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Hamilton Anxiety Scale

Name of patient: __________________________________________________________

Evaluation date _07-19-2012 ___________________________ Clinical record:
Select the corresponding score for each item, according to your experience.
The definitions that follow the item statement are examples that serve as a guide.
Mark in the box on the right the figure that best defines the intensity of each
symptom in the patient. All items must be scored.





1. Anxious mood. x
Worries, anticipation of the worst, apprehension (fearful
anticipation), irritability
2. Tension. x
Feeling of tension, inability to relax, startled reactions, easy
crying, tremors, feeling of restlessness.
3. Fears . x
To the darkness, to strangers, to being alone, to large
animals, to traffic, to crowds .
4. Insomnia . x
Difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep, unsatisfactory
sleep and tiredness when waking up.
5. Intellectual (cognitive) x
Difficulty concentrating, poor memory.
6. Depressed mood . x
Loss of interest, dissatisfaction with entertainment,
depression, premature awakening, mood swings during the
7. General somatic (muscular) symptoms x
Muscle aches and pains, muscle stiffness, muscle
contractions, clonic jerks, gnashing of teeth, trembling voice.
8. General somatic (sensory) symptoms x
Ringing in the ears, blurred vision, hot flashes and
chills, feeling weak, tingling sensation.
9. Cardiovascular symptoms. x
Tachycardia, palpitations, chest pain, vascular palpitations,
feeling of fainting, extrasystole.
10. Respiratory symptoms. x
Tightness or constriction in the chest, feeling of suffocation,
sighing, dyspnea .
11. Gastrointestinal symptoms . x
Difficulty swallowing, gas, dyspepsia: pain before and after
eating, burning sensation, feeling of a full stomach, watery
vomiting, vomiting, feeling of an empty stomach, slow
digestion, borborygmi (intestinal noise), diarrhea, weight loss,
constipation .
12. Genitourinary symptoms . x
Frequent urination, urgent urination, amenorrhea,
menorrhagia, appearance of frigidity, premature ejaculation,
lack of erection, impotence.
13. Autonomous symptoms . x
Dry mouth, flushing, paleness, tendency to sweat, dizziness,
tension headaches, pilo-erection (hairs standing on end)
14. Behavior in the interview (general and x
Tense, not relaxed, nervous agitation: hands, fingers
held, clenched, tics, rolling up a handkerchief; concern;
pacing from side to side, hand trembling, frowning, tight
face, increased muscle tone, sighing, facial paleness.
Swallowing saliva, belching, resting tachycardia,
respiratory rate above 20 res/min, vigorous tendon
jerks, tremor, dilated pupils, exophthalmos (abnormal
projection of the eyeball), sweating, eyelid tics.

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