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1. Answer.

• Who heard the cricket first?

The Indian was the first to hear the cricket

• What did the white man think when he saw the cricket?

He was also able to hear the cricket's song, and told the Indian that it was clear that he was the one who
could hear the cricket, your ears are much more trained than mine.

• When did the white man hear the cricket?

When some leaves flew by, in one of those leaves there was the cricket and the white man heard the

• Where did the Indian come from?

from a reserve that he had abandoned

2. Mark the correct answer in each case.

• Why did the Indian hear the cricket?

• Because the Indians have a more trained ear.

• Because the Indians are used to hunting crickets in their tribe.

• Because the Indians are used to perceiving the noises of nature.

• Why did passersby hear the coin?

• Because it was silver.

• Because they were interested in money.

• Because there was no background noise

3. Do you agree with the redskin's conclusion? Write an example that demonstrates your opinion.


4. Make a list of the six noises that bother you the most and the six sounds that you like the most.

pleasant noises annoying noises

The noises of the the noises of water when it is boiling the noises
television when something is dragged
The noises of the
the noises of the cars
washing machine

Where is it easiest to hear pleasant sounds? And the unpleasant noises?

In the house it is easier to find these noises


5. Sort the following words into two different families.

If in doubt, use the dictionary.

• resonate • sound • consent • sense

• dissonant • dissent • sense • supersonic

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