollers with guides.
In any case, what you should do is pass the rolling pin two
or three times in one direction, take the fondant and
rotate it, pass it again a couple more times and rotate
Thus successively you will expand the fondant until you
obtain a type of tablecloth with the appropriate size to
completely cover the cake.
If during this process you notice that the fondant sticks to
roller or a little sticks from the table, proceed to
sprinkle another
of sugar little glass.
3. Lining the Cake with Fondant
Once you have the fondant well stretched to a size greater
than the diameter and height of the cake, it must be
previously covered with some cream that allows the
fondant coverage to adhere perfectly.
In general, ganache is usually used since it offers a much
smoother and firmer cover, ideal for maintaining the
weight of the fondant.
To proceed to cover the cake, roll the fondant on the
rolling pin and gently roll it down starting from one of the
upper edges. Immediately, with the tips of your fingers,
mark the upper edges. This step will prevent the fondant
from falling, cracking or breaking at the edges.
Avoid pulling the fondant at all costs, on the contrary you
should place it very gently, using the back of your hand to
finally finish fixing it to the cake by gently caressing all the
Once you have the fondant firmly fixed on the cake, take a
knife, a cutter or a pizza cutter to get rid of the excess
fondant. When you do it, try not to get too close to the

4. Final Finish:
Another secret to achieving a perfect fondant coverage is
to exert the necessary pressure, that is, control the degree
of force with which you are going to stick the fondant, in
order to prevent it from coming off.
An excellent tool to not only finish smoothing the fondant
on the cake but also give it a neat finish are fondant
smoothers, especially the flexible type.
These help to mark the upper edges much easier, as long
as you make soft, circular and rhythmic movements.
While doing this, avoid placing your fingers on the
fondant, this will ruin the satin look that the smoothers
leave behind.

Taking each of these steps and suggestions into account,

you will achieve a fondant coverage with a clean and
perfect finish, with nothing to envy of the decorations of a
Basic Pastry Cream Recipe
- 3 Simple Ways to Prepare It

Pastry cream is one of the most used basic preparations in

pastry and confectionery, either as a filling or covering for
cakes, pastries and other desserts.

The basic ingredients for its preparation are: milk, sugar,

egg, cornstarch and flavorings. Regarding the quantities of
these ingredients and the addition of others that replace
them totally or partially, they allow it to be adapted
according to the taste and needs of each person.
Among the most common variations to customize the
pastry cream are:

• Use a combination of milk and heavy cream for a

much creamier result.
• Replace milk with water and obtain a perfect cream
for people who are lactose intolerant.
• Reduce or increase the amount of sugar.
• Flavor with lemon, orange, vanilla, cinnamon sticks,
star anise, cloves or other spices.
• Use whole eggs instead of just the yolks or a
combination of both, for example, three whole eggs
and three yolks for every liter of milk or water.
• Thicken with wheat flour or traditional cornstarch,
either in its entirety or combining both in equal parts.
• Reduce or increase the amount of thickener,
depending on the taste and the intended use of the
3 Simple and Different Ways to
Prepare Pastry Cream
Classic Pastry Cream
The classic custard recipe allows for the adaptations or
variations mentioned above. The following is the most
recommended as a starting point to be able to do each of
them according to your preference.


For half a liter of classic pastry cream you will need:

V 500ml of whole milk.

V 1 whole cinnamon stick.
{½ lemon.
V 3 egg yolks.
V 85g white sugar.
V 50g of wheat flour or cornstarch.
V 15g butter/ 1 tablespoon (optional).


1. Ina pot, infuse the milk by heating it with the cinnamon

stick and the peel of half a lemon. Just before it comes
to a boil, remove the mixture from the heat.
When chopping the skin or rind of the lemon, it is
important that you do not take the white part, this
tends to give the cream a bitter taste.
2. In a deep bowl, mix the egg yolks with the sugar and
wheat flour or cornstarch.
3. Add half of the milk (before doing so, remove the lemon
peel and cinnamon stick) and stir with a hand whisk
until combined.
4. Return the mixture to the pot and bring it back to a
simmer to warm up while stirring gently and constantly
with the whisk.
5. As the mixture gains temperature, it will thicken. This
step will take between 5-10 minutes, depending on the
type of kitchen you use.
6. When the cream mixture begins to boil, add the
tablespoon of butter (if you want to add it), stir until
combined and remove from the heat.

Pastry Cream in 5 Minutes

To prepare this quick pastry cream it is necessary to have
a microwave, which in addition to being used to heat
leftover food, will be very useful for preparing various
desserts, such as; this delicious cream.


For half a liter of pastry cream in the microwave, you will


• 500ml of whole milk.

• 2 egg yolks.
• 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract.
• 40g of wheat flour or cornstarch.

•90g of white sugar.


1. In a bowl, add all the ingredients and beat with a

manual electric mixer until all the ingredients are well
integrated. Make sure there are no lumps.
2. Transfer the mixture to a microwave-safe container.
3. Put the mixture in the microwave (at a power of
800w) for three minutes.
4. Open, stir with a wooden paddle or pastry spatula and
microwave again for two more minutes at the same
5. Remove from the microwave, stir to creamy and that's

Pastry Cream Without Milk

This pastry cream recipe is perfect for those who are
lactose intolerant or simply if you do not have this

What you should do in this case is simply replace the same

amount of milk with water and the result will be quite


For half a liter of this pastry cream, perfect for lactose

intolerant people, you will need:

V 500ml of water.
V 130g white sugar.
V 4 yolks.
V 1 vanilla bean or vanilla essence.
V 400g of wheat flour or cornstarch.


1. In a bowl, mix the wheat flour or cornstarch, the egg

yolks and half the amount of sugar described, stir with
a hand whisk until it forms a kind of slurry and set
2. In a pot, bring the water, the rest of the sugar and the
inside of the vanilla pod to a boil over medium heat.

You can replace the pod with 1 tablespoon of vanilla

3. Once the mixture boils, begin to add this sugar water,
very slowly, to the yolk mixture. Use a strainer to
separate the vanilla pod.
4. Stir and integrate, return the mixture to the pot, bring
to medium heat and without stopping whisking, let it
reach its boiling point, immediately remove from the
Cookie Dough Recipe
Decorated cookies are undoubtedly a perfect complement
for decorating baptisms, birthdays, baby showers and
many other celebrations.

Although it may seem very easy to do, preparing dough

for decorated cookies requires great care and a lot of
technique so that they turn out as perfect as possible.

By this I mean that the cookies, in addition to being

delicious, must have a completely smooth surface,
without lumps or lumps, they must not deform in the oven
and, on the contrary, be very resistant and solid so that
they withstand handling when decorating them. .

For this reason, I will detail the recipe in a simple and

explicit way along with the most effective tricks so that
your homemade cookie dough is perfect.

Decorated Cookie Dough Recipe

As I mentioned at the beginning, the way to prepare the
dough for decorated cookies is simple, you just have to
take a couple of things into account, the final result will
depend on it. Let's start...


- 1 ¼ cup unsalted butter, at room temperature/ 250g

- 1 cup of powdered sugar/ 130g approx.
- 1 egg.
- 1 tablespoon vanilla essence.
- 1 pinch of salt.
- 4 cups of all-purpose wheat flour/ 500g approx.

The described quantity of these ingredients is equivalent

to 24 medium-sized decorating sugar cookies , by making
them a little smaller you can get up to 36 cookies.

Preparation of the Cookies Recipe

To decorate
To prepare this recipe, it is best to use an electric mixer-
mixer, as these have the ability to beat and mix everything

With this kitchen tool, the steps to follow are as follows:

1. In the mixer bowl add the butter along with the sugar.
Turn on and begin to mix (using the paddle accessory)
until you notice that both ingredients have been
perfectly integrated (approx. 1-2 minutes). It is not
necessary to wait for the mixture to turn whitish as
the rest of the recipes usually indicate. you will find on
the internet.

2. Add vanilla essence or any other essence of your


3. In a cup, break the egg and beat a little with a fork, then
add it to the mixer bowl along with the previous
mixture, let it integrate perfectly (it will take another
If necessary, use a pastry spatula to clean the edges of
the bowl, that is, lower the ingredients that adhere to it,
in order to achieve a very homogeneous mixture.

4. After the minute it takes to integrate the egg, add the

wheat flour and a pinch of salt. It will take
approximately 30 seconds to integrate and form a ball
of dough around the paddle. At this point stop the mixer

5. Remove the ball of dough and place it on the counter

previously sprinkled with flour. Finish kneading a little
with your hands and if you notice that the dough sticks
to your fingers, add a little flour and knead until it no
longer happens and instead you have a smooth and
uniform dough.

6. When you have your dough ready, make a ball with it

and let it rest for approximately 15 minutes, uncovered
and on the counter.
During this time what it will do is settle and lose excess

7. After the resting time has elapsed, take the ball of

dough and divide it into 2 equal parts, take the first of
them and place it on wax paper.
8. With the help of a rolling pin, begin to roll out the
dough. The correct way to do it is from the center
outwards to prevent wrinkles from forming. Do it until
you get a layer of dough of around 6mm.

9. Very carefully, take one edge of the wax paper and drag
the layer of homemade cookie dough onto a tray and
then place it in the refrigerator where it should remain
for at least 2 hours. If you put it in the refrigerator, half
an hour will be enough.
You might wonder why put it in the refrigerator? The
reason is that the cold will help to obtain cookies with
an extremely smooth surface and that also do not
spread while baking.

10. After two hours and the time you have considered
necessary, remove from the refrigerator and place back
on the counter. The dough is now ready to start
chopping the cookies.

11.To chop them, you will use the cookie cutting molds
of your choice, like the ones I show in the image

12.As you cut the cookie dough, transfer them to the

tray where you are going to bake them. While you
continue chopping the other half of the dough, take
the ones you have already cut to the refrigerator to
recover their temperature.

13. With the cookies cut, cold and the oven ready, that
is, preheated to 180°C (preferably with heat up and
down for uniform cooking), bake them.

14.The baking time will depend on the size of the

cookies, for example; If the cookies are small, the
baking time will range between 8-10 minutes, medium
cookies 10-12 minutes and large cookies between 12-
13 minutes.
Now, if the cookies are extra large in size, it will be
necessary to use the residual baking technique, which
consists of letting the cookies bake for 12-13 minutes,
removing them from the oven and letting them cool.
Once the cookies are cold, turn off the oven and put
them back in so that they finish baking with the
residual heat of the oven.
However, it is necessary to take into account that the
heat power of each oven is different, which means
that it may take you a couple of minutes less or more
depending on the capacity of your oven, which would
be good for you to bake until the edges of the cookie

15.Once your cookies are ready, remove from the oven,

let them rest on the tray for a couple of minutes and
then with the help of a spoon or spatula place them
on a rack so they can finish cooling evenly (top and
The fact that they cool in this way will ensure that
they do not become moist underneath and become
Now the cookies are ready, what remains is to decorate
them to your preference, either with icing, fondant or
As you can see, the final result of this recipe will depend
not only on the preparation of the dough for decorated
cookies , but also on the way you handle and bake them.
Types of Meringue, Recipes and

The origin of meringue dates back to the 17th century,

when an Italian pastry chef created the recipe, becoming
the favorite treat of many kings and important courtiers.
As the years went by, the town adopted the meringue
recipe, because it was cheap and easy to prepare.
Nowadays it is widely used for the preparation of
countless desserts.
In fact, there are three types of meringue, which although
at first glance may seem the same, since they have the
same ingredients (egg white and sugar); however, the
flavor and texture are very different.
This difference basically lies in the amount of sugar that is
used, the degree of cooking they need and therefore, the
way in which they are prepared.
The meringues that every good pastry chef should know
and learn to prepare are basically divided into three types:
1 .French meringue.
2 .Italian meringue.
3 .Swiss meringue.
What are these three types of used for?
French Meringue is the most basic and simple to achieve;
It is used as a base for other desserts and fillings. It does
not require any type of cooking, the whites are raw.
Therefore, it is good to use it for baking.
On the other hand, Italian Meringue has a more
complicated degree, since it is made with hot syrup. Its
spongy and shiny texture is ideal for covering or
decorating cakes and pies.
And as for the Swiss Meringue, it is made in a bain-marie
to cook the egg whites and has double the sugar. Its dense
consistency makes it excellent for filling, covering and
decorating cakes.
French Meringue Preparation
- 2 egg whites.
- 1 pinch of salt.
- ¾ cup of sugar.
1. Take a bowl that is very dry and add the egg whites.
Make sure that when you separate them from the
yolks, no part of the latter remains.
2. Start beating with the electric mixer and immediately
add the pinch of salt and continue beating.
3. Once the egg whites have reached volume, begin to
add half of the sugar in a trickle.
4. Continue beating for a while longer and finally add the
rest of the sugar while continuing to beat until you
notice that you can form firm peaks with the
Another way to check that your French meringue is
done is to turn the bowl upside down; If the mixture
does not fall, it is because you are ready to start
decorating with it or making the famous meringues or
Preparation of Italian Meringue
- 1 cup of sugar.
- ¾ cup of water.
- 4 egg whites.
- 1 tablespoon of sugar (for the time of beating the egg
1 .In a pot, add the cup of sugar along with the water.
Bring to a simmer while stirring with a paddle until it
begins to bubble and forms a kind of syrup.
2 .Remove from the heat and immediately begin to whip
the egg whites with the tablespoon of sugar.
3 When you get a foamy mixture, start adding the syrup
(which should still be hot) in a stream while continuing
to beat until a cold and consistent meringue is formed.

Swiss Meringue Preparation

- 3 egg whites.
- 1 cup of white sugar.
- Lemon juice.
1. Start by placing a bowl with the egg whites and sugar
in a bain-marie.
2. Beat with the electric mixer until the sugar dissolves.
You will know this by touching the mixture, as it
should feel warm and without sugar crystals.
3. I recommend rotating the bowl to prevent the egg
whites from cooking in portions.
4. Then we remove it from the heat, place it on a damp
cloth, once the sugar has dissolved, add a few drops of
lemon juice and continue beating until it reaches the
desired consistency, that is, it is firm, shiny and cold.
5. To know if it is already consistent, what you should do
is lift it and verify that it does not fall.
This meringue has a lot of shine and is ideal for decorating.
And now you are ready to decorate whatever you want.

Tricks to Make the Best Meringue

V Make sure that exactly all the utensils you are going to
use are perfectly clean and dry, any remaining yolks or
the slightest drop of fat can ruin the preparation.
V Pay attention to the temperature of the ingredients, it
is important that the egg whites are fresh and at room
V If you want to get a much whiter and more consistent
meringue, I recommend adding an acidic element
before starting to whip the egg whites, such as a
couple of drops of vinegar or lemon.
V Start whipping the egg whites at medium speed,
increasing it just when you add the sugar, this helps
the egg proteins become stronger and the foamy
consistency is reaffirmed.
V Remember to add the sugar only when the egg whites
are stiff; if you do it before, say goodbye to the recipe.
V In the case of Italian meringue, the ideal point of the
syrup is the “medium ball point”, you can check this
by taking a pinch with the tip of a spoon and pouring it
into a glass of water. A ball will form in the glass that
when manipulated with your fingers will have a soft
texture but will not fall apart.
V It is important not to add the syrup before the egg
whites are well whipped.
I assure you that if you follow each of the steps in detail to
prepare any of the three types of meringue that you
decide to make, the results will be optimal, your meringue
will have the ideal foamy texture to complement any
3 Ideal Fillings for Cakes
Covered With Fondant

When we create a cake covered and decorated with

fondant, one of the dilemmas is knowing what filling to
put on it. Do any fillings work for fondant covered cakes?
The answer is no. And cakes covered with fondant need a
special type of filling, since it is better not to store it in the
refrigerator. Why is it not recommended to store cakes
covered with fondant in the refrigerator?
Well, because the fondant would lose its properties, it
would become elastic, sticky and could even break. But
fortunately, there are opinions for all cases and tastes.
The fact that you can refrigerate your cake with fondant
without any problem will depend on many factors, some
of them are humidity, the time of year, the refrigerator
you have and even the brand of fondant you use.
If it is necessary to refrigerate it because you simply
cannot resist a cream filling, you will need to apply certain
tricks to protect your cake and especially the fondant
Among the most effective tricks are; Put the cake in a
cardboard box, so that the paper absorbs the humidity, or
if when you take it out it sweats and is full of droplets,
place it near the fan.
All this taking into account that if the cake is very
elaborate, that is, it has several floors or is decorated with
figures, it is better not to tempt fate.
In these latter cases, it is best, if you have time, to store it
in the refrigerator and finish decorating it hours before
consuming it.
Now, for those who prefer not to risk it and try other
fillings that last a little longer without refrigeration, here
are a few options:

Chocolate Ganache
The ganache cream made up of heavy cream or cream and
chocolate is a creamy preparation that is widely used in
baking. Its quality, flavor and finesse make a preparation
rank and enrich when it is incorporated.
Ganache is usually made using equal parts chocolate and
heavy cream. The quantities can vary to achieve a thicker
or lighter cream, depending on the intended use.
For example; For a simple dip or a fairly fluid coverage,
just mix both ingredients in equal parts, and there are
even those who add a little butter to give it a touch of
If it is going to be used for filling and to make perfect
edges to cover a cake with fondant, it needs to have a
fairly thick and firm consistency.
To get that consistent cream that is ideal for fondant
cakes, we will have to use two parts of chocolate for one
of cream. And the rule in preparing a good ganache is
simple: The greater the proportion of chocolate, the
greater the consistency.
- 750g dark chocolate or couverture chocolate.
- 250g of cream.

1. The first step in making the chocolate ganache is to

chop it completely or use chocolate drops and place it
in a bowl.
2. On the other hand, bring the cream to medium heat,
and as soon as it begins to bubble, remove from the
stove and pour over the chocolate in pieces. NOTE: It
is extremely important that you do not let the cream
boil, for two specific reasons, the first because when
the cream boils it begins to evaporate and lose liquid (
this alters the recipe and its proportions ).
And second, because by placing the boiling cream on
the chocolate there is a risk of spoiling it as a result of
excess heat.
3. Let the cream sit in the chocolate for at least two

minutes so that it begins to melt.

4. After this time, begin mixing with the help of a manual
whisk. Mix until the chocolate is completely melted
and completely integrated with the cream.
There is no need to beat, just mix to help the
chocolate melt.
5. Now cover the bowl with plastic wrap, let the mixture
rest and cool for about 4 hours. Under no
circumstances should you put it in the refrigerator
because it would become too hard, and that is not
what you want.
6. After hours, you will notice that the cream has taken
on a thick consistency, however, to use it as a filling
and to cover and get perfect edges it is necessary to
whip it.
7. To do this, you must beat with an electric mixer, the
cream will tend to whiten a little but without a doubt,
once it is refrigerated it will take on a better
consistency to support the weight of the fondant
Lemon Curd/ Orange Curd
Lemon curd is a typical English cream, used in the
preparation of many desserts, but also to fill cold cakes
and even those covered with fondant.
This cream is not only delicious with a lemon flavor. It can
be made basically with any fruit that can be squeezed,
such as; orange, grapefruit, passion fruit or passion fruit.
If you use fruits with fiber such as mango or red fruits, it is
recommended to first pass them through a sieve, so that
you can discard the pulp.
In any case, what you should do is replace the amount of
lemon juice described in the recipe with the juice of the
fruit of your choice.
- 170ml lemon juice (4-5 lemons).
- Lemon zest to taste.
- 3 eggs.
- ¾ cup of sugar.
- ½ cup melted butter.
- 2 teaspoons of cornstarch or cornstarch.

1. In a bowl, add the eggs, cornstarch and sugar, use a

whisk to mix.
2. Add the juice and lemon zest.

3. Once you have integrated all the ingredients, proceed

to put the mixture in a bain-marie, this way it will take
a little longer to thicken, but you do not run the risk of
it burning or forming lumps by putting it directly on
the heat.
4. As soon as the cream begins to thicken, add the
butter, which should be at room temperature.
5. Continue stirring so that the butter melts and the
cream takes the ideal consistency, taking into account
that it will thicken a little more when it cools.
6. Remove from heat and pour into a bowl.
7. Cover it with plastic wrap while it cools to prevent a
crust from forming on the surface.
8. When it has cooled, put it in the refrigerator until it
cools completely, for at least 1 hour.
9. Once cool, remove the plastic wrap and you will have
your cream ready to fill the cake.

Buttercream is one of the perfect types of fillings for
fondant cakes, since they have a firm consistency, perfect
for supporting fondant coverage.
Another peculiarity of these creams is that you can add
essences or flavors, making it possible to prepare coffee,
caramel, vanilla, mocha, strawberry, chocolate
buttercream, etc.
In addition to this, you can give it a touch of color of your
choice by just applying a couple of drops of baking
To learn how to prepare step by step the different types of
buttercream, perfect for filling cakes covered with
fondant, take a look at the blog or click here.
And if you are looking for a much more basic filling then
you can opt for dulce de leche, jams, or chocolate creams
such as nucita or nutella.
In addition, you can also give a special touch to your
fondant cakes with a rich syrup bath that provides flavor
and sponginess.
Fault Line Cake Technique

The Fault Line Cake technique has become one of the

main trends today. It is a tall cake whose cover is
separated by a crack filled with decorations that play
with volume and give color to the presentation.

In Spanish the name of this technique translates as "Cake

with a fault line or crack." And the intention is to separate
the main deck with a decorated strip.
As for the decoration of this strip or crack, it can be done
in different styles , whether flowers, colorful rain, cookies,
macaroons, or any other decoration, this will depend on
the taste of each person.

In whatever case or decoration to use, the secret will

always be a coverage made of fondant bitumen,
buttercream or some other cream that is pasty enough so
that you can play with the thickness, which would be the
extra coverage. which creates the illusion of the crack.

To achieve a neater and more realistic effect, you will

need to have certain tools such as; a rotating base and a
straight spatula with which you can smooth the surface.

At first glance it may seem like a somewhat complicated

technique but the truth is it is simpler than it seems, try
following the steps below and you will see how you get a
beautiful crack effect on your cake.

Steps to Create the Crack Effect

1. To make this cake, you will need four layers of cake
approximately 15cm in diameter. You can choose to
prepare them a day in advance, wrap them in plastic
wrap and leave them at room temperature so that
they are perfect when it comes time to start
assembling the cake.

2. As we know, cakes are rarely completely flat, so use a

cake leveler to cut the top cake, so that the cake is
completely straight and level. Repeat with the four
sponge cakes.

3. Now take the base or turntable, place a non-slip disc

in the center of it and place the cake base on it.
4. With the pastry bag filled with the cream that you
decided to use for this cake and place some dots on
the cake base, this will serve to fix the first cake.
5. Now begin to place the layers of cream and cake until
you finish with the four layers. Make sure to place the
last cake face down.
In this cake I will use Swiss meringue buttercream . If
you don't know how to prepare it, I invite you to read
the recipe in the Types of Buttercream post on this
However, remember that you can use the cream of
your choice.
6. Once the four layers of cake have been stacked, with
the same pastry bag, place a little buttercream in a
zigzag pattern around all the cakes.
With the help of a pastry spatula, smooth the cream.
This step is what is known as the famous crumb
collecting layer.
7. To set this thin layer of buttercream, it is necessary
to refrigerate the cake . The ideal is 30 minutes in the
refrigerator, but if you want to speed up the process,
10 minutes in the freezer will be enough.

8. As time passes, remove the cake from the refrigerator

and place it back on the rotating base. With the
sleeve, proceed to place another layer of more or less
thick buttercream , but only in the central part of the
cake, this is where the decoration of the crack will go,
in this case the sprinkles.
9. With a spatula, begin to smooth it so that it is more or
less smooth. Here you do not need to strive to make it
perfect, remember that you will place the sprinkles or
any other decoration on it. Leaving it level is more
than enough.

10. When you have this central layer of cream ready,

you can start placing the sprinkles. Ideally, they should
adhere only to this layer, but inevitably they will also
stick to the bottom.
11. To prevent the sprinkles from sticking outside the
central layer, I recommend cutting two strips of
baking paper and using them to cover the bottom and
top with them before starting to apply the sprinkles.

12. As you will see, this way it is much simpler to cover this
layer with the sprinkles, since you would avoid having to
remove them with a spatula from the top and bottom.

13. You will surely notice some white spaces, to use

that you finish filling some sprinkles, if possible
them smaller, in this apply golden nuggets
case very small.
14. Once all the sprinkles have been applied, I use the
spatula to fix them perfectly to the cream.

15. Once all the sprinkles have been placed, proceed to

remove both strips of baking paper.

16. Transfer the cake to the presentation plate and place it

on the rotating base to begin covering the top and
bottom with more cream.
It is important that this other layer of cream that you
placed above and below is much thicker than the one
you applied to place the sprinkles or any decoration you
have chosen.
Only in this way will you achieve the beautiful effect of
this technique.

17. Another thing to take into account is that the edges of

the cream that are close to the sprinkles do not
necessarily have to be completely smooth.
In fact, I consider that the unevenness in them gives
attractiveness to the pastel technique.
When you finish putting the cream on the walls, go over
it with a smoothing trowel or a spatula. If you notice
that you need a little more buttercream, you can apply it
without any problem and smooth it again.
18. Now cover the top and smooth it using a spatula.
Finish giving it that smooth and perfect finish using
the spatula and the smoothing trowel on the edges.
Final Decoration
To finish decorating your cake, add other colored balls and
slightly larger sticks according to your taste. This only in
the sprinkles strip.
Refrigerate the cake for 1 or 2 hours so that the
buttercream hardens enough.
Meanwhile, prepare some edible paint by combining gold
food coloring with a few drops of rum, vodka or any
other clear liquor. Reserve until the cake cream is very
After the cooling time has elapsed, take a more or less fine
brush and begin to paint the edges by lightly tapping as I
show in the image below.

To finish you can optionally add toppers and colored

chocolates. One of the advantages of this beautiful
technique is that it supports any type of accessory to
If you want you can use sweets, gummies, cookies and
even any fresh fruit, I assure you that with any of those
options it will also look beautiful, it's just a matter of
putting your imagination to work.
Paste Modeling Techniques
This post is perfect for those who have been encouraged to
make cakes with somewhat complex decorations, using gum
paste as part of it.

This type of pasta, in addition to being sweet and edible, is

quite elastic, perfect for making various figures, flowers or
other elements used to decorate cakes.

In general, it tends to be confused with fondant, since the

appearance is quite similar, however, what not everyone
knows is that gum paste, unlike fondant, is made with CMC,
which gives it much more density, elasticity and quick
This does not mean that you cannot model figures with
fondant, in which case you would have to mix it with a little
CMC or in equal parts with gum paste.

This is taking into account that gum paste dries more easily
than fondant, so mixing both masses to create figures is also
a very good option, especially if you are not very expert in
modeling, since you will have more time. to work before it

In another article of this decoration VIP I have already

explained how to prepare the fondant step by step, this time
I will teach you how to make the gum paste, how to give it
color and of course some of the most basic modeling
techniques so that you can get started in This about
decorations with figures.

How to Make Gum Paste at Home?

It is clear that there are many commercial brands of gum
paste on the market that are generally sold in baking stores,
however, you can choose to make it at home.

The preparation of gum paste is quite simple and the best

thing is that it does not require a large number of

V 400 g of icing sugar or powdered sugar.

V 1 tablespoon glucose (liquid).
V 3-4 tablespoons of hot water.
V 1 tablespoon CMC.

For those who do not know what this last ingredient is; It is a
product also known as carboxymethylcellulose, it is a fairly
fine powder, used mainly in the field of baking, in this case it
is used to give much more flexibility to the edible modeling

Step by Step Preparation

1. In a bowl, add the tablespoons of water and microwave

for at least 30 seconds until hot. Immediately add the
liquid glucose and mix with a spoon until it dissolves and
integrates perfectly with the water.
2. In another bowl, mix half of the icing sugar with the
CMC powder and sift a couple of times, add the previous
mixture to this and start mixing with a spoon to
3. Mix for a few minutes until you obtain a fairly chewy
mixture without lumps to which you will have to add the
rest of the powdered sugar little by little, without
stopping mixing.
4. When the gum paste mixture has taken on a good
consistency, begin to knead with your hands. Do this
until it no longer sticks to your fingers or the bowl.
5. As you knead you will notice if the dough requires a little
more powdered sugar, which you will have to add little
by little. If the case is that it requires a little more liquid,
you will only add a couple of drops of water.
Remember that the final consistency should be like
plasticine, quite similar to fondant, without sticking to
your fingers.
6. Once ready, wrap the gum paste with plastic wrap and
place it in the refrigerator for approximately 24 hours,
where it will take on a better consistency.
7. When you are finally going to use it, knead again and
start forming your gum paste figures, putting into
practice the modeling techniques that I will give you
How to Color Gum Paste?
Although there are decorations in which you will not need to
color your gum paste, such as in the case of making some
flowers, for example; calla lilies, jasmine, daisies and even
white roses.

But, the truth is that most decorations made with gum paste
are quite colorful, so you will have to dye your dough and to
do so you will have to:

1. Knead again and soften the portion of gum paste that

you are going to dye if it has been refrigerated.
2. Stretch it a little with your fingers and spread a small
amount of edible coloring on it, which should preferably
be a paste or gel.
If it is a paste dye, you will have to use a toothpick to
apply it to the gum paste; if it is a gel dye, you will only
have to apply a drop or the necessary amount
depending on the portion of the paste to be dyed.
Avoid using liquid colorings as these add wateriness to
the paste and change its texture.
3. Start kneading until your portion of dough takes on a
uniform tone.
In case the dough sticks a little to your hands while
kneading, you can put a little cornstarch on them.

Once you get the desired tone, it is ready to stretch or shape

it and start decorating cakes, cupcakes and more.
Basic Paste Modeling Techniques
Modeling with gum paste is quite simple, thanks to its
flexible texture, quick drying and firm finish, just enough
practice to obtain great results.

Among the most used and perfect techniques for those who
are just starting to work with this type of pasta are the

Flower Modeling
As for gum paste flowers to decorate your cakes, there are
many types. If you are just learning these techniques, the
ideal is to start by doing something simple.

Below I detail 2 types of flowers with which you can start


Basic Flowers:

• Necessary utensils:
Gum paste dyed in the color of your choice. (Here, I am
using white and yellow gold, you can use the tones
according to your taste or according to the decoration you
are going to make) Wooden rolling pin
foam board
plastic sphere
Circle cutters in various sizes
Flower cutters in different sizes
Glitter powder (optional, only if you want to give a different
touch to your flowers)

• Process:
1. Before you begin, make sure you know which cutters
you plan to use. For my flowers, I am using two sizes.
The first will have three petals, the second will have two
2. Stretch the sugar paste. Try to make your sugar paste
super thin (almost as thin as paper); This will give you a
cleaner edge and more professional look.
3. Cut out your circles. When cutting out the circles, press
down firmly and twist slightly. This will help cut the
excess at the edges and give it a cleaner look. Once all
the circles are cut, it's time to use the ball.
4. Place the circles on the foam mat and use the ball
utensil, gently slide them around the edges of the circle
to thin them. Next, gently press the center of the circle
down. We want the center of the circle to be flat and so
that the other petals can be attached to them
5. When all the circles are finished, let them dry for a few
minutes. If you're in a hurry, you can use them right
away, but they're easier to work with if you wait a few
6. Once they have dried a bit, join them from largest to
smallest with a small drop of water, lemon extract, or
your favorite sugar glue. If you want to give them a little
shine, you can sprinkle them with a little glitter powder
before attaching them, then add a small ball of sugar
paste to the center of the flower.


• Process:
1. We then start by giving the gum paste the color you
have chosen.
2. On a surface covered with aluminum foil, make a roll
with the gum paste, which is long enough and medium
From this roll, cut 9 of 10 pieces of 1 cm each. The last
cut should be twice the original size, that is, 2 cm.
3. You turn each cut back into small balls. And with the last
and largest you will begin to shape.
You must keep in mind that these 10 cuts of pasta will
be the petals that will form your rose.
Start flattening your last cut and shaping it into an oval-
like shape. Then, you will have to roll (just like you roll a
yoga mason) what will be the center of your rose.
4. The other remaining cuts, you will simply do the same:
flatten them, and shape them into an oval. Remember
that they are the petals and they have to be thin.
5. Start overlapping each petal around the center of your
6. From the bottom of the rose, press lightly so that each
petal adheres correctly.
7. You just have to cut the excess at the bottom, very
carefully, and then round it off with your hands.
Figure Modeling
If it is about modeling figures and characters, it is necessary
that you use certain techniques or guidelines to obtain clean
and delicate results, to do so ensure that:

- The pasta is at its exact point of humidity, this is

achieved by using elements such as butter, water and
powdered sugar either to soften and dry a little more, or
to make it more flexible, less sticky or firm.

- Whatever figure you are going to model, you need to do

it taking into account the surface where you are going to
work, make sure it is as smooth as possible, without
cracks or holes that mark the paste.

- Always store the paste in an airtight plastic bag when

not in use. You can previously wrap it in plastic film. If
you live in an extremely hot and humid place, we can
store it in the refrigerator.

- As for drying, it is usually quite fast. It also often

happens that while the pieces are drying they flatten a
little as a result of their own weight. To avoid this, it is
advisable to place them in a bowl with powdered sugar.
Later, the excess sugar will be removed with your fingers
or a soft bristle brush.
- To preserve flowers or figures made with gum paste, it is
advisable to store them in a cardboard box, away from
heat or sunlight to prevent them from softening and
becoming damaged.

- In short, the best way to know how pasta reacts to

certain weather conditions is by testing and practicing

These are just some of the basic techniques or tricks for

perfect and long-lasting gum paste modeling, remember
that learning from mistakes made will help you better
decide how to adjust the consistency of the paste in the
Types of Buttercream, Why
Use and Preparation Technique

One of the best-known and most used frostings or

coverages in baking is undoubtedly buttercream, also known
as butter cream.
Buttercream is basically a combination of butter mixed with
sugar (depending on the recipe, other ingredients can be
added) from which a light and soft cream is obtained,
perfect for filling, covering and/or decorating cakes and

Depending on the use you want to give your buttercream,

you will have to adapt the recipe using ingredients and using
preparation techniques that allow you to obtain different
In any case, for none of the types of buttercream it is
necessary to have a high-end food processor; a few rigid
electric whisks are enough to obtain a cream of good

Now, below I will detail each of the 6 types of buttercream

that currently exist, what ingredients are used, what is the
preparation technique they require and finally their most
common uses.

1 American Buttercream
Of all the buttercream recipes, this is the simplest to prepare
and therefore the best known. It is a sweet cream with a
denser consistency than the others.

As for its ingredients, it is made with powdered sugar,

butter, milk or water (to modify its consistency), it can be
dyed with some food coloring and flavored with an extract
or essence to modify its flavor.

The use given to this type of buttercream depends on its

density, for example:

• A hard consistency results perfect to make

three dimensional decorations like flowers. For
To check the consistency of the hard buttercream, we
must insert the spatula into the buttercream and the
spatula should not move.
• A medium consistency is suitable for two-dimensional
decorations such as stars, shells, edges,
rosettes, borders, etc. To check the consistency in this
case, when inserting the spatula into the buttercream it
should be tilted slightly, without falling.
• A smooth consistency is ideal for covering cakes or
cupcakes and even writing a word on a cake. To check the
consistency of our buttercream, the spatula must fall


As I mentioned at the beginning, to prepare your

buttercream you can use an electric mixer or a food
processor to make the work easier. Whatever the case,
the steps to follow to prepare it are as follows:

1.Take the butter (200gr) at room temperature to the

bowl of your food processor and begin to beat until
you get a kind of soft, whitish cream.
2.Then add the powdered sugar (approximately 400g)
and continue beating.

3.Add vanilla essence or any other, preferably colorless

if you do not plan to dye later.
4.If necessary, add milk in tablespoons until you achieve
the desired texture and consistency. All this without
stopping beating.
5.If you want to add color, just add a couple of drops of
food coloring of your choice.
2 Swiss Buttercream
This other type of buttercream is not as sweet as the
American one since it uses Swiss meringue as a base. It
has a very silky and light texture and is the best option for
filling cakes.

One of the notable qualities of this buttercream is that it is

perfect for dyeing because its base is very white, therefore
it does not interfere with achieving a desired color.


1 . Mix the sugar (200g) with the egg whites (2-3 whites)
in the bowl of your food processor. It will always be
half the amount of sugar you use in egg whites.
2 . Place the egg whites and sugar in a double boiler
until they reach 60ºC (this way the egg whites are
heated to a safe temperature for consumption, at
which they would no longer be raw).
3 . You must beat the egg whites until stiff until they
cool and the sugar crystals completely dissolve.
4 . If you want to add color to your buttercream, this is
the right time to add a couple of drops of paste or gel
5 . When the mixture is no longer hot, you must add the
butter (300gr) at temperature
6 environment, that is, that it is soft, and beat until the
frosting is soft, light but firm.

3 Italian Buttercream
Italian buttercream is very similar to Swiss buttercream,
the difference is that it uses an Italian meringue as a base.
As for its use, it could be said that it is exactly Swiss, since
it has a similar texture and color.


1.Start by preparing the syrup, to do this, bring the

sugar (300g) and water (85ml) to a low heat until the
sugar crystals dissolve and the water reaches an
approximate temperature of 115ºC. You might want
to use a kitchen thermometer.
2.Meanwhile, beat the egg whites (6 egg whites) until
soft peaks form.
3.The resulting hot sugar syrup is added to the whites in
the form of a thread, this syrup being what cooks the
4.Beat the meringue until it forms stiff peaks and until it
is no longer hot.
5.Add a teaspoon of vanilla essence.
6.Finally, add butter (300g) at room temperature and
continue beating until the cream is light and smooth.

4 French Buttercream
French buttercream is prepared following a similar
procedure to Italian buttercream, but uses a mixture of
whole eggs and yolks as a base (also known in the pastry
world as Pâte à bombe and frequently used as a base for

Due to the egg and yolk base, this version is noticeably

richer in colour, texture and flavour, i.e. consistent enough
to be used alone in small quantities but light and fluffy
enough to be used in layer cakes.

Regarding its pale yellow tone, it does not make it ideal for
dyeing, so it is normally used naturally.


1.In a pot, place the sugar (300g) and the water (85ml)
over low heat and cook until the sugar crystals
dissolve and the water reaches an approximate
temperature of 115ºC.
2. In a food processor, beat the whole eggs (4 eggs) and
pour the hot syrup over them, continuing to beat.
3. Once the mixture is completely aerated, add the
room temperature butter and mix until the cream is
4. Finally,add a few drops of food coloring of your
choice and beat a little more until the cream takes on
a uniform color.
5. German Buttercream
This version is a delicate combination of pastry cream and
butter that results in a buttercream that is perfect for
filling naked cakes because it is quite dense.
1 . For this buttercream, a pastry cream base is used,
which is whipped once finished and cooled.
2 . To this, add the same amount in grams of butter at
room temperature and continue beating until the
mixture has a light consistency.
3 . Finally, add the amount of icing sugar required by
tablespoons to achieve the correct texture.

6 Flour Buttercream
This type of buttercream is perhaps the oldest of all, it has
a less sweet flavor and greater density, which is ideal for
working with the pastry bag and creating delicious flavors
such as chocolate, caramel or toffee.


1. The preparation of this cream of

Butter starts with a milk base thickened with flour. To
do this, you must bring the flour (4 large tablespoons)
to a low heat along with the milk (1 cup) and mix until
it begins to thicken, without letting it boil.
2. Reserve covered with plastic wrap until cool.

3.Meanwhile, in a bowl, beat the soft butter (250gr) and

the icing sugar (150gr) until it reaches a creamy
4.Then add the thickened milk and continue beating for
a couple more minutes.
5.Add the essence of your preference (1/2 teaspoon)
and beat until integrated.

Now that you know how to prepare each of the

buttercream recipes, all you have to do is choose the one
that suits the dessert you are going to prepare.
Fondant Cake Decorated With

Sprinkles are those small edible decorations used to

decorate cupcakes, cakes and many other sweets. They
exist in a wide variety, of different shapes, sizes and

One of the peculiarities of sprinkles is that they are very

practical and quickly add a touch of color to any baking
Generally, they are bought ready-made, but it is also
possible to make them at home, as I will explain
throughout this post.

In any case, the size to use, large or small, will give the
cake a quite original and professional style and finish.

On this occasion, I used metallic edible coloring, which

also gives it a very elegant touch, ideal for wedding cakes
or special celebrations.

Let's start by showing you how to make your own

sprinkles, then I'll explain in detail how to decorate your
cake with them.

Sprinkles - Step by Step

Tools and Ingredients Needed
V Fondant
{ CMC (optional)
V Mini fondant cutters
V Food coloring in gel or paste (optional)
V Powdered sugar (to spread the fondant)
V Roller 15 cm or more
V baking paper

1. Knead 100g of fondant until it is quite elastic. If it feels

very soft, you can add a few grams of CMC (1/2
teaspoon per 100g of fondant). This will help make the
fondant firmer and dry quickly.

2. The coloring is optional, but I particularly like to add a

little coloring to the fondant, that is, creating a base so
that later when the metallic coloring is applied it is
easier to do so.

3. Ifyour cake is going to be silver, like the one I will be

explaining, use just a little black food coloring paste. If
it is going to be gold, add a little yellow.

4. Once the fondant is prepared, spread it thinly, as

thinly as you can, and then proceed to cut them with
the mini cutters of your choice.
I have chosen to tell you from the heart.

5. Asyou chop them, place your sprinkles on a piece of

baking paper and let them dry for around twelve
hours. That's how easy we will have made our
Fondant Cake Decoration With
Tools and Ingredients
•Sprinkles that I showed you how to prepare
V A little clear alcoholic drink
• Edible glue
• Pastry brush to apply the glue
• Brush to apply color
• Silver Powder Dye
• Silver spray dye
V A cardboard box
• Baking paper
1. Once the sprinkles are ready, the next thing is to start
decorating the fondant-covered cake with them. If you
want to learn how to cover a cake with fondant, I
invite you to read the tutorial: “Practical Tips for
Covering a Cake with Fondant” that you can find on
this blog.

2. Afteryou have covered your fondant cake, with the

brush take edible glue, brush a part of the cake, take a
handful of sprinkles in your hand and stick them to the
Repeat this step until the cake is completely covered
with them.

3. Ifyou notice that there are some gaps, glue the

sprinkles one by one to cover them.
4. Let the cake dry for a few hours, enough so that you
can pass the brush over it and the sprinkle decoration
does not fall off.

5. Now I just need to apply the metallic color that I have

chosen for this decoration. You can do this step in two
- With metallic powder coloring
This first way requires a little more time, but the end result
is a vibrant and quite luminous silver color.
Applying the dye is very simple, dissolve half a teaspoon,
of the smallest, in a few drops of white liquor until you
obtain a thick liquid that you apply little by little with a

Don't worry about the alcohol, when it dries there will be

no trace of it left.
- With Metallic Spray Colorant
This other way is much faster to apply, but before doing so
you must take a series of precautions so that the dye does
not spread everywhere:

- Cover the work table with baking paper and place the
cake in a box, as you see in the image below, this way
the color will stay where it should stay, on the cake.
- Don't get the spray too close to the cake or there will
be areas that are darker than others. The ideal
distance between the cake and the spray is
approximately 15 cm. You will see that in a few
seconds it will be covered in an elegant silver color.
- If you are going to continue manipulating the cake, for
example to put another layer or add some decoration,
you need to be very careful since the metallic spray
color is very delicate, any rubbing leaves marks on the

Once completely painted, let it dry before finishing

decorating. In this case I used it as one of the floors of a
In any case, you can finish decorating with flowers, figures
or as a bow as I have done in this case, just let your
imagination go.
Peach Upside Down Cake

Generally, when we hear about peach cake, the first thing

that comes to mind is moist cakes or biscuits filled with
this fruit.
But the truth is that there is another delicious way to
incorporate peaches into cakes and it is nothing more and
nothing less than preparing an inverted cake.
This type of cake is characterized by having pieces of the
desired fruit inside the baking mold, which when
unmolded look like a caramelized topping.
This makes it an ideal dessert to share with family and
friends on an afternoon of snacks and even to celebrate a
special occasion, such as a birthday.
In addition to being a very good way to take advantage of
the properties and exquisite flavor of this fruit, especially
for lovers of it.

Ingredients and Procedure For

Prepare Peach Upside Down Cake

• 8-10 peaches or a can of peaches in syrup.

• ½ cup blueberries to decorate (optional)
• 3 cups of self-rising wheat flour/ 360gr.
• 1 cup of butter/ 200gr.
• 1 ½ white sugar/ 300gr.
• 4 eggs.
• 1 tablespoon vanilla essence.
• 1 tablespoon baking powder.
• ½ cup of milk or peach syrup (from the can).
• 1 cup white sugar (for the caramel)
• 4 tablespoons of water (for the caramel)
The amount of these ingredients that I detail in both cups
and grams is equivalent to a cake of approximately half a
kilo, that is, a mold 25-30 cm in diameter.
1. The first step in making this cake is to prepare the
caramelized topping with the peaches.
For this step you can choose to prepare the caramel in
a separate pot, or directly in the mold or cake pan
where you are going to bake.
In this first case it would be to add the sugar and the
tablespoons of water, bring to a simmer until the clear
caramel is formed, spread it all over the bottom and
sides of the mold and place the peach slices on top of
Another excellent technique is to cover the inside of
the monde with a layer of butter, spread the sugar
over it and finally place the peach slices.
2. Reservethe mold with the peaches, turn on the oven
and preheat to a temperature of 200°C while you
prepare the cake mixture.

3. Ina bowl, add the eggs along with the sugar and beat
for a few minutes until the crystals dissolve. Continue
adding the milk or peach syrup, the previously melted
butter and flavor with the vanilla essence.
4. Now use a sieve to sift the wheat flour along with the
baking powder. Incorporate it into the previous mixture
using a pastry spatula and giving gentle surrounding
movements so that the mixture takes in air to give it

5. Once you have the mixture ready, proceed to pour it

onto the mold with the peaches.

6. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes. After this time,

check that your cake is ready by inserting the tip of the
knife into the center, it should come out completely
clean, otherwise you will have to let it bake for another
few minutes.

7. Onceready, remove from the oven, let it rest for 5

minutes and proceed to unmold it very carefully, it is
8. It is important that you do it while the cake is still warm,
so that it comes out of the mold easily.

In the same way that you have prepared this delicious and
simple peach inverted cake, you can make it with many
other fruits, such as; apple, pineapple, plum... the steps to
follow will be basically the same, you just have to choose
the fruit of your preference.
Tricks for Frosting a Cake
And Achieve a Perfect Finish

However, it is common to find tutorials on how to make

beautiful decorations step by step, from the simplest to
the most complex.
What is not common is that they teach you in detail the
tricks to get a cake that is completely level and smooth,
as good as those of a professional.
And although in most cases, achieving such a finish
requires a lot of practice, there are certain tricks that can
help you save time.
To help you, I have put together a series of tips and/or
tricks, which although they are quite simple, will be very
useful to learn how to frost a cake perfectly, whether to
cover with fondant or decorate with other things on top.
Essential Utensils
In addition to your cakes and the frosting or ganache to
use, you need to have a series of utensils or tools that will
provide you with a perfect finish.
If you are already started in baking, you probably have
some of these at home, if not, don't worry; They are
economical and easy to purchase in some supermarkets
and baking stores.
In fact, it is possible that you do not have to have
absolutely all of those that I will mention, this will only be
to the best of your possibilities, when you start with the
practice you will see that you do not require such
professional elements to obtain a delicious and beautiful
Let's start...
V Revolving Base: any lathe, be it base or rotating plate,
will be very useful so you don't have to make a lot of
turns around the cake.
V Perfect Edge Discs: although they are very useful, they
are not essential. You can also buy these in pastry
supply stores, but you also have the possibility of
making them yourself at home using any thick
cardboard, the important thing is that they are just a
little larger than the diameter of the cake.
V Base Plate: this plate will allow you to transport the
cake from the rotating base to the presentation site.
V Spatulas : Spatulas are so useful for applying the
ganache, therefore you should use the ones that suit
you, whether large or small, the important thing is that
you feel comfortable using it according to your ability.
I particularly prefer long, steel ones for this type of
cake because they don't allow your hands to touch the
cake, ruining it.
V Smoothing Trowel: the truth is that you can use a
ruler (whether plastic or metal) or any other element
to smooth the frosting around the cake.
V Cake Leveler : helps cut your cake so that it is straight
and perfect, especially when they tend to cook and
look like they have a lump on top.
•A Level: a simple level used by construction workers.

Once you have all these tools at hand, what remains is to

pay attention to the necessary tricks to achieve a perfect
The Best and Simplest Tricks
•Add a Little Frosting to the Base
Adding a little frosting between the perfect-edged disc and
the first cake will give you greater support, because when
you put the cake in to cool, the frosting will be strong
enough so that it does not slip or when you are going to
transport it, it will not fall.

V Level the Cake Layers:

Before starting to stack the layers of cake, you need to
slice them, that is, eliminate irregularities using the leveler
or a knife, taking care to have a good hand to cut it
After having leveled and placed the first cake, proceed to
add frosting on top and spread it so that you get a straight
layer, the amount doesn't matter, you decide how much
you put on it.
Use the level I told you about at the beginning to make
sure that the layers of cake you stacked are completely
straight before you start frosting.
V Layer Collects Crumbs:
This layer consists of embetuna for the first time, just a
light layer over the entire cake, the ideal is to do it first on
the sides so that it is completely level along the edges and
then cover the surface.

Do this all lightly so that you can cover any holes. Then put
the cake in the refrigerator for about an hour.

V Be careful with your first layer of bitumen:

On this first layer you will be able to perfectly mold the
real frosting that will be seen on the outside of your cake,
as long as this layer of crumbs dries completely and does
not allow any to seep into the layer of frosting of your

How do you know what this desired consistency of the

crumb collecting layer is? Very simple, if when you touch
the top or any side of your cake with your index finger,
nothing sticks to the finger, which will mean that it has
already "dried" completely.
If the opposite happens and a little bitumen sticks to your
finger, you will need to leave it in the refrigerator for
/ Embetuna As You Want:
Now comes the fun part, place the rest of the frosting,
covering the entire cake again regardless of the finish,
remember that for smooth and even edges you will use
the perfect finishing disc and the smoothing trowel, ruler
or any other utensil.

The important thing is that whatever utensil or tool you

decide to use to smooth the edges of your cake is much
higher than the cake, this will give you a better finish when
you proceed to remove the excess cream.

Start rotating the base or turntable where you have

mounted your cake while holding a ruler or utensil with
the other hand (like the one you can see in the images) so
that your frosting becomes smooth as you remove it. the

This is all about experimenting so fix it and keep passing

the rule and putting frosting again on the parts you need
to cover until you have the ideal decoration.
V Finally, Perfect:
Now that you have covered the cake and it is almost
smooth, you can leave it like this or if you think there are
still some parts that should still look smoother, what you
can do is fill a glass with warm, almost hot water, where
you can put your spatula.

You are going to insert it and leave it in the glass for a few
seconds so that the metal heats up a little, then you are
going to take it out and dry the water with a cloth or
napkin, and then pass it over the parts of your cake that
are not yet completely smooth.

Repeat this process as many times as you consider

necessary until you obtain the result you want.

Ready! Now that you have a perfectly smooth cake, you

can start decorating with the elements or colors of your
preference , from fondant coverage to rosettes with the
same ganache, it's all a matter of taste or the occasion.
Tricks to Prepare the Best
Buttercream At Home

Are you thinking about making your own buttercream?

Have you ever had it go wrong and had to throw it away?
Were you able to solve it somehow and get the cream
If this is the first time you are going to try to prepare
buttercream at home or if you have already done it and it
turned out badly, it would be good for you to read this
post until the end.
Even if you think you have followed step by step the
recipe for the different types of bettercream that I
previously explained in this blog, it is very likely that you
have obtained a very liquid or very dry cream simply by
having skipped some detail in the instructions.
This is just to mention a few of the many risks that
generally occur to beginners when preparing buttercream.
Therefore, I consider it advisable that you know, and if
necessary put into practice, the tricks or tips that I will
detail below, with which I assure you that you will be able
to prepare a good buttercream.
Solution for a Very Buttercream

Although buttercream has the peculiarity of being

personalized to each person's taste and for this purpose
artificial flavorings are used.
However, one of the reasons why buttercream tends to be
too thin is due to excess liquid flavoring, as this affects its
On the other hand, another very common reason is the
temperature of the butter. If it is hot when you prepare
the cream, you will obviously get a super watery
Fortunately, there are alternatives that allow you to solve
this problem and improve the consistency of your
- In the case of flavorings, the ideal way to prevent this
problem from occurring is to use concentrated
flavorings, instead of liquid ones.
- If the problem is the butter, it further
It is advisable to prepare the recipe in a cool place,
that is, away from the heat of the oven or any other
heat source.
Another thing you can do when the buttercrem is too
runny is to let it sit for at least 10 minutes to give it time to
solidify a little.
After this time, check the consistency, if it is still liquid
then choose to add, spoonfuls of confectioners' sugar until
the consistency improves.
How to Fix Buttercream or Cream
Cut Butter

A watery and separated mess is what we know as a cut

cream; another of the most common problems when
preparing buttercream.
The reason in most cases is due to the temperature of the
ingredients, which is why it is recommended before
starting the preparation, make sure that absolutely all the
ingredients are at room temperature, especially the butter
and lard, in case of using the latter.
If both fats are not at the same temperature, the mixture
will be too liquid (if it is hot) or will disperse evenly (if it is
very cold) and the cream will be curdled or curdled.
You will know that the temperature of the butter is ideal if
it is soft enough to dip your finger in, but without melting.
Now, in case this happens to you, you have the option to
recover your buttercream in the following way:
- Place the bowl with the butter cream cut into ice.
How? Fill a large bowl halfway with ice cubes and
Then place the bowl with the cream on the ice and
beat until it becomes smooth and creamy.

And as I mentioned before, try to work in a place with

moderate temperatures. A very hot or cold room can
cause the buttercream to separate and melt or solidify.
How to Prevent Buttercream from

If your buttercream seems to be falling off the cake or the

decorations are starting to move, it is likely that the room
temperature is too high, causing the buttercream to melt.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to control the temperature of
the room, so we recommend using shortening instead of
butter if you are making the buttercream on a hot day.
The thing about lard is that it has a much higher melting
point than butter. This way your decorations will stay in
place longer.
Another good trick is to add a tablespoon of meringue
powder to the mixture for added strength.
Buttercream With Air Bubbles

Air bubbles are caused by the incorporation of

air during
too much mixing. air
process to formation, it
avoid is convenient
bubbles mixer
use the For best
paddle on results, you
the should stop
and check the
while mixing. Also, remember not to mix for too long at
high speed.
If too many bubbles have already formed, let the
buttercream sit for a few minutes to deflate.
As you know, preparing buttercream is quite simple,
however, achieving the desired consistency will depend
on various factors, such as the temperature of the place
and the ingredients.
Fortunately, nothing that cannot be corrected by applying
the tricks that I have detailed.
Tricks for a Basic Cake

For those who want to prepare a cake for the first time,
the basic cake or classic vanilla cake is the best option.
This recipe is ideal for beginners, and it can be decorated
or modified to taste with different flavors.
Anyone who is used to preparing it will tell you that its
preparation is extremely simple, and the truth is that it is.
However, achieving a perfect result depends on many
circumstances that I will try to explain to you here today.
And even if you are not an expert in baking or desserts,
knowing the techniques or tricks necessary to make a
spongy and delicious cake can save you when you need to
serve something delicious to your guests or celebrate a
special occasion.
You will see that it is not difficult at all if you follow the
preparation step by step in detail and apply the tricks so
that your basic vanilla cake is perfect on the first try.
The best of all is that you won't need many ingredients,
but you will need a lot of desire, so let's get to it!
Basic Cake Recipe
V 4 eggs.
V 170g of butter or margarine.
{230gr of sugar/ 1 ½ cup.
V 300gr of self-rising wheat flour/ 2 ½ cups.
V 230ml liquid milk/ 1 cup.
V 1 tablespoon baking powder.
V 1 tablespoon vanilla essence.
V Lemon or orange zest to taste.
Steps to follow to make this recipe:
1. Alright, let's get started! He first step to
to get a perfect basic cake is to turn on the oven at a
temperature half of 180°C
2. While the oven is heating, start preparing the mixture
by taking the first ingredients; the eggs. Separate the
yolks from the whites, beat the latter with an electric
whisk until they reach stiff peaks. Reserve for last.

3. Next, take a bowl large enough to prepare the mixture

and begin to beat the butter in it until it softens a little
more. Add the sugar to it and continue beating with
the electric mixer until you get a smooth consistency.
mix soft and

4. Add lemon or orange zest according to your taste.

5. Add the egg yolks and continue beating until perfectly

6. When you obtain a homogeneous mixture, proceed to

integrate the previously sifted wheat flour with the
baking powder. You will get a slightly thicker mixture.

7. Take the cup of liquid milk and flavor it with vanilla

essence before pouring it into your basic cake
mixture. You will notice that your mixture has become
a little more liquid.
8. Finally, put the electric mixer aside and take a wooden
paddle or pastry spatula to fold in the egg whites that
you whipped at the beginning of the preparation.

9. Once the cake mixture is ready, it is time to prepare the

mold, in this case I divided the mixture in two to make
them a little smaller. In any case, what you should do is
grease the mold and sprinkle a little wheat flour.

10. Pour the mixture into the mold(s) and place in the
preheated oven for at least 40 minutes.
11. After this time, check that your cake is ready by
inserting a toothpick or the tip of a knife into the center,
it should come out clean and dry, otherwise a few more
minutes of cooking will be necessary.

13. Once ready, let it rest for a few minutes before turning
it out onto racks to cool completely.
Tricks That Every Beginner Should
Before starting to detail each trick, it is necessary to
remember that making a recipe is still a chemical process,
depending on how you mix the ingredients, they will
produce chemical reactions that will make your
preparation a success.

The tricks or recommendations that you should consider

to make a perfect basic cake are the following:

V Absolutely all the ingredients must be at room

temperature before you start making the mixture so
that you do not run the risk of it becoming curdled.
And if you add a very cold ingredient, the chemical
process can be cut off . Therefore, make sure to leave
the eggs, milk and butter out of the refrigerator for
half an hour before starting the recipe.

V As for eggs , the ideal is for them to be size M,

weighing 55 to 60 grams per unit. If you do not have
this size, you must weigh them to add the required
amount and thus avoid adding more liquid. For a cake
or sponge cake to be very spongy, you must aerate the
eggs a lot. By aerate I mean beat them well, until they
look like a whitish mousse.
Normally, if you use an electric mixer or food
processor, you should beat them for approximately 5
minutes, at medium speed. Enough time for them to
take on a super fluffy texture, which is known as snow
V For the cake mixture to be perfect, you must add fat ,
and therefore you can use extra virgin olive oil,
sunflower oil or, as I have indicated in this recipe,
But… which one to choose? This will depend on your
taste and the availability of the ingredients, of course
taking into account that:

- Butter: it will give it a more intense flavor, so if you

want a butter flavor, we must make sure to choose
one that is quality and that you like.
Furthermore, as a general rule, you should combine
it with the sugar and beat it until you get a whitish,
fluffy cream, preventing it from melting. If this
happens, you should stop beating and put the
mixture in the refrigerator for a few minutes.

- Extra Virgin Olive Oil: this ingredient will give it a

very typical color and flavor, but it will not make the
cake mixture rise as much when baking.
Also, if you add chocolate chips or nuts, since the
dough is more liquid than with butter, they will sink
to the bottom.

- Sunflower Oil: will provide the necessary fat but not

as much as with olive oil, so the volume of the cake
will not be affected, in terms of flavor; It will be
practically negligible. The same thing will happen
with chocolate chips, nuts, even candied fruits, they
will go to the bottom.

V Adding a pinch of salt to the mixture helps enhance

the flavor of the sweet ingredients. If the butter you
are going to add has salt, there is no need to add it
because the butter already contains it.

V It is convenient to add essences and/or flavorings to

the cake mix to give a light touch of flavor and smell.
You can use vanilla essence or lemon or orange zest.

V Flour is one of the most influential ingredients in

terms of the result of your cake. There are many
brands of flour with a booster on the market so that
you do not have to add baking powder to the mixture,
however, it is best to add one or two tablespoons of
baking powder separately .
V You can't make a cake without liquid, so this is
another very important ingredient. Milk is normally
used, as it provides flavor and nutrients.
But, if you want to add jams or fruits to the mixture,
you must take into account that the amount of liquid
will vary.
In the case of adding fruit, you must crush it and
replace both liquid and fruit puree you want to add,
since this will count as liquid.
In fact, a good trick to make the cake even fluffier is to
replace the milk with buttermilk (you must mix 250ml
of whole milk or cream with 30ml of lemon juice and
let it rest for 15 minutes).

V To get a spongy and tall cake you have to take into

account the mold or cake pan in which you are going
to bake it. You can use the type you want (round,
square, removable...) but always taking into account
its size.

And here the size does matter, since the larger the
mold, the more mixture you will use, the thinner it will

V Another general rule is undoubtedly to preheat the

oven before introducing the cake mixture, otherwise
you will not control its cooking time and most likely
the chemical process will not be completely
satisfactory, that is, the mixture will not it will fluff up

V Now, in order not to ruin all the work you have done
so far and having followed all these tips and tricks is in
vain, it is important that you unmold your cake
To unmold , what you should do is turn off the oven
and open the door a little so that it warms up little by
little, about 5 minutes.
Next, take the cake out of the oven and let it rest in
the mold for another 10 minutes, this will help
prevent any pieces from sticking.
After the resting time, remove it from the mold and let
it cool completely on a rack.
With all these tricks you are ready to make a perfect cake.
With a little practice you can adapt this recipe to your
needs and taste.
Tricks and Tips for a
Perfect Chantilly

Chantilly is one of the basic pastry creams, however, it is

one of those that generates the most doubts regarding its
correct preparation.

So, if you have ever wondered how to make perfect

chantilly , as firm as the one from the pastry shops, today
you will know it by following each step and trick that I will

The truth is that preparing this type of cream is simpler

than it seems, I assure you that after reading this tutorial,
doing so will no longer be an impossible mission and will
finally be stabilized and very firm to be able to decorate
your favorite desserts.

Before starting with the step by step of this recipe, let's

take a look at the ingredients:

• 400ml of whipping cream with 35% fat.

• 100g of cream cheese.
• 80g of icing sugar.
• 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract.
• 1 tablespoon of neutral gelatin.
• 6 tablespoons of water.

In addition to these ingredients, it is extremely necessary

that you have an electric whisk mixer.

Step by Step Preparation

1. Start by hydrating the neutral gelatin with cold water.
Mix well and let sit for at least 5 minutes.
2. After this time, the gelatin will have absorbed all the
water, so it will be necessary to heat it for a few
seconds in the microwave until it melts completely.
Reserve at room temperature for later use.

3. Take a bowl and pour in the very cold whipping cream,

then add the cream cheese.
4. Begin to beat at medium speed for approximately two
minutes or until you notice that the cream begins to
gain consistency.
5. When the cream becomes a little foamy, it is time to
add the powdered sugar through a sieve, this to avoid
any possible lumps.
6. With the mixer off, add a little powdered sugar to the
cream to prevent it from flying when you turn it on.
7. Now start beating on medium-high speed for a minute
or until it becomes even more foamy.
8. At this point, add the vanilla essence and continue
beating for another minute or until the cream forms
soft peaks.
9. It is now time to add the melted gelatin, which by then
should be at room temperature.
10. Once the gelatin is well incorporated, pay attention
to the consistency of the cream, as you should only
beat until it forms firm peaks.
If you continue beating for too long you run the risk of
the cream curdling.

What you will get as a result is a fairly light and consistent

cream at the same time, ready to use.
With it you can fill or decorate cupcakes, cakes, tartlets
or any other dessert of your choice.
Tricks and tips
If you use an electric mixer to prepare your chantilly
cream, make sure it has a whisk attachment.
On the other hand, an excellent trick to get a very firm
and much faster cream is to put both the whisks and
the bowl you will use in the refrigerator 15 minutes
before starting the recipe.
Temperature plays an important role in the
preparation of this cream, therefore the ingredients
must be very cold , both the cream and the cream
cheese, its consistency will depend on this.

Ideally, you should refrigerate both ingredients for at

least 12 hours in the refrigerator, and just 10 minutes
before using it in the freezer.
• The correct proportion of cream cheese to use to
prepare chantilly cream is ¼ to the cream.
• To prepare chantilly you can use white granulated
sugar, taking into account that the texture of the
cream will not be the same.
In the recipe I point out icing sugar, since this seems
much better to me since it is much finer than the
previous sugar, and it also contains a small amount of
corn starch, qualities that help to achieve a much
more stable and light cream.
• Pay attention to the percentage of fat in the cream
you use, ideally it should range between 35%, you can
easily check this in the nutritional information that
comes on the back of each can of cream.

• As for vanilla essence, you can use paste, extract or

essence. Keep in mind that if you want a much whiter
chantilly cream, you need to use transparent vanilla.
• One of the most common mistakes is that lumps form
when incorporating the melted gelatin into the cream
To prevent this from happening, pour the gelatin
between the whisks, this way when the gelatin comes
into contact with the cold cream it will spread quickly
and no lumps will form.
• Be careful not to beat more than necessary because it
can turn into butter.
• To know if it is finished, try to turn the container over
and if the contents do not spill out, it is ready.
• When mixing you have to incorporate a lot of air into
the mixture to achieve a creamy, airy and firm
• You can add coffee, chocolate, cinnamon and give a
unique touch to your cream.
• As soon as you finish the chantilly and if you are not
going to use it at that moment, you have to put it in
the refrigerator immediately.
I can assure you that by following every step, trick and
advice in this recipe you will be able to learn how to
prepare a chantilly cream that will make you feel good the
first time.
Tutorial- How to Melt Chocolate

I am sure this tutorial will be of great help to those who

want to learn how to master chocolate and melt it
correctly, whether to make chocolates or use it as a
coating for cakes and other desserts.
How can it seem so simple? The truth is that this entire
process known as “tempering” is one of the best kept
secrets of perfect chocolate.

Chocolate tempering consists of passing the chocolate

through three temperatures to achieve the desired
texture and shine.

To do this, it is necessary that the chocolate be heated and

cooled to very specific temperatures to ensure that the
cocoa butter it contains acquires a stable structure
capable of withstanding its handling, and this is only done
by achieving good crystallization during the tempering
process. .

What is the result of a chocolate

Well Tempered?
When the tempering process has been carried out
correctly, the result is a chocolate that when cooled is
quite shiny and perfect.
In addition to this, a perfect contraction is achieved, which
makes them unmold better when making chocolates, not
to mention that it becomes more resistant to changes in
temperature, humidity and heat.

Does it work with any type of

This process can be done with any type of chocolate (dark,
milk and white), it goes without saying that the higher the
quality, the better the result will be.
Normally, the best chocolates have the optimal melting,
pre-crystallization and crystallization temperatures for
their tempering specified on their package.
Even so, there is a general guide for each type of
chocolate, as I show in the image below:

Knowing the appropriate temperatures for each type of

chocolate, what follows is to pass it through the three
phases corresponding to:

Chocolate Tempering Process

1. Fusion:
It consists of melting the chocolate according to the type
and corresponding temperature.
2. Pre-Crystallization:
To do this, we must lower the temperature of the
chocolate so that the cocoa crystallization begins (the
temperature is also different depending on the type of
3. Crystallization:
Here we must raise the temperature of the chocolate
again and maintain it. This is the same as in the previous
two phases, depending on the type of chocolate.

Step by Step of Tempering

Microwave Process
This is a simple process, but not as reliable as the following
ones, since you will not use a thermometer to control the
temperature, it is more by eye.
What you should do is tap the chocolate for 15 seconds in
the microwave at low temperature.
When most of the chocolate has melted, but there are still
some unmelted pieces, stir until they are melted with the
residual heat and a smooth, fine chocolate is left.
Process on Marble:
It consists of melting the chocolate in a bain-marie and
cooling two-thirds of it on the marble, stirring it over the
surface with a chocolate spatula.

When it has cooled to the appropriate temperature, it is

returned to the bowl where the rest of the chocolate is,
where it continues to be mixed until the corresponding
tempering temperature is reached according to the type of

It is the method most used by large chocolatiers and is

appropriate for large quantities of chocolate.

Water Bath Process:

Without a doubt, it is the simplest and easiest process to
control for those who are just daring to manipulate
chocolate in this way.
So that you don't skip any steps, I will describe them to
you in complete detail:
- Start by putting 2/3 parts of the chocolate you have
chosen in a bain-marie, until it reaches the melting
temperature (look at the guide to the types of
chocolate and their corresponding temperatures).
- Measure the temperature of the chocolate in a bain-
marie while stirring to melt it at the same time. Use a
digital kitchen thermometer.
- When you reach the melting temperature, remove
from the water bath, immediately add the chocolate
that you removed at the beginning and with the help
of a silicone spatula, stir to lower it to the pre-
crystallization temperature.

- What you will achieve by adding the rest of the

chocolate is to lower the temperature quickly. Next
you must raise the temperature of the chocolate again
corresponding to the crystallization phase.

- You will see the chocolate more shiny, and perfect to

use. To maintain the crystallization temperature, keep
the bowl in the water bath, but turned off, it will allow
you to work with it.
Important Considerations for a
Perfect Molten Chocolate
V Keep all utensils very clean and, above all, very dry. A
single drop of water would ruin the chocolate and
there is no fix.

V You must have the bain-marie under control, a single

drop of condensation or water splashing on the
chocolate will damage the entire process.

V To control the temperature, always use a digital

thermometer, it will give you a lot of security.

V The temperature, humidity and utensils you use

greatly influence this process of heating and cooling
the chocolate. That is why it is best to use a steel bowl,
this will allow you to lower the temperature with a
cold water bath or even ice much more quickly.

V Another thing that greatly influences is the quality of

the chocolate, couverture chocolates are appropriate,
but with practice you can do this tempering process
with any other type of chocolate.

V You can do the tempering process as many times as

you want, if in any step of the process you have not
done it correctly, you can start without problems, let's
say that this is one of its greatest advantages.

V If you want to check that you have done it correctly,

use an acetate sheet and apply a thin layer of the
chocolate. When it solidifies, if it is crispy, shiny and
without white spots, it will mean that you have
achieved it perfectly.

Dare to melt the chocolate of your choice right now, I

assure you that by following in detail each step and each
recommendation that I have given you, you will be able to
prepare the most delicious chocolates and/or dips for your
Tutorial- How to Paint On
Fondant with powder coloring

The technique of painting fondant cakes is very simple but

quite useful to give a different finish to cakes with this
type of coverage.
In this post I will only focus on teaching you how to paint
and decorate your cake. If you want more detailed steps
on how to make the fondant and cover the cake perfectly
with it, I invite you to take a look at the previous posts
How to Make Professional Fondant Step A Step and Tips
for Lining a Cake with Fondant, available on this blog.
In the posts that I just mentioned you can find in detail
how to get the base cake for this decoration; from how to
fill and cover the cake with ganache, to how to prepare
and place the fondant coverage.
Now, let's get down to business and read in detail the
ingredients and materials you will need to carry out this
V The cake lined with fondant. This can be the size and
color of your preference.
• Brushes. The ideal is to use two; one with soft strands
and the other with hard strands.
• Edible powder coloring. You can use the color of your
• Some alcoholic drink. You can use any you have at
home, as long as it is transparent, it can be vodka,
anise, rum, etc.

Dye Preparation
1 . Start by placing some powdered food coloring in a
small bowl. I recommend starting with a small amount
to better control the consistency of the mixture.
2 . Then, little by little, add the alcoholic beverage you
have chosen directly to the coloring.

3 . With the help of one of the brushes, stir until it forms

a kind of paste perfect for painting the fondant cake.
Depending on the consistency, add more liquid or
more powdered coloring until the mixture is quite
homogeneous and a little pasty.
4 . Continue stirring until you completely dilute the
colorant in the alcohol, this way you will avoid leaving
lumps when painting that will spoil the decoration.
Step By Step To Paint The Fondant
1.To paint the fondant cake, start using the soft strand
brush. Start by brushing on the top until it is
completely covered.
2.It is normal that you notice that the fondant is not
completely covered, but don't worry, this is just the
first layer.

Note: you probably wondered why use a drink with

alcohol and not water to dilute the powder coloring? The
answer is simple; Alcohol evaporates quickly upon contact
with air.
Quite the opposite happens if you use water, it takes
much longer to evaporate, so there is a risk of the fondant
becoming deformed due to excess moisture.
3.Once you finish applying the first layer of coloring to
the top of the fondant cake, continue with the sides.
4.There are many ways to paint on fondant, but in this
case what I will do is give a brushstroke effect, so it
will be necessary to use the hard strand brush.
The hard strand brush is perfect for this torn effect, if
you use the soft strand brush it will cover a lot and it
won't look good at all.
5.The ideal is to always do this technique from top to
bottom, this way you will achieve the effect on the
inside of each brush stroke.

6.Once the top and sides are painted, I take a dry

container and pour in some powdered food coloring.
7.This time it will not be necessary to mix the coloring
with anything. Take it with the help of a brush with
soft strands and begin to apply it on the surface that
you had painted at the beginning.
What you will achieve with this second layer of dry
colorant is that the powder finishes absorbing the
moisture of the alcohol and therefore you will obtain
a dry finish, completely covered and if you use
metallic tones it will serve to intensify the sparkles of
the colorant on the cake. .
8.Now apply the same procedure on the sides, but
without reaching the ends so that you can maintain
the torn effect that you gave it with the hard brush.

9.Finally, finish decorating your painted fondant cake

with powder coloring according to your taste, the
options are endless.
Tutorial- Slate Cake Step By Step

This slate technique can be applied both on a cake and to

decorate cupcakes , it is quite simple and attractive,
everything will depend on the message you want to
convey according to the celebration.

It basically consists of transferring a text to black fondant

and then going over it with white food coloring or simply
some candy melts.

The ingredients and/or materials to use to carry out this

wonderful cake decorating technique are the following:
V 500 gr of black fondant
•White gel food coloring
• candy melts
• Brushes
• Edible glue
• Silver glitter powder
• fondant smoothers
• Flexible straighteners
• Scissors

Step by Step Preparation

On this occasion I will use a 10 x 10 cm square cake, but
the truth is that you can make it circular, any other shape
or size, it is your choice.

In one of my previous posts; “ Practical tips for lining a

cake with fondant ” that you can find in this same blog, I
explain how to assemble a cake and how to cover it with

Likewise, here I will give you a brief review on how you

should do it on a square cake. The assembly technique is
practically the same, you just have to use a square tray as
a guide to cover with the ganache.

The steps are basically the following:

1.Roll out the black fondant and place it on top of the
cake, well centered so that it covers all parts of the

2.Don't worry about the corners, leave it for later, first

focus on the walls, so that the fondant sticks well to
them and without wrinkles.

3.For the previous step, help yourself with the fondant

smoothers to smooth it and stick it perfectly to the

4.Once you have the walls very smooth, start working on

the corners, pinching the fondant.

5.Cut the excess fondant with a knife, for the corners

use scissors as it is easier, this way the corner will be
marked on the cake. Repeat the same step with the
remaining three corners.
6.Finish by marking the edges with the fondant
smoothers. To give it an even better finish, I
recommend using flexible straighteners.

7.With the cake ready, covered in black fondant, what

follows is to start decorating. Let's go!

Once the cake is lined with fondant, what follows is to

create the…
Slate Effect
The first step for this technique is to choose different
types of letters than the common ones to write the
message on the fondant.
Below, I leave you the template of the font that I used on
this occasion. However, you can choose the one you

Having at hand the template with the letters and the

message that you want to capture on your cake, continue
with the following steps:

1.To transfer the message to the cake you have two

options; The first is to do it directly by resting the
template on the cake and going over it with a marker
to mark the letters on the fondant.
The second and the one I will use this time is,
spreading black fondant and cutting out a square,
preferably a few centimeters smaller than the sides of
the cake.
2.Go over the text on the template with a marker,
pressing lightly so that the letters are marked on the

3.With a little white food coloring and a thin brush, go

over the letters marked on the fondant.

4.The text is now ready to stick on the cake with a little

edible glue applied with a brush.

5.Finally, continue with the details, to give the fondant a

chalkboard appearance, apply silver glitter powder to
the cake with a thick brush.

6.With some candy melts draw figures, filigrees or

lines... if you don't have them, then just continue
giving the effect with a little more white gel coloring.
The cake is ready, finish decorating, in this case I chose to
make simple and small sugar flowers so as not to take
away the importance of the message.

What you will get as a result is a very original and striking

slate effect cake , perfect for whatever the celebration.
Authors: Noris Gonzalez and Rafael Castillo.

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