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When we talk about spiritual warfare, we immediately think of "city capture" others of "demons
oppressing people" but in reality we must be thinking on several levels and attack them in an orderly
manner. Levels cannot be skipped any more than we can go from first grade to fourth grade. Precisely
one of the errors that we have seen the most in churches is going out to take the city when they did
not even remove the demons that came from generation to generation on their heads or brothers who
expel demons from the people when they have not been ministered to yet.
The levels that God has shown us are the following:
1. Staff
2. Land
3. Church
4. Aires
5. City-nation
6. Armageddon
Let's briefly look at what each one means:

LEVEL 1: Personal. Everything has its time and preparation. No one can advance from 1 to 5 level just
as no one can launch into the 4th level war unless the first one is okay. That is why this chapter is the
longest, the most important and the key to the great harvest. It consists of removing all the demons
that we have in our lives, uncut curses, strongholds in the mind, magical bandages that the enemy has
put on us. It is being ministered to inner healing and in a search for God, hungry, with a fresh personal
anointing , hearing God. Here we will see how a warrior is formed. Weapons and attitudes of war.

LEVEL 2: Terrestrial. It's the land battle. Since we are already well and armed we can bring power of the
Spirit to those who are bound and disturbed by the devil. It is battling against people's demonic
strongholds, removing demons, healing the sick and discipling under the teacher's principles.

LEVEL 3: Church. The main demons that exist over the churches how they entered and how they
govern the life of hundreds of Christian churches. The spirit of gossip, division, legalism, divorce,
jealousy, sexual, etc. We will also see practical steps to destroy them and make the Holy Spirit our only

LEVEL 4: Aires. This is how we unmask the devil in the media, who he does and what his strategies are
like against churches and pastors. What the devil's attacks are like when we decide to take to the air
for Christ, how occultism works and how we can overcome it. Here we begin to unmask it at the city,
neighborhood or nation level. What our weapons are like at this level, and how we prepare for the great
harvest. The role of intercession and the conquering anointing.

LEVEL 5: City - Nation. How to do the mapping, and start a strategic plan of invasion and impactful
conversion throughout the city. The elements we have to do it, the role of the unit and our weapons.

LEVEL 6: Armageddon. How will the last great war against the antichrist be, how we will win and
harvest thousands for the kingdom of God. A victorious reading of the Apocalypse and the great
Now that we have generally clarified what each level is, let's define some characteristics of the
perimeters, and then delve deeper one by one.


to. The levels are never "exceeded": That is to say, I have already passed level 1, I go to level 2, which
means that the devil will never attack me again at level 1. It is not false. The levels accumulate, I pass 1,
I continue with 2 and then I go to 3, meaning that I now battle simultaneously in 1,2, and 3, in the
previous levels the war continues. That is to say, the battles accumulate, they mix, and the devil
intersperses his attacks simultaneously or with different weapons. That is why it is important to always
start with the first and then move on to the others.
Spiritual warfare books have placed emphasis on what demons or the devil are like and their strategy,
we also want to emphasize that the soldier must be firm, armed and fight strategically.
b. Each stage can last a long time: That is, to go from level 1 to 2, the time may vary from church to
church or from Christian to Christian. This depends on many circumstances, there are Christians who
go from level one to two in weeks and others go from level 1 to 2 in years and others do not even go
from 1 to 2.
The desire of this work, too, is to tell what our experience was like. Some churches cannot go beyond
level 2, others beyond level 3. God ardently desires a victorious people.
The book is developed from the point of view not of the universal church, but of the local one. As we
pass each level in victory, we move on to the next, our lives as soldiers change, our pursuit of God is
greater, and our victories and struggles are more powerful in Him. No matter where we find ourselves
standing, we can never say "that's it", but rather "Lord, give me more... more..."

c. Spiritual warfare at any level presupposes being under the Lordship of Christ and in holiness: With
this what I wish to emphasize is that spiritual warfare is joined to another bunch of spiritual "issues."
Spiritual warfare is not simply about "rebuking spirits" and nothing more. The holiness, the unity, the
presence of the ES etc., are elements of spiritual warfare, without these there is no war but rather
people shouting into the air believing they are achieving something for God.
d. Battles and weapons must be strategic, that is, used according to each level: Spiritual warfare is a
serious matter. We cannot go to level 3 if we have not battled and grown in level 1 of the battle on a
personal level. How can we battle in the capture of cities (level 4) if the church is not in internal unity.
Can an army go out to battle against the enemy if they themselves do not agree with their leaders? If
there is no unity in the soldiers, how will they fight against the prince of the division? On the other
hand, if they do not know their weapons, they do not know how to use them and when, how are we
going to wage an effective war?

and. At each level the important thing is to discover the enemy's strategy and combat it: Analyze their
attacks, discover them through the guidance of the Spirit and through the eyes of faith and destroy
them. The enemy is vulnerable, find out where he is and attack him. Each attack of the devil on our life
or the church is weak in itself, we just have to locate it as we will explain later and attack it. If he comes
like a hurricane he will run like lightning!!


When we talk about spiritual warfare, we immediately think of "city capture" others of "demons oppressing
people" but in reality we must be thinking on several levels and attack them in an orderly manner. Levels
cannot be skipped any more than we can go from first grade to fourth grade. Precisely one of the errors that
we have seen the most in churches is going out to take the city when they did not even remove the demons
that came from generation to generation on their heads or brothers who expel demons from the people when
they have not been ministered to yet.
The levels that God has shown us are the following :
1. Staff
2. Land
3. Church


When we talk about spiritual warfare, we immediately think of "city capture" others of "demons oppressing
people" but in reality we must be thinking on several levels and attack them in an orderly manner. Levels
cannot be skipped any more than we can go from first grade to fourth grade. Precisely one of the errors that
we have seen the most in churches is going out to take the city when they did not even remove the demons
that came from generation to generation on their heads or brothers who expel demons from the people when
they have not been ministered to yet.
The levels that God has shown us are the following :
1. Staff
2. Land
3. Church
4. Aires
5. City-nation
6. Armageddon
Let's briefly look at what each one means:

LEVEL 1: Personal. Everything has its time and preparation. No one can advance from 1 to 5 level just as no
one can launch into the 4th level war unless the first one is okay. That is why this chapter is the longest, the
most important and the key to the great harvest. It consists of removing all the demons that we have in our
lives, uncut curses, strongholds in the mind, magical bandages that the enemy has put on us. It is being
ministered to inner healing and in a search for God, hungry, with a fresh personal anointing , hearing God.
Here we will see how a warrior is formed. Weapons and attitudes of war.

LEVEL 2: Terrestrial. It's the land battle. Since we are already well and armed we can bring power of the
Spirit to those who are bound and disturbed by the devil. It is battling against people's demonic strongholds,
removing demons, healing the sick and discipling under the teacher's principles.

LEVEL 3: Church. The main demons that exist over the churches how they entered and how they govern the
life of hundreds of Christian churches. The spirit of gossip, division, legalism, divorce, jealousy, sexual, etc. We
will also see practical steps to destroy them and make the Holy Spirit our only guide.

LEVEL 4: Aires. This is how we unmask the devil in the media, who he does and what his strategies are like
against churches and pastors. What are the attacks of the devil like when we decide to take to the air for
Christ, how does occultism work and how can we defeat it. Here we begin to unmask it at the city,
neighborhood or nation level. What our weapons are like at this level, and how we prepare for the great
harvest. The role of intercession and the conquering anointing.

LEVEL 5: City - Nation. How to do the mapping, and start a strategic plan of invasion and impactful
conversion throughout the city. The elements we have to do it, the role of the unit and our weapons.

LEVEL 6: Armageddon. How will the last great war against the antichrist be, how we will win and harvest
thousands for the kingdom of God. A victorious reading of the Apocalypse and the great tribulation.
Now that we have generally clarified what each level is, let's define some characteristics of the perimeters,
and then delve deeper one by one.


to. The levels are never "exceeded": That is to say, I have already passed level 1, I go to level 2, which
means that the devil will never attack me again at level 1. It is not false. The levels accumulate, I pass 1, I
continue with 2 and then I go to 3, meaning that I now battle simultaneously in 1,2, and 3, in the previous levels
the war continues. That is to say, the battles accumulate, they mix, and the devil intersperses his attacks
simultaneously or with different weapons. That is why it is important to always start with the first and then move
on to the others.
Spiritual warfare books have placed emphasis on what demons or the devil are like and their strategy, we also
want to emphasize that the soldier must be firm, armed and fight strategically.

b. Each stage can last a long time : That is, to go from level 1 to 2, the time may vary from church to church
or from Christian to Christian. This depends on many circumstances, there are Christians who go from level
one to two in weeks and others go from level 1 to 2 in years and others do not even go from 1 to 2.
The desire of this work, too, is to tell what our experience was like. Some churches cannot go beyond level 2,
others beyond level 3. God ardently desires a victorious people.
The book is developed from the point of view not of the universal church, but of the local one. As we pass
each level in victory, we move on to the next, our lives as soldiers change, our pursuit of God is greater, and
our victories and struggles are more powerful in Him. No matter where we find ourselves standing, we can
never say "that's it", but rather "Lord, give me more... more..."

c. Spiritual warfare at any level presupposes being under the Lordship of Christ and in holiness : With
this what I wish to emphasize is that spiritual warfare is joined to another bunch of spiritual "issues." Spiritual
warfare is not simply about "rebuking spirits" and nothing more. The holiness, the unity, the presence of the ES
etc., are elements of spiritual warfare, without these there is no war but rather people shouting into the air
believing they are achieving something for God.
d. Battles and weapons must be strategic, that is, used according to each level : Spiritual warfare is a
serious matter. We cannot go to level 3 if we have not battled and grown in level 1 of the battle on a personal
level. How can we battle in the capture of cities (level 4) if the church is not in internal unity. Can an army go
out to battle against the enemy if they themselves do not agree with their leaders? If there is no unity in the
soldiers, how will they fight against the prince of the division? On the other hand, if they do not know their
weapons, they do not know how to use them and when, how are we going to wage an effective war?

and. In each level the important thing is to discover the enemy's strategy and combat it : Analyze their
attacks, discover them through the guidance of the Spirit and through the eyes of faith and destroy them. The
enemy is vulnerable, find out where he is and attack him. Each attack of the devil on our life or the church is
weak in itself, we just have to locate it as we will explain later and attack it. If he comes like a hurricane he will
run like lightning!!

5. City-nation


When we talk about spiritual warfare, we immediately think of "city capture" others of "demons oppressing
people" but in reality we must be thinking on several levels and attack them in an orderly manner. Levels
cannot be skipped any more than we can go from first grade to fourth grade. Precisely one of the errors that
we have seen the most in churches is going out to take the city when they did not even remove the demons
that came from generation to generation on their heads or brothers who expel demons from the people when
they have not been ministered to yet.
The levels that God has shown us are the following :
1. Staff
2. Land
3. Church
4. Aires
5. City-nation
6. Armageddon
Let's briefly look at what each one means:

LEVEL 1: Personal. Everything has its time and preparation. No one can advance from 1 to 5 level just as no
one can launch into the 4th level war unless the first one is okay. That is why this chapter is the longest, the
most important and the key to the great harvest. It consists of removing all the demons that we have in our
lives, uncut curses, strongholds in the mind, magical bandages that the enemy has put on us. It is being
ministered to inner healing and in a search for God, hungry, with a fresh personal anointing , hearing God.
Here we will see how a warrior is formed. Weapons and attitudes of war.

LEVEL 2: Terrestrial. It's the land battle. Since we are already well and armed we can bring power of the
Spirit to those who are bound and disturbed by the devil. It is battling against people's demonic strongholds,
removing demons, healing the sick and discipling under the teacher's principles.

LEVEL 3: Church. The main demons that exist over the churches how they entered and how they govern the
life of hundreds of Christian churches. The spirit of gossip, division, legalism, divorce, jealousy, sexual, etc. We
will also see practical steps to destroy them and make the Holy Spirit our only guide.

LEVEL 4: Aires. This is how we unmask the devil in the media, who he does and what his strategies are like
against churches and pastors. What the devil's attacks are like when we decide to take to the air for Christ,
how occultism works and how we can overcome it. Here we begin to unmask it at the city, neighborhood or
nation level. What our weapons are like at this level, and how we prepare for the great harvest. The role of
intercession and the conquering anointing.

LEVEL 5: City - Nation. How to do the mapping, and start a strategic plan of invasion and impactful
conversion throughout the city. The elements we have to do it, the role of the unit and our weapons.
LEVEL 6: Armageddon. How will the last great war against the antichrist be, how we will win and harvest
thousands for the kingdom of God. A victorious reading of the Apocalypse and the great tribulation.
Now that we have generally clarified what each level is, let's define some characteristics of the perimeters,
and then delve deeper one by one.


to. The levels are never "exceeded": That is to say, I have already passed level 1, I go to level 2, which
means that the devil will never attack me again at level 1. It is not false. The levels accumulate, I pass 1, I
continue with 2 and then I go to 3, meaning that I now battle simultaneously in 1,2, and 3, in the previous levels
the war continues. That is to say, the battles accumulate, they mix, and the devil intersperses his attacks
simultaneously or with different weapons. That is why it is important to always start with the first and then move
on to the others.
Spiritual warfare books have placed emphasis on what demons or the devil are like and their strategy, we also
want to emphasize that the soldier must be firm, armed and fight strategically.

b. Each stage can last a long time : That is, to go from level 1 to 2, the time may vary from church to church
or from Christian to Christian. This depends on many circumstances, there are Christians who go from level
one to two in weeks and others go from level 1 to 2 in years and others do not even go from 1 to 2.
The desire of this work, too, is to tell what our experience was like. Some churches cannot go beyond level 2,
others beyond level 3. God ardently desires a victorious people.
The book is developed from the point of view not of the universal church, but of the local one. As we pass
each level in victory, we move on to the next, our lives as soldiers change, our pursuit of God is greater, and
our victories and struggles are more powerful in Him. No matter where we find ourselves standing, we can
never say "that's it", but rather "Lord, give me more... more..."

c. Spiritual warfare at any level presupposes being under the Lordship of Christ and in holiness : With
this what I wish to emphasize is that spiritual warfare is joined to another bunch of spiritual "issues." Spiritual
warfare is not simply about "rebuking spirits" and nothing more. The holiness, the unity, the presence of the ES
etc., are elements of spiritual warfare, without these there is no war but rather people shouting into the air
believing they are achieving something for God.
d. Battles and weapons must be strategic, that is, used according to each level : Spiritual warfare is a
serious matter. We cannot go to level 3 if we have not battled and grown in level 1 of the battle on a personal
level. How can we battle in the capture of cities (level 4) if the church is not in internal unity. Can an army go
out to battle against the enemy if they themselves do not agree with their leaders? If there is no unity in the
soldiers, how will they fight against the prince of the division? On the other hand, if they do not know their
weapons, they do not know how to use them and when, how are we going to wage an effective war?

and. In each level the important thing is to discover the enemy's strategy and combat it : Analyze their
attacks, discover them through the guidance of the Spirit and through the eyes of faith and destroy them. The
enemy is vulnerable, find out where he is and attack him. Each attack of the devil on our life or the church is
weak in itself, we just have to locate it as we will explain later and attack it. If he comes like a hurricane he will
run like lightning!!

Let's briefly look at what each one means: BY GUILLERMO MALDONADO


When we talk about spiritual warfare, we immediately think of "city capture" others of "demons oppressing
people" but in reality we must be thinking on several levels and attack them in an orderly manner. Levels
cannot be skipped any more than we can go from first grade to fourth grade. Precisely one of the errors that
we have seen the most in churches is going out to take the city when they did not even remove the demons
that came from generation to generation on their heads or brothers who expel demons from the people when
they have not been ministered to yet.
The levels that God has shown us are the following :
1. Staff
2. Land
3. Church
4. Aires
5. City-nation
6. Armageddon
Let's briefly look at what each one means:

LEVEL 1: Personal. Everything has its time and preparation. No one can advance from 1 to 5 level just as no
one can launch into the 4th level war unless the first one is okay. That is why this chapter is the longest, the
most important and the key to the great harvest. It consists of removing all the demons that we have in our
lives, uncut curses, strongholds in the mind, magical bandages that the enemy has put on us. It is being
ministered to inner healing and in a search for God, hungry, with a fresh personal anointing , hearing God.
Here we will see how a warrior is formed. Weapons and attitudes of war.

LEVEL 2: Terrestrial. It's the land battle. Since we are already well and armed we can bring power of the
Spirit to those who are bound and disturbed by the devil. It is battling against people's demonic strongholds,
removing demons, healing the sick and discipling under the teacher's principles.

LEVEL 3: Church. The main demons that exist over the churches how they entered and how they govern the
life of hundreds of Christian churches. The spirit of gossip, division, legalism, divorce, jealousy, sexual, etc. We
will also see practical steps to destroy them and make the Holy Spirit our only guide.

LEVEL 4: Aires. This is how we unmask the devil in the media, who he does and what his strategies are like
against churches and pastors. What the devil's attacks are like when we decide to take to the air for Christ,
how occultism works and how we can overcome it. Here we begin to unmask it at the city, neighborhood or
nation level. What our weapons are like at this level, and how we prepare for the great harvest. The role of
intercession and the conquering anointing.

LEVEL 5: City - Nation. How to do the mapping, and start a strategic plan of invasion and impactful
conversion throughout the city. The elements we have to do it, the role of the unit and our weapons.

LEVEL 6: Armageddon. How will the last great war against the antichrist be, how we will win and harvest
thousands for the kingdom of God. A victorious reading of the Apocalypse and the great tribulation.
Now that we have generally clarified what each level is, let's define some characteristics of the perimeters,
and then delve deeper one by one.


to. The levels are never "exceeded": That is to say, I have already passed level 1, I go to level 2, which
means that the devil will never attack me again at level 1. It is not false. The levels accumulate, I pass 1, I
continue with 2 and then I go to 3, meaning that I now battle simultaneously in 1,2, and 3, in the previous levels
the war continues. That is to say, the battles accumulate, they mix, and the devil intersperses his attacks
simultaneously or with different weapons. That is why it is important to always start with the first and then move
on to the others.
Spiritual warfare books have placed emphasis on what demons or the devil are like and their strategy, we also
want to emphasize that the soldier must be firm, armed and fight strategically.

b. Each stage can last a long time : That is, to go from level 1 to 2, the time may vary from church to church
or from Christian to Christian. This depends on many circumstances, there are Christians who go from level
one to two in weeks and others go from level 1 to 2 in years and others do not even go from 1 to 2.
The desire of this work, too, is to tell what our experience was like. Some churches cannot go beyond level 2,
others beyond level 3. God ardently desires a victorious people.
The book is developed from the point of view not of the universal church, but of the local one. As we pass
each level in victory, we move on to the next, our lives as soldiers change, our pursuit of God is greater, and
our victories and struggles are more powerful in Him. No matter where we find ourselves standing, we can
never say "that's it", but rather "Lord, give me more... more..."

c. Spiritual warfare at any level presupposes being under the Lordship of Christ and in holiness : With
this what I wish to emphasize is that spiritual warfare is joined to another bunch of spiritual "issues." Spiritual
warfare is not simply about "rebuking spirits" and nothing more. The holiness, the unity, the presence of the ES
etc., are elements of spiritual warfare, without these there is no war but rather people shouting into the air
believing they are achieving something for God.
d. Battles and weapons must be strategic, that is, used according to each level : Spiritual warfare is a
serious matter. We cannot go to level 3 if we have not battled and grown in level 1 of the battle on a personal
level. How can we battle in the capture of cities (level 4) if the church is not in internal unity. Can an army go
out to battle against the enemy if they themselves do not agree with their leaders? If there is no unity in the
soldiers, how will they fight against the prince of the division? On the other hand, if they do not know their
weapons, they do not know how to use them and when, how are we going to wage an effective war?

and. In each level the important thing is to discover the enemy's strategy and combat it : Analyze their
attacks, discover them through the guidance of the Spirit and through the eyes of faith and destroy them. The
enemy is vulnerable, find out where he is and attack him. Each attack of the devil on our life or the church is
weak in itself, we just have to locate it as we will explain later and attack it. If he comes like a hurricane he will
run like lightning!!

LEVEL 1: Personal. Everything has its time and preparation. No one can advance from 1 to 5 level just as no
one can launch into the 4th level war unless the first one is okay. That is why this chapter is the longest, the
most important and the key to the great harvest. It consists of removing all the demons that we have in our
lives, uncut curses, strongholds in the mind, magical bandages that the enemy has put on us. It is being
ministered to inner healing and in a search for God, hungry, with a fresh personal anointing , hearing God.
Here we will see how a warrior is formed. Weapons and attitudes of war.

LEVEL 2: Terrestrial. It's the land battle. Since we are already well and armed we can bring power of the
Spirit to those who are bound and disturbed by the devil. It is battling against people's demonic strongholds,
removing demons, healing the sick and discipling under the teacher's principles.

LEVEL 3: Church. The main demons that exist over the churches how they entered and how they govern the
life of hundreds of Christian churches. The spirit of gossip, division, legalism, divorce, jealousy, sexual, etc. We
will also see practical steps to destroy them and make the Holy Spirit our only guide.

LEVEL 4: Aires. This is how we unmask the devil in the media, who he does and what his strategies are like
against churches and pastors. What the devil's attacks are like when we decide to take to the air for Christ,
how occultism works and how we can overcome it. Here we begin to unmask it at the city, neighborhood or
nation level. What our weapons are like at this level, and how we prepare for the great harvest. The role of
intercession and the conquering anointing.

LEVEL 5: City - Nation. How to do the mapping, and start a strategic plan of invasion and impactful
conversion throughout the city. The elements we have to do it, the role of the unit and our weapons.

LEVEL 6: Armageddon. How will the last great war against the antichrist be, how we will win and harvest
thousands for the kingdom of God. A victorious reading of the Apocalypse and the great tribulation.
Now that we have generally clarified what each level is, let's define some characteristics of the perimeters,
and then delve deeper one by one. BY GUILLERMO MALDONADO


When we talk about spiritual warfare, we immediately think of "city capture" others of "demons oppressing
people" but in reality we must be thinking on several levels and attack them in an orderly manner. Levels
cannot be skipped any more than we can go from first grade to fourth grade. Precisely one of the errors that
we have seen the most in churches is going out to take the city when they did not even remove the demons
that came from generation to generation on their heads or brothers who expel demons from the people when
they have not been ministered to yet.
The levels that God has shown us are the following :
1. Staff
2. Land
3. Church
4. Aires
5. City-nation
6. Armageddon
Let's briefly look at what each one means:

LEVEL 1: Personal. Everything has its time and preparation. No one can advance from 1 to 5 level just as no
one can launch into the 4th level war unless the first one is okay. That is why this chapter is the longest, the
most important and the key to the great harvest. It consists of removing all the demons that we have in our
lives, uncut curses, strongholds in the mind, magical bandages that the enemy has put on us. It is being
ministered to inner healing and in a search for God, hungry, with a fresh personal anointing , hearing God.
Here we will see how a warrior is formed. Weapons and attitudes of war.

LEVEL 2: Terrestrial. It's the land battle. Since we are already well and armed we can bring power of the
Spirit to those who are bound and disturbed by the devil. It is battling against people's demonic strongholds,
removing demons, healing the sick and discipling under the teacher's principles.

LEVEL 3: Church. The main demons that exist over the churches how they entered and how they govern the
life of hundreds of Christian churches. The spirit of gossip, division, legalism, divorce, jealousy, sexual, etc. We
will also see practical steps to destroy them and make the Holy Spirit our only guide.

LEVEL 4: Aires. This is how we unmask the devil in the media, who he does and what his strategies are like
against churches and pastors. What the devil's attacks are like when we decide to take to the air for Christ,
how occultism works and how we can overcome it. Here we begin to unmask it at the city, neighborhood or
nation level. What our weapons are like at this level, and how we prepare for the great harvest. The role of
intercession and the conquering anointing.

LEVEL 5: City - Nation. How to do the mapping, and start a strategic plan of invasion and impactful
conversion throughout the city. The elements we have to do it, the role of the unit and our weapons.

LEVEL 6: Armageddon. How will the last great war against the antichrist be, how we will win and harvest
thousands for the kingdom of God. A victorious reading of the Apocalypse and the great tribulation.
Now that we have generally clarified what each level is, let's define some characteristics of the perimeters,
and then delve deeper one by one.


to. The levels are never "exceeded": That is to say, I have already passed level 1, I go to level 2, which
means that the devil will never attack me again at level 1. It is not false. The levels accumulate, I pass 1, I
continue with 2 and then I go to 3, meaning that I now battle simultaneously in 1,2, and 3, in the previous levels
the war continues. That is to say, the battles accumulate, they mix, and the devil intersperses his attacks
simultaneously or with different weapons. That is why it is important to always start with the first and then move
on to the others.
Spiritual warfare books have placed emphasis on what demons or the devil are like and their strategy, we also
want to emphasize that the soldier must be firm, armed and fight strategically.

b. Each stage can last a long time : That is to say, to go from level 1 to 2, the time may vary from church to
church or from Christian to Christian. This depends on many circumstances, there are Christians who go from
level one to two in weeks and others go from level 1 to 2 in years and others do not even go from 1 to 2.
The desire of this work, too, is to tell what our experience was like. Some churches cannot go beyond level 2,
others beyond level 3. God ardently desires a victorious people.
The book is developed from the point of view not of the universal church, but of the local one. As we pass
each level in victory, we move on to the next, our lives as soldiers change, our pursuit of God is greater, and
our victories and struggles are more powerful in Him. No matter where we find ourselves standing, we can
never say "that's it", but rather "Lord, give me more... more..."

c. Spiritual warfare at any level presupposes being under the Lordship of Christ and in holiness : With
this what I wish to emphasize is that spiritual warfare is joined to another bunch of spiritual "issues." Spiritual
warfare is not simply about "rebuking spirits" and nothing more. The holiness, the unity, the presence of the ES
etc., are elements of spiritual warfare, without these there is no war but rather people shouting into the air
believing they are achieving something for God.
d. Battles and weapons must be strategic, that is, used according to each level : Spiritual warfare is a
serious matter. We cannot go to level 3 if we have not battled and grown in level 1 of the battle on a personal
level. How can we battle in the capture of cities (level 4) if the church is not in internal unity. Can an army go
out to battle against the enemy if they themselves do not agree with their leaders? If there is no unity in the
soldiers, how will they fight against the prince of the division? On the other hand, if they do not know their
weapons, they do not know how to use them and when, how are we going to wage an effective war?

and. In each level the important thing is to discover the enemy's strategy and combat it : Analyze their
attacks, discover them through the guidance of the Spirit and through the eyes of faith and destroy them. The
enemy is vulnerable, find out where he is and attack him. Each attack of the devil on our life or the church is
weak in itself, we just have to locate it as we will explain later and attack it. If he comes like a hurricane he will
run like lightning!!



When we talk about spiritual warfare, we immediately think of "city capture" others of "demons
oppressing people" but in reality we must be thinking on several levels and attack them in an orderly
manner. Levels cannot be skipped any more than we can go from first grade to fourth grade. Precisely
one of the errors that we have seen the most in churches is going out to take the city when they did
not even remove the demons that came from generation to generation on their heads or brothers who
expel demons from the people when they have not been ministered to yet.
The levels that God has shown us are the following :
1. Staff
2. Land
3. Church
4. Aires
5. City-nation
6. Armageddon
Let's briefly look at what each one means:

LEVEL 1: Personal. Everything has its time and preparation. No one can advance from 1 to 5 level just
as no one can launch into the 4th level war unless the first one is okay. That is why this chapter is the
longest, the most important and the key to the great harvest. It consists of removing all the demons
that we have in our lives, uncut curses, strongholds in the mind, magical bandages that the enemy has
put on us. It is being ministered to inner healing and in a search for God, hungry, with a fresh personal
anointing , hearing God. Here we will see how a warrior is formed. Weapons and attitudes of war.

LEVEL 2: Terrestrial. It's the land battle. Since we are already well and armed we can bring power of the
Spirit to those who are bound and disturbed by the devil. It is battling against people's demonic
strongholds, removing demons, healing the sick and discipling under the teacher's principles.

LEVEL 3: Church. The main demons that exist over the churches how they entered and how they
govern the life of hundreds of Christian churches. The spirit of gossip, division, legalism, divorce,
jealousy, sexual, etc. We will also see practical steps to destroy them and make the Holy Spirit our only

LEVEL 4: Aires. This is how we unmask the devil in the media, who he does and what his strategies are
like against churches and pastors. What the devil's attacks are like when we decide to take to the air
for Christ, how occultism works and how we can overcome it. Here we begin to unmask it at the city,
neighborhood or nation level. What our weapons are like at this level, and how we prepare for the great
harvest. The role of intercession and the conquering anointing.

LEVEL 5: City - Nation. How to do the mapping, and start a strategic plan of invasion and impactful
conversion throughout the city. The elements we have to do it, the role of the unit and our weapons.
LEVEL 6: Armageddon. How will the last great war against the antichrist be, how we will win and
harvest thousands for the kingdom of God. A victorious reading of the Apocalypse and the great
Now that we have generally clarified what each level is, let's define some characteristics of the
perimeters, and then delve deeper one by one.


to. The levels are never "exceeded": That is to say, I have already passed level 1, I go to level 2, which
means that the devil will never attack me again at level 1. It is not false. The levels accumulate, I pass 1,
I continue with 2 and then I go to 3, meaning that I now battle simultaneously in 1,2, and 3, in the
previous levels the war continues. That is to say, the battles accumulate, they mix, and the devil
intersperses his attacks simultaneously or with different weapons. That is why it is important to always
start with the first and then move on to the others.
Spiritual warfare books have placed emphasis on what demons or the devil are like and their strategy,
we also want to emphasize that the soldier must be firm, armed and fight strategically.

b. Each stage can last a long time: That is, to go from level 1 to 2, the time may vary from church to
church or from Christian to Christian. This depends on many circumstances, there are Christians who
go from level one to two in weeks and others go from level 1 to 2 in years and others do not even go
from 1 to 2.
The desire of this work, too, is to tell what our experience was like. Some churches cannot go beyond
level 2, others beyond level 3. God ardently desires a victorious people.
The book is developed from the point of view not of the universal church, but of the local one. As we
pass each level in victory, we move on to the next, our lives as soldiers change, our pursuit of God is
greater, and our victories and struggles are more powerful in Him. No matter where we find ourselves
standing, we can never say "that's it", but rather "Lord, give me more... more..."

c. Spiritual warfare at any level presupposes being under the Lordship of Christ and in holiness: With
this what I wish to emphasize is that spiritual warfare is joined to another bunch of spiritual "issues."
Spiritual warfare is not simply about "rebuking spirits" and nothing more. The holiness, the unity, the
presence of the ES etc., are elements of spiritual warfare, without these there is no war but rather
people shouting into the air believing they are achieving something for God.
d. Battles and weapons must be strategic, that is, used according to each level: Spiritual warfare is a
serious matter. We cannot go to level 3 if we have not battled and grown in level 1 of the battle on a
personal level. How can we battle in the capture of cities (level 4) if the church is not in internal unity.
Can an army go out to battle against the enemy if they themselves do not agree with their leaders? If
there is no unity in the soldiers, how will they fight against the prince of the division? On the other
hand, if they do not know their weapons, they do not know how to use them and when, how are we
going to wage an effective war?

and. At each level the important thing is to discover the enemy's strategy and combat it: Analyze their
attacks, discover them through the guidance of the Spirit and through the eyes of faith and destroy
them. The enemy is vulnerable, find out where he is and attack him. Each attack of the devil on our life
or the church is weak in itself, we just have to locate it as we will explain later and attack it. If he comes
like a hurricane he will run like lightning!!

to. The levels are never "exceeded": That is to say, I have already passed level 1, I go to level 2, which
means that the devil will never attack me again at level 1. It is not false. The levels accumulate, I pass 1, I
continue with 2 and then I go to 3, meaning that I now battle simultaneously in 1,2, and 3, in the previous levels
the war continues. That is to say, the battles accumulate, they mix, and the devil intersperses his attacks
simultaneously or with different weapons. That is why it is important to always start with the first and then move
on to the others.
Spiritual warfare books have placed emphasis on what demons or the devil are like and their strategy, we also
want to emphasize that the soldier must be firm, armed and fight strategically.
b. Each stage can last a long time : That is, to go from level 1 to 2, the time may vary from church to church
or from Christian to Christian. This depends on many circumstances, there are Christians who go from level
one to two in weeks and others go from level 1 to 2 in years and others do not even go from 1 to 2.
The desire of this work, too, is to tell what our experience was like. Some churches cannot go beyond level 2,
others beyond level 3. God ardently desires a victorious people.
The book is developed from the point of view not of the universal church, but of the local one. As we pass
each level in victory, we move on to the next, our lives as soldiers change, our pursuit of God is greater, and
our victories and struggles are more powerful in Him. No matter where we find ourselves standing, we can
never say "that's it", but rather "Lord, give me more... more..."

c. Spiritual warfare at any level presupposes being under the Lordship of Christ and in holiness : With
this what I wish to emphasize is that spiritual warfare is joined to another bunch of spiritual "issues." Spiritual
warfare is not simply about "rebuking spirits" and nothing more. The holiness, the unity, the presence of the ES
etc., are elements of spiritual warfare, without these there is no war but rather people shouting into the air
believing they are achieving something for God.
d. Battles and weapons must be strategic, that is, used according to each level : Spiritual warfare is a
serious matter. We cannot go to level 3 if we have not battled and grown in level 1 of the battle on a personal
level. How can we battle in the capture of cities (level 4) if the church is not in internal unity. Can an army go
out to battle against the enemy if they themselves do not agree with their leaders? If there is no unity in the
soldiers, how will they fight against the prince of the division? On the other hand, if they do not know their
weapons, they do not know how to use them and when, how are we going to wage an effective war?

and. In each level the important thing is to discover the enemy's strategy and combat it : Analyze their
attacks, discover them through the guidance of the Spirit and through the eyes of faith and destroy them. The
enemy is vulnerable, find out where he is and attack him. Each attack of the devil on our life or the church is
weak in itself, we just have to locate it as we will explain later and attack it. If he comes like a hurricane he will
run like lightning!!

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