Food Project

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Project: "Food"

Project sent by Maria Belén del Río

When the human being eats, he carries out an activity purely
You can choose what to eat motivated by various factors.
Being able to choose, however, has the risk of making a mistake, of
not choosing
most convenient. Therefore, it is necessary to know and follow the
about which foods are best for our health, their type, quality,
quantity and distribution throughout the day and take into account
other values
that can influence the election.
It is necessary to incorporate eating habits and customs from
childhood and
nothing better than starting to work with this problem, allowing the
in the morning, an awareness to maintain balance.

. Lack of lunch is observed in many children
. Several of the children eat "fast or junk foods" for lunch.
. In many cases, mothers say that they do not want to eat before
come to the garden
. The whole group enjoys the snack moment.

. Solve problems, using the numerical series and the natural
number as
expression of quantity, in different contexts.
. Know the social use of measurement and measurement
. Compare elementary relationships of form and function (life,
care) among living beings.
. Carry out inquiries in your immediate environment as a group and
. Build and use simple instruments.
. Anticipate text from an image, paratext.
. Express yourself in two- and three-dimensional space in personal
projects and
. Analyze some of the transformations that occur in the matter
before the
presence or absence of different stimuli.
. Solve simple problems by proposing different alternatives.


Number :
. Correspondence between the series of numbers and the objects
. Transformations that affect the cardinality of a collection (add,
gather, distribute, remove).
Space :
. Geometric properties of bodies: shape: cylinder, cube, pyramid.
. Geometric properties of figures:
Extent :
. The use of measurement and measurements in the everyday

Oral Communication:
. The description of objects and situations.
. The production and reproduction of word games: riddles,
tongue twisters, highs, rhymes, songs.
Written communication:
. The texts according to their communicative intention: informative,
. Strategies for anticipating the content of a text from the

Society, Economy and Nature:
. The work and occupations of people.
. The basic needs of human beings. Your satisfaction.
Construction of Knowledge of Social Reality:
. The use of simple instruments. Active exploration.
. Obtaining information: observation, selection and registration.
. Causal relationships in social reality.
. The verification of anticipations.

Diversity in Natural Environment Systems:
. Making drawings of observed reality.
Organisms and the Physical Environment:
. Nutrition and food: types and habits. Balanced diet.
Matter and energy:
. The observation, selection and recording of information.
. Changes of state in matter: solid, liquid, gaseous.

. Qualities of materials and objects present in the natural
environment and
social (shape, color, size, texture).
. Chromatic diversity: cigars and their mixtures.
. Smooth, rough, soft, rough, dry, wet texture
. Tools, materials and supports: exploration and use. (tempera,
watercolors, pencil, water, fabric, papers, boxes, etc.).
. Visual reading of pages of editions: magazines, brochures.

Possible activities:
. Inquire about the children's prior knowledge regarding the topics
to be discussed.
. They will record information.
. They will talk about: who works for us to feed ourselves,
where they do it, who are the greengrocer, baker, butcher, grocer,
cook, etc. Do you know any? Who tells us if food is good for us?
or wrong?, etc.
. They will make a chart with the children's favorite foods.
. They will create messages pointing to good nutrition.
. They will discuss: how many times we eat per day, what we eat,
with whom
We share meals, etc.
. They will make a conceptual map with images, about the needs
basics of human beings.
. They will find out in their homes what happens if we don't eat, if we
eat a lot
sweets, fried foods, etc.
. They will make a Food Pyramid with clippings from magazines or
. They will draw what they eat for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.
. They will practice hygiene rules before cooking.
. They will prepare the breads for the snack.
. They will hear instructions for preparing foods: gelatin, noodles
. They will draw the steps of the different preparations.
. They will analyze some of the transformations that occur during
. From the cow to the cup: they will order a sequence in images.
. Ask the children to dictate the recipe for the different preparations
prepare a recipe book in order to systematize the experiences
carried out.
. They will classify and count food containers (by class, type, brand),
. They will play with dice, count, accumulate points, record.
. They will add the price to the food packaging.
. They will classify photocopied bills. Group them by value. Count
. They will weigh empty containers; fill them and weigh them again.
hypothesis about which will be heavier or lighter. Request scales or
make them.
. They will recognize products and brands, look for the same,
compare those that
They have many letters, those who have few.
. They will clap the names and brands of the products. They will try
write them.
. They will play with riddles, tongue twisters, etc.
. Clue games: it is green, it has leaves, it is used to eat in
salad, etc.
. They will classify foods according to their origin: vegetable,
. They will classify foods according to whether they are eaten raw or
cooked, sweet or
salty Make paintings.
. Game "Let's have the soup": Take turns, roll the dice and remove
from the
saucepan, as many noodles as indicated on the dice. The one who
accumulated the most noodles wins.
. Variation: Remove 10 or 20 noodles from the saucepan before
starting. They pull
the die and take out as many noodles from their plate as indicated
on the die.
. They will build a scale with a hanger and plastic plates.
. They will build a cash register with boxes.
. They will set up dominoes and food lotteries.
. They will model fruits and vegetables with different masses.
. They will mix masses of two primary colors to obtain the secondary
. They will paint with ecological dyes (lemon, beet, coffee, etc.).
. They will paint and thread noodles.
. They will cut out food figures from magazines and supermarket
. They will put together puzzles with food containers, cutting them

Product :
Preparation of a mural with photographs of the experiences carried
Resources :
Flour. Water. Yeast. Roasting pans. Salt. Necessary containers and
Gelatin. Fruit. Recipe books. Sheets. Recipes contributed by
Journals. Scissors. Product packaging. Noodles. Dishes. Covered.

Materials for play-work

Quiet games: Food packaging. Dice, bills, noodles and others
elements to count. Dominos. Lotteries.
Library: Food packaging. Supermarket brochures. Recipes.
Posters. Signs with Names.
Sciences: Balance. Jars.
Art: Salt dough, sawdust, with lentils, rice, etc. Tempera,
etc Papers of various textures. Noodles, eggshells, tea, weed,
etc Plasticola. Scissors

Project members:
Teacher. Children. Moms who will come to cook.

Duration approx. of the project:

3 weeks.
Supporting bibliography:
Reorganization of contents. General Directorate of Culture and
Initial Education Magazine No. 170

Classroom project "Healthy eating"

"Let's take care of our health"
Age: between 9 and 10 years
Course: Fourth basic
Start date:
Duration: 2 weeks (5 activities)
Communicative situation:
• Target audience : Parents and school students.
• Authors : Students of the level
• Objective: For students to know and reflect on healthy
eating, from a personal and group perspective, so that
they can create a poster that has attractive,
understandable and appropriate text; whose main
objective is to persuade the reader about healthy eating
Text characterization:
• Title/Topic: healthy eating/Informative Text: Poster
• Characteristics:
-Image and/or graphics: every poster requires an image
(illustration, drawing) that will help emphasize the
purpose of the poster.
-The Slogan (short phrase) is essential since the message
is delivered through it.
-Data about the promoted product or the invitation that
is made.
Metalinguistic reflection topics:
• Textual linguistics: Differentiation of the typical plot of
this carrier (descriptive, argumentative, informative) and
its appellative function. Importance of layout to facilitate
reading. Notes with different fonts.
• Sentence grammar: Use of qualifying adjectives, proper
and abstract nouns, circumstances of place, conditional
• Punctuation: Use of punctuation, exclamation and
question marks.
• Planned stages for carrying out the project:

That the students...
• Learn some of the functions of reading and writing.
• Identification of the news as a type of informative text.
• Reading, listening and commenting on informative
• Production of informative texts, respecting names and
substitutes in references
repeated; thematic coherence; temporal and causal
• Identification of the functions of informative texts in
culture and of
media as sources of information.
• Rewriting of written texts taking care of legibility, use
of spelling patterns
frequent and formal aspects of punctuation.
• Obtaining relevant information from informative texts
• Recognize the main characteristics of the poster
• Hypothesize about the content from the paratextual
• Participate in various modalities of writing and reading.
1st Week of implementation
Activity Nº1: Talk about healthy eating
Subject: Understanding the Natural Environment
 Analysis of advertising (advertisements, flyers, posters,
television ads) highlighting the role of graphic resources.
 Preparation of advertising texts.
 Function of writing: to leave a record.
 Discursive format: conversation.
 Identification of regulatory mechanisms for advertising

Development of the activity:

To carry out this activity you will work with the entire
course. The space used in this part of the activity will be
the blackboard, where the children will form a round
table to be able to talk with the teacher about what they
know or know about healthy eating, as the students give
their ideas to the teacher. He writes the ideas that they
give on the board and the students record this
information in their logs.

Before starting the activity we will present the project in

broad strokes. So that the students can know what we are
going to do with them and for what purpose. To carry
out this project, we will work with the subjects of
Understanding the Natural Environment, Language and
To do this, they will explore their previous knowledge
about healthy eating, the influence of diet on people's
health and possible solutions and/or preventions to avoid
people's health problems; what they will do through a
group conversation. The information provided by the
group will be recorded in a special log for this project in
which each student has their own record.
To conclude the activity, they watch a video related to the
topics to be discussed later in groups so that they can say
if they have doubts or any questions, it will be decided
what the topic (or topics) of healthy eating will be that we
will report on our poster. For this, a draw is held with
the following topics to form the groups:
- Obesity
- Malnutrition
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Junk food
- Lifestyle
Once the groups are established, we will ask them to
bring all the information they find regarding the topic
drawn for the next class.
The materials to use:
•Each group has its own materials
Students watch this motivational video and to activate
students' prior knowledge.

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