7 - Authorization Form 03 - 10 - 2023

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Place and of …………….………………… of ………….




I hereby……………………………………………………………..................................…………... with CI
…………….……, as mother/father/guardian, registered as such in the Single Student Registry (RUDE) of the
student…………………………… ……..…………………………………. I AUTHORIZE my daughter/son to
participate, as a volunteer , as a census taker in the activities of the 2024 POPULATION AND HOUSING
I consent to your participation in the in-person training activities of two (2) days, one (1) day for recognition and
1 to 3 days for registration (March 23 to 25, 2024).
I authorize access to the necessary RUDE data, which will allow your registration in the INE System, the
programming of your training and the assignment of census segment.
Student information:
Educational unit:
Degree and parallel:
Full name:
Identity card number:
(*) Optional
Data of the mother/father of the family or guardian registered in the RUDE:
Full name:
Identity card number:
Cell phone number:
(*) Optional
For proof I sign:

Signature of the mother/father or guardian
What is the Population and Housing Census? It is a set of activities designed to collect, process and
disseminate demographic, economic and social data relating to all inhabitants, the characteristics and services
that homes have.

What is Census data used for? To have updated data on how many of us there are, what we are like, where
we live and how we live, all this information will allow us to generate plans and programs that benefit the entire

When will it be done? The Population and Housing Census will be carried out on March 23 in block areas and
until March 25 in dispersed areas, in 2024.

How do you participate? To participate as a census taker, you only need:

9 Be at least 16 years old, or turn 16 by March 21, 2024.
9 Have a valid identity card.
9 Preferably have a cell phone.
9 Have the Authorization Form from the mother/father or guardian, for the participation of the student in
the 2024 Population and Housing Census, signed by your mother/father/guardian, who It is
registered in the RUDE.

How to fill out the authorization form?

9 Make sure that the person who signs the form is the same person who is registered with RUDE.
9 To start your data registration in the form, it is advisable to have your identity card and that of your
mother/father/guardian on hand, so as not to make mistakes when registering the data.
9 Finally, make sure that the form is complete and properly signed.

Where to submit the authorization form?

9 Go to the Management of your Educational Unit and deliver the Authorization Form to the Director or
his assistant/secretary, who will validate your information. If there are any observations, they will
contact you.

NOTE: Once your registration is complete…

9 You must wait for the staff of the National Statistics Institute (INE) to approach your Educational Unit,
he or she will be duly identified with their credential, and they will complete the missing data with you
in the Census System.
9 Then, the INE will inform you about the date, place and days in which you must train.
9 Once you have been trained, you will be assigned the role that you must fulfill in the 2024 Census
and you will be summoned to recognize the place you will census.
9 Finally, you will participate in the census operation on March 23 in the block area and until March 25
in the dispersed area.
9 Once your participation is completed, you will be eligible to receive your incentive and training and
participation certificates.

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