Crisis of Capitalism in France 1918 1961.

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Student: Sara Rentería Córdova

Teacher: Eco. Galo Moreno Sotomayor
Date: Thursday, August 5, 2021
Course: Third Evening ´´A´´

Crisis of capitalism in France 1918 1961.

The free market system in France began to be used at the end of the 19th century and from the 20th century onwards.
Capitalism was able to solve such important tasks as the construction of railways and roads. Further growth of capitalism
has led to the emergence of the need to control and correct the operations of the state monopoly. The rapid development of
capitalism in the second half of the 20th century led to the emergence of a new phenomenon in economic life, the
internationalization of the world capitalist economy.

What happened in France after PMG?

The First World War is a historical event that is more
present in France than in any other country, perhaps because the Hexagon was the main scene of the conflict and there is
not a town or a city here - especially in the north and east that does not have a monument to the recruits who fell for the
) Industrial development and neocolonial competition generated tensions and rivalries in a world in which there was
nothing left to distribute at market and colonial levels.
• Nationalism was experienced in the great powers and also in the small countries subjected to the great ones.
❖ France after the First World War. Although he ended up as one of the victors in World War I, France was devastated
after the war, with most of the fighting on the Western Front taking place in France.
❖ The industrial region was destroyed and economically devastated.
Crisis of 29 in France
At the end of the war, France, having suffered large industrial losses, was returned to Alsace and Lorraine, where it
established textile and metallurgical factories, and exploited potash and iron deposits, achieving its industrial reconstruction
in the following eight years. Trade in 1925 reached third place among the world's exporting countries. Along with these
positive aspects, there are also unfavorable balances, such as the decline in agricultural production and the devaluation of
the franc by 80 percent.
France Massacre of Algerians in Paris in 1961
> On October 17, 1448, the Ottoman Army defeated the Crusader Army, composed mostly of Hungarians, in the Second
Battle of Kosovo.
> Today in 1777, American forces defeated the British at the Battle of Saratoga. On October 17, 1938, Mustafa Kemal
Ataturk, whose illness became very serious, suffered his first serious illness. The first ´´official statement´´ on Ataturk's
state of health was published.
> On October 17, 1961, French politics attacked the Algerians who were peacefully demonstrating in Paris for the
independence of their country. 400 Algerians were murdered in this incident that went down in history as the ´´Paris
Massacre´´. The bodies of some protesters were pulled from the Seine River.

1. It was in this environment that the French economy, badly damaged by the war, embarked on almost 30 years of rapid
economic growth. However, once the post-war recovery period ended, the French really embraced the private
opportunity with great enthusiasm.
2. What distinguishes the French trajectory is that public ownership, having prospered between 1950 and 1980, fell to very
low levels after 1980, even as private wealth, both financial and real estate, rose to even higher levels. than those of
Great Britain.
3. After a period of state capitalism starting in 1950, France became the promised land of the new private property
capitalism of the 21st century.
The growth in public spending after World War II was probably the result of two forces:

★ Increasing concentrations of private wealth: As wealth and income become more unequal within the population.
★ Baumol's Cost Disease: This is the theory that government spending will naturally become a larger percentage of annual

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