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1. The Graduate School as a leading institution in the region. 1. Little link between the postgraduate offer and the demand of society.
FACTORS 2. Increase in the offer of programs and specializations. 2. Lack of evaluation of academic impact on the operation of postgraduate units.
3. Development of postgraduate units of the different faculties. 3. It does not have an evaluation system for teaching in postgraduate programs.
INTERNAL 4. Predisposition to the licensing process of postgraduate programs. 4. There are no curricular plans for postgraduate programs.
5. Predisposition to self-evaluation and political decision to meet the standards 5. Postgraduate units do not have a staff of professionals who link postgraduate
required by the accreditation of postgraduate programs. teaching with research activities and society.
6. Existence of normative documents for the teaching and student function. 6. Little availability of teaching and research laboratories in postgraduate units.
7. Programs aimed at improving the quality of life of society. 7. Reduced subscriptions to specialized academic software and information
8. Existence of teachers trained in university accreditation. networks.
9. Availability of infrastructure to develop academic activities at the postgraduate 8. There is a need to strengthen the advisory and support processes for
level . postgraduate programs.
FACTORS 10. Accessibility to communication services. 9. Little implementation in the virtual training of the educational process due to
EXTERNAL 11. Teachers with an academic degree of master and/or doctor. the growing demand for this study modality.


1. Demand for the deepening of knowledge in society. (continuing education). Strategies to maximize both strengths and opportunities Strategies to minimize weaknesses and maximize opportunities
2. Peru is a megadiverse country that demands highly qualified graduates.
3. Growth of the average annual rate of the population graduated and titled from
1. Position the graduate school as a first-level training center (F3, 1. Develop a distinctive identity of the Graduate School based on
Peruvian and foreign universities. F7, O7, O8) the quality of its graduates, training offer and service in science
4. Need for conservation and sustainability of the environment. and technology (D1, O13).
5. Academic mobility of the university community. 2. Promote scholarships for mobility and internships for
6. Online studies in different programs and specializations.
7. Higher education in line with the challenges imposed by globalization. postgraduate students and teachers (F1, F2, O5, O11). 2. Permanent development of curricular renewal processes for
8. Demand for postgraduate and specialization studies . programs in accordance with the UNH educational model (D4,
9. Progressive increase in the supply of highly specialized human capital. 3. Develop virtual platforms to offer through these studies for D12).
10. Commitment of the Peruvian State to increase spending on science, technology postgraduate training programs and specializations (F10, F6).
and innovation.
11. Cooperation with other universities and institutions in the academic and
scientific field.
12. The design of new ICT tools for the development of academic activities.
13. Positive evolution of the set of work activity indicators of students undergoing
postgraduate training.


1. National and international universities with postgraduate offers in online mode Strategies to maximize strengths and minimize threats Strategy to minimize both threats and weaknesses
2. Emergence of universities that offer master's degrees, doctorates and specialties
without adequate supervision, accreditation and at low cost.
1. Continuously implement the UNH educational model, aimed at 1. Achieve an organizational structure with optimal regulatory and
3. Restrictions in the university budget that put the normal functioning of the generating the skills to lead, research, innovate and undertake. management instruments that facilitate the development of
UNH graduate program at risk. (F11, A1) strategy and institutional processes (D2, A3).
2. Continue with the graduate school accreditation process,
optimizing financial resources (F5, F9, A3).


1. Postgraduate units constitute a space for the development of research and 1. There is no ethics commission for investigations.
FACTORS innovation. 2. Lack of publication policies, research editions
2. Existence of research lines by programs. 3. reduced number of graduates at the postgraduate level in relation to graduates.
INTERNAL 3. Creation of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research. 4. Reduced experience of participation in research editions and publications .
4. Research professors at postdoctoral level abroad 5. Reduced number of multidisciplinary research teams .
5. Participation of teachers internationally in research activities . 6. Weak implementation of laboratories for research.
6. There are experimental centers for the development of research activities at the 7. Teachers with a doctorate degree do not register research activity.
postgraduate level . 8. Lack of incentives for research teachers.
7. Research teachers accredited at CONCYTEC level. 9. Weak coordination of research with the productive sector
10. Little training of teachers in writing, scientific narrative and indexing processes .
11. Lack of execution of peer evaluation in scientific production.


1. Interest of international and national universities to establish research networks. Strategies to maximize both strengths and opportunities Strategies to minimize weaknesses and maximize opportunities
2. Availability of specialized international databases and access to scientific
1. Implement multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and
3. Availability of competitive funds in basic and applied research. 1) Strengthen joint research between postgraduate units and entities transdisciplinary lines of research that support social and
4. Increase and restructuring of instruments for the development of research. linked to regional, national and international technological work technological development (D3, D5, D7, O3).
5. Opening of cooperation between Peruvian universities and the rest of the world (F1, F5, O1, O5)
in research.
2. Promote publications of national and international intellectual
6. Existence of existing national and international indexed journals that accept high- 2) Achieve competitive levels in research for UNH faculty and production publications (D2, D4, O6)
level scientific publications. graduate students (F3, F7, O2, O4)
7. Policies to strengthen networking and intellectual production.
8. Presence of scientific societies in the national and international context.
3) Develop research projects taking advantage of the regulatory,
9. Academic mobility for national and international research purposes. technological and scientific support of CORCYTEC (F8, O8)


1. Lines of research parameterized in the Canon Law, on canon, Mining Royalties Strategies to maximize strengths and minimize threats Strategy to minimize both threats and weaknesses
and FOCAM that hinder research at the postgraduate level.
1. Strengthen the postgraduate research units of the different 1. Encouragement for teaching researchers and postgraduate
2. Institutions reduce funds allocated for research .
3. National, regional and local governments do not prioritize financial resources for faculties of the UNH (F4, A4, A6). students who carry out research, development, innovation and
research. 2. Provide encouragement to teaching researchers and postgraduate entrepreneurship activities (D8, D10, A2).
4. Lack of investment in the transfer of technology and knowledge resulting from students who carry out research, development, innovation and
research at the postgraduate level. entrepreneurship activities (D8, D10, A2).
5. Reduction of the research budget due to the creation of new national universities
within the region.
6. Flight of researchers due to better paid job offers in other institutions.


1) Teachers and students with experience in cultural extension activities and social 1) Deficient guidance at the postgraduate level to ensure the quality of social
FACTORS projection outreach programs and projects.
2) Absence of cultivation of values and the defense of human rights.
INTERNAL 3) Lack of a module for linking with society, which makes it possible to facilitate
the systematization of data about the activities inherent to the projects in
execution and their beneficiaries.
4) Absence of institutional policies and rules for teacher participation in social
projection programs and projects.
5) There is a need to strengthen the articulation of social responsibility between
postgraduate units and their environment .
6) Nonexistence of the baseline for intervention with linkage programs and projects
FACTORS that allow evaluating its impact.


1) Linking the postgraduate offer with regional and national culture. Strategies to maximize both strengths and opportunities Strategies to minimize weaknesses and maximize opportunities
2) Greater inter-institutional, national and international cooperation for the
1. Offer programs and specializations relevant to the needs of the
development of innovations and collaborative work.
3) Generation and support for business incubators. 1. strengthen the culture of entrepreneurship, social, economic, technological, environment, productive sector and social development (D3, D6, O5,
4) The University as a local dynamic center. political and environmental change. (F1, O1, O4, O8, O13). 012 )
5) University-Business joint work to solve society's problems.
6) Need to strengthen the link between higher education institutions and public and 2. Promote and organize forums where the main topics of regional,
private institutions. national and international debate are discussed. (O6)
7) Graduates with the ability to contribute to the development of the Graduate
8) High demand and limited regional supply in cultural outreach and social 3. Implement responsible environmental management policies at UNH
projection activities. that allow the graduate community to continually improve their daily
9) Significant valuation of the environment ecological behavior, oriented toward intelligent and respectful use of
10) University Social Responsibility as an inherent aspect of the role of Public the environment. (D1, O9)
Higher Education Institution.
11) Trust of the social sectors in the professional, academic, cultural and social
proposals generated from the UNH
12) Possibilities for interdisciplinary intervention projects in the social sectors with
which we are institutionally linked
13) Existence of university regulations that promote the connection of the UNH with
the community
14) Changing labor market


1) Positioning of the Job Bank Programs of other Universities Strategies to maximize strengths and minimize threats. Strategy to minimize both threats and weaknesses
1. strengthen the transcendent ethical values and principles
1. Encourage continuous learning, leadership, entrepreneurship, strategic projected to the family and society (D2, A1)
management, sensitivity, coexistence and commitment of students to the
development of society. (F1, A1).

1) Existence of academic software for management. 1. Low willingness to work in a multidisciplinary team.
FACTORS 2) It has a horizontal organization. 2. Teachers with low command of foreign languages.
3) The Graduate School and its units are self-sustaining. 3. Monitoring of strategic and operational plans is not developed.
INTERNAL 4) Generation of new highly trained graduates. 4. Little willingness to manage new agreements and administer existing ones with
5) Strengthening high-level capabilities in solving problems in society. other institutions.
6) It has adequate infrastructure for management. 5. Organization and defined functions poorly articulated with strategies.
7) Commitment of the governing bodies to the development of the Graduate 6. Lack of systematization of administrative processes.
School seeking positioning within the region. 7. Limited administrative support for student academic monitoring
8) Graduate school creates work spaces. 8. Lack of interdisciplinary integration.
9. Lack of organization in the internship processes of most graduate programs.
FACTORS 10. Insufficient equipment for the proper functioning of postgraduate units



1) Existing planning according to the strategic development axes that favor the link Strategies to maximize both strengths and opportunities Strategies to minimize weaknesses and maximize opportunities
between the UNH Postgraduate Institutional Strategic Plan with the Bicentennial
Plan for 2021.
2) Development of new online training platforms. 1. Improve the infrastructure in Information and Communication 3. Implement strategies to optimize the organization in the monitoring
3) Availability of information and communication technologies (ICT) applied to Technologies (ICT) applied to Management in the EPG (F01, F03, F06, and evaluation of strategic and operational plans (D01, D03, D05, D06,
management. O02, O03, O04). O01, O06)
4) Growing demand for technological innovation by centers of production of goods
and services. 2. Promote and/or maintain collaborative relationships with national and
5) Assessment of quality management.
6) Changes in the legal framework that governs universities.
international academic organizations (F02, F07, O09, O10, O11, O12)
7) Existence of new businesses in science and technology.
8) State meritocracy program
9) Growing trend of public and private organizations to establish strategic alliances
in management.
10) Opening of public and private companies to participate in events organized by
the Graduate School.
11) Culture of self-assessment and accreditation of graduate programs at the national
12) Existence of international accrediting institutions for postgraduate programs.


1) Budget reduction by the state due to the context of regional and global economic Strategies to maximize strengths and minimize threats Strategy to minimize both threats and weaknesses
2) Economic and financial crisis in developed countries could remain present in the
next five years and thereby reduce further support from these countries. 1. Promote the strengthening of the institutional image of the Graduate
School (F04, F05, A03)

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