Healthy Food Survey

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Healthy Food Survey

We are UNITEC students from the Market Research 2 class, we are conducting a survey
to find out your preferences in healthy foods.

1. Do you eat healthy food?

Yes_√__ No___ (If your answer is no, end of the survey)

2. How often do you eat healthy food?

____1 or 2 times a week
__√__1 or 2 times a month
____In long periods of more than a month

3. What type of healthy food do you eat? (You can select more than one option)
____Shakes or Smoothies
____Frozen Yogurts
__√__Grilled or stewed foods
4. Why do you eat the healthy foods I selected above? (You can select more than one
____Achieve ideal weight
____Maintain my physical build
____Medical recommendation
____Like for healthy food
__√__Feel healthy
5. The meal time that I consume in a healthy way is. (You can select more than one
__√__All of the above
6. When I eat healthy food I (You can select more than one option)
____I prepare it at home
____I buy it at the supermarket
__√__I bought it at a restaurant
note: If your answer is “I buy it at a restaurant” continue with the survey, otherwise end.

7. In which restaurant do you usually eat healthy food? (You can select more than one
____Go Green
____Pizza Hut (Ensablada Bar)
____Mango Tango

8. Why do you prefer to consume in that restaurant? (You can select more than one
9. What is the price range you are willing to pay?
____30 – 50
____50 – 100
__√__101 – 150
____151 – 200
____201 – onwards
10. Do discounts on healthy food influence your restaurant preference?
Yes_____ No___√_

Age ___15-20
Gender F___√_ M____

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