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This test attempts to test your ability to reason with numbers. Read each exercise, look at the
possible answers offered and mark the correct one. If you need to do calculations, use the
blank sheet of paper you have been given. You have 2 minutes to solve the examples before
starting the test, which will last 15 minutes .


1. What number does this series continue?

12 16

NUMERICAL REASONING............................................................................................1

III. Solve the following problems and mark the alternative that has the answer:

6. If my husband weighs twice as much as me, who weighs half as much as my brother who
weighs 90 kg, what is the weight of the three of us together?

a) 250 kg b) 270 kg c) 265 kg d) 225kg e) 255 kg

7. A polo cost 30 soles and rose 10%. A month later it fell 5% on that price. How much did it
cost in the end?

a) 30.50 b) 32.65 c) 31.35 d) 33 e) 25.50

8. The winner of a ceviche contest bought a 9 kilo cojinova. If the tail weighed half the head
and the head weighed four kilos less than the body. What weight was the body?

a) 4, 5 b) 5 c) 5.5 d) 6 e) 6.5

The following graph shows the data obtained in a survey, carried out on women, where
they were asked if they used face creams. The numbers that appear refer to the quantities
that answered the question in the various possible ways: day only, day and night, no cream,

9. How many people use only one of the creams?

NUMERICAL REASONING............................................................................................1

10. In a town, half of its inhabitants speak Spanish, a quarter speak English but not Spanish,
and a sixth speak English and Spanish. What percentage does not speak Spanish or

a) 40% b) 25% c) 50% d) 5% e) 10%

11. In a supermarket of 100 customers, 49 do not buy detergent A, 53 do not buy detergent B
and 27 do not buy neither A nor B. How many customers buy only one of the two

a) 52 b) 73 c) 47 d) 48 e) 45

12. 60 people come to an ice cream parlor, 23 eat vanilla ice cream with strawberry and 47 eat
vanilla ice cream with chocolate. How many people take vanilla with lucuma if this number
is equal to half the number of people who take vanilla with strawberry and chocolate?

a) 10 b) 12 c) 5 d) 8 e) 16

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