Descriptive Statistics Exam

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1. The selectivity grades for the subject of Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences corrected by a
teacher in a group of 180 students are presented:

Grades obtained in the exam No. of

0-2 17
2,1-4 32
4,1-6 25
6,1-8 57
8,1-10 45

With this information:

a) What is the study variable? Say what type; Reason your answer.

R/ The study variable is the grade obtained in the subject of Mathematics Applied to Social
Sciences, which has a range of 0-10. The data are grouped and have an interval and relative
frequency; The type of variable is continuous since the note has a representative value with an
integer and decimal numerical value.

b) What has been the average and modal grade for this group of students? Support your answer
on a statistical basis and give reasons.

A/ Since the data is grouped, then we must first calculate ax i and then the mean and mode based
on this information in the following way.

limite inferior +limite superior

x i=

l i+l s
x i=

For a set of data given a number x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ,…,x n , the most well-known and useful measure of the
center is the mean , or arithmetic average of the set. Because we almost always think of the x i as
constituent samples, we often refer to the arithmetic average as the sample mean and denote it
by x .
x= ∑ (c i∗x i )(para datos agrupados)
n i=1


It is the value that occurs most frequently in a group of observations. For ungrouped data, it is
data that is repeated the most. In the case of grouped data it corresponds to the following

(f i−f i −1 )
x̆=l i−1 + ∗a
(f i−f i −1 )+(f i−f i+1 ) i


l i−1 ≡ limite inferior donde esta lamayor frecuencia relativa

f i ≡ la mayor frecuencia relativa

f i−1 ≡la mayo r frecuencia relativa anterior

f i+1 ≡lamayor frecuencia relativa despues

a i ≡ amplitud relativa de lamayor frecuencia relativa

We calculate ax i

Grades obtained in the exam ci xi

0-2 17 1
2,1-4 32 3,05
4,1-6 25 5,05
6,1-8 57 7,05
8,1-10 45 9,05
Total 176
x= ∑ (c ∗x )(para datos agrupados)
n i=1 i i

1 Devore, J. (1998). Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Science, Fourth Edition. International Thomson Publishers. P. 19.

2 Devore, J. (1998). Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Science, Fourth Edition. International Thomson Publishers. P. 27.
Where n=176

1∗17+ 3 ,05∗32+5 , 05∗25+7 , 05∗57+9 , 05∗45 1049 , 95

x= =
176 176


x ≅ 5 , 97

Then we calculate the mode

(f i−f i −1 )
x̆=l i−1 + ∗a
(f i−f i −1 )+(f i−f i+1 ) i


l i−1=6 , 1

f i=57

f i−1=25

f i+1=45

a i=8−6 ,1=1 , 9

x̆=6 , 1+ ∗1 , 9=6 ,1+1,3818181812


x̆ ≅ 7 , 48

Tan seems to indicate that the average score is lower than the modal value, given that its
representative value was 5.97 while the mode, that is, the data that is repeated the most, seems
to be 7.48 with respect to the value of the score. This result is due to the fact that the relative
frequency of the highest value is in the range of 6.1-8 for the mode and not 4.1-6 for the mean.

c) Is the average grade representative? Support your answer with a statistical basis and reason it.

R/ For this case, the average was 5.97, this is very centered on the average value of the interval of
0-2 or, what is more specific, 4.1-6; but it is not representative since the median was 7.48, it is
what is representative because it represents real data.

d) In another group of students whose exams have been corrected by another teacher, it has been
found that the average grade is 4.8 points and the dispersion is equal to 3 points squared. Which
distribution of grades is more homogeneous? Justify your answer.
R/ for this case we must compare the degree of dispersion of the data, where we have that the
second group has a mean of 4.8 and variance of 3, we must calculate the variance and then the
deviation of the first group of students.

Sample variance3

It measures the average of the deviations (squared) of the observations with respect to the mean
given a sample of the population.

∑ c i∗x 2i
S2= i=1 −x 2 ( para datos agrupados)

ci xi xi2
17 1 1
32 3,05 9,3025
25 5,05 25,5025
57 7,05 49,7025
45 9,05 81,9025

2 17∗1+32∗9,3025+25∗25,5025+57∗49,7025+ 45∗81,9025
S= −¿
S =42,4482813−35,5886816=6,8595996

√ S 2=❑√ 6,8595996

S ≅ 2 , 62

Then we calculate the coefficient of variability, which is equal to the quotient of the deviation
about the mean times 100% for each group of students.

CV = ∗100 %

First group data

x 1=5 , 9 65625


3 Devore, J. (1998). Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Science, Fourth Edition. International Thomson Publishers. P. 29.
x 1 2,61908373
CV 1= = ∗100 %
S 1 5 , 9 65625

CV 1=0,43902923∗100 %

CV 1=43 , 90 %

Second group data

x 2=4 , 8
S2 =3

√S 2
=❑√ 3


x 2 1,732050808
CV 2= = ∗100 %
S2 4 ,8

CV 1=0,360843918∗100 %

CV 1=36 , 08 %

The more homogeneous distribution of grades seems to indicate that it was from group 2 given
that it has a lower coefficient of variation with respect to the first group of students.

e) It is thought that the teacher of this first group of students, when compared with the rest of the
teachers, has been very lazy when correcting and that their grades are overestimated by 5%. In
this case, what should be the average grade of the students? Would it change the conclusion of
the previous section? Justify your answer.

R/ in this case we must recalculate the average of the first group of students and then based on
this previous information calculate the coefficient of variation again.

x 1∗100 %−error %
x nueva 1=x 1−x 1∗error %=
100 %

65625∗( 100 %−5 % ) 65625∗95 %

x nueva 1=5 , 9 =5 , 9
100 % 100 %

x nueva 1=5,66734375
CV nuevo 1= ∗100 %
x nueva1

CV nuevo 1= ∗100 %

CV nuevo 1=0,462136028∗100 %

CV nuevo 1 ≅ 46 , 21 %

In this case, it was determined that the new mean of the first group performing the 5% correction
was 5.67 and variance 6.86 points.; the new coefficient of variation of 46.21% but still has a
greater degree of dispersion of the data therefore it does not change the previous conclusion;
Therefore, the most homogeneous distribution of grades is that of the second group since it has a
dispersion of 36.08% with a mean of 4.8 points and variance of 3 points.

Devore, J. (1998). Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Science, Fourth Edition.
International Thomson Publishers. P. 19, 27 and 29.

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