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# Microteaching Schedule Summary

1. **Filipe**

- **Date**: 24/04/2024

- **Unit IV**: Initiation Rites

- **Topic**: Initiation Rites in Mozambique and the World

- **Grammar Focus**: Short Adjectives

2. **Jacinto Colaço**

- **Date**: 15/04/2024

- **Topic**: Pottery

- **Grammar**: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

3. **Euclides Romão Pinto**

- **Date**: 22/05/2024

- **Unit VII**: Health - Flu

- **Topic**: Infectious Diseases

- **Grammar Focus**: Present Simple and Present Continuous

4. **Felinho Abreu Gustavo**

- **Date**: 03/06/2024

- **Topic**: The Importance of Agriculture

- **Grammar**: Adverbs

5. **Abibo Aly Pilima**

- **Date**: 27/05/2023

- **Topic**: Initiation Rites and Traditional Ceremonies

- **Grammar**: Agreeing and Disagreeing

6. **Melissa Creto**

- **Date**: 03/06/2024

- **Topic**: Mozambican Weddings

- **Grammar**: Sequence Markers

7. **Dionísio Luís**

- **Date**: 15/04/2024

- **Unit II**: The Importance of Education

- **Topic**: Dream

- **Grammar Focus**: Definite and Indefinite Articles

8. **Maria de Fátima Benjamim Jacinto**

- **Date**: 03/06/2024

- **Unit**: Relationship

- **Topic**: Types of Family

- **Grammar Topic**: Possessive Nouns

9. **Merry**

- **Date**: Not remembered

- **Unit VIII**: Drought and Floods

- **Topic**: Natural Disasters in Mozambique

- **Grammar Point**: Dates and Numbers

## Topic Development

### 1. Filipe

**Unit IV: Initiation Rites**

**Topic**: Initiation Rites in Mozambique and the World

**Grammar Focus**: Short Adjectives

Initiation rites are traditional ceremonies that mark the transition from one stage of life to another. In
Mozambique, these rites vary among different ethnic groups and can involve rituals, dances, and
teachings. Comparing these with initiation rites around the world, such as the Bar Mitzvah in Judaism or
the Seijin Shiki in Japan, highlights cultural diversity. Students will use short adjectives to describe the
ceremonies (e.g., "important," "short," "old").

### 2. Jacinto Colaço

**Topic**: Pottery

**Grammar**: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Pottery is an ancient craft involving the shaping and firing of clay to create functional or decorative
objects. In this lesson, students will learn about the types of pottery, such as vases, plates, and
sculptures, and practice using countable nouns (e.g., "a pot," "two vases") and uncountable nouns (e.g.,
"clay," "art").

### 3. Euclides Romão Pinto

**Unit VII: Health - Flu**

**Topic**: Infectious Diseases

**Grammar Focus**: Present Simple and Present Continuous

Infectious diseases, like the flu, spread from person to person and can cause widespread illness. This
lesson covers how diseases are transmitted, symptoms, and prevention methods. Students will use the
present simple (e.g., "The flu spreads easily.") and present continuous (e.g., "People are getting
vaccinated.") to discuss current and general actions.

### 4. Felinho Abreu Gustavo

**Topic**: The Importance of Agriculture

**Grammar**: Adverbs

Agriculture is crucial for providing food, raw materials, and employment. This lesson explores the role of
agriculture in the economy and society. Students will use adverbs (e.g., "significantly," "locally,"
"sustainably") to describe the impacts and processes in agriculture.

### 5. Abibo Aly Pilima

**Topic**: Initiation Rites and Traditional Ceremonies

**Grammar**: Agreeing and Disagreeing

Traditional ceremonies are cultural events that celebrate significant life milestones. Students will discuss
various initiation rites and ceremonies, learning to express agreement (e.g., "I agree with you.") and
disagreement (e.g., "I don't think that's correct.") in discussions about cultural practices.

### 6. Melissa Creto

**Topic**: Mozambican Weddings

**Grammar**: Sequence Markers

Mozambican weddings are vibrant celebrations that involve rituals, dances, and feasts. This lesson will
cover the steps of a typical wedding ceremony, using sequence markers (e.g., "first," "then," "finally") to
outline the events from engagement to the wedding reception.

### 7. Dionísio Luís

**Unit II: The Importance of Education**

**Topic**: Dream

**Grammar Focus**: Definite and Indefinite Articles

Education is a key factor in achieving personal dreams and societal progress. This lesson will explore the
importance of education in fulfilling dreams and aspirations. Students will practice using definite articles
(e.g., "the dream," "the education system") and indefinite articles (e.g., "a dream," "an opportunity") to
discuss their goals and educational experiences.

### 8. Maria de Fátima Benjamim Jacinto

**Unit**: Relationship

**Topic**: Types of Family

**Grammar Topic**: Possessive Nouns

Families come in various forms, such as nuclear, extended, and single-parent families. This lesson will
examine different family structures and the roles within them. Students will use possessive nouns (e.g.,
"mother's role," "children's responsibilities") to describe family relationships and dynamics.

### 9. Merry

**Unit VIII: Drought and Floods**

**Topic**: Natural Disasters in Mozambique

**Grammar Point**: Dates and Numbers

Mozambique faces natural disasters such as droughts and floods, which significantly impact the
environment and communities. This lesson will discuss these natural disasters, their causes, and their
effects. Students will practice using dates and numbers (e.g., "In 2020, there were 10 major floods,"
"The drought lasted for 3 months") to provide specific information about these events.

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