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Card meanings:

The Aces indicate beginnings, they have a traditional meaning, which until now people
have learned by heart. These are incorporated below.

Ace of Diamonds: Money. A letter. Something new, usually related to finances, but not
invariable. Fire. A diamond ring, but the accompanying letters must corroborate that

Ace of Hearts: Home. The family or a family member. The beginning of a love
relationship or a new friendship. Sometimes a birth or someone joining the family, or a
change of residence (because Aces indicate beginnings). These interpretations are
usually with the help of other cards.

Ace of Clubs: A new obligation, goal, task, or opportunity.

Ace of Spades: A decision, usually very important. A death or an end. A great change.

(Note: It is possible to see the physical death of a person but it is not recommended to
mention it due to possible errors. To see it in the cards, there usually have to be three or
four Spades cards together - such as the 3 (loss), 5 (illness, discomfort, the doctor), 7
(tears), 9 (change for the worse), or 10 (worry, grief) - along with the Ace of Spades.)
Twos indicate exchanges.

2 of Diamonds: Money that changes hands. A gift. An invitation. Phone call, message.
2 of Hearts: Love, relationship or marriage. Dance. The arts. The harmony.

2 of Clubs: Help. Trade association. Double something or repeat a cycle.

2 of Spades: Conflict. Argument. Inability to get along. Separation.

Threes indicate gradual growth, little by little, and the concept of "small." The idea of
"much" or "great" is assigned to Tens.

3 of Diamonds: A raise, greater financial security, benefits, even if it's just a little of
anything. A small amount of money. A scattered mind, concentrating on many small
things and not just one.

3 of Hearts: Fertility. A child or children in general. Decoration or adding beauty to

something. A growing emotional bond, little by little.
A love triangle.

3 of Clubs: A practical development. Progress, little by little. Extra work or tasks. A

temporary job. Half-time job. A garden or orchard. Herbs. Crops in general.

4 of Spades: Added problems. Small setbacks. The interference of a third party. Loss,
something lost.

Fours usually don't change. They indicate stable, square things, such as documents,
buildings and fields. Due to stability, it also suggests justice and legal matters.

5 of Diamonds: Financial stability. A check. A bank account.

An official document. A license or certificate. The city in general.

4 of Hearts: Emotional stability. Stable temperament. Equity or justice. An apartment or

country or summer house. Formerly, a barn or a place that serves as a function for
household items (also symbolized by the Ace of Hearts).

4 of Clubs: Goals are a solid foundation. Job security. Boredom at work. The land, the
field or the farm. The country in general. Outside place or a place. A desk.
4 of Spades: Instability. Unstable temperament. A problem that cannot be solved or
escaped (the four corners of the card). Exhaustion due to the constant pressure against
you. "Sick and tired" of it all. Injustice, a traffic ticket, speeding, a citation, a lawsuit or a
Court of Justice. The Armed Forces in general.

(Note: About the 4 of Clubs "Outside place or a place" is generally the buildings or places
depend on the cards that are next to them. For example with the 5 of Spades (illness) it
would mean a hospital. With the 2 of Hearts (art), a museum, and if the 5 of Clubs is also
there, a dance club. With the 3 of hearts (children), a child care center. With the Ace of
Spades (death), a funeral home. With the 4 of Diamonds (bank account or the city), a
bank or the City Hall).

The Fives are the body, health and everything related to it.

Five of Diamonds: Food. Clothes. Jeweler's. Home appliances. Furniture. Shopping.

Five of Hearts: Good health. Help from a friend or friendship. Sexual relations. Fun,
entertainment in general.

Five of Clubs: The exercise. Sports. Hobbies. Crafts (or making practical things by hand).
Hard work. Determination.

Five of Spades: Illness, annoyance. A doctor. Drugs, alcoholism, addiction.

The Sixes indicate the path that the consultant must follow.

Six of Diamonds: Distance, someone or something somewhere else. A car. Steps

towards a financial goal. Investments.

Six of Hearts: Pleasure trip, vacation, usually associated with family or friends. Good
progress, keep going, with means you will reach the end. A deep emotional bond.

Six of Clubs: Business trip. Steps towards a business goal. Education, learning,
teaching. Reading, books.

Six of Spades: Walk away or abandon something. Cleaning your life, getting rid of things.
A bad choice, in the wrong direction. Difficulties during a trip, an ill-advised trip, a trip not
related to money. Being with the wrong people.

The Sevens indicate the problems and difficulties that destiny has prepared for you. Also
associated with magic and religion. Sevens have many secrets because they are the
numbers in the center of the suits: six cards behind and six cards in front.
Seven of Diamonds: Financial problems. No benefits. The means do not achieve the
desired objective. Clairvoyance and prediction. The talent of seeing and telling the truth.
Seven of Hearts: Emotional problem. Dispelling trouble (last in the roll). The religion.

Seven of Clubs: Problems at work or in something practical. The power of chance,

chance, in general. Spell, talisman, or any other work of magic. The power to make
things happen magically.

Seven of Spades: Double trouble. The tears. Mystery, something hidden. Investigation. A

Eights are ideas and thoughts, and therefore involve the exchange of ideas and
thoughts, that is, communication. Unlike Jacks and Twos, which indicate person-to-
person exchange, Eights indicate groups of people.

Eight of Diamonds: Reflections on money or finances. Financial plans, budgets, how to

make a living. Computer or other electronic means (Fire) used for communication.
Electronics in general. Sometimes a bank, accounting firm, financial planning firm.

Eight of Hearts: Reflections on love. A group of people celebrating. Festive atmosphere,

party, wedding, "toast", social consumption. Flirty conversation. A social club.
Eight of Clubs: Reflections on work. Job or profession, in general. Business
conversations, job interview. Company or corporation. Unions. Practical plans.

Eight of Spades: Negative thoughts or attitudes. Oppression or feeling of oppression. A

"poisoned atmosphere." Gossips, rumors. War or conflict involving groups of people. A
gang, organized crime, or mass protests. The Witchery.
(Note: about rural life: Now it is not given as much importance as before, but farm
animals are also represented by the Eights. Large animal farms that were worked
manually are represented by the 8 of Clubs, while production animals that provide
products for people to use (sheep, goats, cows, chickens) are represented by the 8 of
Diamonds. The 8 of Hearts shows healthy animals, while the 8 of Spades can indicate an
illness in the herd or group of animals. For example, sick chickens would be represented
by a 4 of Clubs (farm), 8 of Diamonds (animals) and 5 of Spades (disease). This would
pose a temporary financial problem for the consultant.

Nines indicate changes.

Nine of Diamonds: Changes in the economy, usually good. Basic needs, decorations. A
change of plans, in general. On rare occasions, fame.

Nine of Hearts: Change for the better, the consultant's wishes will come true. A change
of heart.
Nine of Clubs: A change in work or business methods. A change in objectives or
priorities. Go back to work. A change that takes place at work.

Nine of Spades: The change for the worse. The consultant's wishes will not come true.
Disappointment. Injury.

Tens indicate endings. If Threes have a "small" connotation, Tens indicate "big" or "a lot."
It also represents a destination, a journey or a walk.

Ten of Diamonds: Financial independence. Enough money to do something. A large sum

of money. Seal a financial agreement. Success, in general.
Ten of Hearts: Emotional security. Stable and happy family. Unbreakable marital bond.
The husband. Happiness, in general. Travel in or on water. A boat or ship. Lake, ocean.

Ten of Clubs: A lot of work. Accumulated work. Carrying out a practical project (work-
related or hobby-related). Achievement, in general. Travel by plane or by air.

Ten of Spades: Many problems, worry. Violence, evil, pain. Great strength. Failure, in
general. Travel by land (Earth).
(Note: Tens in a roll do not usually indicate travel unless they are linked to a 6 (path,
steps) or another 10. The situation can occur when the cards are together, or linked to
the consultant's card. Three Tens can indicate long-distance or overseas travel, and four
Tens would indicate traveling around the world or a world traveler).

The Court Cards: Now we are going to examine each court card with their meanings and
in turn the three levels and correspondences indicated above. A Court card does not
invariably represent a person.

Kings symbolize power and men.

King of Diamonds: A very fair man, or with white hair. A man of wealth or financial
means. An intelligent and quick man, and generally sociable. A man who is restless, a
lover of travel and new experiences. A male teacher. Economic power or the power to
pay for things.

King of Hearts: A brown man. An emotional man looking for security in a relationship. An
artistic man. The father or another person in the client's family, such as a brother or
uncle. A husband. A family man. Whoever it is, they will have the well-being of the
consultant and the best intentions. Emotional power or the power to awaken feeling.
King of Clubs: A dark-haired man. A businessman, work-oriented. Boss or superior. A
practical and efficient man. A man active in practical matters. With some Hearts card, it
may be the consultant's grandfather. Power in practice or the power to move forward, get
things done, or achieve a goal.
King of Spades: A man with very dark hair. A widower or divorcee. An enemy, or a man
who is indisposed to the consultant. A lonely or depressed man. A man of great
authority, such as a police officer, judge, or military man. A witch. A deceased man. The
power to teach others a way to hinder, harm or do evil, or to know and play a part in the
destiny of others.

(Note: Regarding Kings and power, whether in a reading it is used for good or evil will
depend on the cards that accompany it. The King of Hearts together with two Spades
can indicate emotional manipulation. The King of Diamonds with two Clubs may indicate
that the money was used for practical purposes. The King of Spades with two Hearts can
indicate a warlock playing a benevolent role in a given situation. The interpretation levels
must be placed in a good position).

The Queens symbolize women and the truth.

Queen of Diamonds: A very beautiful woman, or a woman with white hair. A rich woman
or woman with economic means. An intelligent and fast woman. She may be a society
woman and is generally somewhat superficial. Like the King, he likes to travel and have
new experiences. A teacher. The truth of a financial matter.

Queen of Hearts: A woman with brown hair. An emotional, intuitive and psychic woman
at times. An artistic woman. The mother or other woman in the querent's family, such as
a sister or aunt. A wife. A housewife. Whoever it is, they will have the well-being of the
consultant and the best intentions. The truth of an emotional matter, or in general, the
professional orientation. Boss or superior. A practical and efficient woman. A woman
active in practical matters. With a card from Hearts, the consultant's grandmother. The
truth of a business matter.

Queen of Spades: A woman with very dark hair. A widowed or divorced woman. An
enemy, or an indisposed woman for the consultant. A lonely or depressed woman. A
woman of great authority, such as a police officer, judge or military officer. A witch. A
deceased woman. An unpleasant truth, or in general, a lie.

(Note: about the Queens and the truth, if in a reading cards appear close to the Queen
and you use the key "truth", if the cards are red, it would indicate that the consultant is
telling the truth about a matter (whether financial, emotional, etc.) If it is close to Spades,
the consultant can see that it is a lie. If it is close to the Clubs, the querent may have to
work in search of the truth).

The Jacks are messages, the young people or the children.

Page of Diamonds: A very fair young man. A privileged young man. A young man who is
smart and fast. A student. A message about money.

Page of Hearts: A young man with brown hair. An emotional, artistic young man, or a
dreamer. Sometimes a beloved pet. A happy and carefree young man or a young man
who acts foolishly at a celebration. A message from a loved one or friend, a compliment,
a thank you or a small gift to show your appreciation.

Page of Clubs: A young man with dark hair. A practical and efficient young man. An
active young man who makes efforts, such as sports, volunteering. An apprentice. A
message about a business or practical matter.
Page of Spades: A young man with very dark hair. A young man with little confidence or
unwillingness towards the consultant. A lonely or depressed young man. A young man
with problems. A deceased spirit, in general. A message containing bad news.

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