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Biology department
PSU Skills Workshop – Biology M Common odule – 3rd J
Teacher: Luz Tapia Villarroel


Name: Date: April 15/2019 Course: 3rd J Note
Time Total score Requirement Approval score Score obtained
45 min 39 points 60% 23 points

OF : Understand that the classification of organisms is built over time based on taxonomic criteria. Recognize evidence
that supports that the diversity of organisms is a result of evolution. Understand that fossils are formed from the
remains of animals and plants, in sedimentary rocks, and that they are located, according to their age, in the strata of
the Earth.
OT : Development of cognitive skills in solving PSU exercises.

 Read carefully all the instructions and questions presented in each item and then answer.
 When answering, remember to take care of your spelling, legibility and writing when necessary.
 You must use blue or black pencil (not graphite pencil) and smudges are NOT accepted, otherwise the answer will be
canceled and will not be considered a score.
I. MULTIPLE SELECTION ITEM (Total score: 36 points; 2 points each)
Read each question carefully and circle the alternative that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. The vestigial organs are characterized by: 5. Indicate who is considered the father of modern
YO. Being atrophied taxonomy.
II. Possess a similar internal structure between different a) Aristotle
species. b) Mendel
III. Not having any apparent functionality. c) Haeckel
a) Only I. d) Linnaeus
b) Solo II. e) Cooperland
c) Solo III.
6. According to the classification system of living beings,
d) Only I and II.
unicellular and prokaryotic organisms belong to the
e) Only II and III.
2. Determine which of the following associations is incorrect a) Animalia.
: b) Fungi.
a) Vestigial organs – atrophied structure. c) Monera.
b) Analogous organs – same function. d) Plantae.
c) Human appendix – vestigial organ. e) Protista.
d) Homologous organs – common embryonic origin.
7. What are the levels of variation in biodiversity?
e) Dolphin fin and human arm – different embryonic
a) Genetics.
b) Molecular.
3. Regarding evolutionary convergence, it is correct to affirm c) Ethological.
that: d) A, B and C are correct.
I. It occurs only between related species. e) A, B and C are not correct.
II. Accounts for morphological similarities of different
8. In the most superficial strata of the soil the most fossils
are found:
III. It originates from selective pressures on different
a) Evolved.
species in similar environments.
b) Little ones.
a) Only I.
c) Recent.
b) Only I and II.
d) Light.
c) Only I and III.
e) Simple.
d) Only II and III.
e) I, II and III. 9. Bacteria are organisms that belong to the Monera
kingdom and are characterized by being
4. What is the name of the science that names, classifies and
a) unicellular, prokaryotes and by their asexual
orders living beings?
a) biology
b) multicellular, prokaryotes and by their asexual
b) Ecology
c) Ethology
c) unicellular, eukaryotic and by their sexual
d) Taxonomy
e) Evolution
d) multicellular, eukaryotic and for their sexual
e) unicellular, prokaryotes and by their sexual
15. What is the order of the main taxonomic categories
organized hierarchically from the most general to the
most particular?
10. Among the evidence of evolution is considered: a) Species, genus, family, order class, phylum, kingdom,
I. The fossil record. domain.
II. The geographical distribution of the species. b) Species, genus, family, order, class, kingdom, domain.
III. The presence of genes that regulate embryonic c) Kingdom, domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus,
development. species.
IV. The presence of homologous organs. d) Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,
V. Calculation of the age of the Earth at 6,000 years. species.
a) I, II, III and V e) Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.
b) I, II, III and IV
c) I, II, III, IV and V 16. Which of the following characters does not correspond to
d) II, III and V criteria of taxonomic usefulness?
e) II, III and IV a) Morphological characters.
b) Molecular characters.
11. From an evolutionary point of view, the arm of a monkey,
c) Ethological characteristics.
the front leg of a cat, the fin of a whale and the wing of a
d) Physiological characteristics.
bat are considered:
e) Ecological characters.
a) Evolutionary convergences.
b) Homologous structures.
17. Analogous organs are characterized by:
c) Homoplasias.
a) Have different external structure.
d) Evolutionary parallelism.
b) Have different internal structure and different
e) Vestigial structures.
12. Carl Woese proposed a taxonomic level higher than the c) Have a different shape and internal structure and
kingdom, called Domain, and it is made up of the similar function.
following groups of organisms, except : d) Have similar shape, internal structure and function.
a) Animals. e) Have different function and same internal structure.
b) Archaea.
c) Bacteria. 18. For a fossil to form and be discovered, the following
d) Eukarya. events must occur:
e) None of the above. I. Coverage with new sediments.
II. Death of the living being.
13. The binomial nomenclature indicates the scientific name
III. Outcrop due to erosion.
of the organisms and corresponds to the following
IV. Transport of remains to a sedimentation basin.
taxonomic levels:
V. Transformation of remains into mineral matter.
a) Family and Gender
VI. Deposit of remains.
b) Dominion and Kingdom.
a) IV – II – VI – V – III – I.
c) Class and Species.
b) II – VI – IV – I – III – V.
d) Genus and Species.
c) II – IV – VI – I – V – III.
e) Family and Domain.
d) VI – IV – II – V – I – III.
e) II – VI – I – IV – III – V.
14. The branch of Biology that is responsible for the study
and description of the internal structure of organisms is:
19. The presence of homologous organs tells us:
a) Paleontology.
a) A different embryological origin.
b) Histology.
b) That the organisms belong to the same species.
c) Biotechnology.
c) Who live in a similar environment.
d) Physiology.
d) That organisms have a common ancestor.
e) Anatomy.
e) They have a similar locomotion mechanism.

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