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When practicing sports, the risk of an individual

suffering an injury is very common, and this can harm their

development and performance. Each sport has its injuries
and it is important to know their types to know how to
proceed in the first instance if you suffer an injury, and They are those that occur when
also how to identify each one. the ligaments of the joints
exceed their stretch limit.
These provide the individual
with the ability to move and do
so with stability.

They are injuries that occur while

playing a sport or exercising. Some are
accidental and others may be the
product of poor sports practices or Strengthening after an injury is extremely important
improper use of training equipment. for an individual's return to their sporting activity, They are what muscle tissue can suffer
because these influence the athlete physically and from. These are caused by excessive
emotionally, as well as taking the necessary measures effort or external blow, which causes
to prevent future injuries, since in this way the delayed or immediate pain in the
comprehensive health of the individual can be individual.


ACADEMIC VICE-RECTORATE Participant: Jhonnely Peña
BARQUISIMETO, LARA STATE Facilitator: Carlos Giménez
Dislocations Ankle sprain

elbow joint


Tearing: inflammation of the damaged

area, slight discomfort, shooting with Sprains: redness and swelling in the
clicking, cramps. joint. Pain that is accentuated with
tearing Cramp: muscle stiffness, severe pain, movements and loss of strength.
loss of mobility of muscle-related joints. Dislocations: severe pain, swelling,
Contusion: pain at the point of impact, joint deformity.
dark spot under the skin (brown, red,
Electric blue, green or yellow).

When you suffer an injury, whether of a muscle or joint type, receiving first aid or
Muscle injuries: immediate attention is essential to achieve a good recovery. While muscles, ligaments
and bones are the most prone to damage during sports, sprains, muscle tears, fractures
Applying cold to the area is recommended during the first 48/72 hours of and dislocations are common physical problems that any athlete or exerciser faces. The
the injury. The cold will help reduce inflammation and pain. Care should first aid measures that should be taken in the event of a sports injury are:
be taken with skin burns due to the cold.
 The protection of the damaged area, to avoid the aggravation of the current
Until the supervision of a specialist, it is recommended to rest, avoid injury and the appearance of possible future injuries.
massages, heat, gels or self-medication without having consulted with a  Rest to help stabilize the area.
professional.  The application of ice, which acts as an analgesic and has an anti-inflammatory
 Elevation of the affected body part, which helps reduce inflammation.

Joint injuries: Immediately treating the injury of a muscular type injury is important so that said injury
does not worsen over time. In muscle strain, contusion and cramp, stretching of the
Sprains: apply cold to reduce swelling, elevate the area to promote circulation and rest of the joint. affected muscle and vigorous massage should be performed. On the other hand, in sore
Dislocations: health care must be obtained quickly and we must try to keep the joint as stable and immobile muscles, which are tears that occur in the muscle as a result of excessive efforts, cold can
as possible until the specialist arrives and apply cold if possible. be applied immediately to the area suspected to have been affected. Stretching and
massages are also effective.
Subsequent treatment must be carried out by a professional,

Sports injuries are joint or muscle injuries, depending on the area that is affected. These
can occur while playing or exercising, or after playing a sport or exercising for a long
time. The initial treatment for sports injuries is with the RICE method: rest, ice,
compression (putting pressure on the wound), and elevation (elevating the injured area
to a level higher than your heart). However, doctors treat more serious injuries with
medications, limitation of movement, surgery, physical therapy, and rest. Measures
must be taken to prevent sports injuries before performing any type of physical training,
strengthening the muscles and stretching them appropriately, also avoiding at all times
not exceeding their limits.

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