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1.- Draw the contour lines with 20m equidistance that pass through the points

2. - Relate each topographic map in the left column with the relief shape on the right

4ªESO_Biology and Geology Laboratory Topic 2. The topographic map p1 / 4

3.- a) What are the elevations of the points marked as AI?

b) Describe the landscape represented. Consider the following clues:

How to recognize a mountain?
How to recognize a bucket?
How to recognize a valley?
How to recognize a ridge or divide between two valleys?

4ªESO_Biology and Geology Laboratory Topic 2. The topographic map p2 / 4

4.- Preparation of a topographic profile and calculations with the topographic map
(a) What is the equidistance between the contour lines on this map?
(b) Make the topographic profiles A-A', B-B' and C-C' on graph paper.
(c) Calculate the real distance between point O and the top of Mount Gurugú
(d) Calculate the slope of the straight line path between O and the top of Gurugú.
(e) If a dam were planned to be built between X and Y, what area would be flooded?

scale 1: 50,000

4ªESO_Biology and Geology Laboratory Topic 2. The topographic map p3 / 4

4ªESO_Biology and Geology Laboratory Topic 2. The topographic map p4 / 4

a) Draw the four most important rivers in blue and their watersheds in red.
b) Trace the roads in a broken line to connect the three towns with the shortest possible distance, through
the most suitable places and with the least possible asphalt.
c) Make a topographical section that crosses the entire map and passes through Tres Casas and San Blas.
d) Calculate the topographic distance between Tres Casas and Fuensanta.

4ªESO_Biology and Geology Laboratory Topic 2. The topographic map p5 / 4

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