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Oral, written and digital communication



“Chemical Engineering has as its main content: conceiving, calculating, designing, having
built and operating facilities where chemical and/or physicochemical transformations are
carried out on an industrial scale to convert raw materials into products intended for the
consumption and benefit of society” (Fernández, 2014)

In this essay, we discuss the versatility of the career, offered by the Central University of
Ecuador, and chosen to be the profession that I want to practice for the rest of my life.
Chemical engineering involves the development of new products and the improvement of
many existing process methods, making them more sustainable and profitable. A Chemical
Engineer can undertake, he can dedicate himself to teaching, research, industry.

All industries need a Chemical Engineer, since each industry entails a different process, from
the process of making a cookie, to the pharmaceutical or textile industry, likewise, their work
involves ensuring the quality of all items. So we can see that this profession is a fundamental
axis in the industrial and economic development, which is necessary for the country.

“Chemical Engineering is that branch of engineering, which is responsible for all the
processes of each of the substances and products that we handle and see in our daily lives, as
well as petroleum chemistry, developing all the fields that it represents. all environmental
media, working with different elements such as the materials they use to adapt and manage
all quality controls. The job opportunities for a chemical engineering professional, having a
wide range of work to develop, in the following article we will be talking to you about four of
these opportunities.” (ALAR, 2018)

Other experts also state that “Many of the latest advances in electronic, medical devices, and
high-performance materials, as well as new technologies to remedy environmental damage
and increase agricultural productivity, arise from continuous innovations and improvements
developed by chemical engineers. .” (La Ingeniería Química, 2016)

Personally, I chose this career because it seems multidisciplinary to me. At the moment, I am
not sure what I want to specialize in, but I do know that I am passionate about this, and I want
to continue and continue. I like the degree, and I know that the Central University has the
quality of education that many young Ecuadorians need. I know that the importance of
Chemical Engineers can go unnoticed, but it must be emphasized that chemical engineers
work to improve the quality of life of society, and many of these products, in our daily lives,
required a Chemical Engineer.


ALAR. (27 de Julio de 2018). Campo Laborla de un Ingeniero Químico. Obtenido de

Fernández, V. R. (2014). INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA: UN ESPACIO DE. Encuentros

multidisciplinarios(48). Obtenido de

La Ingeniería Química. (21 de Noviembre de 2016). Importancia de los Ingenieros Químicos.

Obtenido de

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