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Order Sheet


Case No. TA/1503/2014 United Bank of India Vs. Mondal Fertilizer & Anr.

Office action
with date and
Date of Order with signature dated Signature
Order of parties when

Order No.15
Dt.07.05.24 For Applicant: Ld. Advocate Mr. D.K. Banerjee with
Ms. P. Talukder
For Defendant: None

The Ld. Advocate for the Applicant filed an

IA/702/21 praying for amendment for the cause title
by substituting the Applicant Banks name. Granted.
As per prayer submitted by the Ld. Advocate for
the Applicant Bank, the IA may be placed before the
Ld. Presiding Officer on 21/05/2024 for hearing of
the amendment petition.

DRT-3, Kolkata

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