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Introduction 1.

Budget planning in a company allows you to create a projected plan, for a defined period of
time, to have control of the different aspects of a company or business.

Budget planning is established through internal and external variables, such as: analysis of
sales income, calculations of trends and forecasts, calculation of income, operating expenses,
among other aspects.

In the preparation of this report, the description of the budget planning of the company
Ramírez Sierra S. A, which is a construction company that is going to build a house, where it is
intended to meet the objectives of budget planning, such as: planning and predicting cir,
coordinate and control.

Development 2.

The Ramírez Sierra company from Colombia carried out the statistical calculation of the
construction of the house, within 6 weeks of 2019.

Subsequently, statistical sales data were entered, where statistical results were obtained
through a budget simulator, which contain information on sales prices per ton in the local and
international market.

Then a projection of monthly sales was made between the year 2011, which was the start
year, and the year 2016, which is the period to be budgeted.

The Ramírez Sierra company from Colombia concludes that all resources were used
appropriately, to avoid waste or overcosts. Thanks to the establishment of those responsible
for functions, the objectives proposed by the company were met. Budget planning allows us to
obtain control of the different aspects of a company or product.

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