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Training field

Languages Guidelines for

the Fourth Ordinary Session of
the School Technical Council
and the Intensive Continuing
Training Workshop for
Initial, preschool, primary, telesecondary and Multiple
Care Centers

• 26
“1 2022-2023 School

Advisor: Dr. David Betan

Teaching Experience 2.0
In this Fourth Ordinary Session we are going to delve deeper into the Languages Training
Field , its description and purposes, as well as the specificities, contents and learning
development processes for the corresponding phase.

For this session, it is suggested to distribute 80% of the session time to fulfill the
purposes established in this document, and 20% to educational matters of interest to the


• Analyze the general description of the Languages Training Field

and its purposes for initial, preschool, primary and secondary

• Analyze the specificities of the Languages Training Field for the

corresponding phase.

• Review the contents and learning development processes of the

Languages Training Field in accordance with the Synthetic
Program of the corresponding phase.

• Advance in the co-design of the analytical program for the

Languages Training Field.

E 0 Advisor: David Betán pQ Teaching Experience 2.0 senm

The TRAINING FIELDS reorganize the fundamental contents of basic education based on the
contributions from different disciplines. They make it easier to have clear educational intentions.
'TO . RSCSOl. LdVIU bCLcl I 1
) Teaching Experience 2.0
It is suggested that prior to the Fourth Ordinary Session of the School Technical Council and Intensive Continuing Training Workshop
for Teachers, you review the following inputs:

• The synthetic Program of the Languages Training Field for the corresponding phase (general description, purposes, specificities,
contents and development processes of
• Video capsule with the general presentation of the Languages Training Field and its purposes.
• Video capsules with the presentation of the specificities of the Languages training field
each phase.

As a starting point for this session, we are going to reflect on the adjustments made to
the analytical program in the Third Ordinary Session
School Technical Council and Intensive Continuing Training Workshop for teachers.
“We are so accustomed to considering learning to read and write as a learning process that takes place in school, that
“We are so accustomed to considering learning to read and write as a learning process that takes place in school, that
How is the field formed? What distinguishes it?
Advisor: David Betán The 2022 CURRICULUM PLAN OF MEXICAN BASIC EDUCATION establishes the
Teaching Experience 2.0
educational guidelines and objectives for basic education in the country. In this
plan, the Language training field is defined as a training area that aims to
develop linguistic skills and competencies in students, as well as foster their
ability to understand, produce and use language effectively in different
contexts. and situations.
It highlights the importance of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity in the
classroom, and of developing in students a critical and reflective attitude
towards language and its use in society.

Languages are tools to satisfy various needs and interests; They are dynamic
social constructions that contribute to cognitive, emotional and value
development when people use them among themselves; that is, to relate to
themselves and the world.

The learning object of this training field is languages and they are addressed
through their reflective use ; that is, the social practices of languages ,
considering gradual processes according to the characteristics of age, context
and development of girls, boys and adolescents.
How do you consider that sociolinguistic diversity is addressed in
accordance with
The language training field considers that the Languages training Advisor: David
sociolinguistic diversity is addressed
through a methodological approach that
seeks to rethink the relationship between These ideas focus on addressing sociolinguistic diversity in the Languages
knowledge, language and culture in the training field, and focus on the following aspects:
classroom and in the community .
This includes the description, understanding Social language practices: refers to the different ways in which language is used
language in specific social and cultural contexts.
and analysis of contexts where more than
one language is used for everyday
communication. In addition, it is necessary Literary practices: refers to the use of written language in different contexts
to train professionals capable of dialogue social and cultural.
and interact with speakers of indigenous
languages to promote their social inclusion. Situated learning: focuses on learning that occurs in social contexts and
The sociolinguistic perspective is also key to culturally specific, allowing students to develop linguistic skills
relevant to your environment.
understanding the linguistic variety of school
subjects, which is essential to address
linguistic diversity in social contexts. critics . Types of language: refers to the different types of language that exist (verbal, non-verbal,
verbal, oral, written, etc.) and how they are used in different contexts.

Objects of study: refers to the different topics that are addressed in the field
Language training, such as literature, communication, grammar, etc.
Together, these ideas seek to promote language teaching that is more inclusive and sensitive to students' sociolinguistic differences, in order to
enhance their communicative capacity in different social and cultural contexts.
Cone or stick? A New Writing strategy to encourage our students to write.

Sometimes it happens that one cannot find the pencil, and it turns out that one has it in one's hand. Sometimes it
happens that from seeing so much
thing we forget what exactly it is like (as happened to a singer the day she was asked if the microphone with the
that sang its melodies was shaped like a stick or cone).
Advisor: David
We challenge you to describe as precisely as possible Betan
(and without looking first):

1. The wheel of the truck that you take every day.

2. The door of the neighbor's house.
3. The kitchen table.
4. The floor of your house.
5. An orange.
6. Your favorite dessert.
7. The big toe of your foot.
8. The buttons on your shirt.
9. The bag or backpack where you carry your
10. Your school uniform
How is the approach to social language practices worked in
classroom, school and community settings?
The development of communication skills is encouraged through real and meaningful situations for students,
Social language practices Advisor: David

The social language practices approach emphasizes the importance of

teaching language in a contextualized way , that is, in the context of the
social activities in which the language is used. This involves the integration
of students' linguistic practices into their social and cultural context, and
the promotion of critical reflection on language and its role in society and

• Pierre Bourdieu : Considers language to be a form of symbolic capital

that is used to establish power relations and social hierarchies. Bourdieu
highlights the importance of understanding how language and
communication are used to maintain and reproduce social and cultural

• Brian Street : Considers literacy practices to be specific forms of social

language practices. These practices not only include the ability to read
and write , but also the ability to use language effectively in different
social and cultural contexts.

• Michael Halliday : Highlights the importance of understanding how

language is used to construct specific meanings in different social and
cultural contexts.
What are the purposes of the field? S Teaching Experience 2.0 • Lrkremmm

How do the purposes of the field guide teaching practice?

They widely use one or more languages, diverse needs and interests. Be able to converse in formal and informal situations ;
depending on their sociolinguistic context , Participate in the social practices of the various state their opinions clearly and assertively, dialogue based
both orally and in the use of signs. as in what areas of the social life of their communities, on arguments, express possible differences in the opinion
was written; in different functions to satisfy appropriately using different discursive genres and of others, make collective agreements; all within a
types of text that are relevant. framework of mutual respect.

Positively value both the languages of their

community and any other, regardless of whether
Reflect on the veracity of the information that
they are speakers of it or not, expressing pride in They make reflective and critical use of digital
circulates in different media, review more than one
their own languages and fully respecting the technologies for communication, information and
point of view and take a position on the issues based
linguistic variations inherent to ethnic, cultural and recreation purposes.
on being informed and informed.
linguistic diversity.

Narrate experiences and events; describe objects,

places, phenomena, people and other living beings;
express feelings, sensations and thoughts in a
respectful and reflective way; follow instructions or Appreciate different languages , which are displayed
They develop a selective taste for literary texts of
formulate them to carry out different processes and in various cultural and artistic manifestations; that
interest and can enjoy themselves with them they are able to enjoy a wide range of them, and that
activities; present information and own thoughts, individually and collectively, in addition to creating
and argue about ways of understanding something they express themselves and participate creatively
and sharing some. in some.
and options for action.

Both monolingual and bilingual students have at least elementary communicative

knowledge of another national or foreign language.
Reflect on the grammatical, rhetorical, expressive and artistic resources of the
languages with which they interact, to value their richness and improve the
production, interpretation and relevance of oral and written texts, becoming
aware, where appropriate, of the differences between languages.
To entangle the stories Gianni Rodari / Stories by telephone, (1962)

-Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Yellow Riding Hood.
-No, Red!
-Ah, yes, Little Red Riding Hood. Her mother called her and said: “Listen, Little Green Riding
-No, Red!
-Ah, yes, Red. “Go to Aunt Diomira's house to bring her this potato skin.”
-No: “Go to grandma's house to bring her this cake.”
-Good. The girl went to the forest and found a giraffe.
-What a mess! The wolf was found, not a giraffe.
-And the wolf asked him: “How many are six times eight?”
-No way! The wolf asked him: “Where are you going?”
- You're right. And Little Black Riding Hood answered...
-It was Little Red Riding Hood, Red, Red!
-Yeah. And he answered: “I'm going to the market to buy tomato sauce.”
-What's up?: “I'm going to grandma's house, she's sick, but I don't remember the way.”
- Exact. And the horse said...
-What horse? It was a wolf - Sure. And he said: “Take tram number seventy-five, get off at the
Cathedral Square, turn right, and you will find three steps and a coin on the ground; “Leave the
three steps, pick up the coin and buy yourself a piece of gum.”
-You don't know how to tell stories at all, grandfather. You mess them all up. But it doesn't
matter, can you buy me some gum? Advisor: David Betan
Teaching Experience 2.0
- Well, take the coin.
And grandfather continued reading the newspaper.
Language Development through Social Practices: Practical Tips for Educators
- David Betan
the different discursive genres that are used in their social and
Sociocultural approach : Promote the understanding cultural environment.
that language is not just a set of grammatical
Collaborative learning : Encourage collaborative learning so that
rules, but is a means for communication and
students can work together to build linguistic and cultural
the construction of meanings .

Critical approach : Encourage critical reflection
Authentic Assessment : Assess students' linguistic performance
on language and its role in society and culture , and how it
through authentic tasks that reflect social language practices in
relates to power relations and social hierarchies.
their social and cultural environment , and use feedback tools to
Multimodality : Recognize that language is not only verbal , improve their performance.
but can also be gestural, visual, musical and corporal, among
Personalization : Integrate the use of ICT and
other modes of communication.
artificial intelligence to personalize
Interaction : Promote interaction between students so that learning and provide each student with a
they can share their experiences and linguistic knowledge. unique and personalized learning
Linguistic variety : Recognize and value the linguistic and experience that allows them to practice
cultural varieties spoken in the students' environment. the language effectively and
• Cultural diversity : Promote cultural and linguistic diversity ,
and encourage respect and appreciation of cultural
• Gamification : Integrate gamification techniques into the
learning so that students can interact with the language in an Advisor: David
innovative and fun way. Betan
Discourse genres : Teach students to analyze and understand
Betán Teaching
Experience 2.0

Charades Divide students into teams and give each team a list of English words or phrases. One
student must represent the word or phrase with gestures and movements without
speaking, while his team guesses. The team that guesses the most words or phrases
in a given time wins.

Treasure Create a treasure map with clues in English that students must follow to find the
map: hidden treasure. Clues may include instructions in English for solving puzzles,
finding objects, or following directions.

Pictionary Divide students into teams and give them a list of English words that they must draw
without speaking. The team that guesses the most words in a given time wins.

Mazes Create mazes in English that students must solve. They may include instructions in
English to follow the correct path and reach the end. Students can work in groups to
solve the mazes and help each other.

Storyteller Read stories in English to students and ask them to act out the parts of the story.
They can use costumes and accessories to make it more fun and exciting. Then, they
can ask questions in English about the story to practice listening comprehension.
Characteristics of the specificities of the Languages training field
Strengthening communication and #37 Contributions to the Indigenous
expression Language
Language is much more than meaning, it is also 12é The indigenous language is important for the identity and
(g2 culture of indigenous communities. It promotes the
musicality and in that melody there is a large amount of preservation and enrichment of the country's linguistic and
information that is specific to each language, this is what cultural diversity. Children are prepared to participate in
"€ we interaction with the indigenous language.
call language prosody. Visual, auditory, sensory and affective
stimuli, as well as context, are as important as words.
Promotion of dialogue and spaces for interaction
Babies read the world in the company and in synchrony with their
caregivers. The physical and emotional availability of these people is
important for interaction. Children attentively and intensely perceive what
PHASE Advisor: David Betán
they collect sensorially and are able to construct meanings through
everything they collect sensorially. The experiences of girls and boys and
1 Teaching Experience 2.0

their families with reading aloud, words and literary rhythms foster new
ways of understanding the world and describing it.
Contributions to Artistic
Contributions to Spanish Languages
Reading and writing are fundamental in education at all educational Artistic language subjects, such as dance, singing, literature,
levels. For initial education, both experiences have a broad meaning, drawing, puppets, theater and music, are an act of liberation and
since girls and boys read the world with all their senses from birth and search for new meanings. Artistic experiences are linked to the
through reading mediations. power of fiction, daydreams, narratives and contemplation.
Artistic experiences foster new ways of understanding the world
and describing it.
What we do with them.
Characteristics of the specificities of the Languages training field
Strengthening communication and
The expression 7 Contributions to the Indigenous
The Language training field seeks for boys and girls to 2 They recognize linguistic diversity and seekLanguage
to promote the
develop skills in different languages to communicate and use of indigenous languages present in the community.
express their ideas, emotions and tastes, as well as to The aim is for boys and girls to learn to communicate and
interact with various people in their community. It is also express themselves in their mother tongue and to value
intended for boys and girls to creatively represent their their cultural richness.
perception of the world and express emotions. The various languages to communicate express their
ideas, emotions and tastes to share what they know,
perceive and discover about the world to interact with
various people in their community to represent
Promotion of dialogue and creative way your perception of the
spaces for interaction

Interaction between boys and girls is promoted so Advisor: David Betán

that they communicate and share their ideas,
knowledge, emotions and tastes. Dialogue and
2 Teaching Experience 2.0

reflection are also encouraged so that they learn to Idioms

think about what they want to say and maintain
effective communication.
Contributions to Artistic
Contributions to Spanish representation of ideas, emotions and the internal world of each
boy and girl through media such as visual, sound and body. The
It focuses on the development of linguistic skills such as reading, writing, aim is for boys and girls to have aesthetic experiences by
oral expression and reading comprehension. The aim is for children to observing, experimenting, listening and moving to the rhythm of
explore and consult various texts to obtain elements and marks that certain music, appreciating the diversity of artistic and cultural
allow them to graphically represent their ideas and direct them to real manifestations in their community or other places.
and diverse recipients with a defined purpose .
The Artistic Languages subjects promote the expression, perception and
Characteristics of the specificities of the Languages training field
Strengthening communication and Contributions to the
expression Indigenous Language
The aim is to encourage girls and boys to advance in the In bilingual contexts, indigenous
gradual and continuous use of oral, written and artistic languages have alphabetic writing
languages. It seeks to strengthen communication and systems. Girls and boys who become
expression through activities that involve reading and literate in these languages will be able to
writing practices in recreational, aesthetic, artistic, inquiry, transfer their knowledge when they
study situations and contexts, among others. The become literate in Spanish, however, they
acquisition of written language takes on particular relevance will have to learn and reflect on the
because girls and boys will begin to formalize the particularities of both languages. The
development of ideas about the uses and functions indigenous mother tongue is the main way
of language. to learn reading and writing, and the
Promotion of dialogue and
spaces for interaction PHASE Advisor: David Betan
The aim is to encourage the participation of girls and
3 Idioms
Teaching Experience 2.0
boys in oral and written language practices even when
they do not master alphabetic writing. The objective is
to increase their knowledge about letters and their use, second language, Spanish, is learned
but within the framework of this social use of language. both orally and in writing.
In bilingual contexts, literacy is required
where the indigenous mother tongue is the main way to
learn reading and writing, and the second language is the object
of learning both orally and in writing. Contributions to Artistic
Contributions to Spanish Girls and boys must understand through constant
Spanish content plays a fundamental role in the acquisition of the written language. This
experiences their respective characteristics, interactions
proposal contemplates literacy in the broad sense, therefore the work of teachers is to
and intentions to create and interpret different
promote the participation of their students in written language practices through activities that
productions, promoting the exploration, analysis and
involve reading and writing in recreational, aesthetic, artistic, inquiry, study, among others.
combination of their elements and resources such as the
point, the line, the shape, the color, the texture, the
duration. ring the silence the movement the space among others.
Characteristics of the specificities of the Languages training field
Strengthening communication and Contributions to the Indigenous
expression Language
Active and respectful listening, self-regulation and peer Approximation and even participation in bilingual practices
regulation are promoted to establish agreements in are encouraged where the second language enriches and
practices of exchange and socialization of information and does not replace the mother tongue.
opinions. Interaction with various types of printed and digital Promote the approach and even participation in bilingual
texts is encouraged, as well as the production of written practices where sign language enriches and does not
texts with real purposes and recipients, and the recognition replace the mother tongue.
and use of grammatical norms.
Promotion of dialogue and
spaces for interaction
The aim is to create conditions for boys and girls to PHASE Advisor: David Betán
expand their possibilities of participating in social
practices by deepening processes of appropriation of
oral, written and artistic languages. Creative
4 Teaching Experience 2.0

experimentation is encouraged with body movements, Idioms

dramatic games, shapes, colors, textures and sounds of
different durations, intensities, tones and timbres, among Contributions to Artistic
other resources of artistic languages.
Promote creative experimentation with body movements,
Contributions to dramatic games, shapes, colors, textures, sounds,
The development of oral and written language is promoted, as well as the interaction with
among other artistic resources.
various types of printed and digital texts, the production of written texts with real purposes
and recipients, and the recognition and use of grammatical norms. Promote interaction with
various types of printed and digital texts and the recognition and use of grammatical rules.
Characteristics of the specificities of the Languages training field
Strengthening communication and
expression Contributions to the Indigenous
The aim is for girls and boys to expand their possibilities of ( Language
interact with autonomy, creativity and responsibility in each
context and situation, who value their parents and other members Particularly in the indigenous environment, bilingual oral
of the community through respect for differences and that this is and written practices are favored, communicative writing
reflected in the reflective use of language based on inclusion. in the indigenous language is encouraged in cases where
Regarding orality, it is sought that they carry out it exists and it contributes to the copy production,
presentations on free and specific topics, for which they have conservation and use in school of readable texts in
previously established communicative purposes, investigated
various sources, organized and selecting the information,
developed graphic supports, in addition to having rehearsed to
modulate their rhythm and tone of voice.
Advisor: David Betan
Promotion of dialogue and spaces for
PHASE Teaching Experience 2.0

The aim is to provide spaces for debate and discussion on topics in which
girls and boys express their opinions in an argued manner and listen to 5 Idioms Contributions to the
those of others in a respectful and critical manner. As an audience, girls Artistic Languages
and boys are encouraged to listen actively and respectfully, take notes
and ask questions that allow them to continue learning about the topics in It is intended that girls and boys combine different elements
question. of the arts in different sequences and patterns to express
Contributions to Spanish sensations, emotions, ideas and interests, through
The aim is for girls and boys to read and write with an increasingly recreations and own productions, experimenting with
various expressive and communicative possibilities.
It seeks to consolidate the linguistic and artistic capacities of
girls and boys in varied and challenging contexts, so that
criticism, that is, they learn to question what they read and review individually they can use them to express themselves clearly and
and the collective what they write in order to achieve the previously established purposes. Likewise, the precisely, to understand the world around them and to
consolidation of the processes of text planning, writing and revision is promoted, as well as the objective analysis participate actively and critically in society.
of written productions to ensure that they meet the communicative purposes for which they were made and if not,
distinguish what is need to improve.
Characteristics of the specificities of the Languages training field
Contributions to Spanish The appreciation and interpretation of different cultural
and artistic manifestations is encouraged, promoting ways
to share individual and collective experiences to continue
Strengthening communication and learning.
expression Contributions to the Indigenous
The use and analysis of various texts is encouraged and
Mexican indigenous languages are developed,
artistic creations with meaning and meaning. Appreciation and maintained and preserved in accordance with the
interpretation of different sociolinguistic context. Indigenous languages are studied
K( through relevant cultural and communicative situations.
The same contents are taken up as in the teaching of the
mother tongue, having as a framework learning
development processes focused on the initial knowledge
of the linguistic variant of the context.
Promotion of dialogue and
spaces for interaction
Ways to share individual and collective
experiences are encouraged to continue learning. PHASE Advisor: David Betan
Teaching Experience 2.0
Spaces for participation are promoted to put
dialogic skills into play. Dialogue and spaces for
interaction are promoted between people who
respect the different ways of being and being in
the world as an expression of diversity.
Contributions to
Artistic Languages
The recognition of linguistic diversity is encouraged and the identification and recognition of linguistic resources and structures acquired by various types of texts are encouraged.
In addition, the reading of
creations in various languages, giving preference to national works.
Linguistic competence
How does the Languages Training Field contribute to the achievement of the
• The training field encourages the development of linguistic competence in students, which allows them to use language effectively and understand its importance in
society. graduation profile? Advisor: David
It contributes to the achievement of the graduation Betan
- David Betan
profile in several of
Development aspects: Raising awareness Teaching Experience 2.0
communication skills about of critical
• The training field encourages sociolinguistic reflection
• The training field
the development of diversity promotes reflection
The training field sensitizes
communication skills in and critical analysis
students about the
students, allowing them to about language and
understand and produce importance of respecting its role in society.
different types of texts and oral linguistic norms and This helps them
and written expressions in conventions, and understand and
everyday situations. This allows sociolinguistic diversity in question its use and
them to communicate society. This helps them importance in their
effectively in their daily lives and understand and appreciate lives and in society.
in social and work situations. diversity and be tolerant and
respectful of others.

The Language Training Field contributes significantly to the achievement of

the graduation profile, allowing students to develop communication skills,
linguistic competence, sensitivity to sociolinguistic diversity and critical
reflection skills, all of which are essential for their life and development in
Honey, I think about
you day and night. You are what I love
most in this world.
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public domain.

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