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By nicanor1982 on Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:03 am

Good and holy afternoon to all the brothers of this forum, here I leave you a small contribution on
how to interpret a tobacco that a good spiritualist friend has left me.

I hope it helps you and if anyone wants to contribute something else, they are welcome.


Light the tobacco, without squeezing it between your fingers, without forcing your breath and
calmly. A quarter of it is smoked to be able to make the first interpretation.

It begins to be interpreted from the tip or crown where the cigar was lit, it is left for a few minutes
without shaking the ash that is created and it is interpreted in the following way.

If the crown or border is white, it means: Requited love, fidelity in marriage or courtship, good
health and long life.

If the crown has black dots, it means: Breakup with friends or boyfriends, marital separations,
uncertain loves and unfounded jealousy.

If you have several black points in a row, it means: Separations of all kinds, entanglements, gossip,
dislikes and resentments.

If it is a single large black dot, it means; Going through mourning, bad friendships, debts that are
not collected.

If the black dot is large and branched downwards, it means: Family mourning, bad times, black
widowhoods to the sides, it means: Lost, loves that move away.

Gray scales facing up, means: Sadness, crying, minor illnesses.

White scales facing up, means: Love that arrives, new friendships, reconciliations, improved

Red dot on the ember, slightly downward, means: Illness, unpleasant surprises, a change for the
worse in life.

Low white points mean: Luck in lotteries and games of chance.

A single large white dot means: Marriage commitment, success in business, payment of old debts,
good health.

Black stripe: Long illness, extraordinary expenses, unrest.

White stripe: Prosperity, good health, savings, lasting friendships, and above all stability.
Red stripe crossing the cigar: Operations, loneliness, sadness.

Small red dots: Heartbreak, passing illusions.

Two small black dots, with circles on top as if they were eyebrows, means: Passionate love,
someone desires you sexually, indiscreet proposals.

Separate and unequal black points: Betrayal, hidden enemy, envy.

Small black inclined stripes: Misunderstood loves.

Black zigzag stripes: Unpleasant trips, failures in life, envy.

Thin white stripe: happy travels, good business, very good luck.

If the cigar burns only on one side, Bad luck, unlucky time.

Many white scales facing upwards: Good times, future twins.

If the ash remains upright: Good luck, wishes fulfilled, happiness in love.

If the ash twists: Bad luck, debts, distant loves, doubts.

If the ash falls, the good omens will be uncertain or doubtful.


The ash is shaken off and the cigar continues to be smoked again, so that the second part can be

If white and black shadows appear interspersed: Practical and calm life, good and bad times, but
without great stress.

If gray shadows with small white dots appear: Money arriving, you can play the lottery.

Many white shadows: Achievement of all your aspirations, celebrity, wealth.

White shadows with white scales: Good news from loved ones, social activities, productive

White dot with black circle: Pregnancy

White dot with stripe: Abortion.

If the ashes form crosses, both in the first and the second part, it means: Dominion over others.
NOTE: Apart from this I have several questions, I have been told that the upper side of the tobacco
is the spiritual part, the lower side is the earthly part, but what about the left? and the right? They
also explained to me at the time that if the tobacco is twisted downwards it is humiliation. Is that
true? What if it turns up or to the left or right?

God bless you.

Number of shipments: 120
Age: 32
Registration date: 08/29/2011


By Altar Papa Chango (Baruta) on Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:00 pm

What I understand is that left is street and right is family and when a piece of tobacco bends
downward it is bending, you are bending. Well, there are many ways to interpret tobacco.

Papa Chango Altar (Baruta)

Junior Expert

Number of shipments: 484

Location: Baruta Edo Miranda

Age: 24

Registration date: 05/29/2011


By Musta Iván on Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:06 pm

What I understand is that left is street and right is family and when a piece of tobacco bends down
it is bending, you are bending. Well, there are many ways to interpret tobacco.[/quote]Brother,
forgive me for intruding, but the left side is not the side of the family, so what is the side of the
heart and where are the feelings? and the right side is the street? Well, that's how I do it, there
are a thousand ways, I guess. My apologies if I'm aware brother. God bless you.

Musta Ivan

Junior Expert
Number of shipments: 374
Location: Tenerife
Registration date: 07/27/2011

By Dirnafth on Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:45 pm

The signs added above are from ancient writings and recognized by many of us and I agree with
their study.

But I also want to add that there are three types of reading: The Mechanical one , which is the one
that is carried out only through the signs previously studied, the one where the signs are
combined with the power of intuition and finally where the media connection is used. spirit to
connect directly with the elemental spirit of tobacco

As good mediums (spiritualists) we know that everything that exists has a spirit, so as such I
believe that we all have knowledge of what elemental spirits are.

The tobacco plant, like any plant, has its own elemental spirit with which any good medium can
come into contact through their gift of spirit connection during any consultation and when this
happens our gift of intuition is expanded by the fusion between this elemental with all his
collaborative energy that would support us through the blessing that the Almighty placed on the
human being by placing him as regent of everything that surrounds him. So when this happens, it
is no longer necessary to use the previously written signs because two images come to your mind,
the thesis and the antithesis, that is, the first image that comes to you is always true and the
second is a product of the fear that our spirit feels. embodied of failing or making mistakes, so the
person doing the reading must not allow that second voice or image to distract him or her and stay
focused on the first so that the reading is correct.

I have experimented with the three types of reading and that is why I share their existence
because I have tried them myself and although I trusted the first two I have a preference for the
last one explained above.

Focus with all your faith, tune in mentally and spiritually with this elemental and you will see that
it will not disappoint you because its powers of clairvoyance are truly surprising.

Blessed be


Number of shipments: 4
Registration date: 08/04/2011

by Altar Papa Chango(Baruta) on Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:53 am

Dirnafth wrote:

The signs added above are from ancient writings and recognized by many of us and I agree with
their study.

But I also want to add that there are three types of reading: the mechanical one, which is the one
that is carried out only through the signs previously studied, the one where the signs are
combined with the power of intuition and finally where the medium or spirit connection is used. to
connect directly with the elemental spirit of tobacco

As good mediums (spiritualists) we know that everything that exists has a spirit, so as such I
believe that we all have knowledge of what elemental spirits are.

The tobacco plant, like any plant, has its own elemental spirit with which any good medium can
come into contact through their gift of spirit connection during any consultation and when this
happens our gift of intuition is expanded by the fusion between this elemental with all his
collaborative energy that would support us through the blessing that the Almighty placed on the
human being by placing him as regent of everything that surrounds him. So when this happens, it
is no longer necessary to use the previously written signs because two images come to your mind,
the thesis and the antithesis, that is, the first image that comes to you is always true and the
second is a product of the fear that our embodied spirit of failing or making mistakes, so the
person doing the reading must not allow the second voice or image he or she reads to lose
concentration and remain focused on the first so that the reading is correct.

I have experimented with the three types of reading and that is why I share their existence
because I have tried them myself and although I trusted the first two I have a preference for the
last one explained above.

Focus with all your faith, tune in mentally and spiritually with this elemental and you will see that
it will not disappoint you because its powers of clairvoyance are truly surprising.

Blessed be

Very good answer brother, what you say is correct, the power of intuition, it is like a very beautiful
thing, the moment you are smoking tobacco and images or thoughts begin to come to you,
messages, well, truly tremendous answer, that is the way I use and it is one of the most effective
you know is spiritual contact.

Papa Chango Altar (Baruta)

Junior Expert
Number of shipments: 484
Location: Baruta Edo Miranda
Age: 24
Registration date: 05/29/2011


by Son of liberators on Wednesday Sep 28, 2011 7:04 am

Good morning.....

I appeared again in these parts.....

Intuition... is the best way... But some people do not have that developed capacity and can follow
these tips to get started (check themselves and test with trusted people, no checking other people
and charging them with these written techniques)

This intuition is called Clairvoyance, which some of us have the gift of possessing and others must

PS: some advice to gain spiritual lights and thus clairvoyance (with this you will not gain it
completely but it will help you a lot):

For 3 months, every Thursday before going to sleep, pray 13 Hail Marys and 13 Our Fathers, while
praying, be focused on asking our guides and protectors and guardian angels, that the light of our
heavenly father radiate to us and help us. Give your spiritual blessing.

Having finished this the next day, go to mass and do it in thanksgiving to the great power of God.

During these 3 months, 0% red meat (if possible), 0% alcohol and 0% sexual relations.

Also touch tobacco as little as possible, as LESS as possible.

After training try and tell me

May the holy Mama Yara Bless You All!

Son of liberators
Junior Expert

Number of shipments: 366

Registration date: 06/10/2010

by estela on Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:38 am

nicanor1982 wrote:

Good and holy afternoon to all the brothers of this forum, here I leave you a small contribution on
how to interpret a tobacco that a good spiritualist friend has left me.

I hope it helps you and if anyone wants to contribute something else, they are welcome.


Light the tobacco, without squeezing it between your fingers, without forcing your breath and
calmly. A quarter of it is smoked to be able to make the first interpretation.

It begins to be interpreted from the tip or crown where the cigar was lit, it is left for a few minutes
without shaking the ash that is created and it is interpreted in the following way.

Good morning, I'm new here.

I want to know what MEANING it has when candle sparks come out of the tobacco when it is
read... and in the end it rubs like rain from a candle, is it good or bad?

Thanks to anyone who can clear my doubts.

If the crown or border is white, it means: Requited love, fidelity in marriage or courtship, good
health and long life.

If the crown has black dots, it means: Breakup with friends or boyfriends, marital separations,
uncertain loves and unfounded jealousy.

If you have several black points in a row, it means: Separations of all kinds, entanglements, gossip,
dislikes and resentments.

If it is a single large black dot, it means; Going through mourning, bad friendships, debts that are
not collected.

If the black dot is large and branched downwards, it means: Family mourning, bad times,
widowhood. black s towards the sides, means: Lost, loves that move away.

Gray scales facing up, means: Sadness, crying, minor illnesses.

White scales facing up, means: Love that arrives, new friendships, reconciliations, improved

Red dot on the ember, slightly downward, means: Illness, unpleasant surprises, a change for the
worse in life.

Low white points mean: Luck in lotteries and games of chance.

A single large white dot. It means: Marriage commitment, success in business, payment of old
debts, good health.

Black stripe: Long illness, extraordinary expenses, unrest.

White stripe: Prosperity, good health, savings, lasting friendships, and above all stability.

Red stripe crossing the cigar: Operations, loneliness, sadness.

Small red dots: Heartbreak, passing illusions.

Two small black dots, with circles on top as if they were eyebrows, means: Passionate love,
someone desires you sexually, indiscreet proposals.

Separate and unequal black points: Betrayal, hidden enemy, envy.

Small black inclined stripes: Misunderstood loves.

Black zigzag stripes: Unpleasant trips, failures in life, envy.

Thin white stripe: happy travels, good business, very good luck.

If the cigar burns only on one side, Bad luck, unlucky time.

Many white scales facing upwards: Good times, future twins.

If the ash remains upright: Good luck, wishes fulfilled, happiness in love.

If the ash twists: Bad luck, debts, distant loves, doubts.

If the ash falls, the good omens will be uncertain or doubtful.


The ash is shaken off and the cigar continues to be smoked again, so that the second part can be

If white and black shadows appear interspersed: Practical and calm life, good and bad times, but
without great stress.

If gray shadows with small white dots appear: Money arriving, you can play the lottery.
Many white shadows: Achievement of all your aspirations, celebrity, wealth.

White shadows with white scales: Good news from loved ones, social activities, productive

White dot with black circle: Pregnancy

White dot with stripe: Abortion.

If the ashes form crosses, both in the first and the second part, it means: Dominion over others.

NOTE: Apart from this I have several questions, I have been told that the upper side of the tobacco
is the spiritual part, the lower side is the earthly part, but what about the left and right? They also
explained to me at the time that if the tobacco is twisted downwards it is humiliation. Is that true?
What if it turns up or to the left or right?

God bless you.

Number of shipments: 7
Age: 41
Registration date: 10/19/2011


by edeerjhs on Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:48 pm

A small contribution:

Tobacco is divided into 5 parts:

1st: The tip of the tobacco or the first thing that is lit (upside down or upside down), is your
spiritual crown or spiritual aura, your spiritual energies.

2nd : Left side represents feelings and everything related to the emotional part (family and all

3rd: Right side represents projects, studies, work, employment, etc.

4th: Upper Side represents your personal side or that of the patient to be consulted.

5th: Bottom side of tobacco represents your house...

The use of COLOR AND SUSTAINED BOLD is considered bad practice in Internet chat spaces, please
review the Good Member Rules and Netiquette articles published in the Announcements and
Notes section that appears at the top of the forum .

The Admin
Number of shipments: 45
Location: Valencia
Registration date: 09/24/2009

by THE ALMIGHTY on Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:21 am

Dirnafth wrote:

The signs added above are from ancient writings and recognized by many of us and I agree with
their study.

But I also want to add that there are three types of reading: the mechanical one, which is the one
that is carried out only through the signs previously studied, the one where the signs are
combined with the power of intuition and finally where the medium or spirit connection is used. to
connect directly with the elemental spirit of tobacco

As good mediums (spiritualists) we know that everything that exists has a spirit, so as such I
believe that we all have knowledge of what elemental spirits are.

The tobacco plant, like any plant, has its own elemental spirit with which any good medium can
come into contact through their gift of spirit connection during any consultation and when this
happens our gift of intuition is expanded by the fusion between this elemental with all his
collaborative energy that would support us through the blessing that the Almighty placed on the
human being by placing him as regent of everything that surrounds him. So when this happens, it
is no longer necessary to use the previously written signs because two images come to your mind,
the thesis and the antithesis, that is, the first image that comes to you is always true and the
second is a product of the fear that our spirit feels. embodied of failing or making mistakes, so the
person doing the reading must not allow the second voice or image he reads to lose concentration
and remain focused on the first so that the reading is correct.
I have experimented with the three types of reading and that is why I share their existence
because I have tried them myself and although I trusted the first two I have a preference for the
last one explained above.

Focus with all your faith, tune in mentally and spiritually with this elemental and you will see that
it will not disappoint you because its powers of clairvoyance are truly surprising.

Bless you brother Dirnafth in the case of the third way of reading tobacco, if it is mental why do we
need tobacco?



Number of shipments: 8

Age: 18

Registration date: 09/18/2012

Excellent explanation

by luis_22_2 on Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:54 am

Dirnafth wrote:

The signs added above are from ancient writings and recognized by many of us and I agree with
their study.

But I also want to add that there are three types of reading: the mechanical one, which is the one
that is carried out only through the signs previously studied, the one where the signs are
combined with the power of intuition and finally where the medium or spirit connection is used. to
connect directly with the elemental spirit of tobacco

As good mediums (spiritualists) we know that everything that exists has a spirit, so as such I
believe that we all have knowledge of what elemental spirits are.

The tobacco plant, like any plant, has its own elemental spirit with which any good medium can
come into contact through their gift of spirit connection during any consultation and when this
happens our gift of intuition is expanded by the fusion between this elemental with all his
collaborative energy that would support us through the blessing that the Almighty placed on the
human being by placing him as regent of everything that surrounds him. So when this happens, it
is no longer necessary to use the previously written signs because two images come to your mind,
the thesis and the antithesis, that is, the first image that comes to you is always true and the
second is a product of the fear that our embodied spirit of failing or making mistakes, so the
person doing the reading must not allow the second voice or image he or she reads to lose
concentration and remain focused on the first so that the reading is correct.

I have experimented with the three types of reading and that is why I share their existence
because I have tried them myself and although I trusted the first two I have a preference for the
last one explained above.

Focus with all your faith, tune in mentally and spiritually with this elemental and you will see that
it will not disappoint you because its powers of clairvoyance are truly surprising.

Blessed be

My brother, I want to congratulate you, your excellent response clarified many doubts that I had, I
am going to suggest your answer in another forum to clarify the doubt, how we can distinguish a
message from the elements to our own thoughts, thank you very much.

Junior Expert
Number of shipments: 372
Location: Monagas
Age: 27
Registration date: 06/20/2012

by luna2922 on Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:55 am

Good morning, brothers, it seems to me that your contributions are important, but there is a
difference between what is published on the Internet and what one sees when one smokes
tobacco. Many times one sees faces and shapes. If someone in this forum shared those
experiences, I think it would be helpful. great contribution

Number of shipments: 60
Age: 34

Registration date: 06/26/2012

The author of this message has been banned from the forum - View the message

excellent learning forum.

by Santisima Trinidad on Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:09 pm

Very good afternoon brothers, God bless you all. That explanation is really very good and it is
really necessary for those who are starting to learn how to interpret a tobacco. I really liked it a lot
because I want to know how to interpret it but I'm bad at smoking tobacco since I smoke one and
it gives me everything.

Holy Trinity


Number of shipments: 8

Age: 37

Registration date: 11/13/2013

Good and holy night to all, may my god and Queen María Lionza bless you at this hour

by willianni on Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:58 am

I have a question and I would like some help... when the tobacco goes out upside down, what does
it mean?

Number of shipments: 1
Age: 19

Registration date: 01/24/2014


by Roberto Salas on Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:31 am

"luna2922" Wrote:

Very good morning, brothers, I think that your contributions are important, but there is a
difference between what is published on the Internet and what one sees when one smokes
tobacco. Many times one sees faces and shapes. If someone in this forum shared those
experiences, I think it would be helpful. great contribution.

*Good morning brothers, I totally agree.

There is NO universal formula to interpret tobacco, since each case varies from one patient to
another. (All cases are not the same).
If you do not have clairvoyance as explained by "Son of Liberators" Fraternal greetings Godson",
nor good earthly guidance as explained by Brother Hecate "My Respects Brothers" the
interpretation and proper reading of tobacco will be very difficult for you.

I have seen in many cases people who have some type of mediumship and do not have the gift of
reading and interpreting cigars.

I know an excellent person, a very good earthly bank, but he does not have mediumistic abilities,
yes, he is an authority on earth assisting spiritual entities (tremendous earthly bank) and he has
the lights to read coffee and cigarettes and although he has read countless books cigar
interpretation books, filled notebooks with cheat sheets (easy guides) of supposed signs and
interpretations and has never managed to have the clairvoyance to read cigars.

If, for example, I get a sign that indicates illness and I am checking up on a patient, I see the sign
and I say "There is my little brother, you are sick, it says it clearly here" and the patient will tell me:
"Aha, sir, hey, what?" I have? and I don't have clairvoyance, the most I will tell you will be: look, go
to the doctor, because I don't know what you have, I know you are sick because of this point that
the tobacco tells me here, but I don't know, what do you have? and much less ask me: How is it
cured? If you want, go to a medium or witch who knows and don't pay me anything, ah, but just in
case, go to the doctor, hey, that black point is infallible, right? pooooo favooo...

It is not a joke at all, gentlemen, please do not misunderstand me; one comes into this world with
certain lights and faculties. A Doctor will hardly be a good Stylist and not everyone has the capacity
to be an architect, nor are everyone born with spiritual gifts or with the same spiritual gifts or
faculties either...

Peace and blessings to all...


by nicanor1982 on Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:03 am

Good and holy afternoon to all the brothers of this forum, here I leave you a small contribution on
how to interpret a tobacco that a good spiritualist friend has left me.
I hope it helps you and if anyone wants to contribute something else, they are welcome.

Light the tobacco, without squeezing it between your fingers, without forcing your breath and
calmly. A quarter of it is smoked to be able to make the first interpretation.

It begins to be interpreted from the tip or crown where the cigar was lit, it is left for a few minutes
without shaking the ash that is created and it is interpreted in the following way.
If the crown or border is white, it means: Requited love, marital or courtship fidelity, good health
and long life.

If the crown has black points, it means: Breakup with friends or boyfriends, marital separations,
uncertain loves and unfounded jealousy.

If you have several black points in a row, it means: Separations of all kinds, entanglements, gossip,
dislikes and resentments.

If it is a single large black dot, it means; Going through mourning, bad friendships, debts that are
not collected.

If the black dot is large and branched downwards, it means: Family mourning, bad times,
widowhood. Black points to the sides means: Lost, loves that move away.

Gray scales facing up, means: Sadness, crying, minor illnesses.

White scales facing up, means: Love that arrives, new friendships, reconciliations, improved

Red dot on the ember, slightly downward, means: Illness, unpleasant surprises, a change for the
worse in life.

Low white dots mean: Luck in lotteries and games of chance.

A single large white dot. It means: Marriage commitment, success in business, payment of old
debts, good health.

Black stripe: Long illness, extraordinary expenses, unrest.

White stripe: Prosperity, good health, savings, lasting friendships, and above all stability.

Red stripe crossing the cigar: Operations, loneliness, sadness.

Small red dots: Heartbreak, passing illusions.

Two small black dots, with circles on top as if they were eyebrows, means: Passionate love,
someone desires you sexually, indiscreet proposals.

Separate and unequal black points: Betrayal, hidden enemy, envy.

Small black inclined stripes: Misunderstood loves.

Black zigzag stripes: Unpleasant trips, failures in life, envy.

Thin white stripe: happy travels, good business, very good luck.

If the cigar burns only on one side, Bad luck, unlucky time.

Many white scales facing upwards: Good times, future twins.

If the ash remains upright: Good luck, wishes fulfilled, happiness in love.

If the ash twists: Bad luck, debts, distant loves, doubts.

If the ash falls, the good omens will be uncertain or doubtful.


The ash is shaken off and the cigar continues to be smoked again, so that the second part can be

If white and black shadows appear interspersed: Practical and calm life, good and bad times, but
without great stress.

If gray shadows with small white dots appear: Money arriving, you can play the lottery.

Many white shadows: Achievement of all your aspirations, celebrity, wealth.

White shadows with white scales: Good news from loved ones, social activities, productive

White dot with black circle: Pregnancy

White dot with stripe: Abortion.

If the ashes form crosses, both in the first and the second part, it means: Dominion over others.

NOTE: Apart from this I have several questions, I have been told that the upper side of the tobacco
is the spiritual part, the lower side is the earthly part, but what about the left and right? They also
explained to me at the time that if the tobacco is twisted downwards it is humiliation. Is that true?
What if it turns up or to the left or right?
God bless you.



Number of shipments: 120

Age: 32

Registration date: 08/29/2011


by Altar Papa Chango(Baruta) on Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:00 pm

What I understand is that left is street and right is family and when a tobacco bends downward it
is bending, you are bending. Well, there are many ways to interpret tobacco.

Papa Chango Altar (Baruta)

Junior Expert
Number of shipments: 484
Location: Baruta Edo Miranda
Age: 24

Registration date: 05/29/2011


by Musta Ivan on Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:06 pm

What I understand is that left is street and right is family and when a tobacco bends downward it
is bending, you are bending. well, there are many ways to interpret tobacco. Right is the street?
Well, that's how I do it, there are a thousand ways, I guess. My apologies if I'm aware, brother.
May GOD bless you.

Musta Ivan

Junior Expert
Number of shipments: 374
Location: Tenerife
Registration date: 07/27/2011


by Dirnafth on Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:45 pm

The signs added above are from ancient writings and recognized by many of us and I agree with
their study.
But I also want to add that there are three types of reading: the mechanical one, which is the one
that is carried out only through the signs previously studied, the one where the signs are
combined with the power of intuition and finally where the medium or spirit connection is used. to
connect directly with the elemental spirit of tobacco
As good mediums (spiritualists) we know that everything that exists has a spirit, so as such I
believe that we all have knowledge of what elemental spirits are.
The tobacco plant, like any plant, has its own elemental spirit with which any good medium can
come into contact through their gift of spirit connection during any consultation and when this
happens our gift of intuition is expanded by the fusion between this elemental with all his
collaborative energy that would support us through the blessing that the Almighty placed on the
human being by placing him as regent of everything that surrounds him. So when this happens, it
is no longer necessary to use the previously written signs because two images come to your mind,
the thesis and the antithesis, that is, the first image that comes to you is always true and the
second is a product of the fear that our embodied spirit of failing or making mistakes, so the
person doing the reading must not allow that second voice or image to be read and remain
focused on the first so that the reading is correct.
I have experimented with the three types of reading and that is why I share their existence
because I have tried them myself and although I trusted the first two I have a preference for the
last one explained above.
Focus with all your faith, tune in mentally and spiritually with this elemental and you will see that
it will not disappoint you because its powers of clairvoyance are truly surprising.
Blessed be


Number of shipments: 4
Registration date: 08/04/2011


by Altar Papa Chango(Baruta) on Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:53 am

Dirnafth wrote: The signs added above are from ancient writings and recognized by many of us
and I agree in their study.
But I also want to add that there are three types of reading: the mechanical one, which is the one
that is carried out only through the signs previously studied, the one where the signs are
combined with the power of intuition and finally where the medium or spirit connection is used. to
connect directly with the elemental spirit of tobacco
As good mediums (spiritualists) we know that everything that exists has a spirit, so as such I
believe that we all have knowledge of what elemental spirits are.
The tobacco plant, like any plant, has its own elemental spirit with which any good medium can
come into contact through their gift of spirit connection during any consultation and when this
happens our gift of intuition is expanded by the fusion between this elemental with all his
collaborative energy that would support us through the blessing that the Almighty placed on the
human being by placing him as regent of everything that surrounds him. So when this happens, it
is no longer necessary to use the previously written signs because two images come to your mind,
the thesis and the antithesis, that is, the first image that comes to you is always true and the
second is a product of the fear that our embodied spirit of failing or making mistakes, so the
person doing the reading must not allow that second voice or image to be read and remain
focused on the first so that the reading is correct.
I have experimented with the three types of reading and that is why I share their existence
because I have tried them myself and although I trusted the first two I have a preference for the
last one explained above.
Focus with all your faith, tune in mentally and spiritually with this elemental and you will see that
it will not disappoint you because its powers of clairvoyance are truly surprising.
Blessed be

Very good answer brother, what you say is correct, the power of intuition, it is like a very beautiful
thing, the moment you are smoking tobacco and images or thoughts begin to come to you,
messages, well, truly tremendous answer, that is the way I use and it is a The most effective you
know is spiritual contact.

Papa Chango Altar (Baruta)

Junior Expert
Number of shipments: 484
Location: Baruta Edo Miranda
Age: 24

Registration date: 05/29/2011


by Son of liberators on Wednesday Sep 28, 2011 7:04 am

Good morning.....

I appeared again in these parts.....

Intuition... is the best way... But some people do not have that developed capacity and can follow
these tips to get started (check themselves and test with trusted people, no checking other people
and charging them with these written techniques)

This intuition is called Clairvoyance, some of us have the gift of possessing it and others have to
develop it.

PS: some advice to gain spiritual lights and thus clairvoyance (with this you will not gain it
completely but it will help you a lot):
For 3 months, every Thursday before going to sleep, pray 13 Hail Marys and 13 Our Fathers, while
praying, be focused on asking our guides and protectors and guardian angels, that the light of our
heavenly father may radiate us and help us. Give your spiritual blessing.
Once this is finished, the next day go to mass and do it in thanksgiving to the great power of God.

During these 3 months, 0% red meat (if possible), 0% alcohol and 0% sexual relations.

Also touch tobacco as little as possible, as LESS as possible.

After training, try and tell me

May the holy Mama Yara Bless You All!

Son of liberators

Junior Expert
Number of shipments: 366
Registration date: 10/06/2010


by estela on Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:38 am

nicanor1982 wrote: Good and holy afternoon to all the brothers of this forum, here I leave you a
small contribution on how to interpret a tobacco that a good spiritualist friend has left me.
I hope it helps you and if anyone wants to contribute something else, they are welcome.


Light the tobacco, without squeezing it between your fingers, without forcing your breath and
calmly. A quarter of it is smoked to be able to make the first interpretation.
It begins to be interpreted from the tip or crown where the cigar was lit, it is left for a few minutes
without shaking the ash that is created and it is interpreted in the following way.

Good morning, I'm new here.

I want to know what MEANING it has when sparks of candella come out of the tobacco when it is
read.. and in the end it rubs like rain from candella. Is it good or bad?
Thanks to anyone who can clear my doubts.

If the crown or border is white, it means: Requited love, fidelity in marriage or courtship, good
health and long life.

If the crown has black dots, it means: Breakup with friends or boyfriends, marital separations,
uncertain loves and unfounded jealousy.

If you have several black points in a row, it means: Separations of all kinds, entanglements, gossip,
dislikes and resentments.

If it is a single large black dot, it means; Going through mourning, bad friendships, debts that are
not collected.

If the black dot is large and branched downwards, it means: Family mourning, bad times,
widowhood. Black points to the sides means: Lost, loves that move away.

Gray scales facing up, means: Sadness, crying, minor illnesses.

White scales facing up, means: Love that arrives, new friendships, reconciliations, improved

Red dot on the ember, slightly downward, means: Illness, unpleasant surprises, a change for the
worse in life.

Low white dots mean: Luck in lotteries and games of chance.

A single large white dot. It means: Marriage commitment, success in business, payment of old
debts, good health.

Black stripe: Long illness, extraordinary expenses, unrest.

White stripe: Prosperity, good health, savings, lasting friendships, and above all stability.

Red stripe crossing the cigar: Operations, loneliness, sadness.

Small red dots: Heartbreak, passing illusions.

Two small black dots, with circles on top as if they were eyebrows, means: Passionate love,
someone desires you sexually, indiscreet proposals.

Separate and unequal black points: Betrayal, hidden enemy, envy.

Small black inclined stripes: Misunderstood loves.

Black zigzag stripes: Unpleasant trips, failures in life, envy.

Thin white stripe: happy travels, good business, very good luck.

If the cigar burns only on one side, Bad luck, unlucky time.

Many white scales facing upwards: Good times, future twins.

If the ash remains upright: Good luck, wishes fulfilled, happiness in love.

If the ash twists: Bad luck, debts, distant loves, doubts.

If the ash falls, the good omens will be uncertain or doubtful.


The ash is shaken off and the cigar continues to be smoked again, so that the second part can be

If white and black shadows appear interspersed: Practical and calm life, good and bad times, but
without great stress.

If gray shadows with small white dots appear: Money arriving, you can play the lottery.

Many white shadows: Achievement of all your aspirations, celebrity, wealth.

White shadows with white scales: Good news from loved ones, social activities, productive

White dot with black circle: Pregnancy

White dot with stripe: Abortion.

If the ashes form crosses, both in the first and the second part, it means: Dominion over others.
NOTE: Apart from this I have several questions, I have been told that the upper side of the tobacco
is the spiritual part, the lower side is the earthly part, but what about the left and right? They also
explained to me at the time that if the tobacco is twisted downwards it is humiliation. Is that true?
What if it turns up or to the left or right?

God bless you.


Number of shipments: 7
Age: 41
Registration date: 10/19/2011


by edeerjhs on Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:48 pm

A small contribution:
tobacco is divided into 5 parts:

1st : The tip of the tobacco or the first thing that is lit (upside down or upside down), is your
spiritual crown or spiritual aura, your spiritual energies.

2nd : Left side represents feelings and everything related to the emotional part (family and all

3rd : Right side represents projects, studies, work, employment, etc.

4th : upper side represents your personal side or that of the patient to be consulted.
5th : Bottom side of tobacco represents your house...

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The Admin

Number of shipments: 45
Location: Valencia
Registration date: 09/24/2009


by THE ALMIGHTY on Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:21 am

Dirnafth wrote: The signs added above are from ancient writings and recognized by many of us
and I agree in their study.
But I also want to add that there are three types of reading: the mechanical one, which is the one
that is carried out only through the signs previously studied, the one where the signs are
combined with the power of intuition and finally where the medium or spirit connection is used. to
connect directly with the elemental spirit of tobacco
As good mediums (spiritualists) we know that everything that exists has a spirit, so as such I
believe that we all have knowledge of what elemental spirits are.
The tobacco plant, like any plant, has its own elemental spirit with which any good medium can
come into contact through their gift of spirit connection during any consultation and when this
happens our gift of intuition is expanded by the fusion between this elemental with all his
collaborative energy that would support us through the blessing that the Almighty placed on the
human being by placing him as regent of everything that surrounds him. So when this happens, it
is no longer necessary to use the previously written signs because two images come to your mind,
the thesis and the antithesis, that is, the first image that comes to you is always true and the
second is a product of the fear that our embodied spirit of failing or making mistakes, so the
person doing the reading must not allow the second voice or image he or she reads to lose
concentration and remain focused on the first so that the reading is correct.
I have experimented with the three types of reading and that is why I share their existence
because I have tried them myself and although I trusted the first two I have a preference for the
last one explained above.
Focus with all your faith, tune in mentally and spiritually with this elemental and you will see that
it will not disappoint you because its powers of clairvoyance are truly surprising.
Bless you brother Dirnafth in the case of the third way of reading tobacco, if it is mental why do
we need tobacco?


Number of shipments: 8
Age: 18
Registration date: 09/18/2012

Excellent explanation

by luis_22_2 on Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:54 am

Dirnafth wrote: The signs added above are from ancient writings and recognized by many of us
and I agree in their study.
But I also want to add that there are three types of reading: the mechanical one, which is the one
that is carried out only through the signs previously studied, the one where the signs are
combined with the power of intuition and finally where the medium or spirit connection is used. to
connect directly with the elemental spirit of tobacco
As good mediums (spiritualists) we know that everything that exists has a spirit, so as such I
believe that we all have knowledge of what elemental spirits are.
The tobacco plant, like any plant, has its own elemental spirit with which any good medium can
come into contact through their gift of spirit connection during any consultation and when this
happens our gift of intuition is expanded by the fusion between this elemental with all his
collaborative energy that would support us through the blessing that the Almighty placed on the
human being by placing him as regent of everything that surrounds him. So when this happens, it
is no longer necessary to use the previously written signs because two images come to your mind,
the thesis and the antithesis, that is, the first image that comes to you is always true and the
second is a product of the fear that our embodied spirit of failing or making mistakes, so the
person doing the reading must not allow the second voice or image he or she reads to lose
concentration and remain focused on the first so that the reading is correct.
I have experimented with the three types of reading and that is why I share their existence
because I have tried them myself and although I trusted the first two I have a preference for the
last one explained above.
Focus with all your faith, tune in mentally and spiritually with this elemental and you will see that
it will not disappoint you because its powers of clairvoyance are truly surprising.
Blessed be

My brother, I want to congratulate you, your excellent response clarified many doubts that I had, I
am going to suggest your answer in another forum to clarify the doubt, how we can distinguish a
message from the elements to our own thoughts, thank you very much.


Junior Expert

Number of shipments: 372

Location: Monagas
Age: 27

Registration date: 06/20/2012


by luna2922 on Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:55 am

very good morning brothers, it seems to me that your contributions are important but there is a
difference between what is published on the internet and what one sees when one smokes
tobacco, many times one sees faces, shapes, if someone in this forum shared those experiences I
think it would be helpful. great contribution



Number of shipments: 60
Age: 34

Registration date: 06/26/2012

The author of this message has been banned from the forum - View the message

excellent learning forum.

by Santisima Trinidad on Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:09 pm

very good afternoon brothers, God bless you all. That explanation is really very good and it is really
necessary for those who are starting to learn how to interpret a tobacco. I really liked it a lot
because I want to know how to interpret it but I'm bad at smoking tobacco since I smoke one and
it gives me everything.

Holy Trinity

Number of shipments: 8
Age: 37
Registration date: 11/13/2013

good and holy night to all, may my god and queen maria lionza bless you at this hour

by willianni on Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:58 am

I have a question and I would like some help... when the tobacco goes out upside down, what does
it mean?


Number of shipments: 1
Age: 19

Registration date: 01/24/2014


by Roberto Salas on Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:31 am

"luna2922" Wrote:
very good morning brothers, it seems to me that your contributions are important but there is a
difference between what is published on the internet and what one sees when one smokes
tobacco, many times one sees faces, shapes, if someone in this forum shared those experiences I
think it would be helpful. great contribution.

*Good morning brothers, I totally agree.

There is NO universal formula to interpret tobacco, since each case varies from one patient to
another. (all cases are not the same).
If you do not have clairvoyance as explained by "Son of Liberators" Fraternal greetings Godson",
nor good earthly guidance as explained by Brother Hecate "My Respects Brothers" the
interpretation and proper reading of tobacco will be very difficult for you.
I have seen in many cases people who have some type of mediumship and do not have the gift of
reading and interpreting cigars.
I know an excellent person, a very good earthly bank, but he does not have mediumistic abilities,
yes, he is an authority on earth assisting spiritual entities (tremendous earthly bank) and he has
the lights to read coffee and cigarettes and although he has read countless books cigar
interpretation books, filling notebooks with cheat sheets (easy guides) of supposed signs and
interpretations and has never managed to have the clairvoyance to read cigars.
If, for example, I get a sign that indicates illness and I am checking a patient, I see the sign and say
"There is my little brother, you are sick, it says it clearly here" and the patient will tell me: "Aha,
sir, what do I have?" ? and I don't have clairvoyance, the most I will tell you will be: look, go to the
doctor, because I don't know what you have, I know you are sick because of this point that the
tobacco tells me here, but I don't know, what do you have? and much less ask me: How is it cured?
If you want, go to a medium or witch who knows and don't pay me anything, ah, but just in case,
go to the doctor. Hey, that black point is infallible. ? pooooo favooo...

It is not a joke at all, gentlemen, please do not misunderstand me; one comes into this world with
certain lights and faculties. A Doctor will hardly be a good Stylist and not everyone has the capacity
to be an architect, nor are everyone born with spiritual gifts or with the same spiritual gifts or
faculties either...

Peace and blessings to all...



Light a cigarette naturally, and without forcing your breath or squeezing it with your fingers,
You continue smoking until you reach almost half of the cigarette, to begin to decipher
the first part.

It begins with the tip or crown of the cigarette, which is the edge that forms when lit and is
proceeds as follows:

If the crown or border is white, it means reciprocated love, marital happiness, good
health, long life.

If the crown or border is white, it means conjugal love, uncertain love, unfounded jealousy.

If you have several blackheads in a row, separations, entanglements, gossip, dislikes,


If the black dot is large, it means: attending mourning, bad friendships, debts that are lost.

If the black dot is large and branched downwards, it means family mourning, bad times,

Black sparkles towards the sides, means: lost, sorry, love is moving away.

Gray sparkles facing up means: sadness, crying, decay, indisposition.

White sparkles upward: love that arrives, new friendships, reconciliation, improvement in

Red dot on the breaststroke, a little below the crown means: illness, change of life, bad

White points a little low: dead children, luck in lotteries and games of chance.

A single large white dot: marriage commitment, success in business, fulfillment of

money, excellent health.

Large black dot: doom, family setbacks, delays, slow illnesses.

Small black dots: betrayal, bad friendships, continuous losses.

Separate black dots: brunette suitors, uncertain doubters.

White sparkles facing the sides: meetings, invitations, gifts, good surprises.
White sparkles facing up: good news, happy meeting, profits, new friendships.

Black sparks to the sides: unfulfilled appointments, waste of time, friendship that is moving away,
delinquent debtors.

Black sparkles upward: bad news, business losses, harvest, enemies

nearby, dangers.

Equal black sparks: exits, problems with the law, swearing, signing, declaring in your favor or
of others.

Black stripe downwards: long illness, continuous expenses, restlessness.

White stripe downwards: time of prosperity, good health, savings, lasting friendships,

Red stripe crossing the cigarette: operation, loneliness, sadness.

Small red dots: illusions of love, fleeting joys,

Two small black dots with arches on top simulating eyebrows: passionate suitor,
indiscreet proposal, someone looks at you with ardor.

Unequal separate black dots: betrayal, stalking, enemy, hidden.

Small black inclined stripes: setbacks, misunderstood loves, rivals.

Black zig-zag stripes bad trips, unfortunate failures, fatal encounter.

Thin white stripe - happy travels, good business, complete luck.

If the cigarette burns on only one side: bad luck, bad times, family disgrace.

Separate lines that come together: infidelity, sadness of love, lack of faith in oneself.

Separate white stripes that meet upwards at angles: fidelity, understanding

in love, unexpected marriage.

Variety of white ashes facing upwards: good harvests, many children, twins.

If the ash has holes: unexpected expenses, request help.

The black dots inside the white circle: dark-haired, young suitors.

Two white dots inside the circle with a zig-zag stripe: old suitor, white.

With blackish zig-zag stripes: widowed or dark-skinned suitors.

Two black dots that come together: attending a funeral.

Gray shadows: confrontation in love, disappointments, uncertainties.

Cigarette with straight ash - good luck, promises that are kept, passionate love.

Cigarette with twisted ash: setbacks, debts, distance from love, nervousness.

White edge when burning: successful dreams, good omen.

Black edge when burning: nightmares, fatal dreams, restlessness.

White parallel lines: healthy life, long life.

Black parallel lines: passing illnesses, disorders.

If the ash falls: they will be uncertain or doubtful, the good urians.


Smoke the ash and continue slowly smoking the same amount of cigarette, to complete and
decipher the second part.

If the cigarette has white and black shadows interspersed: practical life, good times and
Bad, delayed courtship, long promises.

If it has gray shadows with small black dots - melancholy, outrage, deception, falsehood.

If you have gray shadows with small white dots: coming torture, unexpected money.

Many white shadows: glory, celebrity, wealth.

White shadows with white sparkles: news from a loved one, pleasant meetings,
productive friendships.

White point with black wheels: pregnancy

White point with black wheels with stripe: abortion.

NOTE: if the ash forms crosses: power, dominion, whether in the first or second part that is


Try to be only with the interested person so that the results are more
satisfactory, and he who deciphers it does not lose his clairvoyance.
Nor should two cigarettes be read in a row because the good omens of the
first, thus giving uncertainty to both.
The cigarette read to a person must allow an elapsed time of seven days to read the
The appropriate cigarette is one that is natural, without perfume or mouthpiece (filter), so that it
does not
lose its divinatory effect.
If the ash falls due to strong wind or hand movement, you can light another one.
It is important that for reading the other cigarette it is typical of any day


The unfolding is the projection of the subtle body and its temporary permanence more or less
manifest and outside its physical envelope.
Preparation for Unfolding:
We suggest you concentrate on a cone or a figure where concentration and expansion coexist.
In front of a mirror:
Concentrate on your image, without closing your eyes, just until it begins to waver, sit
comfortably in front of your image, and continue to fixate on it and cadentously repeat its name;
making you reconcile your Self with the image that appears.
The environment:

The dressing:
Clothing should be comfortable and warm. During unfolding, the tension and
Body temperature tends to drop. When it unfolds, it will be colder than in the
normal conditions. Belts, shoes, or metal objects should not be worn. Avoid if
coverage possible. Use natural textiles such as linen, cotton, wool and relaxing colors
like white, blue or violet. Eat a light meal and take a warm salt water bath
before unfolding.
Characteristics of the character on the astral plane:

When the individual unfolds, he discovers a new world where laws and regulations do not exist.
perspectives, where we can see the inside and outside of things, the recto and the verso, where
you can penetrate into the darkness and where bodies show their internal structure.
The aura, the colors, the vital energy that animates them, the shapes are changing fluids. He
individual listens to noises, voices, whistles


Blue Wave Technique:
This technique is used to carry out conscious journeys and requires total relaxation.
- Imagine that you fall and rise from the ground.
- Visualize a blue wave coming from your feet towards your head.
- Control your breathing.
- Go out to the astral through your feet.
Techniques for Unconscious Exits:
- Visualize all the suggested procedures for conscious exit, try to fall asleep and control the plot of
your dreams.
- Guided sleep method: learn to control the phases of drowsiness. In the state of
insomnia represents an inductive dream scene.
Techniques for those who are used to unfolding:
- Numb your senses.
- Concentrate as much as you can on the will to unfold.
- Direct your concentration on a flame, on the root of your nose, a cone, etc.
Techniques for Induced Astral Travel:
Hypnosis is a form of mental suggestion based on the verbal or magnetic induction of
a trance state at different levels of depth. In the case of splitting, the
induction must be caused by the order to unfold and enter the body after
of a period of time and followed by eventual tasks to be executed pending the projection such as
(movement of objects, perceptible visits, footprints, marks, etc.).
Techniques for Collective Astral Travel:
To make collective astral trips, those who participate must have the day, date and time
of the agreed trip in addition to the following:
- Have a witness of the receptive person, such as hair, perfumes, etc.
- Visualize the path you must take to find it.
- Telepathic attraction on the part of the receptive character.
- Prevent the receptive agent you have chosen.
- Exclude young boys and girls, the elderly and the sick.
Couples test in collective splitting:
Movement of objects.
Repercussion phenomena (small wounds or burns).
General Symptoms of Return from Astral Travel:
It should be clarified that not everyone feels the same when returning from an astral trip. what
feels upon returning varies from individual to individual.
Involuntary return:
This return is automatic with the risk of vertigo, fear, intense sweating and tachycardia.
Voluntary return:
It is essential when the silver cord appears dull, hard and colored.
dark. An act of determination is needed to go back through the stages again.
crossed to get out.

The risks of doubling could be classified as natural and supernatural. Natural and supernatural
dangers can threaten the integrity of the split individual. However, the splitting has its own
protection systems, material or etheric, which ensure the safety of the physical body and protect
the astral body from subtle and negative influences.

Duplication is not for people who are afraid of their shadow. It is undoubtedly an experience
capable of marking an individual indelibly and if he registers a quantity of new knowledge,
sensations and possibilities, he will also be in the presence of certain dangerous factors which
should not be underestimated. These physical and mental dangers as well as cardio-circulatory
and nervous problems (nausea, tachycardia, dizziness, depression, fixed ideas, etc.) are caused by
the emotional shock and excessive effort to which the heart was exposed. But this can be
remedied with long training and with the help and support of yoga practices. Most of the time
these precautions are exaggerated, because the astral body generally immediately reintegrates
the physical body if it is in danger, or if it perceives a noise or a strange presence.

Phenomena of an electrical nature such as lightning, thunder and explosions are particularly
dangerous for the aura and the integrity of the silver cord. Entities of other levels such as larvae,
shadows, shrouds, elementals, and mythical monsters can damage or traumatize twice as much,
reducing their energies and displacement. It seems that it is the larvae, the astral corpses and the
envelopes that are not resigned to detach themselves from the physical world and constitute the
greatest danger for the split individual. They do not have the powers to definitively break the silver
cord to settle in the physical body in the place of its legitimate owner. However, they can coexist
at the same time as the astral body and produce phenomena of possession or schizophrenia and
hinder the reintegration of the astral body by drawing out its energies and leaving the experiencer
exhausted, as if he were empty.

Anyone dedicated to the paranormal such as magic, spiritualism, contact makers, astral travelers
may sooner or later encounter disturbing entities or forces.

Protection for unfolding:

To protect yourself during the unfolding, you must build a cocoon of protection in your mind and
weave it with a golden thread. You should visualize this golden thread emerging from the root of
your nose and let it wrap around you completely. You must leave only a small free space in
correspondence with your feet through which the astral body can exit. It is advisable to use
sandalwood, rose or vanilla incense.

Your First Astral Journey:

After a long preparation we have reached the crucial moment. Everything is ready, the clothing,
the atmosphere of the room, the orientation of the bed towards the North, a light meal, better if it
is on an empty stomach, and a warm salt water bath.

After having learned about the astral plane, executed all the preparatory techniques of relaxation,
breathing, concentration and visualization, having determined the most favorable moment, read
about unfolding and learned some techniques for unfolding, you are ready to make an astral

Take a bath or shower with warm, salt water. Disconnect your phone, close the doors and
windows, and get rid of anything that may disturb you.

Have a good trip…


Cross, High cross of heaven and always sacred Virgin Mary, for the pains that you went through,
before the heavenly court I ask and beg you to allow the spirit of NN to present itself to ask you
the questions that I am going to ask you "Spirit of NN Come to me, I call you with the permission of
the Supreme and the Virgin Mary to ask you the questions that I am going to ask you. (Three
knocks on the table and we say:) They are the three powers of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Come, come
spirit of NN

INDICATIONS: at the beginning of a creed, and an Our Father, in front of the table a Christ with
two lit candles and a glass of water in front of the Christ.


Spirit of NN The questions you answered, tell the supreme one, since I no longer need you, return
to your post or to the vichi where you will be with Our Lord Jesus Christ.


My God, Father God, Holy Spirit for the pains that the most holy Mary suffered in the heavenly
court, allow living spirit to come to my spirit to ask you the questions that I am going to ask you:
spirit of NN Come to me and tell me what I am going to ask you in the name of Our Lord Jesus
Christ, Gaspar, Melchior, and Baltasar.

Spirit of NN withdraw, I no longer need you and forget what you have said, in the name of the
Supreme Amen (An Our Father)


High cross, altar cross, forever and ever sacred Jesus, I want you to give me license to NN to ask
you some questions that I need to ask you.

(Repeated three times).


Retire dead and pure, go to your holy place, to give an account to God of the questions I have
asked you. (Three Our Fathers are prayed).


Lord God the Son, Lord God the Father: I beseech you and beseech you, allow me the spirit of NN
to ask you some questions that I need to ask you. (It is said three times and three Our Fathers and
a Hail Mary are prayed).


Depart, living spirit, who is served and satisfied with the questions I have asked you, and rest in
the peace of God. Amen

(Three creeds and a Hail Mary are prayed).


God the son, Holy spirit, Cross, Holy Cross; In the name of the divine Cross, do me the favor that I
ask of you, that by your divine Holy power, make the living spirit of NN appear to me. to realize
now and lightly agree with what I'm going to ask you. In the name of the Father of the son and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen


Go away, soul of God, do what I am asking you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit. Amen
(Three glorious Our Fathers and the same Hail Marys are prayed for the person called)

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