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Supplier/Subcontractor Evaluation Questionnaire

Quality and environment

1- It has a certified quality system according to the references (indicate what applies): (Attach a copy of the certificate)
DEL • 9001 DEL •3AL/AQAP 2120 DEL os DEL Nzuno

Only answer questions 2 to 7 if you do not have a certified quality system.

2- The implementation of a quality system certified according to the ISO 9001 standard is planned in a plan
DEL Oneses DELO ño DEIO ños DEL O planned

3- Ensures the identification of requirements and your ability to meet them before committing to the product or service.

4- Processes non-conformities or customer complaints.

^Q convict

5- Ensures proper handling, storage, packaging, conservation and delivery of your products DELO re O re O applies

6- Performs verifications and/or calibrations and maintenance of its inspection, measurement and EN equipment. DELO re

O re O applies

7- Performs inspection and testing activities to verify compliance with product requirements and records the results.
DELO re O re O applies
Inabensa may request from the supplier/subcontractor the corresponding evidence to ensure what is indicated in sections 2 to 7.

Answer the following question in all cases.

8- Accepts the requirements of Inabensa's quality management system included in the POG procedure "Quality and
environmental requirements for suppliers and subcontractors."

FORMG-061-01.01 1/8 POG-061-01


9- It has an environmental management system certified according to the references (indicate what corresponds (Attach a
copy of the certificate)
DELL) 14001 DeL• IAS DEL os DEL l| |some

Only answer questions 10 to 13 if you do not have a certified environmental management system.
10- The implementation of an environmental management system certified according to the ISO 140 standard of:
Oneses Oyear Oyears planned IO

11- Ensures the rational consumption of raw materials and material resources.
^Q convict
12- It uses recycled and/or low-polluting materials in the production of its products.


13- It carries out adequate management of the waste it generates, in accordance with current legislation.

Inabensa may request from the supplier/subcontractor the corresponding evidence to ensure what is indicated in sections 11 to 1.
Answer the following question in all cases.
14- Accepts the requirements of Inabensa's environmental management system included in the POG procedure "Quality
and environmental requirements for suppliers and subcontractors."
re O re O

Administrative authorizations


15- You have an authorization as a waste manager/recoverer. (Attach a copy of the authorization)

16- It has accreditation as an authorized inspection body. (Attach a copy of the accreditation)
DELO O' O applies


Date and
Completed by: signature:

Charge function:

FORMG-061-01.01 2/8 POG-061-01

Evaluation result (*): Positive (2Negative

Evaluation made by (*)

Evaluation and signature date (*):
(*) To be completed by Inabensa

FORMG-061-01.01 3/8 POG-061-01

and contact.

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oand/or service

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FORMG-061-01.01 POG-061-01

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