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-The Post-modern Period emerged in the late 20th century as a

reaction against the modernist artistic and intellectual movements
that dominated the earlier part of the century. Postmodernism
challenged the notion of a singular, objective truth and instead
embraced a world of multiple, subjective perspectives. This shift was
reflected in the arts, where artists began to experiment with non-
linear narratives, irony, and a blending of high and low culture.
-The Post-modern art emerged as a significant artistic movement in
the mid-20th century, replacing Modernism and paving the way for
Contemporary art.


1. Bricolage
- Postmodern artists embraced a mix-and-match approach,
combining diverse elements from various sources to create new
meanings. Bricolage involves using everyday objects, found materials,
and cultural references in unconventional ways.

2. Collage
- Collage techniques were prevalent in Postmodern art. Artists
assembled disparate images, textures, and materials to create layered
compositions that defied linear narratives.

3. Simplification
- Postmodern artists often simplified forms, rejecting the complexity
and abstraction of Modernism. They aimed for accessibility and direct
4. Appropriation
- Postmodernism borrowed freely from existing art, historical styles,
and popular culture. Artists appropriated and recontextualized visual
elements, challenging notions of originality.

5. Performance Art
- Postmodern artists engaged in performance art, blurring the
boundaries between art and life. Performances were often interactive,
ephemeral, and provocative.

6. Recycling Past Styles

- Postmodernism revisited historical art movements, reinterpreting
them in a contemporary context. References to earlier styles were

7. Breaking Down High/Low Art Barriers

- Postmodern art challenged the distinction between high culture
(fine art) and low culture (popular culture). It celebrated everyday life
and embraced mass media.

8. Pluralism
- Postmodernism rejected rigid artistic rules. Artists explored diverse
styles, genres, and techniques, celebrating multiplicity and rejecting
a single dominant aesthetic.
Let’s explore some iconic EXAMPLES OF POST-MODERN ART:

1. Andy Warhol – Marilyn Diptych (1962)

- This silkscreen diptych by Pop Art artist Andy Warhol features a
portrait of Marilyn Monroe. The left panel shows her in color, while
the right panel depicts her in black and white. Warhol used a press
photograph from the 1950s for this artwork, playing with aesthetics
typical of advertising. The piece exemplifies postmodern art’s
engagement with mass culture and consumerism.
2. Roy Lichtenstein – Whaam! (1963)
- Lichtenstein’s iconic comic book-style painting “Whaam!” combines
bold colors, Ben-Day dots, and onomatopoeic text. It references
popular culture and challenges the boundaries between high and low
art, a hallmark of postmodernism.
3. Jeff Koons – Michael Jackson and Bubbles (1988)
- In this piece, Michael Jackson and his pet monkey (and closest
friend), Bubbles, are shown life-size sitting on a bed of flowers. The
work is a good example of the excesses that characterize Koons’ art in
terms of color, size, and theme.

Post-modern period art has made significant contributions to

society by challenging traditional notions of art and inspiring new
ways of thinking. One of the key contributions of postmodern art is its
ability to provoke critical thinking and question established norms.
By embracing unconventional techniques, materials, and subject
matter, postmodern artists have encouraged viewers to question the
purpose and meaning of art, pushing the boundaries of what is
considered “acceptable” in the artistic realm.
- https://www.eden-

Submitted by:
-Princess Grace M. Mangao
-Yvonne A. Palahang
-Rachelle Mae Saavedra
-Ahronlee Delmo

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